Debunking the Voting Fraud Conspiracy Theories

Some of us simply possess an intellect rather than being mindless little sheeple.
People on both sides can be intelligent.

Trump’s lawsuits have so far produced little if any good claims of fraud. A lawsuit filed yesterday contains an affidavit of someone who said they were counting votes in Michigan that he was told by others arrived by vehicles with out of state plates. Such a claim is hearsay and not able to be admitted as evidence.

I just think we should be reasonable and call these allegations out for what they are.
Here's Kellyanne Conway in 2016 about the Democrats being good losers.

Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 11.28.40 AM.png


Too funny
Look you ignorant fuck -
I've not been wrong about any material fact since Candidate Trump came down the escalator.
Sure you have, but you won’t accept anything that disproves what you consider facts so I can see why you believe that.

Fact is that Trump said if he lost it would be due to fraud. He lost, now he decided that it was fraud. His conclusion preceded the evidence. That’s intellectually dishonest.
Great link debunking the cult's silly conspiracy theories

A screenshot of an election map showed over 100,000 votes inexplicably added to Joe Biden’s tally in Michigan, but was debunked as just a brief data input error.​
Viral posts circulating Facebook claimed more people had cast ballots in Wisconsin than there are registered voters, but was debunked by fact checkers as incorrectly reporting the number of registered voters in the state.​
A conspiracy theory dubbed Sharpiegate that trended online said officials in Arizona’s Maricopa County were giving Trump supporters Sharpies to fill in their ballots so they wouldn’t be counted, but was debunked by officials who clarified sharpies are accepted by vote center tabulators and provided to everyone in the county.​
A viral video, shared by Eric Trump, showed over 80 ballots for Trump being set aflame, but was debunked by Virginia Beach city officials who said they were not official ballots.​
A viral video purported to show suspicious activity in a vote-counting center in Detroit, Michigan, but was debunked by local news station WXYZ Detroit which said it was a photographer loading his camera into a wagon.​
A voter in Clark County, Nevada, said a mail-in ballot she never received was returned and accepted so she could not vote in-person, but was debunked by Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria who said her signature matched the one on the mail-in ballot.​
A video purported to show vote counters in Pennsylvania fraudulently filling out blank ballots, but was debunked by Delaware County’s public relations director who said the counters were fixing damaged ballots.​
A graphic shared on social media suggested Michigan had counted thousands of fraudulent voter registrations, including some from dead people, but was debunked by Politifact which sourced these false claims to a lawsuit filed months before election day seeking to maintain more accurate voter roles (it did not allege dead people’s ballots could be used to commit voter fraud).​
A tweet embedded in a Daily Wire article said four people under the age of 18 had voted by mail in Nevada, but was debunked by the voter registrar’s office which clarified no votes were cast by anyone underage.​
A QAnon conspiracy claims that many Democratic votes are fraudulent because their ballots lack a secret watermark produced by the Department of Homeland Security, but was debunked by fact checkers who point out that the DHS is not involved in making ballots.​
An exposé from Project Veritas, an investigative outlet run by right-wing activist James O’Keefe, claimed a whistleblower had been told by U.S. Postal Service higher-ups to backdate late ballots so they would still count, but was debunked by local and state officials who said ballots received after Election Day would not be counted.​

State of Penn. lawmakers -Ballots must arrive by 8:00 PM on election night to be counted.

Governor - I don't like that law - Legislators you should change that.
Legislators - Nope

Governor - I don't have the legal authority to change it, but - Poof there I changed it.
Legislators to State Supreme Court - He can't do that it's unlawful
State Supreme Court - we agree with the Governor.

Actual Supreme Court - Follow the law that the Legislators made (since they make the law)
Set aside all ballots that you counted that did not arrive by the legal deadline.

None of that is in question
None of that.
Look you ignorant fuck -
I've not been wrong about any material fact since Candidate Trump came down the escalator.
Sure you have, but you won’t accept anything that disproves what you consider facts so I can see why you believe that.

Fact is that Trump said if he lost it would be due to fraud. He lost, now he decided that it was fraud. His conclusion preceded the evidence. That’s intellectually dishonest.

No - he, like any reasonable person put out a prescient warning.
First, in Wisconsin, the conspiracy theory that there was a big fraudulent dump for Biden in the middle of the night. This is false. The increase in votes overnight was due to how ballots are processed, counted and reported in Wisconsin.

The morning after Election Day, President Donald Trump took to Twitter and claimed that people were “finding Biden votes all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.”​
At a press conference in Philadelphia that afternoon, Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani repeated the deceptive claim. “In Wisconsin, mysteriously at 4 in the morning, 120,000 ballots appeared,” Giuliani said. “Here come these ballots. Well, we have no idea if they really are ballots.”​
Across social media, supporters picked up the narrative. “Between 3:30-4:30AM, they ‘found’ 140,000 mail in ballots for Biden in Wisconsin,” tweeted Nick Adams, a staunch pro-Trump political commentator. He added, falsely: “All for Biden. None for Trump.” ...​
For years, Wisconsin’s clerks have asked the Legislature for flexibility in counting absentee ballots. One bill last year proposed allowing clerks to start pre-processing absentee ballots the day before Election Day. Another proposed to at least allow in-person absentee voters to feed their ballots into tabulators.​
Clerks said either measure would save them from the extraordinary stress of processing increasingly large numbers of absentee ballots on Election Day. Such flexibility became even more urgent as COVID-19’s spread made it clear that a record-breaking 1.8 million Wisconsinites could cast absentee ballots this election. ...​
The viral firestorm of misinformation about absentee ballots is “precisely” the type of drama that clerks hoped to avoid, said Milwaukee Election Commission head Claire Woodall-Vogg. ...​
Wisconsin is one of just four states where election workers are not allowed to pre-process absentee ballots until Election Day. Pre-processing could cover a range of tasks including slicing open envelopes, fixing damaged ballots and feeding them through tabulator machines. ...​
Although the machines would be keeping a tally, the counts would not be known to clerks or disclosed to the public until after the polls closed on Election Day. ...​
As a result, cities like Milwaukee and Green Bay that transport their ballots to a central location for counting did not finish tabulating absentee results until 2 to 4 a.m. And because many Democratic voters chose absentee voting this year, that meant the majority of votes processed at the end were for former Vice President Joe Biden.​
For weeks, top officials and election experts have been telling the public to expect this pattern because absentee ballot results are often the last to be tabulated.​
“The absentee ballots in MKE that were reported in the early morning hours were NOT a surprise," Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, R-Kaukauna, wrote on Facebook on Wednesday. "We knew exactly how many were out there the entire day. Them being reported late is NOT an indication of fraud.” ...​
A Journal Sentinel analysis of Associated Press data shows that between 3:26 a.m. and 3:44 a.m., Biden’s share of votes in Wisconsin jumped by 149,520 and Trump’s by 31,803. The vast majority of the new votes were due to Wisconsin’s largest city, Milwaukee, finishing its absentee count and reporting 143,124 votes for Biden and 23,642 votes for Trump.​
Under the law, municipalities like Milwaukee that count ballots in a central facility instead of at the polling site must report their tallies in a lump sum. Woodall-Vogg said she asked the Wisconsin Elections Commission for permission to release a partial update of results at 8 p.m. specifically “to avoid this dramatic narrative that’s completely false.”​

Newsflash, Democrat...things are never going back to the way they were...ever.

No Jeb Bush...No McCain...No Romney ... And NEVER...EVER...anyone like them will EVER be the nominee for the Republicans again.

Your brand is dead. Be the proud Democrat you always were.
How does this prove massive voter fraud didn't happen specifically? You provide a few instances but discount the mountains of evidence showing it was indeed compromised.
We'll see soon enough when the investigations are completed & everything comes to light.
Gonna be rough, you made it too obvious this time out of desperation

You have to prove "massive voter fraud." Simply because your media feeds you that line doesn't mean it's true.
What I find most ironic is the Ds and MSM claimed for four years, that our election of 2016 was a fraud

Thats a lie.

No such claim was made and Clinton conceeded the election the same day it was called by AP for Trump, despite very narrow margins.
Great link debunking the cult's silly conspiracy theories

A screenshot of an election map showed over 100,000 votes inexplicably added to Joe Biden’s tally in Michigan, but was debunked as just a brief data input error.​
Viral posts circulating Facebook claimed more people had cast ballots in Wisconsin than there are registered voters, but was debunked by fact checkers as incorrectly reporting the number of registered voters in the state.​
A conspiracy theory dubbed Sharpiegate that trended online said officials in Arizona’s Maricopa County were giving Trump supporters Sharpies to fill in their ballots so they wouldn’t be counted, but was debunked by officials who clarified sharpies are accepted by vote center tabulators and provided to everyone in the county.​
A viral video, shared by Eric Trump, showed over 80 ballots for Trump being set aflame, but was debunked by Virginia Beach city officials who said they were not official ballots.​
A viral video purported to show suspicious activity in a vote-counting center in Detroit, Michigan, but was debunked by local news station WXYZ Detroit which said it was a photographer loading his camera into a wagon.​
A voter in Clark County, Nevada, said a mail-in ballot she never received was returned and accepted so she could not vote in-person, but was debunked by Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria who said her signature matched the one on the mail-in ballot.​
A video purported to show vote counters in Pennsylvania fraudulently filling out blank ballots, but was debunked by Delaware County’s public relations director who said the counters were fixing damaged ballots.​
A graphic shared on social media suggested Michigan had counted thousands of fraudulent voter registrations, including some from dead people, but was debunked by Politifact which sourced these false claims to a lawsuit filed months before election day seeking to maintain more accurate voter roles (it did not allege dead people’s ballots could be used to commit voter fraud).​
A tweet embedded in a Daily Wire article said four people under the age of 18 had voted by mail in Nevada, but was debunked by the voter registrar’s office which clarified no votes were cast by anyone underage.​
A QAnon conspiracy claims that many Democratic votes are fraudulent because their ballots lack a secret watermark produced by the Department of Homeland Security, but was debunked by fact checkers who point out that the DHS is not involved in making ballots.​
An exposé from Project Veritas, an investigative outlet run by right-wing activist James O’Keefe, claimed a whistleblower had been told by U.S. Postal Service higher-ups to backdate late ballots so they would still count, but was debunked by local and state officials who said ballots received after Election Day would not be counted.​

I wish someone would simply suck all the air out of your bubble - and videotape it.
How does this prove massive voter fraud didn't happen specifically? You provide a few instances but discount the mountains of evidence showing it was indeed compromised.
We'll see soon enough when the investigations are completed & everything comes to light.
Gonna be rough, you made it too obvious this time out of desperation

You have to prove "massive voter fraud." Simply because your media feeds you that line doesn't mean it's true.
What I find most ironic is the Ds and MSM claimed for four years, that our election of 2016 was a fraud

Thats a lie. No such claim was made and Clinton conceeded the election the very next day after it was called for Trump, despite very narrow margins.

President Trump had a 30% margin of victory.
How does this prove massive voter fraud didn't happen specifically? You provide a few instances but discount the mountains of evidence showing it was indeed compromised.
We'll see soon enough when the investigations are completed & everything comes to light.
Gonna be rough, you made it too obvious this time out of desperation

You have to prove "massive voter fraud." Simply because your media feeds you that line doesn't mean it's true.
What I find most ironic is the Ds and MSM claimed for four years, that our election of 2016 was a fraud

Thats a lie. No such claim was made and Clinton conceeded the election the very next day after it was called for Trump, despite very narrow margins.

There might should be a whole new category for people like you - ComaBubblecultist.
State of Penn. lawmakers -Ballots must arrive by 8:00 PM on election night to be counted.

Governor - I don't like that law - Legislators you should change that.
Legislators - Nope

Governor - I don't have the legal authority to change it, but - Poof there I changed it.
Legislators to State Supreme Court - He can't do that it's unlawful
State Supreme Court - we agree with the Governor.

Actual Supreme Court - Follow the law that the Legislators made (since they make the law)
Set aside all ballots that you counted that did not arrive by the legal deadline.

None of that is in question
None of that.
SCOTUS (specifically Alito by himself) never said “follow the law the legislators made”. What he said was count the late ballots but keep them separate. If he had said “follow the law” the ballots would have been discarded and not counted.

The governor claims the ability to delay the deadline as part of an emergency authority he has under Pennsylvania law.

And as best as I can tell, the number of late ballots appears to be on the order of a few thousand. Trump trails by 45k.
State of Penn. lawmakers -Ballots must arrive by 8:00 PM on election night to be counted.

Governor - I don't like that law - Legislators you should change that.
Legislators - Nope

Governor - I don't have the legal authority to change it, but - Poof there I changed it.
Legislators to State Supreme Court - He can't do that it's unlawful
State Supreme Court - we agree with the Governor.

Actual Supreme Court - Follow the law that the Legislators made (since they make the law)
Set aside all ballots that you counted that did not arrive by the legal deadline.

None of that is in question
None of that.
SCOTUS (specifically Alito by himself) never said “follow the law the legislators made”. What he said was count the late ballots but keep them separate. If he had said “follow the law” the ballots would have been discarded and not counted.

The governor claims the ability to delay the deadline as part of an emergency authority he has under Pennsylvania law.

Damn your dumb.
State of Penn. lawmakers -Ballots must arrive by 8:00 PM on election night to be counted.

Governor - I don't like that law - Legislators you should change that.
Legislators - Nope

Governor - I don't have the legal authority to change it, but - Poof there I changed it.
Legislators to State Supreme Court - He can't do that it's unlawful
State Supreme Court - we agree with the Governor.

Actual Supreme Court - Follow the law that the Legislators made (since they make the law)
Set aside all ballots that you counted that did not arrive by the legal deadline.

None of that is in question
None of that.


The PA Secretary of State also instructed the ballots arriving after election day be set aside before SCOTUS said the same thing.
The PA Secretary of State also instructed the ballots arriving after election day be set aside before SCOTUS said the same thing.
They don’t believe it. They believe that it didn’t happen because someone told them.

I listened to Limbaugh for about 10 minutes yesterday and it was a flurry of bad information. I don’t know how he could get so confused but apparently Limbaugh thinks that late arriving ballots were responsible for the totality of Biden’s catching up after Election Day which is so stupid it hurts.

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