Debunking White Racist Opinions

This proves that you have no clue how to read statistics and have no mind for the scientific method. The reason why more people die from cars than Bears and Crocodiles is because humans interact with them at astronomically higher frequency than they do with wild animals!! LOL There are 260 MILLION cars in the US and only 50,000 Grizzly bears, dope! If there were 250 Million Grizzly Bears and Crocodiles running around the US, in every persons front lawn and garage, I suspect the Wild beasts rates of carnage would catch up to cars rather quickly.

Wait there. Hang on, What has context got to do with anything ?

More people are killed in cars than are by grizzly bears and crocs. That's a fact. See know you want to add context hmmm ?

So if you are all about the "facts" as you say you are You would rather be in a room with croc and Grizzly than a car. No ?

But when you quote crime stats etc it's all about the "facts" and no context lol
Wow--you really are living life on the bad end of the Bell Curve. You have no clue how to read or even think in terms of statistical reality. This is likely why you have a difficult time understanding racial issues,. I said that there are 260 million cars and only 50,000 Bears (and only 1,000 crocodiles left in the US) which is why the number of deaths due to cars is so high and the number of deaths due to bear and crocodiles are so low. This is aside from the obvious fact that bears are wild animas and cars are inanimate objects. This is the opposite issue with race and crime statistics. There are 5 times as many whites as there are Blacks, but the white violence rates are so much lower than Blacks. Do you understand that? Do you wish to contradict my statement that Blacks are 47.6 Times more likely to violently victims whites than the other way around? If you want to challenge that statement, you'll have to come up with an alterative number and display your methodology for getting your figure.
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Wow--you really are living life on the bad end of the Bell Curve. You have no clue how to read or even think in terms of statistical reality. This is likely why you have a difficult time understanding racial issues,. I said that there are 260 million cars and only 50,000 Bears (and only 1,000 crocodiles left in the US) which is why the number of deaths due to cars is so high and the number of deaths due to bear and crocodiles are so low. This is aside from the obvious fact that bears are wild animas and cars are inanimate objects. This is the opposite issue with race and crime statistics. There are 5 times as many whites as there are Blacks, but the white violence rates are so much lower than Blacks. Do you understand that? Do you wish to contradict my statement that Blacks are 47.6 Times more likely to violently victims whites than the other way around? If you want to challenge that statement, you'll have to come up with an alterative number and display your methodology for getting your figure.
More people are killed by cars than are by crocodiles and bears.

Is that a factually correct statement ?
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It was posted on the BBC and the Smithsonian Institute magazine. You act as if the Smithsonian is on a par with some lowly site like the Atlantic magazine. How ancient DNA is transforming our view of the past

Additionally, my opinion about the Seth Davidowitz book comes from the fact that it was based on HIS OWN research and by Google's research. Google admits that they are a racially biased organization. When I posted something from Amren, it was not their own conjecture, but simply posting a link to an outside source, like the FBI, the Department of Justice, or an institute of science.

And about your Cheddar Man story..Ancient 'dark-skinned' Briton Cheddar Man find may not be true
The scientists who made that bust admitted that they made up the skin color without any evidence and claimed it is impossible to tell for sure what skin color they had.

Was Cheddar man white after all?
View attachment 536693
..and BTW, it would seem to me that people of all stripes prefer to live in places that White people built and where they rule supreme, numerically. So, it seems that people can say they oppose it, but what they actually do is get as close to White people as they can because they know the White way of life is better and more desirable. What they say and what they do is at odds; yourself included.

The reasons why some poor blk and non white people come to Europe is a function of the very inequalities people like you and others demand be kept in place.

Because the solution is very simple.

A massive investment in opportunities for black people for schooling and jobs, globally.

But you (if you had the power) would never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black people, even though this would “solve” the migration fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities

Those people risking their lives to get to Europe or the USA ?

That's an act of resilience, willingness to risk everything for a new beginning.

The rich black people who are living well in Africa aren't risking life to get to Europe. It's always the people who are losing who leave.

And there is no shame in that.

Because you would do well to remember that this is how your white Europeans ancestors came to America


They didn't have a biscuit.

But came to the USA for a better life. But just as there was no shame when your European ancestors did it. So too must there be no shame when people from other lands do it.

You still haven't defined what that is. I'm waiting

A white supremacist is a white person. That is the definition. How is that so hard to understand ? .

The less White an area is the less desirable it is to them.

Once again. You are repeating the same points you have already made. You have already made the same point about housing before so now I'm forced to cut and paste the reply I gave previously

It's not that non white people want to so badly live with white people

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

Sure a rich black person could live around blks (and many do) the problem is they will typically find themselves limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town because whites have a system which ensures that those areas are the most poorest and most crowded areas of town.

Where as white people have a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets

(even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public).
You called Hispanics White Supremacists, and you called the Japanese judges at the Tokyo Olympics white supremacists, you called a Jewish Doctor a White Supremacist, and now you call every White person a White Suprmeacist (if that were only true, we'd have a better world)

The white supremacist is make sure they have BUFFER class of non white supremacists.

Nazi chic is all the rage over their in Asia.



They are a buffer class as long as they are hostile towards black Americans. That's why whites don't really mind Asians. Asian men can't fk white women. But white men can fk Asian women by the truckload. So there is no sexual threat from Asian men like white men have for black men who can and do fk white women.

The same is true of Hispanics, plus any white Hispanics can pass for white. Charlie Sheen, Louis CK, Gisele Bundchen etc and I have already told you that many Jewish people are white.
More people are killed by cars than are by crocodiles and bears.

Is that a factually correct statement ?
Didn't you ever take statistical math? If not, why not? If you claim to be interested in the topic why wouldn't you at least learn the basics of statistics? Whenever you compare two groups with each containing different amounts within them, you have to mathematically justify the numbers before figuring out which group is more likely to do anything.
In the case of Bears Vs Cars, there are 5 Thousand times more cars than bears. In the Case f Black VS White, there are 5 or 6 Times more Whites than Blacks. Whenever trying to figure "More Likely to" type statistics, you have to "mathematically Justify" the figures first. You cannot compare two uneven groups without doing that.
Didn't you ever take statistical math? If not, why not? If you claim to be interested in the topic why wouldn't you at least learn the basics of statistics? Whenever you compare two groups with each containing different amounts within them, you have to mathematically justify the numbers before figuring out which group is more likely to do anything.

..and BTW, it would seem to me that people of all stripes prefer to live in places that White people built and where they rule supreme, numerically. So, it seems that people can say they oppose it, but what they actually do is get as close to White people as they can because they know the White way of life is better and more desirable. What they say and what they do is at odds; yourself included.

The reasons why some poor blk and non white people come to Europe is a function of the very inequalities people like you and others demand be kept in place.

Because the solution is very simple.

A massive investment in opportunities for black people for schooling and jobs, globally.

But you (if you had the power) would never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black people, even though this would “solve” the migration fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities

Those people risking their lives to get to Europe or the USA ?

That's an act of resilience, willingness to risk everything for a new beginning.

The rich black people who are living well in Africa aren't risking life to get to Europe. It's always the people who are losing who leave.

And there is no shame in that.

Because you would do well to remember that this is how your white Europeans ancestors came to America


They didn't have a biscuit.

But came to the USA for a better life. But just as there was no shame when your European ancestors did it. So too must there be no shame when people from other lands do it.

You still haven't defined what that is. I'm waiting

A white supremacist is a white person. That is the definition. How is that so hard to understand ? .

The less White an area is the less desirable it is to them.

Once again. You are repeating the same points you have already made. You have already made the same point about housing before so now I'm forced to cut and paste the reply I gave previously

It's not that non white people want to so badly live with white people

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

Sure a rich black person could live around blks (and many do) the problem is they will typically find themselves limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town because whites have a system which ensures that those areas are the most poorest and most crowded areas of town.

Where as white people have a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets

(even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public).

You wrote-- Because the solution is very simple. A massive investment in opportunities for black people for schooling and jobs, globally.

There it is again—asking the White man to save you from yourself. Did the Chinese, Mohammadians and Negroes donate to European schools for education, and Jobs globally? You still have the mentality that the only way Blacks can do well is if White people give them something. And to that End, Whites give Blacks—in Africa Alone—over 100 BILLION every year in aid. That leaves out all the aid and benefits we give to Blacks in the US and Europe and to countries like Haiti and the Caribbean.

You wrote--But you (if you had the power) would never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black people, even though this would “solve” the migration fears.

You’re wrong about that. I would and I do support that, not just for Africa, but for Mexico and South America, too. I support that only if it would also come with a change to the 1965 Celler-Hart Act, a closed border, and theretofore more European immigration into the US, as intended.

You wrote--Those people risking their lives to get to Europe or the USA ? The rich black people who are living well in Africa aren't risking life to get to Europe. It's always the people who are losing who leave.

That’s not always true. My cousin married a Black woman from Kenya whose family owns a lot of land there. She came to the US because she wanted to live in a society with more intelligent people and a better way of life for an ambitious and intelligent person. The average adult in Kenya has the intelligence as the Average 7th grader in the Western world. She felt she couldn’t get an education living there with people of that sort.

Average IQ by Country

You wrote--But they came to the USA for a better life. But just as there was no shame when your European ancestors did it. So too must there be no shame when people from other lands do it.

The difference between the European immigrants and the people who have come here after WWII is vast. For one thing, there was only about 65 million people living in the US around the turn of the 20th century. Today there are between 330 million and 360 million people on the same land! We do not Need anymore people here.
When the Europeans came, this was largely an empty county by comparison. Secondly, there was NO WELFARE. If they couldn’t make it here on their own, they went back to Europe. In fact, about 45 percent of the European immigrants who came here ended up going back. They had no schooling in their own language, no food stamps—no Medicaid cards, buss passes, free lunch, no WIC programs, no HUD or HEP, free legal representation, activist NGOS, or cash assistance, no Section 8, etc…

This is the total opposite from the breed of migrants we have today and have had for the past 60+ years.

You wrote- It's not that non white people want to so badly live with white people. It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

That is the “magic Dirt,” concept, which is ridiculous. People like you keep claiming that somehow White people are given all the areas of the country with magic dirt where every house will be beautiful, where all schools become safe and good schools, where the crime and poverty disappear simply because they are in that location. It is absurd. The areas where White live look and operate that way BECAUSE WE LIVE THERE. There is no system other than our hard work ethic and excellence. White neighborhoods look like European countries. Black neighborhoods look like Sub-Saharan Africa in a different climate. That is not by accident.

You forget that most of those ghettos you claim are holding Blacks down started out as European immigrant communities, and the Whites were forced out when the Jews sent Blacks in there to live. The crime started going up, and the White businesses were getting robbed, so they moved out. You can see ghettos spontaneously forming all over the country in real time and that happens when Blacks move in. Look at what they did to our cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, Coney Island, Washington Heights, all over NYC, really. Newark, NJ, Jersey City, Baltimore, Saint Luis, etc...

There is why Redlining was necessary. Blacks destroy homes and cause neighborhood degradation wherever they go. Banks need to make money, and everybody knows that Blacks lower property values. Banks don’t care about race, they care about Money and if Blacks made Banks money, they would not have to redline them. Black-owned banks were less likely to approve Black mortgages than White-owned banks, BTW.
You can see the disaster that happened when Anti-Redlining happened in the mid 2000s; it causes the banks to collapse and ruined so many lives, my own included.
Much of the myth of redlining is just that--a myth, anyhow.
Credit Not Race in Bank loans
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Mortgage Lending to Minorities: Where's the Bias?


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You called Hispanics White Supremacists, and you called the Japanese judges at the Tokyo Olympics white supremacists, you called a Jewish Doctor a White Supremacist, and now you call every White person a White Suprmeacist (if that were only true, we'd have a better world)

The white supremacist is make sure they have BUFFER class of non white supremacists.

Nazi chic is all the rage over their in Asia.



They are a buffer class as long as they are hostile towards black Americans. That's why whites don't really mind Asians. Asian men can't fk white women. But white men can fk Asian women by the truckload. So there is no sexual threat from Asian men like white men have for black men who can and do fk white women.

The same is true of Hispanics, plus any white Hispanics can pass for white. Charlie Sheen, Louis CK, Gisele Bundchen etc and I have already told you that many Jewish people are white.

First off, Nazis weren't White Supremacists. They were German Nationalist. The Nazis attacked ONLY White countries and people, with the exception of teh Jews (who you consider White, anyhow). n the first picture, there are X's not swastikas, and who knows what or where the second photo is from. There is likely a Nazi-Chic happening because the look is considered sexy, so to speak. The uniforms and Nazi aesthetic is very appealing because it was designed to be that way. Germans are among the best looking people on earth--especially back then. The Asian woman is even wearing a Blonde wig. I'm sure it doesn't go beyond that. I even remember seeing a Black or brown primitive tribe who idolized Nazi aesthetic. It is also likely happening in Asiana because there aren't any Jews to attack them for it.

Either way, how does what the people in China or Japan, for instance, have to do with "buffering," White people from Blacks in the US? Asians in the US side with Blacks politically when it comes to voting. The only reason why Blacks hate Asians is because they are envious of them and because they shame you. Blacks tell us that they can't get an education in their "Bad schools," but Asian immigrants go there too and excel (even with a language barrier). Blacks tell us they are stuck in Ghettos and that is why their crime rates are so high. Yet, Asians are often in the same ghettos and they have the lowest crime rates in the Country.
Didn't you ever take statistical math? If not, why not? If you claim to be interested in the topic why wouldn't you at least learn the basics of statistics? Whenever you compare two groups with each containing different amounts within them, you have to mathematically justify the numbers before figuring out which group is more likely to do anything.
In the case of Bears Vs Cars, there are 5 Thousand times more cars than bears. In the Case f Black VS White, there are 5 or 6 Times more Whites than Blacks. Whenever trying to figure "More Likely to" type statistics, you have to "mathematically Justify" the figures first. You cannot compare two uneven groups without doing that.
I did not ask for context.

I'll ask for the second time.

More people are killed by cars than are by crocodiles and bears.

Is that a factually correct statement ? Yes or no ?
You called Hispanics White Supremacists, and you called the Japanese judges at the Tokyo Olympics white supremacists, you called a Jewish Doctor a White Supremacist, and now you call every White person a White Suprmeacist (if that were only true, we'd have a better world)

The white supremacist is make sure they have BUFFER class of non white supremacists.

Nazi chic is all the rage over their in Asia.



They are a buffer class as long as they are hostile towards black Americans. That's why whites don't really mind Asians. Asian men can't fk white women. But white men can fk Asian women by the truckload. So there is no sexual threat from Asian men like white men have for black men who can and do fk white women.

The same is true of Hispanics, plus any white Hispanics can pass for white. Charlie Sheen, Louis CK, Gisele Bundchen etc and I have already told you that many Jewish people are white.

A politician named after Adolf Hitler has won a local election in Namibia by a landslide — but he insists his agenda has “nothing to do” with Nazi ideology.

Adolf Hitler Uunona won a seat as a council member for the Ompundja constituency last week — with 85 percent of the vote, BBC reported. He is a member of the ruling South West Africa People’s Organization, also known as the SWAPO party.
There it is again—asking the White man to save you from yourself.

Well you are the superior Aryan white man aren't you ? I can't compete with you dude lol

You are complaining about the very thing you are supporting

The migration problem is due to (in large part) to the inequitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations. so if western nations want to slow down migration then they need a more equitable distribution of global resources.

That would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities

Take a country in Africa like Senegal


Fishing is the main industry in Senegal but what happens ? European (And increasingly Chinese) come with their huge fishing trawlers scoop all the fish and they destroy the Senegalese economy and leave them without a biscuit.


This is just one country in Africa but stuff like goes on all over Africa. And then guys like you sit bk and wonder why some people in African countries want to leave.

This is why when you say "Leave blk ppl alone" white ppl can't do it.

Because I guess white people who run this country and others never went into black inhabited countries and played their own form of monopoly. Carving up the place in ways that it was never meant to be. Making countries where none existed before. Ruling over these places subjugating the people all the while sucking out the natural resources then leaving them in a shambles.

And now you want to point the finger at generations of people n say “why don’t you run your country better?” As if all it takes is to one day say, go free! And BAM! Those people are able to catch up and do right the moment they are in charge.

Who are these phantoms that run amok and then act like the innocent bystander with their hands in the air crying “hey stop blaming whitey?
I did not ask for context.

I'll ask for the second time.

More people are killed by cars than are by crocodiles and bears.

Is that a factually correct statement ? Yes or no ?
There were 30,000 people killed in car crashes last year and 200 people killed in Plane crashes last year. More people are killed in car crashes than plane crashes. Would you rather get into a plane crash than a car crash? Yes or No?!
There were 30,000 people killed in car crashes last year and 200 people killed in Plane crashes last year. More people are killed in car crashes than plane crashes. Would you rather get into a plane crash than a car crash? Yes or No?!
So the facts show cars are more dangerous than Crocs or Bear.

Well not really if you add context. And that's my point you can make facts mean anything you want to mean if you give them no context.
There it is again—asking the White man to save you from yourself.

Well you are the superior Aryan white man aren't you ? I can't compete with you dude lol

You are complaining about the very thing you are supporting

The migration problem is due to (in large part) to the inequitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations. so if western nations want to slow down migration then they need a more equitable distribution of global resources.

That would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities

Take a country in Africa like Senegal

View attachment 537039

Fishing is the main industry in Senegal but what happens ? European (And increasingly Chinese) come with their huge fishing trawlers scoop all the fish and they destroy the Senegalese economy and leave them without a biscuit.

View attachment 537040

This is just one country in Africa but stuff like goes on all over Africa. And then guys like you sit bk and wonder why some people in African countries want to leave.

This is why when you say "Leave blk ppl alone" white ppl can't do it.

Because I guess white people who run this country and others never went into black inhabited countries and played their own form of monopoly. Carving up the place in ways that it was never meant to be. Making countries where none existed before. Ruling over these places subjugating the people all the while sucking out the natural resources then leaving them in a shambles.

And now you want to point the finger at generations of people n say “why don’t you run your country better?” As if all it takes is to one day say, go free! And BAM! Those people are able to catch up and do right the moment they are in charge.

Who are these phantoms that run amok and then act like the innocent bystander with their hands in the air crying “hey stop blaming whitey?

I partially agree with you on this, which is why I support aiding foreign countries while simultaneous closing immigration off to them. I say I partially agree, because the Blacks living in those countries aren't capable of running vast commercial enterprises or sustaining a good economy without outside help. That was part of the incentive for colonization, in fact. The world knew that one power or another would exploit all those rich natural resources because they natives were incapable of it themselves. So, there was a race to get there first before some other Nation did it and used that power against them--as China is looking to do today in Africa.
Zimbabwe 'doomed without whites', says outgoing Zanu-PF MP | News24

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Look at Haiti---Haiti killed off or chased out all of their French overlords, who left in their wake all the tools of industry, a built-up and operational modern port town known as the Paris of the Caribbean, fully working farms, all that would-be beneficial exposure to the fine French examples, and they were never able to feed themselves, create an economy that works, organize a military or a government that could resist internal and external corruption. When they were visited by outsiders 100 years after Black rule, the visitor noted Voodoo, zombie powders, slavery, starving people surrounded by unharvested food rotting in the field and vine, rusted out machines of industry, no shipping or industry, no working military, child and animal sacrifices, etc…in other words, they found a low I.Q. population (Sub-moronic, actually) living like many people do in Sub-Saharan Africa. over 100 years after that observation, they have stayed in the same state.

It is rather telling that Black African countries have been so often colonized (not just by Europe, but by Islamic Arabs, Asians, and Hispanics, and Jews, too). Why can't they create a government that works for them? Why cant they create armies that can defend them? Why can't they build infrastructure to feed their citizens, provide fresh water, sanitation, electricity, internet, give medical treatment, provide shelter and create mobility on their own? They have every resource available to them, yet they cannot create a working economy, system of trade, or import/export industry on a large enough scale to lift them out of poverty?!

Another cause of the flood from Black Africa into the Western world is that White people HAVE, INDEED, given so much aid that the population is exploding in Africa. Black African mothers have 6 babies each--on average--in their countries, but they also once had a very high infant mortality rate, in the past. Now, due to white medicine, Doctors without Borders programs--white infrastructure, and other forms of Aid, Black babies are living and the populations are exploding beyond their capacities to feed and care for themselves. As it turned out, they needed a high infant mortality rate to sustain their primitive societies.
So, now they flee to The White man, with his huge heart, for help. You don't see them fleeing to Islamic countries or China, or Israel, do you? No good deed goes unpunished, I suppose.
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So the facts show cars are more dangerous than Crocs or Bear.

Well not really if you add context. And that's my point you can make facts mean anything you want to mean if you give them no context.
No--the facts do now show that at all. Answer my question--Would you rather be in a car crash or a plane crash? Which is more dangerous?
All this shows is that you do not understand mathematics and statistics. No wonder we are being told that Math is White Supremacy. That's because Blacks seem to have a hard time with it.

A politician named after Adolf Hitler has won a local election in Namibia by a landslide — but he insists his agenda has “nothing to do” with Nazi ideology.

Adolf Hitler Uunona won a seat as a council member for the Ompundja constituency last week — with 85 percent of the vote, BBC reported. He is a member of the ruling South West Africa People’s Organization, also known as the SWAPO party.
HAHA...I forgot about this clown!
What did blacks get in return from the republican party after the emancipation proclamation?

They got the same thing whites got. That's why we fought a war to free you from the DemoKKKrats. Then you fucked up and got on your knees for the guy who said he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" with the likes of you. Why did you do that?
I partially agree with you on this, which is why I support aiding foreign countries while simultaneous closing immigration off to them. I say I partially agree, because the Blacks living in those countries aren't capable of running vast commercial enterprises or sustaining a good economy without outside help. Zimbabwe 'doomed without whites', says outgoing Zanu-PF MP | News24

I don't know where you got that uncle tom from who made that quote but I'm off Idi Amin stock. The black man who made white journalists bow and kneel before him in the 1970's.


This comes back to what I have always said. White people can't leave black people alone

Because Mugabe (RIP) put Land Reform on the politica agenda. The white supremacists have tried to bring Zim to it's knees.

The deep hyper-inflation ravaging their economy is because they starve for foreign exchange because Zimbabwe dared to try to return some of the stolen land to blk Zimbabweans. Since then the U.S, Britain, IMF, World Bank have waged an economic war against the country.

Look. I know it might give you an ego boost hearing a black man say "We need whites" but whether he did or did not say it. The fact is black self reliance is a threat to whites.

The main reason why Mugabe and Zimbabwe was so hated is

1) Mineral Wealth

UK and America control most of the huge mineral reserves in Zimbabwe which are crucial to white supremacy.

Britain want FULL control of the vast minerals like diamonds, gold, platinum, copper which Africa has in abundance and which is virtually all in the hands of white western owned companies like Anglo American, SHELL, BP.

Mr. Mugabe's policies went against their HUGE interest.

This is why they were so angered at the elections in Zimbabwe to the point where they went to the UN to try to freeze Mugabe's assets and prevent him from travelling from overseas.

They failed. Russia and China voted against it.

Britain and the USA want their own white ass kissin puppet dictator, who they can pay off, so he will go along with their wishes.

I'm not fooled by the concern that Britain has for the people of Zimbabwe. They don’t give a F**K about Zimbabweans. It’s all a carefully scripted plan to protect their huge mineral wealth in Zimbabwe and Africa in general.

Now let me answer the two main criticisms white people had of Mugabe and Zimbabwe

1) "You Know...Er....Just Leave The Farms With Us, Because....Er...Well. We're Better At Running Them And You n*ggers......sorry sorry..... I mean er you guys are hopeless....Everyone Knows"

The Land Reform Programme has already resettled over half a million Zimbabweans. A further 100,000 are to be resettled on commercial farms. The prospect for the year 2022 is that food production is set to double.

People who were once landless and living in poverty are now supporting themselves and growing their own food. A general increase in all agricultural outputs is also expected. If one government can do it, so can others and remember this was achieved as Britain, US, World Bank and the IMF embarked on a campaign of economic destabilisation to wreck the economy

2) “He’s Taken The Land By Force And He Is Killing White People”

Fact is it is a matter of record that although 95% of the white farmers have received notice to quit the land all have received compensation.

In point of fact, the new law passed by the Zimbabwe Parliament addresses the issue of some farmers having as many as 20 farms, some of which they have left to rot, while Africans are left with nothing.

White supremacists feared Mugabe because they believed that if he is successful then other indigenous people of Southern Africa, will want their looted and stolen property back from the white European thieves.

In S.Africa, since freedom, little or no land reform of any great significance has taken place, and the same in Botswana and Zambia. This is what the whites fear the most.
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When the Europeans came, this was largely an empty county by comparison. Secondly, there was NO WELFARE. If they couldn’t make it here on their own, they went back to Europe. In fact, about 45 percent of the European immigrants who came here ended up going back.

White skin is the biggest welfare system.

The European immigrants to the USA did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
The European immigrants to the USA could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
The European immigrants to the USA qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
The European immigrants to the USA could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.

Not everyone saw European immigrants like the Irish and Italians as fully White. But by the late 1800s, Whiteness in the US had been enlarged to include them and when the Irish and Italians first came to the USA in large numbers (in the 1800's) they had had almost no experience with blacks.

But after a short time in the states the Irish and Italians were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War) and joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions, opposing school desegregation, and seeking to become white by assimilating to the white WASP system that was firmly

They had no schooling in their own language, no food stamps—no Medicaid cards, buss passes, free lunch, no WIC programs, no HUD or HEP, free legal representation, activist NGOS, or cash assistance, no Section 8, etc…

Get the fk out my face.

.You sit there with this (“We had No Medicaid cards, buss passes, free lunch, no WIC programs, no HUD or HEP, free legal representation, activist NGOS, or cash assistance, no Section 8, ”) All this shape- shifting sh*t.

Your European ancestors may have faced hardship but they never dealt with legalized segregation. Never were they treated as livestock rather than people in this country. They were allowed to intermarry with other groups, and they now have assimilated into being white, including being able to partake in white privilege

It's repugnant of white ppl who want to claim their own victim-hood whilst being FUCKING steeped in white privilege and patronizingly conflate their specific white ethnic problems within white dominance and project that onto black people and foist upon the very people (Black people) who have absolutely nothing to do with their past oppression,

Why don't you direct your complaints of lack buss passes and free lunches to you fellow white Anglo-Saxon brethren ? Why to Black people?

Black people have never enslaved or oppressed European immigrants in the USA

Yet you have the fucking nerve to sit there trying to garner sympathy whilst exonerating yourself of racism, from the very people (Black people) whom whites oppress and continue to do so
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..and BTW, it would seem to me that people of all stripes prefer to live in places that White people built and where they rule supreme, numerically. So, it seems that people can say they oppose it, but what they actually do is get as close to White people as they can because they know the White way of life is better and more desirable. What they say and what they do is at odds; yourself included.

The reasons why some poor blk and non white people come to Europe is a function of the very inequalities people like you and others demand be kept in place.

Because the solution is very simple.

A massive investment in opportunities for black people for schooling and jobs, globally.

But you (if you had the power) would never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black people, even though this would “solve” the migration fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities

Those people risking their lives to get to Europe or the USA ?

That's an act of resilience, willingness to risk everything for a new beginning.

The rich black people who are living well in Africa aren't risking life to get to Europe. It's always the people who are losing who leave.

And there is no shame in that.

Because you would do well to remember that this is how your white Europeans ancestors came to America


They didn't have a biscuit.

But came to the USA for a better life. But just as there was no shame when your European ancestors did it. So too must there be no shame when people from other lands do it.

You still haven't defined what that is. I'm waiting

A white supremacist is a white person. That is the definition. How is that so hard to understand ? .

The less White an area is the less desirable it is to them.

Once again. You are repeating the same points you have already made. You have already made the same point about housing before so now I'm forced to cut and paste the reply I gave previously

It's not that non white people want to so badly live with white people

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

Sure a rich black person could live around blks (and many do) the problem is they will typically find themselves limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town because whites have a system which ensures that those areas are the most poorest and most crowded areas of town.

Where as white people have a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets

(even though whites only got into those markets because of government subsidies and preferences, both private and public).
They came here like you said. With no social programs of any kind. Nada. Nothing. And forged a life for their offspring and theirs. Something is wrong with all the programs we have and the success of people not better then it is.

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