Debunking White Racist Opinions

I guess you missed the point about self-esteem, or you deliberately took it out of context. The point was that Dunning-Kruger shows that stupid, unaccomplished people often have high self esteem because they are too dumb to know what little ability they have. Conversely, intelligent groups of people have lower self esteem because they are intelligent enough to be self-critica. With that in Mind, I would say you suffer rather heavily from Dunning-Kruger effects. A fine example of that is this---

I know how guys like you think. Racism is all about projection because guys like you think you are sh*t and nothing you try to project that by insisting other groups are sh*t (in this case blk ppl) too.

I don't need dunning Kruger to tell me that

Anyway because you only respond to one or two of my points then I'm only going to put the minimal effort and respond to only one of two of your points
In spite of this conversation, I don't think all Blacks are shit. If I had to guess, I would say that 75 to 80 percent are shit to me, some are ok, and a few I admire greatly.
I only responded to 1 or 2 of your points because I've already instructed you not to create scatter-brained posts with topics and comments that come out of left field. It is a hindrance to start mentioning the Vietnam war, for instance, in a posting that is discussing Ancient Egypt. BTW-The US had a 51 to 1 kill rate during Vietnam. 58k US soldiers died versus 3 million North Vietnam solders killed during the war. Yet, you characterize that as "Getting their asses kicked?" The US ended that war because the US citizens didn't want it to escalate.
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What do you think White people should do with Blacks after being 90 percent of the victims of their interracial violence.

Well you are making a straw man argument because the 90% is nonsense. Whites make up crimes about black people all the time

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Funny, but the police arrest Blacks at precisely the same rate that they are named the suspects by witnesses and victims of crime. When people are victimized, all they care about is getting the person who attacked them caught. And most victims of Black criminals are black, as are you claiming that they name Blacks as suspects when it was a White person who attacked them!!?? Illogical.
What do you think White people should do with Blacks after being 90 percent of the victims of their interracial violence.

Well you are making a straw man argument because the 90% is nonsense. Whites make up crimes about black people all the time

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You had better fact-check your Afrocentric Black supremacist websites. This is why it is important to look at raw data and not listen to what others tell you.
Fact-check...FALSE. FACT CHECK: Viral Image Says Alabama Police Planted Evidence On Over 1,000 Black Men

What do you think White people should do with Blacks after being 90 percent of the victims of their interracial violence.

Well you are making a straw man argument because the 90% is nonsense. Whites make up crimes about black people all the time

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So, rather than look at debunked racist garbage like your silly story about drugs being planted on 1,000 innocent people, look at the real data from the US Bureau of Statistics 2018. You can see that Whites are 90 percent of the victim pool in interracial violent incidents between Blacks and whites and are 47.6 TIMES more likely to be attacked by a Black than the other way around. See for is the US Gov link Home and a screenshot of the data point I am discussing.
In spite of this conversation, I don't think all Blacks are shit. If I had to guess, I would say that 75 to 80 percent are shit to me, some are ok, and a few I admire greatly.

I don't hate white people but then again I don't hate Tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. Tigers kill. It's not personal. It will feel no remorse. It's just their nature
Lol! Blacks are not discriminating against each other. And blacks whose opinions mirror that of white racists should be dismissed.
Go tell it to Oprah, she says dark skin blacks hate light skin blacks.......and openly attack them.
In spite of this conversation, I don't think all Blacks are shit. If I had to guess, I would say that 75 to 80 percent are shit to me, some are ok, and a few I admire greatly.

I don't hate white people but then again I don't hate Tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature. Tigers kill. It's not personal. It will feel no remorse. It's just their nature now you admit that there is a biological reality to race that affects cognitive abilities and behavior. You fought hard against that notion before, but now you agree with me? I am the "nature over nurture/environment," guy in this conversation. Now you claim groups have a "nature." We finally agree.
And so we see just how obtuse a particular sub group in the white community is relative to the issue on race.

Moonglow is white and we have disagreed on things but he did not try lecturing me about what blacks do and are looking from the outside as a white man.

Professor loon, however decided to try lecturing me providing an opinion completely deviod of fact and then tried equating our dismissal of blacks who take positions harmful to the black community to policies that have negatively impacted blacks.

I am sure more lunacy will come from the usual suspects.
Poor sad..

Here you go, you have moved me to play this for you...

1631093346521.png now you admit that there is a biological reality to race that affects cognitive abilities and behavior. You fought hard against that notion before, but now you agree with me? I am the "nature over nurture/environment," guy in this conversation. Now you claim groups have a "nature." We finally agree.
I don't see white people as a sub species of mankind.

I do see black people as the fathers of humanity
To have 2 world wars, you have to have advanced civilizations. Blacks kill a million of each other with Machetes in Africa. What would they do if they were able to invent Atomic Bombs? They would probably drop them everywhere. And are you really going to compare Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Haiti or Zimbabwe?
War is uncivilized dumb ass. Africans have modern weapons. And yes, I'm going to compare those countries to African nation. I believe there are 54 of them. You talk about Haiti but there are other islands you racists don't talk about that appear to be doing quite well.

You're a white supremacist, this is apparent. You are ignorant as to black run nations. now you admit that there is a biological reality to race that affects cognitive abilities and behavior. You fought hard against that notion before, but now you agree with me? I am the "nature over nurture/environment," guy in this conversation. Now you claim groups have a "nature." We finally agree.
Whites are the ones who kill. So if there is such a biological reality, then we're talking about white feral behavior.
Africa was always fucked up. Where do you think the slaves tribal leaders sold to the Muslims who sold them to the whites in turn came from? They were captured and enslaved in intertribal wars. Whites had nothing to do with Africa being fucked up.
Africa in that regard was no more fucked up than Europe. The term slav is evidence. Also whites enslaved each other in the feudal system. Your perception of the slave trade is purposefully limited. The Portuguese were not Muslims and Muslims did not sell guns to rival african tribes in return for captives.
White Man's corporate organization is flawed and requires ad hoc remedies. Black people would be smart to recognize the erroneousness and set out to design a reliable corporate model, but Black people lack the intelligence, and are ultimately intimidated by white people's ability to do the ad hoc remedies that keep their corporate organizations going
Black people don’t lack intelligence. Blacks raised here feel if they fail it is all because the evil white man doesn’t give them a fair chance. It’s a great excuse and it works well and lasts a long time.

Blacks who immigrate here see our nation as a land of opportunity. They get educated and set out to succeed. If at first they fail they don’t used the “evil white man” excuse. They pick themselves up and try again. In passing that is what white successful white men do as a white man has no excuse if he fails. Having no excuse is actually liberating.

Black people don’t lack intelligence. Blacks raised here feel if they fail it is all because the evil white man doesn’t give them a fair chance. It’s a great excuse and it works well and lasts a long time.

Blacks who immigrate here see our nation as a land of opportunity. They get educated and set out to succeed. If at first they fail they don’t used the “evil white man” excuse. They pick themselves up and try again. In passing that is what white successful white men do as a white man has no excuse if he fails. Having no excuse is actually liberating.

Why white people contiue trying to tell blacks how black people are really gets irritating.

Poor Africans are not migrating to the US. They come here with wealth American blacks have not been able to get. But white racists looking for any reason to deny their racism make claims that are not honest or based in complete fact or detail.

During my years of college I hung out with a number of Africans. Not one was on work study. Not one had to work a job while going to school. Not one was on pell grants, student loans or financial aid. Their college was paid for by parents and most of them received allowances. Married Africans who were graduate students would often use allowance money to start businesses, that's how wealthy they were. A friend of mine had considered opening a bar with an African student who wanted to do so because he liked to drink and did not like how he was treated. Most black American students don't have that kind of money.

I met princes, princesses, son/daughters of high government officials, African business executives, but not one poor poverty stricken African. Like I said before, there are no poor Africans coming to America from the hoods of Timbuktu., Tripoli, Niarobi, Kinshasha, Hirare, or Johannesburg. So your post is disingenuous and the fact is that 245 years of documented evidence shows that America has not been the land of opportunity for blacks and until we get rid of the institutional racism it won't be.

So if you want to compare black Americans to the Africans who immigrate here, then give us the same amount of money they bring with them or include black Americans with bachelors and doctors degrees in the H1B Visa program.

H-1B visa
The H-1B is a visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a(H) that allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. A specialty occupation requires the application of specialized knowledge and a bachelor's degree or the equivalent of work experience. The duration of stay is three years, extendable to six years; after which the visa holder may need to reapply. Laws limit the number of H-1B visas that are issued each year: 188,100 new and initial H-1B visas were issued in 2019. Employers must generally withhold Social Security and Medicare taxes from the wages paid to employees in H-1B status.

African immigrants with bachelor degrees are eligible for this program and get hired for jobs American blacks do not get. So on top of coming over here with money, some Africans walk right off the plane to a high paying occupation. But you don't consider this reality in your attempt to dismiss continuing racism all blacks face to inclde Africans.

I find it funny how you talk about people who ran away from the effects of white colonization and try using them to excuse white racism with a bunch of bullshit hot air. I cuss out any African immigrant who dares try telling me to stop talking about slavery. The first thng I tell them is about how they ran from a nation run by a puppet installed by whites so don't lecture me about a gd thing. So you need to go ahead and put down your excuse. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Amadou Diallo, an African immigrant, can tell you that himself.

If he was alive.
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In spite of this conversation, I don't think all Blacks are shit. If I had to guess, I would say that 75 to 80 percent are shit to me, some are ok, and a few I admire greatly.

You are telling me what you think about black people. I don't care. A lot of white posters in USMB do that. Most black people don't care what whites think about them.

We only care about what they do.

And I noticed what you wrote here

"I would say that 75 to 80 percent are shit to me"

Well - What did you do to get black people being sh*t to you ? Because if what you say about black people online is anything to go by ? I'm surprised your even fkin alive.

And yet you here trying to gain some sympathy from me ? With your "Mommy those mean blacks are so mean to me"


This statement below and above tells me EVERYTHING.

"I guess you missed the point about self-esteem, or you deliberately took it out of context. The point was that Dunning-Kruger shows that stupid, unaccomplished people often have high self esteem because they are too dumb to know what little ability they have. Conversely, intelligent groups of people have lower self esteem because they are intelligent enough to be self-critical"

I'm not gonna play therapist here but you probably wasn't or didn't feel loved as a child which made you feel that deep down there is something wrong with you. That leads to shame, which you avoid facing by creating this huge front of how great you are.

So you protect this false front, this false self-image and that's where all the "Blacks are dumb" "Blacks are violent" "Blacks are rapists" it's done as a way to raise your self esteem.

I see through you.

White supremacy makes you WEAK.

You would think that dealing with poverty, racism, crumbling schools and dilapidated housing, as is common for many (Not all) black people

But it's actually whites and those with money who are more likely to drink alcohol, use drugs, or smoke cigarettes.

Why ? Because Whites lack coping skills

Whereas those who face oppressive conditions must, as a matter of survival, learn to deal with these conditions from an early age. Not to romanticize oppression of course, but what all studies show is that the folks you have been taught to fear and loathe often have more self-control than those in your own families.

Despite the oppressive conditions of racism and economic marginalization, blk ppl are less likely to commit suicide, and this was true 60 years ago. Too much money, too much power, and a mentality of entitlement and expectation can leave a white person ill-equipped to deal with the real world.

None of this is to say that I shall now pity white supremacists like you bcoz let's be clear guys like you have a heart of stone when it comes to black people.

But if we are going to analyze what is wrong with this culture, we should begin with the folks at the top, as the old saying goes, the fish tends to rot from the head down.
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In spite of this conversation, I don't think all Blacks are shit. If I had to guess, I would say that 75 to 80 percent are shit to me, some are ok, and a few I admire greatly.

You are telling me what you think about black people. I don't care. A lot of white posters in USMB do that. Most black people don't care what whites thinks about them.

We only care about what they do.

This statement you wrote tells me EVERYTHING.

"I guess you missed the point about self-esteem, or you deliberately took it out of context. The point was that Dunning-Kruger shows that stupid, unaccomplished people often have high self esteem because they are too dumb to know what little ability they have. Conversely, intelligent groups of people have lower self esteem because they are intelligent enough to be self-critical"

I'm not gonna play therapist here but you probably wasn't or didn't feel loved as a child which made you feel that deep down there is something wrong with you. That leads to shame, which you avoid facing by creating this huge front of how great you are.

So you protect this false front, false self-image and that's where all the "Blacks are dumb" "Blacks are violent" "blacks are rapists" it's done as a way to raise your self esteem.

I see through you.

White supremacy makes you WEAK.

You would think that dealing with poverty, racism, crumbling schools and dilapidated housing, as is common for many (Not all) black people

But it's actually whites and those with money who are more likely to drink alcohol, use drugs, or smoke cigarettes.

Why ? Because Whites lack coping skills

Whereas those who face oppressive conditions must, as a matter of survival, learn to deal with these conditions from an early age. Not to romanticize oppression but what all studies show is that the folks you have been taught to fear and loathe often have more self-control than those in your own families.

Despite the oppressive conditions of racism and economic marginalization, blk ppl are less likely to commit suicide, and this was true 60 years ago. Too much money, too much power, and a mentality of entitlement and expectation can leave a white person ill-equipped to deal with the real world.

None of this is to say that I shall now pity white supremacists like you bcoz let's be clear guys like you have a heart of stone when it comes to black people.

But if we are going to analyze what is wrong with this culture, we should begin with the folks at the top, as the old saying goes, the fish tends to rot from the head down.
I don't see white people as a sub species of mankind.

I do see black people as the fathers of humanity
You are ignoring the fact that you claimed that races of people have different "Natures," after you spend days telling me that it wasn't true. And what does "fathers of humanity," mean? Does that mean you believe in the "Out of Africa theory?" Well, look again....Out of Africa? - American Renaissance
You are ignoring the fact that you claimed that races of people have different "Natures," after you spend days telling me that it wasn't true. And what does "fathers of humanity," mean?
Yes and systematic white supremacy is the nature.

In fact you will get into trouble with other white people if you are ARE NOT on code with white people.

One of the most important elements of systematic white supremacy, is the necessity and the ability to LIE on Black people, and have others in the dominant society get on code with each other to go along with the lies. And then PUNISH Black people because of the lie
Does that mean you believe in the "Out of Africa theory?" Well, look again....Out of Africa? - American Renaissance

You know, the internet is a wonderful thing and it's the worst thing.

It allows people to access information at the push of a button and then connect with others worldwide, even sharing that information if they’d like to do so.

On the other hand, it allows people to access information at the push of a button and then connect with others worldwide, even sharing that information if they’d like to do so.

I mean you throw in a link in from (a white supremacist site) and expect me to take them seriously ?

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