Debunking White Racist Opinions

More nonsense! A Black person is 47.6 TIMES more likely to violently victimize a White person than the other way around. Not 47.6 Percent more, but TIMES more.

Put the pipe down idiot.

Whites make up 90 percent of the victim pool in interracial violence involving Blacks and Whites. What you see is the opposite of reality. With such lopsided numbers like that, I ask you again, what should whites do with Blacks?

White people do not think about Blacks and generally want nothing to do with them. There is something called—White Flight. That’s a well-known phenomenon and it happens because we don’t like being around you people. We would rather sell the house and move out of town than be around Blacks. That is the opposite of the sort of secret admiration you claim White harbor.

I know white flight but white flight says nothing about black people. It simply demonstrate effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors.

If you have years and generations of white people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

I mean if you talk to white people in Russia or Croatia, that is white folks who have never even been around black folks, they will come forth with many negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience. So I repeat white flight says nothing about black people.

Which Combat do Blacks win?

You put a 100 untrained unarmed white men on a field (Similar size) against a 100 untrained black men and told both to go at it. Black men would win 90% of the time.

You’re so absurd because one moment you make silly claims that Blacks are all superheroes with magical, mystical powers

I never said that Blacks are all superheroes with magical, mystical powers

and the next you claim that they are under the thumb and control of White people, whom you continuously claim are weak, stupid, unorganized, unable to do anything themselves.

I never said the white supremacist are stupid or unable to organize themselves or weak. I'm saying the reason why white supremacy exist is because white men see themselves as weak. Racism is a weak thing.

What sort of disconnect do you have there?

You're the one with the disconnect trying to build a straw man argument

It is also so delusional and mentally twisted to believe that White people think about Blacks as often as you obsess over While people.

There is a book by Seth Stephens who is a scientist and wrote a book on google searches. Jokes about blk ppl is one of the most common searched items (like in the top 1000) When you consider the billions of searches on google every day / week. To be in the top 1000 refutes your point


And the anonymity of google searches make it one the best ways you can get a true picture of racism. Also black people do not waste our time creating “jokes” about white people, such as the HUGE inventory of jokes created by whites about black people. There are no black equivalent sites n*ggermania and chimpmania

You remind me of every other negro who gets his ideas and ego from his half-Witted African studies professor, and comes to me saying that Mozart, Beethoven, Babe Ruth, Abraham Lincoln, and Cleopatra were all Black people who have been “Whitewashed” throughout the course of history

Cleopatra was black. Ab Lincoln ? Mozart and Beethoven ? Maybe they were black I dunno.

Either way I didn't do it.

if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this : Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are. They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor who says their work is evidence of ethnic superiority. I'm pretty sure Mozart or Beethoven wasn't running around announcing to the world that their music signifies racial supremacy. They needed no cheerleaders.

It's only life’s losers that seek out evidence of their own brilliance in the works of others. It's only those who are suspicions of their own inferiority (like you) feel compelled, as a general rule, to insist upon how much better than you they are.

And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined

At various times you’ve claimed that Hispanics are White, Japanese people are White, Iranians are White, Jews are White, Blacks with Albinism are White, and more. There is no logic to anything you write.

Were did I say Japs were white ? Honorary whites Asians are

Even Hitler said so



Now you are claiming that George Zimmermann was given “honorary White” classification, huh? The reason why White people supported what Zimmermann did was because White people despise violent criminals like scumbag Travon, who thankfully was eliminated by Zimmermann. I donated money to Zimmermann’s legal defense fund and was quite pleased with the outcome of the trial. Yet, that doesn’t mean he is White. Zimmerman’s mother is part black BTW. The One drop rule doesn’t apply to hum?

Yes George Zimmerman was an honorary white that carried out white supremacy. That's why white (like you) supported him
You said--“I know white flight but white flight says nothing about black people”

White Flight has Everything to do with the incompatibilities between White and Black races. Anybody who has lived in NYC, as I have all my life, can describe the vast differences to the texture of life seen in Black and White neighborhoods. White people will not countenance the sort of behavior seen in Black neighborhoods, which is Why Jim Crow laws had to be put in place. Jim Crow, after all, has become completely justified by time. White people all over the country have experiences weaponized migration of the Negro into ethnic White areas (by Jews) , and the total and utter destruction that followed. And—YES—every White person who has been around black in any number know this and White who haven’t know it anyway. The reason why White neighborhoods look and operate the way they do is BECAUSE White people live there. The reason why Black neighborhoods like and feel as they do is BECAUSE Blacks live there.

You said--“You put a 100 untrained unarmed white men on a field (Similar size) against a 100 untrained black men and told both to go at it. Black men would win 90% of the time.”

That is one of the most infantile, fantasy baseball idiocies I have ever read. Again, if you claim that Whites brutalize Blacks for hundreds of years, how is this possible if Blacks win 90 percent of the conflicts? Idiotic. However, I would love to participate in such a rumble. Whites have, historically been the most rugged, dogged, dominating force on earth with the greatest warriors the world have ever known; various Roman legions, the warriors of Sparta, Alexander’s armies, The hessians, The British Navy, etc…Stop being silly Shaka Zulu. PS: I would like to participate in your hypothetical battle of 100 vs 100. Lets turn that into a TV show.

You wrote—" I never said the white supremacist are stupid or unable to organize themselves or weak. I'm saying the reason why white supremacy exist is because white men see themselves as weak. Racism is a weak thing.”

There is something called the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is, basically, where some people are too stupid to know how bad they are at something and overestimate their ability—and conversely, where people who have high ability underestimate their ability. Studies show that Blacks have the heist self-esteem of any race and Asians have the lowest self-esteem (followed by Whites). Interestingly, Blacks have the lowest I.Q. and Asians have the highest (behind Ashkenazi Jews). Dunning-Kruger.

I started reading that book by Seth Stephens Davidowitz but found it to be nonsense crap by another Jew/Marxist who wrote for the NY Times, and for Google, which is all about censorship, and anti-White racism. Google kept Blacklists of conservative employees, they blacklist right-wing websites, and they give non-White search results in every search. Garbage statistics based on Google and websites, with no indication of who is doing the searching, why they are doing it, and what the motivations are, or even if bots are involved. Not good fodder for data. Also, Alt-right types do not use google. They use tor browsers or DuckDuckGo.

Most Black comedians I have ever seen, from Chris Rock, Richard Pryor, Red Foxx, Dave Chappelle, etc…spend a hell of a lot of time on White people. Yet, I can’t think of many White comedians who do the same with Blacks. Not sure where you get your ideas from.

You said—“Cleopatra was black.” LOL Where do you get that nonsense from, Louis Farrakhan?! She looked far more like Jennifer Anniston that she did Oprah Winfrey. She was of Greek lineage. I know Cleopatra was in one of the last Dynasties, but the Ancient Egyptians who built Memphis and the great Pyramids were Not Black and were more closely related to Indo-Europeans than Negro races. The modern-day Egyptians have Blacker admixture than the Ancient Egyptians did. Black attempts to culturally appropriate ancient Egypt is ridiculous and quite humorous.
More nonsense! A Black person is 47.6 TIMES more likely to violently victimize a White person than the other way around. Not 47.6 Percent more, but TIMES more.

Put the pipe down idiot.

Whites make up 90 percent of the victim pool in interracial violence involving Blacks and Whites. What you see is the opposite of reality. With such lopsided numbers like that, I ask you again, what should whites do with Blacks?

Are you claiming this is untrue? Do I need to do the math for you? And I suggest you look up the meaning of Strawman--that statistic is from quantifiable data and directly related to the topic.
I can leave my door unlocked here in the suburbs. You couldn't do that in the ghetto.

I don't give a sh*t what YOU can do there. I only give a sh*t what I could do there.
You're not fit to live with civilized people. Even the Obama's got out of Chicago and moved to a wealthy White neighborhood like other Blacks do when they get money. No one chooses to live with you ignorant hood rats.
You said—“Cleopatra was black.” LOL Where do you get that nonsense from, Louis Farrakhan?! She looked far more like Jennifer Anniston that she did Oprah Winfrey. She was of Greek lineage. I know Cleopatra was in one of the last Dynasties, but the Ancient Egyptians who built Memphis and the great Pyramids were Not Black and were more closely related to Indo-Europeans than Negro races. The modern-day Egyptians have Blacker admixture than the Ancient Egyptians did. Black attempts to culturally appropriate ancient Egypt is ridiculous and quite humorous.

Using high-powered computers, experts can now get a rough idea of how someone looked from their skull. They make a living at it by doing it for the police for murder cases. When the same thing is done to the skulls of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti of Egypt, here's what they got :


Ask you can see a black man and a black woman.

What they said in ancient times ::
  • Herodotus said Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair, which is how he said the Ethiopians looked too.
  • Aristotle called both the Ethiopians and Egyptians black.
  • The Bible calls both the Ethiopians and Egyptians sons of Ham.
  • The Egyptians themselves saw themselves as belonging to their own race. Remember this idea of race is a very new concept. It's about 400 years old. Thousands of years ago you were from particular tribes and lineage.
  • They called themselves kemet - “black”
What the DNA says :

Present-day Egyptians are, by blood, about 60% Eurasian, like the Arabs who took over their country, and 40% black African. In the past they were, if anything, blacker because since the glory days of Ancient Egypt they have been taken over by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs


There is something called the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is, basically, where some people are too stupid to know how bad they are at something and overestimate their ability—and conversely, where people who have high ability underestimate their ability.

If whites really believed that then why do the white supremacists make sure that predominantly Black school districts are under-funded ? under-staffed with inexperienced teachers ? denied books ? microscopes ? and other lab equipment ? and put hazardous waste near black schools? cut art and music classes ? sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

We are just stupid. No ? Who think too highly of ourselves. No ? Well why do you need to do all this stuff when we should naturally mess up anyway ?

Studies show that Blacks have the heist self-esteem of any race and Asians have the lowest self-esteem (followed by Whites).

You sound upset by this study ? You have thrown everything at us I'll give you that. But you have not broken black ppl.

Why can't black people just die !!!!!!


I guess the white supremacists never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti.

You must be baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If you were placed in our situation, you would have died off centuries ago.

But now.........
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we dust ourselves off and challenge the beast everyday


No one has courage like blk ppl.

White Flight has Everything to do with the incompatibilities between White and Black races.

If whites don't like to be around black people then why did Africans have to fight wars to get whites to leave ? Why the Nelson Mandela's ? Steve Biko's and Robert Mugabe's ? And why did most African countries have their own fight for independence story ? If what you say is true that whites can't stand being around black people.

Anybody who has lived in NYC, as I have all my life, can describe the vast differences to the texture of life seen in Black and White neighborhoods.

Of course, you have still have white supremacist Mayor Bill De Blasio (I don't give care that he has a black wife) who makes sure the city is a segregated city. Placing high-performing schools, well-maintained parks and other valuable resources out of reach for black residents and before him you had Gulliani. Some of them old Italians ? They're racism is on another level.

Basically all the sh*t goes to East New York, East Harlem, Downtown Far Rockaway and the South Bronx and Brownsville (Places were blacks live) And all the good sh*t goes to areas like Gowanus and Long Island City (Places were whites lives)

You're like the ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul, based on what he saw. I have seen the play develop and saw who threw the first punch.

White people all over the country have experiences weaponized migration of the Negro into ethnic White areas (by Jews) , and the total and utter destruction that followed.

It's not that black people want to so badly live around white people

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

Sure a rich black person could live around blks (and many do) the problem is they will typically find themselves limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town because whites have a system which ensures that those areas are the most poorest and most crowded areas of town.

Where as white people have a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets

That is one of the most infantile, fantasy baseball idiocies I have ever read. Again, if you claim that Whites brutalize Blacks for hundreds of years, how is this possible if Blacks win 90 percent of the conflicts? Idiotic.

Because there is different types of conflicts. I'm talking about the conflict of unarmed 1 on 1 combat and black men would beat a white man 90% of the time

Gunpowder changed the game for white people.

When Marco Polo brought gunpowder back to Europe. Gunpowder made it so whites could kill from distance. Most battles were fought up close till then.

Gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians who used the cola nut to make gunpowder. The Chinese reinvented it and used it in fireworks and explosives.

White ppl have something going for them that blk ppl don't to the same extent, that is, whites love to kill.

In Africa, they generally kill for food. In Europe, they kill for sport.






I watched white people when I was a kid on a farm my dad used to take me to. When they'd shoot something they'd go crazy.


Whites have, historically been the most rugged, dogged, dominating force on earth with the greatest warriors the world have ever known; various Roman legions, the warriors of Sparta, Alexander’s armies, The hessians,

You've been watching too many movies. The white northerners war tactic was to grease themselves in rancid bear fat with cow and goat butter used in their hair.

Their military strategy consisted of screaming, yelling, shouting, and charging head-on into the Roman archers and phalanx. Not to mention they were inept and disorganized warriors who got their heads handed to them by the Roman legions at every encounter.

The British Navy, etc…

The white man had the technological in Vietnam and they got their asses kicked.

Napleon had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up losing.



Haiti is still problem for the white supremacists to this day as Haiti was the first slave colony to become independent and defeat the British. Hence it has all these mysterious earthquakes.

Stop being silly Shaka Zulu. PS: I would like to participate in your hypothetical battle of 100 vs 100. Lets turn that into a TV show.

You're not even worthy of mentioning his name


He invented guerrilla warfare. White people act like they did. That's a lie but that's were all the Rambo sh*t comes from, you know a white man, running around the forest, using nature and setting traps to kill people.

Shaka showed that it's not all about Technology. The Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare tactics. Chaka Zulu had black men that would come from the ground in Camo that would kill white Europeans in South Africa.

The white man waited until Chaka died before he came in and the Dutch took over South Africa. They still study Chaka Zulu's military strategy in Euro Colleges to this day.

White people will not countenance the sort of behavior seen in Black neighborhoods, which is Why Jim Crow laws had to be put in place.

Here’s what’s fascinating about this whole idea of the naturalness of racial separatism if white flight was just a natural thing then whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws like Jim Crow to force separation. Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.

Those laws were passed for the very reason that white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that indeed it was natural to separate.

The reason why White neighborhoods look and operate the way they do is BECAUSE White people live there.

No it's because of the system of white supremacy and this white flight was directly subsidized by the government, which spent billions of dollars on highway construction (which helped whites get from work in the cities to homes in the ‘burbs) and low-cost loans, essentially available only to whites.

What black people want is to stop practicing white supremacy.
  • Stop mal-distributing the resources.
  • Stop with the all white labour unions.
  • Stop the racist laws they use to funnel black people into the prison system.
  • Stop cancelling blk ppl from getting the loans instead. When black people do have business or create business don't burn down the place down, like they did in Wilimington and Tulsa.
  • Don't run freeways down in black communities like they did in Florida - Miami when they had prosperous black areas. Don't run another freeway like they did in central avenue
Basically stop acting like an animal. Believe you are just as good as black men and that you don't need a system to compete

The reason why Black neighborhoods like and feel as they do is BECAUSE Blacks live there.

Sure there are things about poor urban communities that fit the stereotypical imagery, there are also lots of things about the places and the people who live in “ghettos,” which don't

Like blk mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

Like blk kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day.

Like elderly blk women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children, whether or not they are their own.

Like ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

The reason why Black neighborhoods like and feel as they do is BECAUSE Blacks live there.

Wrong. Ghettos are the product of deliberate decisions made by the white supremacists.

In the 1930s, the government began offering low-interest loans through the Federal Housing Administration. Millions of families took part in the new program but it was almost exclusively a white thing. So blacks were restricted to the urban core.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, local governments then began the process of “urban renewal,” which meant the elimination of low income housing, to be replaced by office buildings, shopping centers and parking lots.

So displaced blk families had to rely on crowded apartments, living with relatives, or living in run-down public housing projects.

Most efforts to reduce crowding in public housing have been blocked by those who didn’t persons from the “ghetto” living near them. So the ghetto has remained isolated, wracked by poverty and the problems that come with it,

The reason why Black neighborhoods like and feel as they do is BECAUSE Blacks live there.

All black neigbourhoods are controlled by white people.

That's why City services are way worse in black areas. Things like trash pick-up, ambulance service, street repair but, most of all, schools and police protection. Those things are beyond the control of the ghetto.

The police are not interested in protecting the lives and property of poor black people. Not as interested as they are in protecting rich white people or even not-all-that-rich white people. They will even protect white foreigners over black Americans.

When you see buildings and houses falling apart what you do not know that it is hard to get a bank loan or insurance for property in a place like that. Because the banks and insurance companies redline black areas, refusing to put much money there. You might think they are just being hardheaded businessmen. That would be understandable. But no, it goes beyond that into racism.

Government policies after the Second World War made it easier to get money to build a house in the suburbs than to repair an old house in the city. That is part of why so much of America’s cities began to fall apart. And that was just when blacks began moving to the big cities like New York and Chicago in huge numbers. And just when most whites left those cities – white flight.
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As I said, they were probably up to no good. You bash whites but probably live in a safe white town.
Black people could be doing exactly the same thing as whites and both seen in a different light

How white people react to white kids vandalizing cars

How white people react to black kids vandalizing cars

You said—“Cleopatra was black.” LOL Where do you get that nonsense from, Louis Farrakhan?! She looked far more like Jennifer Anniston that she did Oprah Winfrey. She was of Greek lineage. I know Cleopatra was in one of the last Dynasties, but the Ancient Egyptians who built Memphis and the great Pyramids were Not Black and were more closely related to Indo-Europeans than Negro races. The modern-day Egyptians have Blacker admixture than the Ancient Egyptians did. Black attempts to culturally appropriate ancient Egypt is ridiculous and quite humorous.

Using high-powered computers, experts can now get a rough idea of how someone looked from their skull. They make a living at it by doing it for the police for murder cases. When the same thing is done to the skulls of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti of Egypt, here's what they got :


Ask you can see a black man and a black woman.

What they said in ancient times ::
  • Herodotus said Egyptians had black skin and woolly hair, which is how he said the Ethiopians looked too.
  • Aristotle called both the Ethiopians and Egyptians black.
  • The Bible calls both the Ethiopians and Egyptians sons of Ham.
  • The Egyptians themselves saw themselves as belonging to their own race. Remember this idea of race is a very new concept. It's about 400 years old. Thousands of years ago you were from particular tribes and lineage.
  • They called themselves kemet - “black”
What the DNA says :

Present-day Egyptians are, by blood, about 60% Eurasian, like the Arabs who took over their country, and 40% black African. In the past they were, if anything, blacker because since the glory days of Ancient Egypt they have been taken over by the Persians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs


There is something called the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is, basically, where some people are too stupid to know how bad they are at something and overestimate their ability—and conversely, where people who have high ability underestimate their ability.

If whites really believed that then why do the white supremacists make sure that predominantly Black school districts are under-funded ? under-staffed with inexperienced teachers ? denied books ? microscopes ? and other lab equipment ? and put hazardous waste near black schools? cut art and music classes ? sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

We are just stupid. No ? Who think too highly of ourselves. No ? Well why do you need to do all this stuff when we should naturally mess up anyway ?

Studies show that Blacks have the heist self-esteem of any race and Asians have the lowest self-esteem (followed by Whites).

You sound upset by this study ? You have thrown everything at us I'll give you that. But you have not broken black ppl.

Why can't black people just die !!!!!!


I guess the white supremacists never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti.

You must be baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If you were placed in our situation, you would have died off centuries ago.

But now.........
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
And what makes us so amazing is that we're the minority population here but we still go hard body.

We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.
But we dust ourselves off and challenge the beast everyday


No one has courage like blk ppl.

White Flight has Everything to do with the incompatibilities between White and Black races.

If whites don't like to be around black people then why did Africans have to fight wars to get whites to leave ? Why the Nelson Mandela's ? Steve Biko's and Robert Mugabe's ? And why did most African countries have their own fight for independence story ? If what you say is true that whites can't stand being around black people.

Anybody who has lived in NYC, as I have all my life, can describe the vast differences to the texture of life seen in Black and White neighborhoods.

Of course, you have still have white supremacist Mayor Bill De Blasio (I don't give care that he has a black wife) who makes sure the city is a segregated city. Placing high-performing schools, well-maintained parks and other valuable resources out of reach for black residents and before him you had Gulliani. Some of them old Italians ? They're racism is on another level.

Basically all the sh*t goes to East New York, East Harlem, Downtown Far Rockaway and the South Bronx and Brownsville (Places were blacks live) And all the good sh*t goes to areas like Gowanus and Long Island City (Places were whites lives)

You're like the ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul, based on what he saw. I have seen the play develop and saw who threw the first punch.

White people all over the country have experiences weaponized migration of the Negro into ethnic White areas (by Jews) , and the total and utter destruction that followed.

It's not that black people want to so badly live around white people

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA with little to no white people living there is a tough task.

Sure a rich black person could live around blks (and many do) the problem is they will typically find themselves limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town because whites have a system which ensures that those areas are the most poorest and most crowded areas of town.

Where as white people have a system which makes sure that sizeable % of white people get access to those prosperous areas with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets

That is one of the most infantile, fantasy baseball idiocies I have ever read. Again, if you claim that Whites brutalize Blacks for hundreds of years, how is this possible if Blacks win 90 percent of the conflicts? Idiotic.

Because there is different types of conflicts. I'm talking about the conflict of unarmed 1 on 1 combat and black men would beat a white man 90% of the time

Gunpowder changed the game for white people.

When Marco Polo brought gunpowder back to Europe. Gunpowder made it so whites could kill from distance. Most battles were fought up close till then.

Gunpowder was invented by the ancient Egyptians and Nigerians who used the cola nut to make gunpowder. The Chinese reinvented it and used it in fireworks and explosives.

White ppl have something going for them that blk ppl don't to the same extent, that is, whites love to kill.

In Africa, they generally kill for food. In Europe, they kill for sport.






I watched white people when I was a kid on a farm my dad used to take me to. When they'd shoot something they'd go crazy.


Whites have, historically been the most rugged, dogged, dominating force on earth with the greatest warriors the world have ever known; various Roman legions, the warriors of Sparta, Alexander’s armies, The hessians,

You've been watching too many movies. The white northerners war tactic was to grease themselves in rancid bear fat with cow and goat butter used in their hair.

Their military strategy consisted of screaming, yelling, shouting, and charging head-on into the Roman archers and phalanx. Not to mention they were inept and disorganized warriors who got their heads handed to them by the Roman legions at every encounter.

The British Navy, etc…

The white man had the technological in Vietnam and they got their asses kicked.

Napleon had the technological edge in Haiti but they ended up losing.



Haiti is still problem for the white supremacists to this day as Haiti was the first slave colony to become independent and defeat the British. Hence it has all these mysterious earthquakes.

Stop being silly Shaka Zulu. PS: I would like to participate in your hypothetical battle of 100 vs 100. Lets turn that into a TV show.

You're not even worthy of mentioning his name


He invented guerrilla warfare. White people act like they did. That's a lie but that's were all the Rambo sh*t comes from, you know a white man, running around the forest, using nature and setting traps to kill people.

Shaka showed that it's not all about Technology. The Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare tactics. Chaka Zulu had black men that would come from the ground in Camo that would kill white Europeans in South Africa.

The white man waited until Chaka died before he came in and the Dutch took over South Africa. They still study Chaka Zulu's military strategy in Euro Colleges to this day.

White people will not countenance the sort of behavior seen in Black neighborhoods, which is Why Jim Crow laws had to be put in place.

Here’s what’s fascinating about this whole idea of the naturalness of racial separatism if white flight was just a natural thing then whites wouldn’t have needed segregation laws like Jim Crow to force separation. Whites wouldn’t have needed anti-miscegenation laws to require separation.

Those laws were passed for the very reason that white people weren’t so sure that they weren’t prepared to stray, weren’t so sure that indeed it was natural to separate.

The reason why White neighborhoods look and operate the way they do is BECAUSE White people live there.

No it's because of the system of white supremacy and this white flight was directly subsidized by the government, which spent billions of dollars on highway construction (which helped whites get from work in the cities to homes in the ‘burbs) and low-cost loans, essentially available only to whites.

What black people want is to stop practicing white supremacy.
  • Stop mal-distributing the resources.
  • Stop with the all white labour unions.
  • Stop the racist laws they use to funnel black people into the prison system.
  • Stop cancelling blk ppl from getting the loans instead. When black people do have business or create business don't burn down the place down, like they did in Wilimington and Tulsa.
  • Don't run freeways down in black communities like they did in Florida - Miami when they had prosperous black areas. Don't run another freeway like they did in central avenue
Basically stop acting like an animal. Believe you are just as good as black men and that you don't need a system to compete

The reason why Black neighborhoods like and feel as they do is BECAUSE Blacks live there.

Sure there are things about poor urban communities that fit the stereotypical imagery, there are also lots of things about the places and the people who live in “ghettos,” which don't

Like blk mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

Like blk kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day.

Like elderly blk women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children, whether or not they are their own.

Like ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families.

The reason why Black neighborhoods like and feel as they do is BECAUSE Blacks live there.

Wrong. Ghettos are the product of deliberate decisions made by the white supremacists.

In the 1930s, the government began offering low-interest loans through the Federal Housing Administration. Millions of families took part in the new program but it was almost exclusively a white thing. So blacks were restricted to the urban core.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, local governments then began the process of “urban renewal,” which meant the elimination of low income housing, to be replaced by office buildings, shopping centers and parking lots.

So displaced blk families had to rely on crowded apartments, living with relatives, or living in run-down public housing projects.

Most efforts to reduce crowding in public housing have been blocked by those who didn’t persons from the “ghetto” living near them. So the ghetto has remained isolated, wracked by poverty and the problems that come with it,

The reason why Black neighborhoods like and feel as they do is BECAUSE Blacks live there.

All black neigbourhoods are controlled by white people.

That's why City services are way worse in black areas. Things like trash pick-up, ambulance service, street repair but, most of all, schools and police protection. Those things are beyond the control of the ghetto.

The police are not interested in protecting the lives and property of poor black people. Not as interested as they are in protecting rich white people or even not-all-that-rich white people. They will even protect white foreigners over black Americans.

When you see buildings and houses falling apart what you do not know that it is hard to get a bank loan or insurance for property in a place like that. Because the banks and insurance companies redline black areas, refusing to put much money there. You might think they are just being hardheaded businessmen. That would be understandable. But no, it goes beyond that into racism.

Government policies after the Second World War made it easier to get money to build a house in the suburbs than to repair an old house in the city. That is part of why so much of America’s cities began to fall apart. And that was just when blacks began moving to the big cities like New York and Chicago in huge numbers. And just when most whites left those cities – white flight.

What King Tut and Cleopatra looked like in real life.

You get your images from silly Afrocentric websites who are trying their best to give blacks like you a history they can be proud of. So they steal it from others, which is the epitome of cultural appropriation.

This is what the forensic investigation on King Tut revealed, and what is on display at the Museum of Natural History and published by the National Geographic (who is no friend to White people).

King Tut


And we have good contemporary references for what Queen Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator looked like, because there were several busts made of her, as well as a coin that was minted with her image on it during life; she, of course was of Greek ancestry andher statues display that.

Cleopatra and Ptolemies - Real Faces - YouTube
Here statues and her real face.


And your Nefertiti image is hilarious. It looks like something from a kindergarten class. The actual forensic recreation of her face caused guys like you to have a panic attack..

Black Extremists Have Panic Attack After Experts Confirm Egyptian Queen Was White - American Renaissance


The Herodotus quote…

Is supposed to have been made from observation in 400 BC, but by that time the Egyptian Civilization had been around 3 thousand years (the Great Pyramids were over 2,00 years old by that time). Ancient Egypt changed racial hands several times over that span and ended as a multi-racial society of Caucasians, Semitic people, and Nubans during the last dynasties (there were 30 of them).

The question is who founded that civilization, who built the culture, and the Great Pyramids, Sphinx, and Memphis. The original people likely came from Mesopotamia (you know, where all those “White” Iranians, and Turks come from). If you look at their ancient writings, you can see the origins of the Hieroglyphics, but they pre-date them.

What do Mummies show us?

The Oldest mummies from Ancient Egypt, from 3,400 BC are the Gebelein predynastic mummies, Nicknamed Ginger (male) and Gingerella (female) for their Caucasian body structure and their strait reddish blonde/brown hair. And this proves the theories that were a definite Caucasian, White, or even Nordic presence in the Pre-dynastic Egypt.

Gebelein predynastic mummies - Wikipedia


Here is the great King Ramesses II from 1292 BC

And his forensic recreation. He look rather British (as the DNA eventually proves).
And the King in youth..

This is what a Black Nubian Mummy from the same period looked like. This is what a Royal assistant Maiherpri looked like..And clearly there is a racial difference.

Here is is depicted in art with BLACK skin, quit different in appearance to the way Egyptians depicted themselves.

What does ancient art show us?

Quite different from how they portray Blacks as you can compare with the image above

Here is King Hor from 1783 BC

His Blue eyes and Caucasian features are obvious. The Blue stones for the eyes were not native to Egypt and had to be purchased and shipped in, so an obvious effort had to be made to acquire Blue-eyed statues.

There is an old Afrocentric myth that has persisted which claims that French troops shot the nose off the Sphinx statue to hide its Black nose so nobody knew it's racial identity. Firstly, the nose was gone long before the 19th century, and it wasn’t touched by the French, anyhow.
The Sphinx was built by the great Pharaoh Khafre, (circa 2603-2578 BC) in his own likeness. There are other surviving statues he had built with his likeness, and we can use those to show us with the undamaged Sphinx looked Like originally: certainly not Negroid.

What does the DNA evidence show us?
First complete genome extracted from Ancient Egyptian mummies…

First complete genome data extracted from ancient Egyptian mummies | University of Cambridge

The study found that the inhabitants of Absur el-Meleq were most closely related to ancient populations in the Levant, and were also closely related to Neolithic populations from the Anatolian Peninsula and Europe. “The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not undergo any major shifts during the 1,300 year timespan we studied, suggesting that the population remained genetically relatively unaffected by foreign conquest and rule,” said Wolfgang Haak, group leader at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, and a co-author of the paper.

The data shows that modern Egyptians share approximately 8% more ancestry on the nuclear level with sub-Saharan African populations than the inhabitants of Abusir el-Meleq, suggesting that an increase in sub-Saharan African gene flow into Egypt occurred within the last 2,000 years. Possible causal factors may have been improved mobility down the Nile River, increased long-distance trade between sub-Saharan Africa and Egypt, and the trans-Saharan slave trade that began approximately 1,300 years ago.

Ancient Egyptians more closely related to Europeans than modern Egyptians, scientists claim

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Studies show that Blacks have the heist self-esteem of any race and Asians have the lowest self-esteem (followed by Whites).

You sound upset by this study ? You have thrown everything at us I'll give you that. But you have not broken black ppl.

Why can't black people just die !!!!!!
I guess you missed the point about self-esteem, or you deliberately took it out of context. The point was that Dunning-Kruger shows that stupid, unaccomplished people often have high self esteem because they are too dumb to know what little ability they have. Conversely, intelligent groups of people have lower self esteem because they are intelligent enough to be self-critica. With that in Mind, I would say you suffer rather heavily from Dunning-Kruger effects. A fine example of that is this---

You wrote “You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,..”

That’s a perfect example of Dunning-Kruger. You don’t even have enough sense to understand how blacks have been infantilized, babied, and have their agenda pushed on the rest of the country for-ostensibly-the sake of their feelings. What do you think the BS around Black History month is all about, or MLK day, or pushing everything else Black is all about? Whites, by nature, despise all that, which is why they move when Blacks come into their towns, and refuse to send their kids to schools with a high Black population.. All this extra praise, affirmative action quotas, and all the other extras that Blacks get now for every little thing they do is all about trying to placate people who cry out for a pat on the head. It is all to comfort people who riot unless given undue credit. White altruism and their desire for social harmony and order has been taken advantage of by Blacks and pushed to the limits by Jews who exploit both sides.
Black people could be doing exactly the same thing as whites and both seen in a different light

How white people react to white kids vandalizing cars

How white people react to black kids vandalizing cars

This is the Afrocentric myth that Whites and Blacks commit the same sort of crimes, with the difference being that Blacks are punished for everything they do and whites are not punished for anything. That is absurd and illogical on it's face. Human nature is human Nature--if the people in White areas were allowed to commit any crimes they wanted without repercussion then their areas would likely be dangerous, dirty, and filled with murder, rape, dog fighting, and robberies. Why not? No consequences. And if Blacks claim that they can be sent to long prison sentences (or even killed) for doing little more than walking down the street or dropping a pencil, then it would be logical that Black areas would be as clean and orderly as Kim Il-sung Square in North Korea. Yet, the total opposite is true.

I never once had a crime on my street, nor did I ever hear a gunshot, heard about a robbery, known anybody who was mugged, saw any graffiti, or caught anybody littering. Yet, in the last 10 years, the Jews are sending Blacks to live in the area I grew up in and all of a sudden there is filth blowing around in the streets, people screaming at all hours of the night, gunshots every once in a while, robberies, break-ins, assaults, and women are getting attacked---Guess WHO!?
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Showing headlines is not an argument. The Black/White violent crime rates are VASTLY different. And as I said before, and you refuse to acknowledge, when it comes to Interracial crime, For instance—in one recent year (2018) there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations involving Blacks and White and of that number 537,204 were cases of Blacks victimizing White people and 56,394 were cases where White people victimized Blacks. Whites made up 90 percent of the victim pool, or to put it another way, Blacks are 47.6 TIMES more likely to attack a white person than other way around.
With crime so lopsided, are you shocked that whites move when Blacks come into town, or why Whites create Jim Crow Laws, don't want to hire them, or even Burn crosses on Black Lawns hoping to spook them off in the past? It has been a bad marriage, and I think it is time for a divorce. The kids are suffering.

What King Tut and Cleopatra looked like in real life.

You get your images from silly Afrocentric websites who are trying their best to give blacks like you a history they can be proud of. So they steal it from others, which is the epitome of cultural appropriation.

This is what the forensic investigation on King Tut revealed, and what is on display at the Museum of Natural History and published by the National Geographic (who is no friend to White people).

King Tut

View attachment 536242

And we have good contemporary references for what Queen Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator looked like, because there were several busts made of her, as well as a coin that was minted with her image on it during life; she, of course was of Greek ancestry andher statues display that.

Cleopatra and Ptolemies - Real Faces - YouTube
Here statues and her real face.View attachment 536244
View attachment 536243

And your Nefertiti image is hilarious. It looks like something from a kindergarten class. The actual forensic recreation of her face caused guys like you to have a panic attack..

Black Extremists Have Panic Attack After Experts Confirm Egyptian Queen Was White - American Renaissance

View attachment 536250

The Herodotus quote…

Is supposed to have been made from observation in 400 BC, but by that time the Egyptian Civilization had been around 3 thousand years (the Great Pyramids were over 2,00 years old by that time). Ancient Egypt changed racial hands several times over that span and ended as a multi-racial society of Caucasians, Semitic people, and Nubans during the last dynasties (there were 30 of them).

The question is who founded that civilization, who built the culture, and the Great Pyramids, Sphinx, and Memphis. The original people likely came from Mesopotamia (you know, where all those “White” Iranians, and Turks come from). If you look at their ancient writings, you can see the origins of the Hieroglyphics, but they pre-date them.

What do Mummies show us?

The Oldest mummies from Ancient Egypt, from 3,400 BC are the Gebelein predynastic mummies, Nicknamed Ginger (male) and Gingerella (female) for their Caucasian body structure and their strait reddish blonde/brown hair. And this proves the theories that were a definite Caucasian, White, or even Nordic presence in the Pre-dynastic Egypt.

Gebelein predynastic mummies - Wikipedia

View attachment 536253

Here is the great King Ramesses II from 1292 BCView attachment 536245

And his forensic recreation. He look rather British (as the DNA eventually proves).
And the King in youth..View attachment 536246

This is what a Black Nubian Mummy from the same period looked like. This is what a Royal assistant Maiherpri looked like..And clearly there is a racial difference.
View attachment 536270
Here is is depicted in art with BLACK skin, quit different in appearance to the way Egyptians depicted themselves.
View attachment 536272
What does ancient art show us?

Quite different from how they portray Blacks as you can compare with the image above
View attachment 536274

Here is King Hor from 1783 BC
View attachment 536247

His Blue eyes and Caucasian features are obvious. The Blue stones for the eyes were not native to Egypt and had to be purchased and shipped in, so an obvious effort had to be made to acquire Blue-eyed statues.

There is an old Afrocentric myth that has persisted which claims that French troops shot the nose off the Sphinx statue to hide its Black nose so nobody knew it's racial identity. Firstly, the nose was gone long before the 19th century, and it wasn’t touched by the French, anyhow.
The Sphinx was built by the great Pharaoh Khafre, (circa 2603-2578 BC) in his own likeness. There are other surviving statues he had built with his likeness, and we can use those to show us with the undamaged Sphinx looked Like originally: certainly not Negroid.
View attachment 536265

What does the DNA evidence show us?
First complete genome extracted from Ancient Egyptian mummies…

First complete genome data extracted from ancient Egyptian mummies | University of Cambridge

The study found that the inhabitants of Absur el-Meleq were most closely related to ancient populations in the Levant, and were also closely related to Neolithic populations from the Anatolian Peninsula and Europe. “The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not undergo any major shifts during the 1,300 year timespan we studied, suggesting that the population remained genetically relatively unaffected by foreign conquest and rule,” said Wolfgang Haak, group leader at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, and a co-author of the paper.

The data shows that modern Egyptians share approximately 8% more ancestry on the nuclear level with sub-Saharan African populations than the inhabitants of Abusir el-Meleq, suggesting that an increase in sub-Saharan African gene flow into Egypt occurred within the last 2,000 years. Possible causal factors may have been improved mobility down the Nile River, increased long-distance trade between sub-Saharan Africa and Egypt, and the trans-Saharan slave trade that began approximately 1,300 years ago.

Ancient Egyptians more closely related to Europeans than modern Egyptians, scientists claim

View attachment 536255

Now you're laughing at the experts, where as before you claimed you would only listen if the so-called experts had something to say on the subject. No principals at all. Anyhow, lets get back to modern times. I'd like to ask you a 3rd time: What do you think White people should do with Blacks after being 90 percent of the victims of their interracial violence. The hate group called BLM burned down cities all over the country for the death of one scumbag (who should have been killed years earlier). What should Whites do about the Blacks when between 20 and 40 innocent White people are murdered every month by Blacks, and Whites are 47.6 Times more likely to be attacked by blacks than the other way around?
I guess you missed the point about self-esteem, or you deliberately took it out of context. The point was that Dunning-Kruger shows that stupid, unaccomplished people often have high self esteem because they are too dumb to know what little ability they have. Conversely, intelligent groups of people have lower self esteem because they are intelligent enough to be self-critica. With that in Mind, I would say you suffer rather heavily from Dunning-Kruger effects. A fine example of that is this---

I know how guys like you think. Racism is all about projection because guys like you think you are sh*t and nothing you try to project that by insisting other groups are sh*t (in this case blk ppl) too.

I don't need dunning Kruger to tell me that

Anyway because you only respond to one or two of my points then I'm only going to put the minimal effort and respond to only one of two of your points
What do you think White people should do with Blacks after being 90 percent of the victims of their interracial violence.

Well you are making a straw man argument because the 90% is nonsense. Whites make up crimes about black people all the time


Now you're laughing at the experts, where as before you claimed you would only listen if the so-called experts had something to say on the subject. No principals at all.

Just guys who are trying masquerade their internal chaos into a form of rationality

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