Debunking White Racist Opinions

You saw what I wrote. I said that White people have given Blacks far more housing assistance than any other group of people--BY FAR. And that is just a start, as I wrote elsewhere, in addition to getting the most welfare, Blacks are also given preferential treatment in schools and the work-force. Why should this be?
Incorrect. Tax money pays for that and blacks pay taxes. Again, everything you say is incorrect.
American Renaissance is a known white supremacist source therefore your information is not credible.

"We discover that closing racial gaps is a pareto improvement to both the U.S. economy and society. If racial gaps for Blacks had been closed 20 years ago, U.S. GDP could have benefitted by an estimated $16 trillion. If we close gaps today, the equivalent add to the U.S. economy over the next five years could be $5 trillion of additional GDP, or an average add of 0.35 percentage points to U.S. GDP growth per year and 0.09 percentage points to global GDP growth per year."

"In addition to the disruption from COVID-19, the U.S. has also been gripped by protests fueled by a conflagration of inequality, racism, and police brutality. The civil unrest comes against a backdrop of disproportionately higher numbers of deaths for minorities, especially Black persons from COVID-19, and elevated unemployment figures for Black Americans amid the pandemic-induced U.S. recession. Roughly 1,000 people per year die during altercations with the police (Figure 22). Nearly half of them are racial minorities, and Black persons have a higher share of fatalities per capita (Figure 23). A number of these deaths have come on account of mishandling by police forces, which have been linked at times to long-standing social and racial issues. In general, the U.S. has lost ground relative to other advanced economies, and even the world, in terms of discrimination and violence against minority groups."

"The persistence of racially-biased attitudes, coupled with the implementation and maintenance of policies enshrining these attitudes, constitute what is often termed as systemic racism. Biases may be conscious or unconscious. Nonetheless, the result of policies creating and perpetuating bias produce inequality. Even when the biases fade, the policies may linger, rendering the inequality multi-generational as it becomes interwoven with the way things are done: in broader society, government, corporations, and/or institutions.

The continuation of racial bias and systemically-entrenched inequality born from past and present biases are evident across multiple facets of U.S. society."

“The second key maneuver, which flowed naturally from the first, was to redefine racism itself. Confronted with civil rights headlines depicting unflattering portrayals of KKK rallies and jackbooted sheriffs, white authority transformed those damning images of white supremacy into the sole definition of racism. This simple but wickedly brilliant conceptual and linguistic shift served multiple purposes. First and foremost, it was conscience soothing. The whittling down of racism to sheet-wearing goons allowed a cloud of racial innocence to cover many whites who, although 'resentful of black progress' and determined to ensure that racial inequality remained untouched, could see and project themselves as the 'kind of upstanding white citizen(s)' who were 'positively outraged at the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan". The focus on the Klan also helped to designate racism as an individual aberration rather than something systemic, institutional and pervasive.”

― Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
Africa is continent. So you are talking about 52 countries.
Africa is continent. So you are talking about 52 countries.
Yep and from my understanding, the Republic of South Africa is the best of them and it is swirling around the drain. Between tribal animosities and rampant corruption it looks to be on the verge of being a failed state like Somalia or Venezuela.
Black people need White people to succeed, and even with the Help of Whites, it is an uphill battle (as you can see just by looking out into the world. For instance, teh average lifespan of a person in Haiti is 63 years, but for blacks living in the Hellhole, US, where black bodies can never be safe from "White supremacism" the Average black lifespan is 76 years. White people created the home and society you prefer to live in. To criticize them turns you into a spoiled, ungrateful child. You should be bowing at our feet for what we've done for you.

The history of this country shows the reverse to be true.

You bring up Haiti but all over the world whites are fighting. You got all kinds of white shitholes in Eastern Europe. We have had 2 World Wars because of whites. So your posts are just racist drool based in delusions.
Yep and from my understanding, the Republic of South Africa is the best of them and it is swirling around the drain. Between tribal animosities and rampant corruption it looks to be on the verge of being a failed state like Somalia or Venezuela.

White colonization fucked up Africa. White governments set up puppet leaders like Mobutu who then robbed his people. Without colonization there probably would have been, no Amin, Mobutu or Mugabe.
Iranians are NOT White. White people are from Europe--not the Middle East/Southern Asia. And please explain why the Japanese--who Whites dropped 2 Atomic Bombs on, would be interested in upholding an image of "White Supremacy."

Iranians are white when they are fighting a black man.

You make no sense and this comes from you utter inferiority complex and your childish envy.

No black man feels inferior to white man. if anything it's the other way round

And BTW--White men have dominated the real fighting sports like MMA. Karate is a game/sport--with strict rules, and your boy broke them and lost. Let him get into the MMA, then, if he wants fewer rules.

White men generally speaking can't beat black men in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. There will be the odd exceptions but that will be true most times
Again--you have no clue what race is then if you think anybody who isn't black is white. In the past you called Hispanics white, Jews, White, Asians white, and now Middle-Easterners White. Absurd. That is beyond the typical stupidity of those living on the bad-end-of-the- Bell curve.

Every Black man feels inferior to Whites because they wouldn't feel the need to constantly attack elderly White people, white women and children, and White symbols of greatness like statues, art, great books, etc...if they felt secure as men.

All the special forces in the military are 95 percent White Southern men---that is based on strength, fighting ability, mental agility and leadership. MMA is dominated by White men. The worlds strongest men contests are dominated by White men) even though whites are a global minority at only 8 percent of the planet). White men dominate Olympic Weight lifting, as well.

If you are talking about street fighting, then that looks to be true because in most cases that is a crime, where criminals pick out weaker people who are unsuspecting and sucker-punch them.

I've beaten the hell out of many Blacks in my life growing up in NYC. My father was in the army down in Georgia and Kansas and beat the hell out of smart-ass negroes many times when they gave him an attitude,. He even beat the hell out of a group of 5 of them who attacked him randomly in the street in Kansas City. He taught me that Blacks act tough and make a big show trying to intimidate people, but they are pussies when you fight them. I found this to be true, too. (Since you seem to like anecdote).
Sports are a different animal, though.
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The history of this country shows the reverse to be true.

You bring up Haiti but all over the world whites are fighting. You got all kinds of white shitholes in Eastern Europe. We have had 2 World Wars because of whites. So your posts are just racist drool based in delusions.

To have 2 world wars, you have to have advanced civilizations. Blacks kill a million of each other with Machetes in Africa. What would they do if they were able to invent Atomic Bombs? They would probably drop them everywhere. And are you really going to compare Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Haiti or Zimbabwe?
Incorrect. Tax money pays for that and blacks pay taxes. Again, everything you say is incorrect.
White people set these systems of benefit up, and Blacks take the most of it. Whites (and Asians) will pay higher taxes for programs blacks and Hispanics are far more likely to use.
I've beaten the hell out of many Blacks in my life growing up in NYC. My father was in the army down in Georgia and Kansas and beat the hell out of smart-ass negroes many times when they gave him an attitude,. He even beat the hell out of a group of 5 of them who attacked him randomly in the street in Kansas City. He taught me that Blacks act tough and make a big show trying to intimidate people, but they are pussies when you fight them. I found this to be true, too. (Since you seem to like anecdote).

I have all your videos of fights with black men

Even when the odds aren't in our favour. We generally win unarmed 1 on 1 combat

That's why you need a whole military to go up against us even when we are unarmed


Again--you have no clue what race is then if you think anybody who isn't black is white. In the past you called Hispanics white, Jews, White, Asians white, and now Middle-Easterners White. Absurd. That is beyond the typical stupidity of those living on the bad-end-of-the- Bell curve.

George Zimmerman (the guy who killed Trayvon Martin) is hispanic / latino


That did not stop the white supremacists supporting him. That's the point. Because he killed a black man he got honorary white status at that moment. So they backed him.

This is a 50 year plan and whites are gonna make those many places in the USA full of hostile anti black immigrants who will integrate in the USA because what it means to integrate into the US is that you are willing to hate on black people

This is to be the final solution. That white supremacists are going to drown out the black population with hostile non black people and even hostile African immigrants who are willing to hate on black people.

So at the end of the day you can live in your white and non black utopia


Every Black man feels inferior to Whites because they wouldn't feel the need to constantly attack elderly White people, white women and children, and White symbols of greatness like statues, art, great books, etc...if they felt secure as men.

White men fear black men because you look at us as and think of us as so physical we can hurt you.

Black men threaten White men in a way that Hispanic, Asian and Arab men don't.

This fear is ancient and you can trace it to its origins in the first Indo-Aryan invasions of Black civilization.
  • Is it because the Black-man built the world’s first civilizations?
  • Is it because the Black-man is the only man to surpass White men in every field of human achievement?
  • Is it the White-man’s sexual inferiority complex they feel regarding the Black Man?
This comes back to the black physical; the black potency, the black strength. That fear partly sexual goes back a long way, and that comes down to the fact that white men regard black men as better sexual performers than they are.

They don't say this publicly, but they say, 'gee they're so natural' and u begin to wonder. 'Our women could they not be attracted to that?"

That's what all your obsession with black men supposedly raping white women 24-7 comes from

Therefore all whites efforts to de-man black men.

The most graphic was lynching but now they put blk men in cages, called prisons, again to de-male them.

Whites can't call us 'boy' but they still somehow can make sure black men don’t have jobs, make sure we don't threaten them in other ways.

All the special forces in the military are 95 percent White Southern men---that is based on strength, fighting ability, mental agility and leadership.

And that special forces training and the USA army (full of white southern men as you say) are still get their asses kicked by a rag tad bunch of insurgents (The Taliban) in the middle east.

MMA is dominated by White men.

Who is the best MMA fighter ever ? Jon Jones. You're making this too easy

The worlds strongest men contests are dominated by White men) even though whites are a global minority at only 8 percent of the planet). White men dominate Olympic Weight lifting, as well.

I know this.

Most black athletes who grew up in poverty thrive in sports that feature three things
  1. Modest equipment investment
  2. high social/cultural approval
  3. Fame and wealth in professional ranks.
That's why young urban black athletes who are strong in sports keep gravitatating to the same five:
  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Baseball
  • Track & field
  • And increasingly tennis.
The fundamentals of these sports can be learned at a very young age

Thousands of hours can be logged playing and practicing with your peers in the streets, and the rewards for top talent can be scouted and developed from middle school on. You just don't get the same community support or interest if you're black and happen to be good at weightlifting, strong man or other sports like hockey. polo, sync swimming, surfing and ice skating.
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How many threads are in this forum bashing blacks? Can you count that high? All that's being done is returning your racist lies with fact and truth.

Finally, you get the racist who says we are jealous of how whites have been able to accomplish things. Really? Do whites like this even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.

This ain't envy son, it's breaking your white ass off what you need to be told.
How many threads does the OP have bashing us whites? What is the man envious of us white people?

I don't really give care about white people as individuals. White people are just a by product of systematic racism that's why you don't really see me trying prove how inferior white people are.

"And the IQ of white people" "And the crime of white people in Russia" Blah. Blah

That's an insecure white male thing like mga138 who believes he is inferior to black men.
  • I do not make fun of how white ppl talk or dress or look.
  • I do not make fun of the food white ppl eat or the names they give their children.
  • I do not excuse violence against white ppl saying that whites kill each other all the time.
  • I do not call them racial slurs or compare them to animals.
  • I do not call for their genocide or ethnic cleansing.
White people need a system to be able to succeed. Black people succeed in spite of the system
Most white towns are safe! Most black towns are crime capitals! Everything a black gets is because of affirmative action that is reverse discrimination! You all get ahead because of your race.
Most white towns are safe!

Safe for who ?

Whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, not the police called on them, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighbourhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

Most black towns are crime capitals!

Like where ?

Everything a black gets is because of affirmative action that is reverse discrimination! You all get ahead because of your race.

Now you're projecting because you are talking about whites
Most white towns are safe!

Safe for who ?

Whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, not the police called on them, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighbourhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

Most black towns are crime capitals!

Like where ?

Everything a black gets is because of affirmative action that is reverse discrimination! You all get ahead because of your race.

Now you're projecting because you are talking about whites
Bullshit. Based on experience, you're full of shit. Crime in solid Black neighborhoods is much more than solid White neighborhoods.

More ridiculous postings from the Bell Curve boy. Which Combat do Blacks win? You’re so absurd because one moment you make silly claims that Blacks are all superheroes with magical, mystical powers, and the next you claim that they are under the thumb and control of White people, whom you continuously claim are weak, stupid, unorganized, unable to do anything themselves. What sort of disconnect do you have there?

It is also so delusional and mentally twisted to believe that White people think about Blacks as often as you obsess over While people.

You remind me of every other negro who gets his ideas and ego from his half-Witted African studies professor, and comes to me saying that Mozart, Beethoven, Babe Ruth, Abraham Lincoln, and Cleopatra were all Black people who have been “Whitewashed” throughout the course of history.
You also remind me of all those blacks I’ve communicated with who will call the USA the most corrupt, evil, disgusting, racist country that ever existed in history, and then a minute later they are trying to claim that black people built it HAHA

At various times you’ve claimed that Hispanics are White, Japanese people are White, Iranians are White, Jews are White, Blacks with Albinism are White, and more. There is no logic to anything you write. Now you are claiming that George Zimmermann was given “honorary White” classification, huh? The reason why White people supported what Zimmermann did was because White people despise violent criminals like scumbag Travon, who thankfully was eliminated by Zimmermann. I donated money to Zimmermann’s legal defense fund and was quite pleased with the outcome of the trial. Yet, that doesn’t mean he is White. Zimmerman’s mother is part black BTW. The One drop rule doesn’t apply to hum?

White people do not think about Blacks and generally want nothing to do with them. There is something called—White Flight. That’s a well-known phenomenon and it happens because we don’t like being around you people. We would rather sell the house and move out of town than be around Blacks. That is the opposite of the sort of secret admiration you claim White harbor.

Also, I see you are making silly claiming that Blacks are superior athletes compared to Whites. However, I thought you have been claiming all along that biological race isn’t real!? Now, suddenly, when you think you can attach some glory to racial association, it is as real as the moon? That is not very reasonable, logical, or principled.
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Safe for who ?

Whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, not the police called on them, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighbourhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

More nonsense! A Black person is 47.6 TIMES more likely to violently victimize a White person than the other way around. Not 47.6 Percent more, but TIMES more. Whites make up 90 percent of the victim pool in interracial violence involving Blacks and Whites. What you see is the opposite of reality. With such lopsided numbers like that, I ask you again, what should whites do with Blacks?
White people do not think about Blacks and generally want nothing to do with them. There is something called—White Flight. That’s a well-known phenomenon and it happens because we don’t like being around you people. We would rather sell the house and move out of town than be around Blacks. That is the opposite of the sort of secret admiration you claim White harbor.

I know white flight but white flight says nothing about black people. It simply demonstrate effectiveness of several hundred years of racial propaganda saying that black people are going to be criminal, they’re going to rob you, they don’t make good neighbors.

If you have years and generations of white people picking up those kinds of messages, and they do pick them up, from several different sources.

I mean if you talk to white people in Russia or Croatia, that is white folks who have never even been around black folks, they will come forth with many negative stereotypes in spite of no first-hand experience. So I repeat white flight says nothing about black people.

Which Combat do Blacks win?

You put a 100 untrained unarmed white men on a field (Similar size) against a 100 untrained black men and told both to go at it. Black men would win 90% of the time.

You’re so absurd because one moment you make silly claims that Blacks are all superheroes with magical, mystical powers

I never said that Blacks are all superheroes with magical, mystical powers

and the next you claim that they are under the thumb and control of White people, whom you continuously claim are weak, stupid, unorganized, unable to do anything themselves.

I never said the white supremacist are stupid or unable to organize themselves or weak. I'm saying the reason why white supremacy exist is because white men see themselves as weak. Racism is a weak thing.

What sort of disconnect do you have there?

You're the one with the disconnect trying to build a straw man argument

It is also so delusional and mentally twisted to believe that White people think about Blacks as often as you obsess over While people.

There is a book by Seth Stephens who is a scientist and wrote a book on google searches. Jokes about blk ppl is one of the most common searched items (like in the top 1000) When you consider the billions of searches on google every day / week. To be in the top 1000 refutes your point


And the anonymity of google searches make it one the best ways you can get a true picture of racism. Also black people do not waste our time creating “jokes” about white people, such as the HUGE inventory of jokes created by whites about black people. There are no black equivalent sites n*ggermania and chimpmania

You remind me of every other negro who gets his ideas and ego from his half-Witted African studies professor, and comes to me saying that Mozart, Beethoven, Babe Ruth, Abraham Lincoln, and Cleopatra were all Black people who have been “Whitewashed” throughout the course of history

Cleopatra was black. Ab Lincoln ? Mozart and Beethoven ? Maybe they were black I dunno.

Either way I didn't do it.

if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this : Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are. They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor who says their work is evidence of ethnic superiority. I'm pretty sure Mozart or Beethoven wasn't running around announcing to the world that their music signifies racial supremacy. They needed no cheerleaders.

It's only life’s losers that seek out evidence of their own brilliance in the works of others. It's only those who are suspicions of their own inferiority (like you) feel compelled, as a general rule, to insist upon how much better than you they are.

And given your persistence, you're finding the job harder than you imagined

At various times you’ve claimed that Hispanics are White, Japanese people are White, Iranians are White, Jews are White, Blacks with Albinism are White, and more. There is no logic to anything you write.

Were did I say Japs were white ? Honorary whites Asians are

Even Hitler said so



Now you are claiming that George Zimmermann was given “honorary White” classification, huh? The reason why White people supported what Zimmermann did was because White people despise violent criminals like scumbag Travon, who thankfully was eliminated by Zimmermann. I donated money to Zimmermann’s legal defense fund and was quite pleased with the outcome of the trial. Yet, that doesn’t mean he is White. Zimmerman’s mother is part black BTW. The One drop rule doesn’t apply to hum?

Yes George Zimmerman was an honorary white that carried out white supremacy. That's why white (like you) supported him
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White colonization fucked up Africa. White governments set up puppet leaders like Mobutu who then robbed his people. Without colonization there probably would have been, no Amin, Mobutu or Mugabe.
Africa was always fucked up. Where do you think the slaves tribal leaders sold to the Muslims who sold them to the whites in turn came from? They were captured and enslaved in intertribal wars. Whites had nothing to do with Africa being fucked up.
Most white towns are safe!

Safe for who ?

Whites have a much better chance of walking thru “The Hood” and not being shot or stabbed, not the police called on them, compared to a black person doing the same in a white neighbourhood. Black people don’t bother whites who live in or pass thru the neighborhood, based on personal observation.

Most black towns are crime capitals!

Like where ?

Everything a black gets is because of affirmative action that is reverse discrimination! You all get ahead because of your race.

Now you're projecting because you are talking about whites
I can leave my door unlocked here in the suburbs. You couldn't do that in the ghetto.
I can leave my door unlocked here in the suburbs. You couldn't do that in the ghetto.

I don't give a sh*t what YOU can do there. I only give a sh*t what I could do there.
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