Debunking White Racist Opinions

Nope---You are describing your own tactics. Do you really think showing the same 3 news articles with White people in them means anything to reality? The stats I posted came from The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, not "StormFront," whatever that is.

(PDF) Racial, ethnic, and cultural factors of childhood sexual abuse: A selected review of the literature (

In the Los Angeles area, known for its cultural diversity, revealed that when comparing ethnic group distribution of reported cases of sexual abuse to the groups’ representation in the county, whites and Hispanics were underreported whereas blacks were overreported (Lindholm & Willey, 1986)


The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect’s (NCCAN) yearly incidence report on documented cases of child

maltreatment reports that in 1996, there were 119, 397 victims of sexual abuse (U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services, National Center on Child Abuse and Ne-

glect, 1998). Whites constituted the largest group of abused children (53%) (A HUGE UNDERREPRESENTATION), African

American children represented the second largest group (27%), and Hispanics com-

prised 11% of the maltreated children (U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-

vices, National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1998). These rates are unsettling

when one considers that Blacks and Hispanics comprise approximately 11% and 8%

of the total U.S. population, respectively
(U.S. Bureau of the Census, Department of

Commerce, 1993).
White people will kidnap your child, rape him, kill him, film the whole thing then sell it to other white people.

All you have to do is watch cable to see the crimes that white people do. These crimes don't get put on the six of clock news, cold case files, forensic files, court tv, discovery id or wicked attraction
And keep your dirty comments and deep desire for the superior beauty of White women under wraps; it undermines your pro-black agenda, boy.

"Boy" ? Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ?

Look. I have a black wife and a black son. White women are the most over-rated women on the planet. Most white women age like sh*t. I mean white people age like sh*t in general but hey.

To be honest I'm not fan of interracial dating. I believe in strong black families, black children and black househoulds.

White women should be with white men and black women with black men. Black women don't find white men sexually attractive.......I'm talking gut level attraction.

To be honest I don't think the majority of white women find white men attractive. Plenty of white dudes hearing "not tonight got a headache"

Where as all women find black men attractive.........even the ones that say they don't really do

I've seen white women at college. Dude lol The biggest whores ever. My black friends used to run trains on them, bang them silly, fk em n chuck em, and they'd leave college and marry simps like you.

I repeat I.Q. statistics, not because I have reached the end of my limit of understanding on the subject (I suspect projection there, boy).

You don’t even have a leg to stand on as long as you don’t deliver a clear definition of what they
actually write about. You put on a laboratory smock and make scientific claims you are not even able to deliver scientific definitions for. And we’re not talking social science here. If the claim is made with biology, thevdefinitions have to be made within biology alone.

You just avoid and refuse to any questions and just repeat what you have already wrote.

It is the job of scientists to explore ALL possibilities.

So let’s say (hypothetically) that there were 1000 papers on genetics that agree that the genetic component of intelligence is NOT significant. But there may still be 60 papers out there that are exploring and trying to prove the minority viewpoint that genetics is a key factor. 60 papers seems like a lot IF you don’t know about the other 1000.

It’s certainly enough to get together and discuss, post them on your blogs, and pass them around to each other, until they become a part of your lexicon.

But rarely do pseudoscientists say, “And just to be fair, here are the 8 direct rebuttals to this paper that I’m siting from 12 years ago.” They also rarely say, “This is 1 of 10 papers published on this particular aspect of genetics, and the other 9 papers disagree with the conclusions of
this one

Dr. Watson, said he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are since their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says, not really.” And when he had the chance to apologize for that statement, after losing his Noble Prize for the supposed offensive statement, he said. “No,’’ “Not at all. and “there’s a difference on the average between blacks and whites on I.Q. tests. I would say the difference is, it’s genetic.’’ “the difference between blacks and whites’’ “It’s awful, just like it’s awful for schizophrenics,’’ the difference exists, we have to ask ourselves, how can we try and make it better?

Once again - You're just repeating what you have already wrote again here
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Sorry--88 percent of millionaires got wealthy without inheriting money.
And here--Ultra Wealthy Population Analysis: World Ultra Wealth Report 2019

And those 88% (of those who were white) needed a system of white supremacy. Sure some whites worked hard to be a millionaire but you ignore that at every turn, that hard work has been met with access to an opportunity structure to which most blk ppl have been denied similar access.

Those white millionaires benefitted directly from substantial public investment in schools (either for themselves or their employees), roads, technology and communication infrastructures that have been publicly subsidized, as well as fiscal and monetary policy aimed at making capital available to businesses.

Wealth of individuals is only partly about their own hard work; more so, it is the result of the decisions made by lots of people. So if you have a successful business that relies on technologies and knowledge generated by others before you, you are not really “self made,” in that you are, to a large extent, “free riding” on the labor of others.

Likewise, without the labor of your employees (without whom your “good idea” would mean nothing), you would be devoid of wealth or status too. And without public roads, rail lines, and subsidized air transport, there is very little that even the most ingenious entrepreneur could accomplish on their own.

Even Bill Gates, who many say didn't inherit anything and was self made. Well Gates’s father was a successful attorney (who went to college on the white supremacist publicly-funded G.I. Bill) and his mother served on the Board of Directors for First Interstate Bank (her own father was a bank president).

The Gates family was comfortably upper-middle class and were able to afford to send their son to the prestigious Lakeside School, in Seattle, where thanks to proceeds from a “rummage sale” put on by the wealthy parents at the school the resources existed to purchase, for the students, an early computer system.

It was this early introduction to computing (which Gates would not have obtained at any Seattle public school, or even many other private ones), that launched him on his career path.

This is not to dispute his own hard work and ability; it is simply to say that circumstances also play a huge role in where people end up

But a system of white supremacy, combined with class advantage, timing, and frankly, luck was the reason why we have the Bill Gates we know today.
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Her grand daddy disinherited her hun

Yeah ok. She has it so bad

last that I read. Iq is not based on a high school diploma dear----its largely genetic and apparently her family aren't as clueless as you.

So if it's genetic then why do white parents pay for the sons or daughters to have extra tutition ? Why do many white parents have all kinds of systems to cheat / brible pay for the sons or daughters way into college ? Shouldn't all that white high intelligence sail them through ?

Even in education you ignore the ways in which whites have been favored throughout the K-12 educational process.
  • Whites are less likely to have attended a concentrated poverty school;
  • More likely to have been taught by the most experienced and qualified instructors.
  • Less likely as likely to have been taught by the least qualified and experienced.
  • More likely to have had access to a full range of honors and advanced placement classes.
  • The schools whites attend receive, on average, about $1000 more per pupil, per year than the schools that serve mostly black kids.
All accomplishments take place within a larger social context. No one achieves anything in a vacuum.
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And keep your dirty comments and deep desire for the superior beauty of White women under wraps; it undermines your pro-black agenda, boy.

I don't really want to get into a debates about beauty because beauty is subjective.

But to me ? A beautiful black women will always be better looking than the most beautiful white woman but that's just my opinion.

I mean this Gigi Hadid is supposedly the hottest women on earth.


To me, maybe I'm biased but these black woman blow her out the water.


The only famous white women I would say was very hot was sharon stone. In her heyday she was hot.

A bad bitch is a bad bitch and Sharon Stone in the 90's was a bad bitch.



But white women don't age well so she looks like this now. She's hit the wall HARD.



And because she doesn't have her looks and roles have dried she decided to a fk a black rapper named RMR. And when I say "rapper" this guy ain't no Kanye West, Jay Z, Kendrick Lamar or Drake. He's a very low down the pecking order rapper.


She always been into black men but she knew when she was in here prime, dating a black man and going with public him ? The insecure hollywood white male exec's would have shunned her.

There is a reason why you don't get black playboys in Hollywood. There is no black Leondardo Di Caprio's or Charlie Sheen's in Hollywood. That is - Blk men running around banging everything. That's why white men make sure all the leading black male actors are married (The Rock, Idris Elba, Will Smith, Denzel Washington)

Though I have heard rumors (actually strong rumors) that in the 90's she fked a few brothers on the low, but now no-one cares who she bangs she get's with black men, who truth be told she always wanted. This guy is an idiot taken on her haggard has been ass...but hey.....he's tearing up that crinkly white pussy.

Same is true of Angelina Jolie. She's another one. Her rainbow family.


I've heard rumors about her too, about Kobi Bryant (RIP) that he banged her.

She would have loved for a black man to have impregnated her

But again she knew that would affect her career So instead she took the seconday route and went on a plane to Africa and adopted a black child and stopped off in Asia to pick up an Asian kid too.

Why these white celebs feel thay have to go to Africa to adopt a black child when there are many in the USA but I guess I feel they want a "real one"


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When you live in preference and privilege you think such things are normal.
And keep your dirty comments and deep desire for the superior beauty of White women under wraps; it undermines your pro-black agenda, boy.

I think you need to shut that shit up white boy. There is no superior beauty.


This is Halle Berry Age 55


Sharon Stone age 57


Toni Braxton 53


Celine Dion 53

The pictures speak for themselves.
And keep your dirty comments and deep desire for the superior beauty of White women under wraps; it undermines your pro-black agenda, boy.

I think you need to shut that shit up white boy. There is no superior beauty.

View attachment 539112
This is Halle Berry Age 55

View attachment 539113
Sharon Stone age 57

View attachment 539116
Toni Braxton 53

View attachment 539117
Celine Dion 53

The pictures speak for themselves.
FK !!!!

Halle Berry at 53, Wow. That's insane. What's even more crazier is that I wouldn't be suprised if those pics of Sharon Stone and Celine Dion are after they have had work done and they STILL look like that lol
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FK !!!!

Halle Berry at 53, Wow. That's insane. What's even more crazier is that I wouldn't be suprised if those pics of Sharon Stone and Celine Dion are after they have had work done and they STILL look like that lol
Halle Berry is one of the finest women ever born. Period and whoever that white dude is trying to argue with you knows he would gladly kiss Halles toes after she walked through mud. We all know the record. White men made laws to stop white women from coming to us for some dick. White men were raping black men, women, boys and girls. This is documented. You know that, I know that and every one of these racists here knows that.
Halle Berry is one of the finest women ever born. Period and whoever that white dude is trying to argue with you knows he would gladly kiss Halles toes after she walked through mud. We all know the record. White men made laws to stop white women from coming to us for some dick. White men were raping black men, women, boys and girls. This is documented. You know that, I know that and every one of these racists here knows that.
She is fine. No question and she dated and had a kid to that white supremacist that Gabriel Aubry dude and she has to be pay him 15G a month to the day.

But also to me, beauty is more than just looks, I mean, there are women who I think are beautiful but I don't fancy them, and I sure every man has had a woman who he knows is not obviously beautiful but the way she carries herself, the way she dresses, just something about them, makes you really attracted to them.

That's happened to me nuff times.
White people will kidnap your child, rape him, kill him, film the whole thing then sell it to other white people.

All you have to do is watch cable to see the crimes that white people do. These crimes don't get put on the six of clock news, cold case files, forensic files, court tv, discovery id or wicked attraction
"Watch cable news...." Is NOT reality, but some Jewish executive with a Tim Wise mentality who is crafting the news to fit a political agenda. This is why one must look at crime Data--which is becoming increasingly difficult to access--precisely because it tells the truth.
Look at mass shooting, for instance. Most people think that mass shootings are a White crime, when in reality Blacks commit at least 75 percent of all mass shootings. Even the Leftist NY TIMES had to admit this... A Drumbeat of Multiple Shootings, but America Isn’t Listening (Published 2016)

The crimes of Blacks are almost never publicized beyond local news. Blacks kill between 20 and 40 White people EVERY MONTH. And Whites kill between 0 and 2 Blacks per month. Yet, show me one article in any newspaper demonstrating that.
There is a journalist named Colin Flaherty who documents mass Black on White violence and has written 2 books on the subject and every incident in his book was linked to a video of the crime on Youtube. Guess what happened-- The Jews on Youtube, Facebook, Google, etc...deleted all of his content and banned him. They are all trying to hide reality and bad-end-of-the-Bell Curve boys like you fall for the propagandizing because you don't understand the scientific methods of data collecting and statistical mathematics.

Show me where Race is even mentioned...they just put "Teens," and whites have begun to realize vague terms like that means Blacks. Yet, every day we are subjected to ridiculous headlines like, "White man fails to hold door open for Black women leaving Walmart. Community outraged." Yet, murders go unmentioned on a national scale and disappear in hours if they do.,...and Race is NEVER mentioned in a way that harms blacks.

Screenshot 2021-09-14 111651.jpg

Teen charged in fatal shooting of 70-year-old woman outside of deli in Hegewisch

This hidden reality is what caused Dylann Roof to do what he did. He was told his whole life that Blacks were relentless victims of White racial violence, but when he researched it himself, he discovered that the complete opposite was true, Feeling betrayed and lied to, he lashed out. Expect a lot more of that to happen in the future.


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And keep your dirty comments and deep desire for the superior beauty of White women under wraps; it undermines your pro-black agenda, boy.

I think you need to shut that shit up white boy. There is no superior beauty.

View attachment 539112
This is Halle Berry Age 55

View attachment 539113
Sharon Stone age 57

View attachment 539116
Toni Braxton 53

View attachment 539117
Celine Dion 53

The pictures speak for themselves.
There's a lot of white genes in those "black" women. For that matter. most American blacks who are descended from slaves have significant amount of "white" in their genetic make up. That's why you rarely see American blacks who are as dark skinned as African blacks. Like me and most Americans, you are mongrels, racially mixed.
Halle Berry is one of the finest women ever born. Period and whoever that white dude is trying to argue with you knows he would gladly kiss Halles toes after she walked through mud. We all know the record. White men made laws to stop white women from coming to us for some dick. White men were raping black men, women, boys and girls. This is documented. You know that, I know that and every one of these racists here knows that.
You know, IM2, as racist and stupid as you usually are, I agree with your first sentence. Halle Berry in one of the most beautiful women on the planet.
"Watch cable news...." Is NOT reality, but some Jewish executive with a Tim Wise mentality who is crafting the news to fit a political agenda. This is why one must look at crime Data--which is becoming increasingly difficult to access--precisely because it tells the truth.
Look at mass shooting, for instance. Most people think that mass shootings are a White crime, when in reality Blacks commit at least 75 percent of all mass shootings. Even the Leftist NY TIMES had to admit this...
A Drumbeat of Multiple Shootings, but America Isn’t Listening (Published 2016)

Have you ever wondered why movies like Saw, Hostel, I Spit on your Grave etc, and tv legends like John Wayne become immortalized in America?

Ever wonder why tv shows like Dexter, Breaking Bad, NYPD Blue all have/had a great cult following, primarily by whites?

Ever wonder why Serial killers like Gacy, Dahmer, Manson are made into classroom discussions in psychology class?

Ever wonder whyvideo games for children and teens are becoming more and more sadistic? And the “M” rating on the box guarantees high sales…need I say more?

Ever wonder why the highest sales of the grittiest, grimiest, dirtiest, most ruthless rap songs are purchased by white suburban teens?

Ever wonder why with Japanese anime / hentai where the molestation of women by animals and aliens are loved primarily by white middle class boys?

Ever wonder why when you see the face of a teacher/student romance, the involving parties are primarily white?

Ever wonder why MOST pederests are white males? When money is introduced, such as Roman polanski and Jerry Sandusky, this abuse mysteriously disappears or goes on for decades?

But blks are born and bred criminals, don’tcha know?

The crimes of Blacks are almost never publicized beyond local news. Blacks kill between 20 and 40 White people EVERY MONTH. And Whites kill between 0 and 2 Blacks per month. Yet, show me one article in any newspaper demonstrating that.

Why is there no outcry from the white community if we hear about a white female teacher and her sexcapades with her students?

Why is there no outcry from the white community if we hear about a white religious official and his sexcapades with young white boys?

Why is there no outcry from the white community if we hear about a white serial killer targeting white women?

Why is there no outcry from the white community if we hear about white mob and mafia criminal activities which include violence and murder?

Why is there no outcry from the white community if we hear about white biker gang violence against each other?

Why is there no outcry from the white community if we hear about the drug problem in their communities concerning cocaine and meth, among other drugs.

Why is there no outcry from the white community if we hear about school shootings by white youth?

Among the biggest criminal organisations in the world are japanese yakuza and the chinese triads. Both have tens of thousands of members in several clans/groups and operate all over the world in all legal and illegal businesses. Both are extremely violent and HC organised crime in every sense of the word. And yet…

Why we never hear these so-called race realists claim that all japanese or chinese are prone to crime or natural born criminals? Why that is never a subject on any “race debate”? How come these guys exclude every other race from their rantings and ravings?

There is a journalist named Colin Flaherty who documents mass Black on White violence and has written 2 books on the subject and every incident in his book was linked to a video of the crime on Youtube. Guess what happened-- The Jews on Youtube, Facebook, Google, etc...deleted all of his content and banned him.

I know Flaherty and so they should have banned him because he is a joke.

If you only cite examples of black crime, of course you’ll conclude that there’s a national racial crime wave. Using that “logic” I can prove that any group is waging a secret race war. On top of that Flaherty ignores all other characteristics of the crimes: social class, education, setting; nothing else matters except race to him.

Any respectable criminologist would scoff at such a methodology, not because they want to be politically correct, but because it’s a gross reduction of the factors that actually contribute to crime.

But he'd search the net to find crimes of blk ppl and creates stats of those crimes but he would never give people stats of crimes by income level.

There is more crime committed by poor Whites in Appalachia than Whites in Hermosa or Manhattan Beach, Cali. There are more crime committed by poor Asian-Americans in the bay area in Cali than Asian-Americans in Torrance or Alhambra And, yes, the same goes for black Americans.

Crime and violence in poor neighborhoods has nothing to do with race. It has to do with poverty. Most black people who have a piece of the American pie are not shooting each other or anybody else.

Next Flaherty fails to recognize that correlation does not equal causation. So, because a black person commits a violent crime, his blackness must have caused it ? That's Flaherty’s logic ? And because a black party got out of hand, it’s a “race riot.” ? Yes, that’s right, because the partiers were black, it was a “race” riot. Because “black” is a race. Makes perfect sense, right ?
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And keep your dirty comments and deep desire for the superior beauty of White women under wraps; it undermines your pro-black agenda, boy.

I think you need to shut that shit up white boy. There is no superior beauty.

View attachment 539112
This is Halle Berry Age 55

View attachment 539113
Sharon Stone age 57

View attachment 539116
Toni Braxton 53

View attachment 539117
Celine Dion 53

The pictures speak for themselves.
The history of preferences shows that there are, darkie. Even the Red Indians, after encountering them for the first time when Lewis and Clarke and the corpse of discovery made contact, called white people.."The beautiful people," and referred to the Blacks with them as Buffalo people, thinking they were a half-breed between humans and buffalos, with their curled and matted hair, flat black noses with faired nostrils, and dark skin.
This hidden reality is what caused Dylann Roof to do what he did. He was told his whole life that Blacks were relentless victims of White racial violence, but when he researched it himself, he discovered that the complete opposite was true, Feeling betrayed and lied to, he lashed out. Expect a lot more of that to happen in the future.

Dylan Roof lived like a bitch and he will die like b(tch.

What's taking them so long ? Just give him the juice. Actually death is too good for him. They need to use the Singapore jail judicial cane to beat his ass, wait til his ass to heal and do over and over. Let him live out his years.

His logic was that what he did would start a race war and the white nationalists would free him. But he failed to realize that the white nationalists are cowards like him.

That's why he considered a punk even to white nationalists.

Why ?


What's the point in that ?

No. It's the YOUNG BLACK MEN who Roof and white supremacist really wanted.

But there are two problems with that

1. Where ever young black ppl are. Black ppl are already heavily policed as it is. Schools. Concerts.

2. He knew if he tried this in the hood. He wouldn't need the police. He would have needed a county coroner. He knew someone would be strapped.

But if Roof would've had guts to go to the hood and kill young black ppl ? He would have been awarded a medal of honor.

But I guess in every situation, whites like Roof think whites are the ones getting mistreated. They value victim status because they’re a cult, and that’s how cults work. A cult can never be the oppressor, it always has to be oppressed.

Every bunch of bad guys has to think they’re the good guys. The Ku Klux Klan thought they were the good guys. The Nazis thought they were the good guys.

It’s twisted but it’s how whites like Roof think.

Despite the world of outrageous privilege white people generally live in, guys like Roof think whites are getting the short end of everything.

It’s mind-boggling that they could think that, but, it’s really how they and you see the world.
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Her grand daddy disinherited her hun

Yeah ok. She has it so bad

last that I read. Iq is not based on a high school diploma dear----its largely genetic and apparently her family aren't as clueless as you.

So if it's genetic then why do white parents pay for the sons or daughters to have extra tutition ? Why do many white parents have all kinds of systems to cheat / brible pay for the sons or daughters way into college ? Shouldn't all that white high intelligence sail them through ?

Even in education you ignore the ways in which whites have been favored throughout the K-12 educational process.
  • Whites are less likely to have attended a concentrated poverty school;
  • More likely to have been taught by the most experienced and qualified instructors.
  • Less likely as likely to have been taught by the least qualified and experienced.
  • More likely to have had access to a full range of honors and advanced placement classes.
  • The schools whites attend receive, on average, about $1000 more per pupil, per year than the schools that serve mostly black kids.
All accomplishments take place within a larger social context. No one achieves anything in a vacuum.
A concentrated poverty school? You mean inner city ghettos? Oh let me help you out on this babe---you see parents who care about their kids (which isn't welfare city ho having kids for welfare), don't have large number of welfare kids in violent ghettos----they instead work to get themselves out of poverty before having kids because having kids will make you poorer. And having kids in these trash neighborhoods is actually child abuse. Good parents don't want to have their kids in a shooting gallery where criminals run the roost----they want to get far far away from the hood when they have their kids. MY husband and I met and married in Vegas--but there was no way in hell that I would raise my kids in Vegas.... If I was stuck in a ghetto, my kids would all be home schooled if I Had any at all under such circumstances.

Good parents put their kids FIRST Paul, it is obvious that your parents didn't for you and it is obvious that if you have any kids, you wouldn't...nor do you have any concept of why people would put their kids first. Welfare needs to end as we know it----limit the number of kids that the government will pay for would force many idiotic parents to have fewer and take better care of the ones that they have thusly lowering crime and creating better kids.
Show me where Race is even mentioned...they just put "Teens," and whites have begun to realize vague terms like that means Blacks.

Do white people put "white men" "White person" kills and rapes as there headline ?


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This hidden reality is what caused Dylann Roof to do what he did. He was told his whole life that Blacks were relentless victims of White racial violence, but when he researched it himself, he discovered that the complete opposite was true, Feeling betrayed and lied to, he lashed out. Expect a lot more of that to happen in the future.

Apparently he didn't research anything. And we aren't going to see a lot more of that in the future.

Stop lying to yourself white supremacist.
A concentrated poverty school? You mean inner city ghettos?

No I meant schools were there is a high concentration of poverty.

Oh let me help you out on this babe

OK. Got for it.

you see parents who care about their kids (which isn't welfare city ho having kids for welfare), don't have large number of welfare kids in violent ghettos.

I never talked about caring for their kids. Don't strawman. The system of white supremacy is the biggest welfare system to white people.

They instead work to get themselves out of poverty before having kids because having kids will make you poorer.

Sounds nice on paper. Bootstrap theory and all that.

If your father’s was a high earner (top 20%) you would have a good chance of surpassing your dad’s status over time. If your father’s was a ow earner bottom (bottom 20%), the odds that you’ll do better than slim to none. Only about 10 percent of those who start out wealth-poor ever attain high wealth status by adulthood, while most who start out at the top remain there.

And having kids in these trash neighborhoods is actually child abuse.

Is this coming from white people the biggest child abusers on the planet ?


Good parents don't want to have their kids in a shooting gallery where criminals run the roost.

I agree. What's your point ?

MY husband and I met and married in Vegas--but there was no way in hell that I would raise my kids in Vegas.... If I was stuck in a ghetto, my kids would all be home schooled if I Had any at all under such circumstances.

You moved from vegas. And your live like this. Right ?


You look one way. What do you see ? White people. You look another ? YIPEEEE !! MORE WHITE PEOPLE !!

Good parents put their kids FIRST Paul,

I agree. What's your point ?.

it is obvious that your parents didn't for you and it is obvious that if you have any kids.

My parents were great. Dad died but he was great. But look if you are going to respond to me then don't ad hominem. Attack the message. not messenger.
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