Debunking White Racist Opinions

Are you claiming that isn't true? LOL Do you dispute the fact that Black men--who are just 6 percent of the population--commit 56 percent of the murders?!
Put the pipe down idiot

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Overall, Blacks murder between 20 and 40 White people every month. We know all of their names. And Whites kill between 0-2 Blacks per month. White people make up 90 percent of the victim pool in interracial violence (and rising) involving blacks. Interracial violence in just about totally ONE SIDEDED.

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The best I can come up with? You are really irrational and ignoring, and this is teh experience that every white person has when dealing with you people. This is likely why we would never hire Blacks for job unless forced to by the government. Totally incompatible people. First off, the guy shot 8 people in the church and 1 died. His goal was to kill 10, but like most bad-end-of-the Bell Curve boys, he screwed up and shot himself in the process. I asked you whether or not you admire his actions.

So he killed one person ? And that's the best you could coe up with ?

Blacks kill between 20 and 40 White people each month (often women and children) if I wanted to post murder stories, I could go all night. It would be pointless when we have data and crime statistics to go by, though. Those tell teh full story

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I don't know why you talk to me like this when you know I could kill you for it.
You just continually prove my point from the very beginning, which is that Blacks are unhinged, impulsive, violence's scum, and your reaction to that claim is to talk about raping white women, killing and touring White babies in front of their parents, and threating people here for saying truth that you don't like. No wonder the cops have to shot you worthless animals all the time.

BTW--You want a race war? Look what happened in Tulsa (13 dead Whites and between 29-300 dead blacks). I like the odds, I really do. So, careful what you wish for, boy.
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The best I can come up with? You are really irrational and ignoring, and this is teh experience that every white person has when dealing with you people. This is likely why we would never hire Blacks for job unless forced to by the government. Totally incompatible people. First off, the guy shot 8 people in the church and 1 died. His goal was to kill 10, but like most bad-end-of-the Bell Curve boys, he screwed up and shot himself in the process. I asked you whether or not you admire his actions.

So he killed one person ? And that's the best you could coe up with ?

Blacks kill between 20 and 40 White people each month (often women and children) if I wanted to post murder stories, I could go all night. It would be pointless when we have data and crime statistics to go by, though. Those tell teh full story

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I can post every one of them, but that is a waste of time when all you need to do is look at the statistics.
However, this is just some of the Black-on White murders from this past JULY ALONE...I can do this for every month.
Look at this first one---some evil ****** kidnaped an innocent 14 year old, tortured and killed him and NOBODT KNOWS HIS NAME, Do you approve of what this man did or not?! All the rest are from just this past July alone!



Overall, Blacks murder between 20 and 40 White people every month. We know all of their names. And Whites kill between 0-2 Blacks per month. White people make up 90 percent of the victim pool in interracial violence (and rising) involving blacks. Interracial violence in just about totally ONE SIDEDED.

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The best I can come up with? You are really irrational and ignoring, and this is teh experience that every white person has when dealing with you people. This is likely why we would never hire Blacks for job unless forced to by the government. Totally incompatible people. First off, the guy shot 8 people in the church and 1 died. His goal was to kill 10, but like most bad-end-of-the Bell Curve boys, he screwed up and shot himself in the process. I asked you whether or not you admire his actions.

So he killed one person ? And that's the best you could coe up with ?

Blacks kill between 20 and 40 White people each month (often women and children) if I wanted to post murder stories, I could go all night. It would be pointless when we have data and crime statistics to go by, though. Those tell teh full story

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Here are some more for you, Black boy. All From July and there are more, still....Do you want June, May, how about August?
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Paul Essien--
One of the big differences between me and you is that I would fucking Kill Dylann roof for doing what he did. You praise the murders of innocent people and have fantasies of doing it yourself......
Here are some more to feast your eyes on...(including another 14-year-old girl)...Just SOME of the White victims of Black murder in JUNE ALONE
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A concentrated poverty school? You mean inner city ghettos?

No I meant schools were there is a high concentration of poverty.

Oh let me help you out on this babe

OK. Got for it.

you see parents who care about their kids (which isn't welfare city ho having kids for welfare), don't have large number of welfare kids in violent ghettos.

I never talked about caring for their kids. Don't strawman. The system of white supremacy is the biggest welfare system to white people.

They instead work to get themselves out of poverty before having kids because having kids will make you poorer.

Sounds nice on paper. Bootstrap theory and all that.

If your father’s was a high earner (top 20%) you would have a good chance of surpassing your dad’s status over time. If your father’s was a ow earner bottom (bottom 20%), the odds that you’ll do better than slim to none. Only about 10 percent of those who start out wealth-poor ever attain high wealth status by adulthood, while most who start out at the top remain there.

And having kids in these trash neighborhoods is actually child abuse.

Is this coming from white people the biggest child abusers on the planet ?

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Good parents don't want to have their kids in a shooting gallery where criminals run the roost.

I agree. What's your point ?

MY husband and I met and married in Vegas--but there was no way in hell that I would raise my kids in Vegas.... If I was stuck in a ghetto, my kids would all be home schooled if I Had any at all under such circumstances.

You moved from vegas. And your live like this. Right ?

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You look one way. What do you see ? White people. You look another ? YIPEEEE !! MORE WHITE PEOPLE !!

Good parents put their kids FIRST Paul,

I agree. What's your point ?.

it is obvious that your parents didn't for you and it is obvious that if you have any kids.

My parents were great. Dad died but he was great. But look if you are going to respond to me then don't ad hominem. Attack the message. not messenger.
You think white people aren't poor or go to poor schools? The difference is that their schools poor or not, tend not to be as violent with many of the poor chosing not to be on welfare.
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Put the pipe down idiot

You think white people aren't poor or go to poor schools? The difference is that their schools poor or not, tend to be as violent with many of the poor chosing not to be on welfare.
Paul Essien
Bad schools, huh? The poorest Whites in the country do equally well or better in school than the wealthiest and most privileged Black students in the country.
First off, the guy I mentioned went to a White church and killed 1 woman and shot 8 other White people but being a dumb animal, he shot himself by accident in the process. Overall, Blacks murder between 20 and 40 White people every month!! We know all of their names. White people make up 90 percent of the victim pool in interracial violence (and rising) involving blacks. Interracial violence is just about totally ONE SIDED and this clown has the nerve to expect sympathy for his inferiority complex?
I agree with you! You stated nothing incorrect, but the Paul guy told me the Arab Boston bomber is White. I had to show him a White guy, our beloved 40th president! I don't understand how Paul messed that up, but anyway! He blames modern-day whites for stuff we did not do or for things we are not responsible None of us were around for slavery when his people enslaved Africans and sold them!
I agree with you! You stated nothing incorrect, but the Paul guy told me the Arab Boston bomber is White. I had to show him a White guy, our beloved 40th president! I don't understand how Paul messed that up, but anyway! He blames modern-day whites for stuff we did not do or for things we are not responsible None of us were around for slavery when his people enslaved Africans and sold them!
This Paul guy claims anybody who isn't Black is white....including Albino Blacks in Kenya. He is either really crazy, really stupid, or a really great troll.
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I agree with you! You stated nothing incorrect, but the Paul guy told me the Arab Boston bomber is White. I had to show him a White guy, our beloved 40th president! I don't understand how Paul messed that up, but anyway! He blames modern-day whites for stuff we did not do or for things we are not responsible None of us were around for slavery when his people enslaved Africans and sold them!
The Boston bomber was white.
Paul Essien--
One of the big differences between me and you is that I would fucking Kill Dylann roof for doing what he did. You praise the murders of innocent people and have fantasies of doing it yourself......
Here are some more to feast your eyes on...(including another 14-year-old girl)...Just SOME of the White victims of Black murder in JUNE ALONE
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One of the big differences between me and you is that I would fucking Kill Dylann roof for doing what he did. You praise the murders of innocent people and have fantasies of doing it yourself......

You're backing down now. Before you real gangster with your sh*t. "Dylan Roof ? It's gonna happen more" "Kill em all in Haiti" now you're changing your tune.

Also don't put words in my mouth. I don't praise or condone the murders of whites.....unless in self defence.

But these guys are gonna spend the reast of their days in Shawshank.

Racism on the part of black folks, even the vicious is pretty impotent. Let's say a black man hates white people and thinks whites should sbe killed.

What kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

That’s not racism. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly,

Here are some more to feast your eyes on...(including another 14-year-old girl)...Just SOME of the White victims of Black murder in JUNE ALONE

I don't know of these crimes you posted. I don't know if they are real or fake. I don't know if the black person was set up or the black people actually did those crimes and neither do you.

But what we do know is that black men are set up for crimes by whites supremacist all the time


Why are white lives only precious unless it was taken by black person ?

Why do you cry and mourn endlessly over the miniscule amount of black-on-white murders but ignore the far greater number of white on white murders ?

There are around 16 thousand murders in the USA every years. America is very violent and it's violent because of the system of white supremacy

I mean if the around small minority of black people who will kill a violent crime says something about black people then what does the 99% who wont commit a violent crime also say ?

But sure a black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock or kill a white person but that is not racism, That is an individual acting as an individual and there is no system in place that will support their right to harm you.

He will go to jail

The point of racism is being able to kill blk people AND walk free.

So guys who think like this


Can murder black people and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison systems). In fact you could kill a black person and walk free as long as you get your lie straight.

White supremacists have all kinds of ways they can kill black people and walk free


White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence — education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

That is why black can't be racist. We do not have a system — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color.

Yes - Black people can be prejudiced (meaning to pre-judge) someone based on color but that prejudice is limited to what that INDIVIDUAL can do to another INDIVIDUAL.
I agree with you! You stated nothing incorrect, but the Paul guy told me the Arab Boston bomber is White. I had to show him a White guy, our beloved 40th president! I don't understand how Paul messed that up, but anyway! He blames modern-day whites for stuff we did not do or for things we are not responsible None of us were around for slavery when his people enslaved Africans and sold them!
The guy is white.
Here are some more to feast your eyes on...(including another 14-year-old girl)...Just SOME of the White victims of Black murder in JUNE ALONE

5 times more whites are killed by whites than by blacks. So cherrypicking whites killed by blacks without showing whites who were killed by whites is a dishonest, racist argument which is actually race baiting.
One of the big differences between me and you is that I would fucking Kill Dylann roof for doing what he did. You praise the murders of innocent people and have fantasies of doing it yourself......

You're backing down now. Before you real gangster with your sh*t. "Dylan Roof ? It's gonna happen more" "Kill em all in Haiti" now you're changing your tune.

Also don't put words in my mouth. I don't praise or condone the murders of whites.....unless in self defence.

But these guys are gonna spend the reast of their days in Shawshank.

Racism on the part of black folks, even the vicious is pretty impotent. Let's say a black man hates white people and thinks whites should sbe killed.

What kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

That’s not racism. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly,

Here are some more to feast your eyes on...(including another 14-year-old girl)...Just SOME of the White victims of Black murder in JUNE ALONE

I don't know of these crimes you posted. I don't know if they are real or fake. I don't know if the black person was set up or the black people actually did those crimes and neither do you.

But what we do know is that black men are set up for crimes by whites supremacist all the time

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Why are white lives only precious unless it was taken by black person ?

Why do you cry and mourn endlessly over the miniscule amount of black-on-white murders but ignore the far greater number of white on white murders ?

There are around 16 thousand murders in the USA every years. America is very violent and it's violent because of the system of white supremacy

I mean if the around small minority of black people who will kill a violent crime says something about black people then what does the 99% who wont commit a violent crime also say ?

But sure a black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock or kill a white person but that is not racism, That is an individual acting as an individual and there is no system in place that will support their right to harm you.

He will go to jail

The point of racism is being able to kill blk people AND walk free.

So guys who think like this

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Can murder black people and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison systems). In fact you could kill a black person and walk free as long as you get your lie straight.

White supremacists have all kinds of ways they can kill black people and walk free

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White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence — education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

That is why black can't be racist. We do not have a system — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color.

Yes - Black people can be prejudiced (meaning to pre-judge) someone based on color but that prejudice is limited to what that INDIVIDUAL can do to another INDIVIDUAL.
You wrote--You're backing down now. Before you real gangster with your sh*t. "Dylan Roof ? It's gonna happen more" "Kill em all in Haiti" now you're changing your tune.

Backing down? This is what I mean when I say that Blacks and Whites are completely incompatible. They never see anything the same way. I said—and maintain—that there will be a lot more Dylan Roof episodes if things don’t change. You take that as a threat rather than a warning. I hate Roof because while he was right to be outraged, he dishonored himself by killing innocent people.

And I said that The French Could kill them all in Haiti if they were so inclined but don’t because of their magnanimity. I then mused that Haiti would be a better place if the French had it today because they would make Haiti into a place people can visit, possibly a place to move to, a place where geniuses can be born and help the world, a place of invention rather than be a jungle full of starving dependents using Voodoo and zombie powders to enslave others, and child and animal sacrifices. Like South Africa—most of the great Africans in the world are White—Like Elon Musk, for instance.

You wrote--Racism on the part of black folks, even the vicious is pretty impotent. Let's say a black man hates white people and thinks whites should sbe killed. What kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever.

Absurd--If that were true, and if White people can assault, rob or even murder without consequences, and conversely if Blacks have no power to commit crimes without severe punishment, then Why don’t White people use this power to Kill Blacks every day? Why do Blacks murder White people and otherwise violently victimize them at such tremendously lopsided—nearly one sided—proportions, then, and not the other way around? White people must be good-hearted decent folk if they have the permission to kill and rob, but so very few choose to do it.

You wrote--That’s not racism. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives.

So, when whites are denied jobs due to their skin color—which happens far more often than the other way around—that has to be racism. Nobody is denying Blacks healthcare—in fact, Blacks take free health care (free but actually paid for by people like me and my family) at higher rates than anybody else in the country. An education is not something given to you by somebody else. If that were true, Blacks would be the top students in the country because they have tried everything possible to close the achievement gaps in education for 80-100 years. Clearly money and attention is not the cure. They ignore the unpleasant reality of I.Q. in their altruistic activities. And if a Black person commits a crime, this is HIS fault and nobody elses. White people are so eager to help Blacks that we see them creating new policies where Blacks will not be punished for their crimes, and the only result is that they commit MORE crimes, not less. This is why everybody is fleeing the cities all over the country. Here in NYC, people are moving out in droves over such policy. Again, Blacks destroying one great and productive cities by their uncontrolled behavior. This is why Jim Crow was good and sensible.

You wrote-That is why black can't be racist. We do not have a system — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color.
Ok-so then for the 8 years when a Black supremist was the President, and a Black Supremacist was the Attorney General, then Only Black people could be racist during that period of Time? What about the white people who, during those years also lived in a city with a Black Mayor, Black school principals, and a Black police Chief--Baltimore, for instance? White people living during those years were THE ONLY people who can legitimately claim to be victims of racism, then, according to your principal.. No Black person can claim to have lived under a system that was racist against them during those 8 years and only Whites could have, right?
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Are we being serious here ?

Look at the the Boston bomber of 2013. White man got a front cover of rolling stone.


This white guy killed 3 and injured 250 civillians in the Boston bombing marathon in 2013. Many lost arms and legs and were blinded and wheel chair bound for life but Rolling Stone magazine presented Tsarnaev in a way to how rock stars are shown on magazine covers saying how popular and promising of student he was.

White people are always trying to humanize white killers.

Not white people, white leftists, also known as the people you vote for.
Here are some more to feast your eyes on...(including another 14-year-old girl)...Just SOME of the White victims of Black murder in JUNE ALONE

5 times more whites are killed by whites than by blacks. So cherrypicking whites killed by blacks without showing whites who were killed by whites is a dishonest, racist argument which is actually race baiting.
Most crime and murder in INTRA-racial, meaning it happens between members of the same race. With that in mind, White murder rates are very low--Black murder rates are very high. However, if we talk about Interracial crime, it is relatively low, but that is mostly because Blacks and whites don't live near each other.
When it comes to INTERRACAL violence, Whites are the Victims 90 percent of the time and have been for a very long time. And these incidents, while low when compared to crimes between people of the same race, are still happening at about 600,000 times per year (and rising) and whites are the victims in about 550,000 of those incidents. So, for all this talk about "Black bodies," being mistreated and in danger is BS. Facts are stubborn things and they don't care about Your feelings.
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