Debunking White Racist Opinions

Hmmm I'm not seeing any "debunking" going on this thread. Just more Black fantasy land where Whitey causes all the problems and Black people are perpetual victims of phantom "Systemic Racism".
That's not how science works.

Peole like mga138 like to have this "This is what I think prove me wrong" if you took that logic you'd be debating and trying to debunk people who think Elvis is still alive and the royal family are reptiles and the earth is flat.

It's up to him to prove
Funny how a "psedo-science" has the power to predict success and failure better than any other means and every meter of success and failure comport with the racial I.Q. hierarchy.

If IQ really determined who got to the top why is Paris Hilton so successful? (After all she runs a business right and is loaded right ?) She doesn't even have a GED.


If success really equaled merit then Hilton would be where she belonged: on a corner somewhere sucking dick for a crack rock.

But because she was BORN into a position of privilege she achieved a measure of success that she probably would not have otherwise if she was born into a working class family.

Money talks and bullshit walks. Paris knows that her money speaks for her.

How convenient that the “researchers” who wrote the Bell Curve and other stuff basically write off any inequalities in society as being due to genetics and not the hierarchical systems that serve to keep most people in the underclass.

Also I wonder if you would have agreed that your "theories" would have involved keeping your ancestors out of the United States but what can you expect when your research comes from the Pioneer Fund.
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Wrong again, Negroid.
Statistics on sex abuse of children is hard to come by because children are protected and not releasing statistics on this topic is the general rule, now. However, there have been studies in the past.

(PDF) Racial, ethnic, and cultural factors of childhood sexual abuse: A selected review of the literature (

In the Los Angeles area, known for its cultural diversity, revealed that when comparing ethnic group distribution of reported cases of sexual abuse to the groups’ representation in the county, whites and Hispanics were underreported whereas blacks were overreported (Lindholm & Willey, 1986)


The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect’s (NCCAN) yearly incidence report on documented cases of child

maltreatment reports that in 1996, there were 119, 397 victims of sexual abuse (U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services, National Center on Child Abuse and Ne-

glect, 1998). Whites constituted the largest group of abused children (53%) (A HUGE UNDERREPRESENTATION), African

American children represented the second largest group (27%), and Hispanics com-

prised 11% of the maltreated children (U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-

vices, National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1998). These rates are unsettling

when one considers that Blacks and Hispanics comprise approximately 11% and 8%

of the total U.S. population, respectively
(U.S. Bureau of the Census, Department of

Commerce, 1993).

Anecdotally, my ex girlfriend worked at the rape hotline for Safe Horizon here in NYC for 7 years, and she also was charged with keeping the statistics on the issues and she said that in 7 years of working there, she couldn't recall one incident involving white people--not one. She said about 90 percent of all the calls came from Black women screaming that their Black boyfriend raped one of their daughters (sometimes even infant babies). That was by far the most common call and story she would get at Safe Horizon.

Black people are not on the dark web exchanging fked up pics of kids. White guys are,

Black people are not travelling the world looking for "safe" places they can to abuse kid. White guys

Child sexual abusers can be of any race (though they are mainly white males) but it's systematic in white society









Even Elvis was a freak

I've already explained this you as well.....blacks owned slaves here... Difference is that whites owned slaves and justify most of it by SAVING the heathens from their primitive religions while black owners didn't want to save them at all from anything and thusly often wound up being the most notoriously brutal of all slave owners.

Black slave owners were still under the system of white supremacy. American slavery was a racist institution. That there were some black people who bought into lies of slavery and who were just as anti-black in their thinking as whites, pathetic though it may be, means nothing and truthfully, should surprise no one.

It's a myth---well flat out lie---that Madame Walker was the first successful black. Think this myth was spread by the liberals hoping to make blacks and other suckers think that blacks were incapable of being successful under slavery as they wish to push the myth that all blacks were slaves and thusly not slave masters. There were many rich blacks before her.

OK. And the ones before her were still under the system of white supremacy

Most of the black people lynched were criminals who did violent crimes usually against women or children.


Each time someone mentions a supposed black victim of lynching, I've gone back and researched---time after time after time again, the supposedly wittle victim had it coming.


That's all that is "I'm white and I say so" "They were criminals. I'm white and I say so"
You are just repeating what you have already wrote.
You have not given an adequate response, and you continue to make claims about how Whites' are being handed advantaged in schools and in careers, when the opposite is true. This is why I MUST repeatedly post the data on I.Q., school entry criteria for Blacks, and even some of the real-world consequences of giving preferential treatment to Blacks.

I see; now you are trying to make the claim that Italians, Swedes, Greeks, Spaniards, French, Irish, etc..are not a single racial group. Let me ask you this, then--Would you consider a company that only hired Italians, Greeks, French, Polish, Germans, Irish, and Scottish people a very diverse company? We both know that such a company would be criticized for only hiring "White people," and all of a sudden their differences wouldn't matter to you and other critics.

And when it comes to I.Q. tests, those numbers are an aggregate for racial groups, not meant to tease out ethnic differences. White ethnic differences in I.Q are very. very similar all across Europe. They are all within a few points of each other. All around 100. The lowest one is for the Irish living in Ireland. This was explained by immigration. There are substantially more Irish people living in the USA than live in Ireland itself. Most of the high I.Q. Irish immigrated to the US 100 years ago, and the less ambitious stayed behind.
It's called "Brain drain."

There is NO high I.Q. Black population on Earth. With 1 exception--there is a small group of Black African immigrants in the UK who are high I.Q. They are a small "Super Selected" group made because only the top minds came to Europe because they couldn't get an education in Kenya, or wherever they came from. If they stay insulated and do no breed outside of this small group for a few thousand years, then we might have the first Black high I/Q/ population on earth.

Black people are not on the dark web exchanging fked up pics of kids. White guys are,

Black people are not travelling the world looking for "safe" places they can to abuse kid. White guys

Child sexual abusers can be of any race (though they are mainly white males) but it's systematic in white society

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Even Elvis was a freak

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You know nothing about Elvis--what do you think that publicity photo is supposed to show? Elvis did nothing with underage girls, and waited until Priscilla was the proper age before being with her (eventually marrying her). Unlike Chuck Berry, who was a real sexual predator , who eventually opened a business where he hid cameras in the women's bathroom to satisfy his sick perversions.

The European sex grooming of children is well publicized here in the US. Here are the people behind it all.....Notice anything common among most of them? And if you could see the victims, you'll see something common amount them, too...All White victims, 95 percent Islamic rapist. The Jews are luring Africans into the Western world with promises that that can have sex with white girls. The police knew this was happening for 10 years but let it go because they didn't want to appear racist. They spend more time punishing for telling the truth about the victims and the rapists. Tommy Robinson., for instance.

And here is a top 10 list of the countries who the highest rape rates. Notice something common?!
Lots of countries filled you You-Your people...

The one anomaly there is Sweden---and there are a few reasons for that, but guess who is doing all the raping
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"This is what I think prove me wrong" if you took that logic you'd be debating and trying to debunk people who think Elvis is still alive and the royal family are reptiles and the earth is flat.
You are the epitome of that mentality. You, who claims Cleopatra and King tut were Black/. You, who claims that Blacks built the USA and were here first. You, who claims Blacks were the first Europeans. You who claims that Albino Negroes are White, along with anybody else who isn't black. You, who claims that all the Black-on-Black violence is actually being committed by "White Supremacists, You, who claims there is something called "White Privilege, and quote Coates, and Jew Tim Wise. Yet, you dismiss the science of biology, I.Q. and human behavior, and have the nerve to call others conspiracy theorists?
You, who claims Cleopatra and King tut were Black.

They were

You, who claims that Blacks built the USA and were here first.

We did. Even trump said so

The oldest skeleton found in the Americas is the 12,000 year old skull and DNA of a Black female scientists named Luzia Woman. According to dna mapping & digital rendering, this is what Native Americans originally looked like Who are their descendants?



Foundational Black Americans are actually descended from the Black aboriginal tribes that most of the European explorers said they encountered when they reached The Americas?


This used to be a emblem for America...a portrait of queen Califia.




You, who claims Blacks were the first Europeans.

We were. Black men were the people who civilised Europe.

You who claims that Albino Negroes are White

Never said that.

You, who claims that all the Black-on-Black violence is actually being committed by "White Supremacists,

Never said that. I'm saying that majority of cases in chicago are committed by the white supremacist and blame it on black ppl.

You, who claims there is something called "White Privilege, and quote Coates, and Jew Tim Wise. Yet, you dismiss the science of biology, I.Q. and human behavior, and have the nerve to call others conspiracy theorists?

So why in neurology does no one takes IQ seriously ?.

Neurologists who have a better understanding of how the brain works because they spend decades of their lives studying it have little to no use for it, but to the public at large it is so important.

Why is that the case ?

If bigger brains was the key to intelligence then why don't whales rule the planet ?

A Chihuahua and a Rottweiler are able to learn the same tricks although their brain sizes differ considerably. On the other hand, the cognitive capabilities of a Rottweiler are not superior to the Chihuahua proportionally to its brain size.

Why is that ?
You know nothing about Elvis--what do you think that publicity photo is supposed to show? Elvis did nothing with underage girls, and waited until Priscilla was the proper age before being with her (eventually marrying her). Unlike Chuck Berry, who was a real sexual predator , who eventually opened a business where he hid cameras in the women's bathroom to satisfy his sick perversions.

The European sex grooming of children is well publicized here in the US. Here are the people behind it all.....Notice anything common among most of them? And if you could see the victims, you'll see something common amount them, too...All White victims, 95 percent Islamic rapist. The Jews are luring Africans into the Western world with promises that that can have sex with white girls. The police knew this was happening for 10 years but let it go because they didn't want to appear racist. They spend more time punishing for telling the truth about the victims and the rapists. Tommy Robinson., for instance.
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And here is a top 10 list of the countries who the highest rape rates. Notice something common?!
Lots of countries filled you You-Your people...
View attachment 538944

The one anomaly there is Sweden---and there are a few reasons for that, but guess who is doing all the raping
Stats fresh from stormfront. All you did was show a photos of non white peole. Means nothing.
I show cases.


When will USA follow suit ?

Happen. Not. Gonna.



You know nothing about Elvis--what do you think that publicity photo is supposed to show? Elvis did nothing with underage girls, and waited until Priscilla was the proper age before being with her (eventually marrying her). Unlike Chuck Berry, who was a real sexual predator , who eventually opened a business where he hid cameras in the women's bathroom to satisfy his sick perversions.

I know more than you about Elvis. He spent much of his adult life pursuing sexual encounters with 13 year old girls (who he called "cherries"). The book "Baby Lets Play House" goes into meticulous details about harems of 13 year old girls Elvis would have in his bedroom


Hollywood is full of white freaks. Stop being stupid.


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And when it comes to I.Q. tests, those numbers are an aggregate for racial groups, not meant to tease out ethnic differences. White ethnic differences in I.Q are very. very similar all across Europe. They are all within a few points of each other. All around 100. The lowest one is for the Irish living in Ireland. This was explained by immigration. There are substantially more Irish people living in the USA than live in Ireland itself. Most of the high I.Q. Irish immigrated to the US 100 years ago, and the less ambitious stayed behind. It's called "Brain drain."

So if IQ is so important and trustworth then whey aren't you demanding everything is based on IQ ? Because all I see a few insecure white supremacists running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are using it to give themselves an ego boost ?

Why not give all the top positions to those with the highest IQ? Why have elections? Why have job interviews or resumes? Why not have birth licences or sterilization based on IQ.

Until you start talking like that and demanding that everything be based on IQ then you don't believe a word your saying
You have not given an adequate response, and you continue to make claims about how Whites' are being handed advantaged in schools and in careers, when the opposite is true.

So why does almost no white person agree with you ?

White people do not and can't handle being treated like black ppl in anything and bear in mind these are young whites. Even at that age they understand the system of white supremacy gives them a head start.
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This is why I MUST repeatedly post the data on I.Q.

You repeat IQ stuff because that's you run out of knowledge But you don't want to prove you just want to keep repeating the same over and over again.

If you are trying to ground IQ as a genetic product of race the very first thing you NEED to do is
offer up a genetic or biological definition of race, something no one has not done nor has any
No-one has shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor has
anyone established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement.

No one has provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations.

Which are those “races” then, purely scientically speaking and in clear text ?

What are the precise genetic criteria for making this classiffication ?

However you twist it, you will run in circles and eventually spiral back into concepts based on human perception alone.

Do you even know what a scientific fact is ?

A scientific fact is that rain water freezes at 0°C at a pressure of 1 bar.

There’s no human choice involved. It’s observable and reproducible anywhere by anybody in the exact same way

Not just that but intelligence, as many people here have pointed out is not something quantifiable(not sure if that is a word) you can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with you would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence, like many words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought(communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

But can you define intelligence ?

But you ignore all this. You ignore all the question people ask then you just go back to repeating youurself again.
And when it comes to I.Q. tests, those numbers are an aggregate for racial groups, not meant to tease out ethnic differences. White ethnic differences in I.Q are very. very similar all across Europe. They are all within a few points of each other. All around 100. The lowest one is for the Irish living in Ireland. This was explained by immigration. There are substantially more Irish people living in the USA than live in Ireland itself. Most of the high I.Q. Irish immigrated to the US 100 years ago, and the less ambitious stayed behind.
It's called "Brain drain."

So all white people are the same ? If there is enough genetic difference for whites to have dierent hair color, eye color and different average height, then why not intelligence?

Who are the genetically dumber and disadvantaged Whites (comparatively)? The answer is because this is not science, it’s politics and to ask that question does not serve the political goals of racist Whites.

You don’t want to face the idea that you might belong to the dumbest group of White people in your little hierarchy, So you theorize that “Whiteness” simply makes all Whites just as capable, and all Blacks equally disadvantaged.
You, who claims Cleopatra and King tut were Black.

They were
King Tut--NOT BLACK King Tut may have been more European than Egyptian

King Ramsses II--NOT BLACK



NOT BLACK--Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry - Nature

"genomic material showed that ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans. Instead, their closest relatives were people living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages in an area known as the Levant. Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians.'

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Funny how a "psedo-science" has the power to predict success and failure better than any other means and every meter of success and failure comport with the racial I.Q. hierarchy.

If IQ really determined who got to the top why is Paris Hilton so successful? (After all she runs a business right and is loaded right ?) She doesn't even have a GED.

View attachment 538899

If success really equaled merit then Hilton would be where she belonged: on a corner somewhere sucking dick for a crack rock.

But because she was BORN into a position of privilege she achieved a measure of success that she probably would not have otherwise if she was born into a working class family.

Money talks and bullshit walks. Paris knows that her money speaks for her.

How convenient that the “researchers” who wrote the Bell Curve and other stuff basically write off any inequalities in society as being due to genetics and not the hierarchical systems that serve to keep most people in the underclass.

Also I wonder if you would have agreed that your "theories" would have involved keeping your ancestors out of the United States but what can you expect when your research comes from the Pioneer Fund.
Her grand daddy disinherited her hun last that I read. Iq is not based on a high school diploma dear----its largely genetic and apparently her family aren't as clueless as you.
The oldest skeleton found in the Americas is the 12,000 year old skull and DNA of a Black female scientists named Luzia Woman. According to dna mapping & digital rendering, this is what Native Americans originally looked like Who are their descendants?
LOL---a Black female scientist HAHA...Which Farrakhan rant is that from? LOL

NOT BLACK Luzia Woman - Wikipedia
" "The genetic results of the new study show categorically that there was no significant connection between the Lagoa Santa people and groups from Africa or Australia. So the hypothesis that Luzia's people derived from a migratory wave prior to the ancestors of today's Amerindians has been disproved. On the contrary, the DNA shows that Luzia's people were entirely Amerindian."[26]
Stats fresh from stormfront. All you did was show a photos of non white peole. Means nothing.
I show cases.
Nope---You are describing your own tactics. Do you really think showing the same 3 news articles with White people in them means anything to reality? The stats I posted came from The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, not "StormFront," whatever that is.

(PDF) Racial, ethnic, and cultural factors of childhood sexual abuse: A selected review of the literature (

In the Los Angeles area, known for its cultural diversity, revealed that when comparing ethnic group distribution of reported cases of sexual abuse to the groups’ representation in the county, whites and Hispanics were underreported whereas blacks were overreported (Lindholm & Willey, 1986)


The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect’s (NCCAN) yearly incidence report on documented cases of child

maltreatment reports that in 1996, there were 119, 397 victims of sexual abuse (U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services, National Center on Child Abuse and Ne-

glect, 1998). Whites constituted the largest group of abused children (53%) (A HUGE UNDERREPRESENTATION), African

American children represented the second largest group (27%), and Hispanics com-

prised 11% of the maltreated children (U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-

vices, National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1998). These rates are unsettling

when one considers that Blacks and Hispanics comprise approximately 11% and 8%

of the total U.S. population, respectively
(U.S. Bureau of the Census, Department of

Commerce, 1993).
So all white people are the same ? If there is enough genetic difference for whites to have dierent hair color, eye color and different average height, then why not intelligence?

Who are the genetically dumber and disadvantaged Whites (comparatively)? The answer is because this is not science, it’s politics and to ask that question does not serve the political goals of racist Whites.

You don’t want to face the idea that you might belong to the dumbest group of White people in your little hierarchy, So you theorize that “Whiteness” simply makes all Whites just as capable, and all Blacks equally disadvantaged.
Find me a White Country with an average I.Q. below 85....I'll wait. Next, Show me a Black country with an Average I.Q> Over 85....I'll wait...
This is why I MUST repeatedly post the data on I.Q.

You repeat IQ stuff because that's you run out of knowledge But you don't want to prove you just want to keep repeating the same over and over again.

If you are trying to ground IQ as a genetic product of race the very first thing you NEED to do is
offer up a genetic or biological definition of race, something no one has not done nor has any
No-one has shown that human variation is great enough to account for differences of IQ, nor has
anyone established the veracity of IQ as a legitimate measurement.

No one has provided an inextricable link between genetics, race, and IQ outside of methodologically flawed correlations.

Which are those “races” then, purely scientically speaking and in clear text ?

What are the precise genetic criteria for making this classiffication ?

However you twist it, you will run in circles and eventually spiral back into concepts based on human perception alone.

Do you even know what a scientific fact is ?

A scientific fact is that rain water freezes at 0°C at a pressure of 1 bar.

There’s no human choice involved. It’s observable and reproducible anywhere by anybody in the exact same way

Not just that but intelligence, as many people here have pointed out is not something quantifiable(not sure if that is a word) you can’t measure how intelligent someone is, because to begin with you would have to be able to define intelligence very specifically and that can’t be done because intelligence, like many words that define brain functions is an umbrella term that describes several properties of thought(communication, reasoning, understanding) working in tandem.

But can you define intelligence ?

But you ignore all this. You ignore all the question people ask then you just go back to repeating youurself again.
I repeat I.Q. statistics, not because I have reached the end of my limit of understanding on the subject (I suspect projection there, boy). I have been studying this subject for a number of years. I post them again because you cannot choose to ignore something that has been observable, repeatable, and reproducible-and has been-since these type of tests have been in use (100 years). And, in addition to that, the results align perfectly with reality. The demonstrable, real life examples of the truth and worthiness of I.Q. testing is uncontestable. And James Watson agrees with me...the greatest living scientist of our time and FOUNDER of the HUMAN GENOME PROJECT


Dr. Watson, said he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are since their intelligence is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says, not really.” And when he had the chance to apologize for that statement, after losing his Noble Prize for the supposed offensive statement, he said. “No,’’ “Not at all. and “there’s a difference on the average between blacks and whites on I.Q. tests. I would say the difference is, it’s genetic.’’ “the difference between blacks and whites’’ “It’s awful, just like it’s awful for schizophrenics,’’ the difference exists, we have to ask ourselves, how can we try and make it better?”
Funny how a "psedo-science" has the power to predict success and failure better than any other means and every meter of success and failure comport with the racial I.Q. hierarchy.

If IQ really determined who got to the top why is Paris Hilton so successful? (After all she runs a business right and is loaded right ?) She doesn't even have a GED.

View attachment 538899

If success really equaled merit then Hilton would be where she belonged: on a corner somewhere sucking dick for a crack rock.

But because she was BORN into a position of privilege she achieved a measure of success that she probably would not have otherwise if she was born into a working class family.

Money talks and bullshit walks. Paris knows that her money speaks for her.

How convenient that the “researchers” who wrote the Bell Curve and other stuff basically write off any inequalities in society as being due to genetics and not the hierarchical systems that serve to keep most people in the underclass.

Also I wonder if you would have agreed that your "theories" would have involved keeping your ancestors out of the United States but what can you expect when your research comes from the Pioneer Fund.
Sorry--88 percent of millionaires got wealthy without inheriting money.

And here--Ultra Wealthy Population Analysis: World Ultra Wealth Report 2019

And keep your dirty comments and deep desire for the superior beauty of White women under wraps; it undermines your pro-black agenda, boy. As Thomas Jefferson noted, "...their own judgment in favor of the whites, declared by their preference of them, as uniformly as is the preference of the orangutan for the black women over those of his own species."

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