Debunking White Racist Opinions

So according to your data Asians are superior to whites ?
In some ways Asians are superior to Whites. Asians have higher IQ. do better in schools, and are less prone to crime than White people are. Am I supposed to lie about reality because I'm White and would rather whites were better than Asians in this way? Being a man is seeing reality and accepting facts and truth, not trying to concoct elaborate conspiracy theories in a pathetic attempt to cover unpleasant reality.
You hate white people, but you think white people should carry your lazy worthless ass around on

I don't hate white people.

Matter of fact I don't want black people to hate white people. I want black people to stop loving them.

How about instead of Europeans and Americans being expected to throw money at black groups and individual, that you grow the fuck up and support yourselves.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way foundational black Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most blk Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

Africa has lots of wealth in minerals and natural resources

And all the mineral resources is all controlled by the white supremacists

Imagine if they were smart enough to make bombs and have an airforce. LOL Imagine a Pygmy airforce or a great army of bushmen.....LOL

Nothing to do with smarts. That's to do with you're insecure white mentality. I and most black people don't have the desire to want to kill white people .......well unless in self defence.

You have a white supremacist and he think's "If I cut an an atom in half, that will in turn cut other atoms in half and so on then I can create a nuclear bomb from that explosion that would kill thousands and thousands"

That's how the white supremacist think

White supremacy is a WEAK THING. That's why they do this over top show of strength. All the guns and all the bombs.

Because when it comes down to it. No white man think they are superior to a black man.

Black people cannot do all of those things because they aren't intelligent or powerful enough to do it. It takes great people and civilizations to do ambitious things. Asians have, Arabs have, Whites have, etc....Yet, blacks can kill a million of each other a year with machetes.


Well if you what you say is true then why are you wasting so much time debating me ?

You're talking points sound good on stormfront. They should good when no-one is there to check them
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In some ways Asians are superior to Whites. Asians have higher IQ. do better in schools, and are less prone to crime than White people are. Am I supposed to lie about reality because I'm White and would rather whites were better than Asians in this way? Being a man is seeing reality and accepting facts and truth, not trying to concoct elaborate conspiracy theories in a pathetic attempt to cover unpleasant reality

So you would agree that

1. Asians should be the norm against which everyone else is judged. We should all want to be like Asians and copy them.

2. Hollywood films should have mostly Asian heroes. They should be Asian even in cases where the original character was non-Asian. They should make feel-good Asian Saviour films where a nice Asian person saves helpless White people

3. World history and news should be mainly Asian history and Asian news. Others need appear only as tokens or contributors to Asians

4. Asian governments should overthrow the governments of non-Asian countries for their own good, carpet-bombing them or sending in drones if necessary. Asians know best.

5. Asian Americans should hold most of the top positions in US society: business, banking, government, media, education. IQ data shows they are the smartest.

6. Asian couples should be portrayed as the most socially desirable couples everywhere.

7. We should get all of our ideas about other races and the world in general from Asian media.

8. Fashion models should be mainly Asians

9. Asian” nations should colonize by European nations, like Germany, UK, Italy, Spain
You could leave a truck full of anything in a White neighborhoods, and the chances that anything would happen/

Whites people would probably be too busy sexually molesting their daughters.

All those white neighbourhood peadophile heaven. You have all these freaks walking through your white society and that's because the sexual abuse of minor is tolerated in white society

That's how you get through to white supremacist.

20 years to the day since 9/11.

9/11 is the biggest show of white cowardice EVER

How the can you allow bunch of Arabs armed ONLY with knives (they were on a plane so no guns) and yet these skinny arse Bin Ladens with no fighting or combat training, hijacked a plane and took it down while white men stood by ?

If that plane was full of black men ? 9/11 would not have happened

Black men would have DESTROYED those guys. Armed only with knives and yet white dudes sat back like FKING B*TCHES crying on their phones "I'm gonna die...I'm so scared more boysenbery pie and meatloaf. Love you "

The phone calls white men made are out there

Cowards !!!
Because doing nothing was the policy of the US government and all the airlines because before 9/11 airline hijackings almost never resulted in the death of passengers and crew, usually a ransom was paid, or prisoners were released (to be recaptured later along with the hijackers) and everyone went home safely). (9/11 changed that) and to refute your point look at Flight 97, when it became obvious that the planes were being used as cruise missiles, the mostly white passengers attacked the hijackers even though the passengers had no weapons at all and knew the hijackers would likely crash the plane rather than allow it to be recaptured. The attack was planned and led by a white guy, he's the one on tape saying "let's roll". Blacks would have done no better and likely worse. I've never heard of a black man getting up in the face of hijackers on any plane or even ship that was captured. They obeyed the hijacker's and crew's orders just like the rest of the passengers. Of the forty passengers and crew of Flight 97, there was a Black pilot/copilot and two Black stewardesses (at least the photos show them wearing what appear to be airline uniforms). So the people who attacked the hijackers were all unarmed whites. Another thing you ignore, a box cutter is just as dangerous as a straight razor; both are slashing weapons and a box cutter has a sharper edge.
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That's how you get through to white supremacist.

20 years to the day since 9/11.

9/11 is the biggest show of white cowardice EVER

How the can you allow bunch of Arabs armed ONLY with knives (they were on a plane so no guns) and yet these skinny arse Bin Ladens with no fighting or combat training, hijacked a plane and took it down while white men stood by ?

If that plane was full of black men ? 9/11 would not have happened

Black men would have DESTROYED those guys. Armed only with knives and yet white dudes sat back like FKING B*TCHES crying on their phones "I'm gonna die...I'm so scared more boysenbery pie and meatloaf. Love you "

The phone calls white men made are out there

Cowards !!!
You really are an asshole.
You hate white people, but you think white people should carry your lazy worthless ass around on

I don't hate white people.

Matter of fact I don't want black people to hate white people. I want black people to stop loving them.

How about instead of Europeans and Americans being expected to throw money at black groups and individual, that you grow the fuck up and support yourselves.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way foundational black Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most blk Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

Africa has lots of wealth in minerals and natural resources

And all the mineral resources is all controlled by the white supremacists

Imagine if they were smart enough to make bombs and have an airforce. LOL Imagine a Pygmy airforce or a great army of bushmen.....LOL

Nothing to do with smarts. That's to do with you're insecure white mentality. I and most black people don't have the desire to want to kill white people .......well unless in self defence.

You have a white supremacist and he think's "If I cut an an atom in half, that will in turn cut other atoms in half and so on then I can create a nuclear bomb from that explosion that would kill thousands and thousands"

That's how the white supremacist think

White supremacy is a WEAK THING. That's why they do this over top show of strength. All the guns and all the bombs.

Because when it comes down to it. No white man think they are superior to a black man.

Black people cannot do all of those things because they aren't intelligent or powerful enough to do it. It takes great people and civilizations to do ambitious things. Asians have, Arabs have, Whites have, etc....Yet, blacks can kill a million of each other a year with machetes.


Well if you what you say is true then why are you wasting so much time debating me ?

You're talking points sound good on stormfront. They should good when no-one is there to check them
Even your talking points are wrong. Even in the deep south black people owned property and businesses. In the north it was common for black people to own property and businesses. You act like the deep south was the norm at the time. It wasn't. That's why WHITES in congress blocked the expansion of slavery into the new western and northern states. That's why WHITES risked their lives and livelihoods running the Underground Railroad getting escaped slaves into the northern states and Canada. You are so full of hatred that you are blind to all the good whites have done for blacks since the importation of slaves was banned by WHITES in 1808. The whites in the northern states would have done more, but until the late 1850s the south controlled congress and the white house largely by being able to count it's slaves as three fifths of a person in the census. The southerners wanted to count each slave as a whole person for census purposes while otherwise treating them as cattle, the WHITE northerners didn't want slaves counted in the census at all. The three fifths was a compromise that the slave owning southerners won, after all, three fifths of a person towards the award of congressional seats is better than none. All you and the other idiots like you see is the evil SOME whites did, never the good that other WHITES did. Whites marched right alongside blacks in the civil rights marches, WHITE congressman voted for the civil rights legislation, WHITE congressmen, state legislators and governors passed the 13th and 14th Amendments freeing slaves and giving them rights. There were no black elected high officials back then, so all the advancements came from principled WHITE men. Since 1808 white men have stood alongside you doing as much as they could to help blacks gain freedom and equality. In an ideal world more could have been done, but an ideal world doesn't exist. Stop complaining about what WASN'T done, appreciate what WAS done and work towards reducing the divisions between us and making the lives of black Americans better rather than widening the gulf between us.
You hate white people, but you think white people should carry your lazy worthless ass around on

I don't hate white people.

Matter of fact I don't want black people to hate white people. I want black people to stop loving them.

How about instead of Europeans and Americans being expected to throw money at black groups and individual, that you grow the fuck up and support yourselves.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way foundational black Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most blk Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

Africa has lots of wealth in minerals and natural resources

And all the mineral resources is all controlled by the white supremacists

Imagine if they were smart enough to make bombs and have an airforce. LOL Imagine a Pygmy airforce or a great army of bushmen.....LOL

Nothing to do with smarts. That's to do with you're insecure white mentality. I and most black people don't have the desire to want to kill white people .......well unless in self defence.

You have a white supremacist and he think's "If I cut an an atom in half, that will in turn cut other atoms in half and so on then I can create a nuclear bomb from that explosion that would kill thousands and thousands"

That's how the white supremacist think

White supremacy is a WEAK THING. That's why they do this over top show of strength. All the guns and all the bombs.

Because when it comes down to it. No white man think they are superior to a black man.

Black people cannot do all of those things because they aren't intelligent or powerful enough to do it. It takes great people and civilizations to do ambitious things. Asians have, Arabs have, Whites have, etc....Yet, blacks can kill a million of each other a year with machetes.


Well if you what you say is true then why are you wasting so much time debating me ?

You're talking points sound good on stormfront. They should good when no-one is there to check them
You are an idiot with no clue-----147 years ago when SOME blacks were slaves in America---other blacks were free people who owned quit a bit actually including other blacks. Some were very wealthy in fact.

Most people regardless of color weren't educated btw....and sorry but you think what about iq and education that someone has to do it for you? Truth is intelligent people 1) educate their own kids (which is how many in america that were educated became educated dear...and 2) Self educate. If your family has not managed to educate you and the rest of your clan, you have no one to blame but yourselves. It isn't everyone's responsibility to take care of you. It's your responsibility to decide how to improve yourself and family. The fact that you are here whinning day in and day out---that others have to give you this or that shows clearly that there is no hope for you. It doesn't matter how much anyone gives you, you will just waste it and whine that they need to throw you more stuff. AGAIN, grow the hell up and take care of your own business.

Oh my fucking gawd, white people don't control all the minerals in AFrica...its blacks lands grow up and manage things correctly and you guys will manage your own minerals. And FYI china actually controls a lot if not most thanks to mismanagement of the locals who look for quick chinese $$$ to fund their waste and abuse.

You claim black people are worth billions being in the middle class and such--wonderful, then stop whinning and blaming whitey for your miserable life. If other blacks are doing well and you aren't--it should be obvious to even you that YOU are the problem.

It's obvious that you hate white people--you get pissed off when you are told no that we don't want to give you any more free shit and that you need to grow up and take care of yourself. There are many successful black people past and present----who earned their own way up and helped their families along. Doubt if your family ever put the family first--since you seem to be unable to grasp this concept.
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"The Democrats have been fooling blacks for 60 years. Give them a little welfare, tell them the White Man is keeping them down and blacks keep voting for Democrats."

Slavery is said to have ended in 1863. Because Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks sided with the republican party. From 1863 until 1936, 73 years, blacks voted and specifially supported the republican party. What did blacks get in return from the republican party after the emancipation proclamation?

Can any republican here answer that?

In 1936 because of a broken promise by a republican president to include blacks in his administration and to provide southern blacks with lands that white farmers gave up on during the Mississippi flood, a leading black republican left the party and millions of blacks followed him.

Still some blacks remained faithful to the republican party for the next 28 years when republicans nominated a man who opposed the 1964 civil rights act, and at the point in his nomination address when he declared that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, he cemented a black exodus from the republican party.

All told that's 101 years that blacks supported the republican party, and the party did nothing for blacks after the emancipation proclamation. All during Jim Crow blacks were republicans. Republicans did not desegregate the military or end jim crow in public accomodations. Blacks blindly voted for republicans for most of that 101 years because they are the party that Abraham Lincoln belonged to.

"The problems blacks face are because of their own choices, not legislation made by whites. Blacks don't see this and fall for lies told by democrats and black activists who have an agenda."

Aside from the fact that my opinion has not been formed by reading right wing websites, but by actual experience dealing with creating programs and assistance that meets the parameters of public policy, the facts have been proven by whites themselves. So let me repost these facts compiled by CITIGROUP.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

Now to say that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, gets a person a load of crazy, but as these numbers show, blacks have lost income and jobs because of racial discrimination since the year 2000. Not 1850, not 1900 and not 1950. Now blacks are NOT discriminating against each other, so then if white racism isn't the root cause of this what is?

In my opinion, the ideas that are behind the claim it's about "choices" people make, are flawed in the first place. When there is no equality of opportunities, it's just not realistic to expect certain people to make certain choices.

There is no equality of opportunities, because it is ultimately much more difficult for people at the bottom to climb the social ladder, than it is for people at the top to stay wealthy, and America to a large part isn't a meritocracy, but much more wealth is inherited from one generation to the next, than earned.

It starts with a massively unequal education system that rewards wealth of the parents much more than talent of the students, there are similar flaws when it comes to health and health insurance, and so on ...

I'm not qualified to estimate how much of the problem for blacks in America is due to remaining racist attitudes among whites, but I can say that sure a big part of the problem, for blacks and other groups at the bottom of the social ladder alike, is an extreme inequality of opportunities. IMO.
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Even your talking points are wrong.


Even in the deep south black people owned property and businesses.

And they were still under the system of white supemacy.

In the north it was common for black people to own property and businesses.

And they were still under the system of white supemacy.

You act like the deep south was the norm at the time. It wasn't. That's why WHITES in congress blocked the expansion of slavery into the new western and northern states.

And the blacks who they blocked the expanion of slavery from were still under the system of white supemacy.

That's why WHITES risked their lives and livelihoods running the Underground Railroad getting escaped slaves into the northern states and Canada.

I'm not really concerned about 1 or 2 white people who may have given a black man a biscuit.

White people do not get too off code when it comes to fighting systematic white supremacy.
Yes they may be kind to a black individual but white supremacy is a GROUP SPORT.

It's white silence and collaboration that has always made racism possible. If whites had, in large numbers challenge white supremacy, there is no way that such a system could have been maintained. But white silence and inaction has given strength to the racists, whether on radio or in corporate offices, or government positions, or police uniforms.

Slaveowners would have been powerless had the whites who didn’t own slaves stood up to them. So too with segregationists.

You are so full of hatred

I don't hate white people and if the shoe was the other foot, whites would have a murderous rage towards black people. It's been my experience that blacks ppl (as a group) are FAR TOO NICE and forgiving of white people

That you are blind to all the good whites have done for blacks since the importation of slaves was banned by WHITES in 1808.

How come these good white people are never in the courtroom ?


But these good white people who claim are everywhere sure know how lay down a non guilty verdict for white EVEN when they do the crime


The whites in the northern states would have done more, but until the late 1850s the south controlled congress and the white house largely by being able to count it's slaves as three fifths of a person in the census.

A rapist does not credit for stopping raping.

The southerners wanted to count each slave as a whole person for census purposes while otherwise treating them as cattle, the WHITE northerners didn't want slaves counted in the census at all. The three fifths was a compromise that the slave owning southerners won, after all, three fifths of a person towards the award of congressional seats is better than none.

Yeah and of course, once chattell slavery was over. Southern Racism just stopped. Right ?

All you and the other idiots like you see is the evil SOME whites did, never the good that other WHITES did. Whites marched right alongside blacks in the civil rights marches, WHITE congressman voted for the civil rights legislation, WHITE congressmen, state legislators and governors passed the 13th and 14th Amendments freeing slaves and giving them rights.

Look. What happened is back in the day whites did really obvious things. They put up signs that said whites only.


This got whites into sh*t.

The 14th Amendment doesn't allow for anyone to be treated differently because of their race. So after court losses, demo's and riots, white people got the message : If you're going to be a racist, better find a way to do it with a smile on your face.

So now whites still get the plum jobs, double the pay, and a seat in the front of the bus to happiness and success.

White supremacists have rigged the system from birth, guaranteeing that black people will go to the worst schools, thus preventing us from admission to the best colleges, so all your left with black people making your caffe lattes and big macs and picking up your trash.

Oh, sure, a few slip by

But they pay an extra tariff - The black doc driving his BMW gets pulled over by the cops; the black broker is the first to be laid off because of "seniority".

White supremacists deserve an award for this. They love to say "We are an equal opportunity employer" it's good for a laugh because you know there's no way a black person is going to get the job and they always make sure they put their lone black employee up at the front reception desk so they can say, "See - we don't discriminate. We hire black people !!"

There were no black elected high officials back then, so all the advancements came from principled WHITE men. Since 1808 white men have stood alongside you doing as much as they could to help blacks gain freedom and equality.

Yeah sure they stand along side black people and run their asses bk to the burbs. Some whites will marche blk ppl because they know it's ineffective when it comes to systematic white supremacy.
For all the good white people you claim there are.

The fact is Black people in America can expect to have a hard time finding a job, and be paid less for it when we do get it.

We can expect to have a harder time getting a loan, and pay a higher price when we do.

Blk ppl can expect to have a harder time finding an apartment or a house, which may make it more likely that they end up in a “certain neighborhood,” which can reduce their access to investment, reduce the quality of their children’s education,

Blk ppl can expect to be viewed and treated as dangerous criminals, hail a taxi, or even move into a neighborhood.

Black ppl can expect to have a hard time getting accepted to college and receive the same treatment from professors and advisors once they’re there.

Black people can expect that an officer with an attitude problem or a quota to fill might arrest them on bogus charges, or maybe even plant evidence.

Black peoplel can expect police officers to operate under the assumption that they are guilty, and they can expect to be railroaded by the justice system—even to the point of being forced to take guilty pleas when they are innocent.

This will happen even if black people are doing their best to do everything right.

God forbid if a blk person should make a mistake.

Then Blk ppl can expect to be treated as criminals by teachers, given harsher sentences (longer suspensions, quicker expulsions, etc., both of which remove them from school and expose them to the gang element in their neighborhood).

Blk ppl can expect to be arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned for offenses that a large percentage of whites consider part of “being a teenager” or a college student.

We can expect stiffer charges, higher conviction rates, and longer sentences.
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Even your talking points are wrong.


Even in the deep south black people owned property and businesses.

And they were still under the system of white supemacy.

In the north it was common for black people to own property and businesses.

And they were still under the system of white supemacy.

You act like the deep south was the norm at the time. It wasn't. That's why WHITES in congress blocked the expansion of slavery into the new western and northern states.

And the blacks who they blocked the expanion of slavery from were still under the system of white supemacy.

That's why WHITES risked their lives and livelihoods running the Underground Railroad getting escaped slaves into the northern states and Canada.

I'm not really concerned about 1 or 2 white people who may have given a black man a biscuit.

White people do not get too off code when it comes to fighting systematic white supremacy.
Yes they may be kind to a black individual but white supremacy is a GROUP SPORT.

It's white silence and collaboration that has always made racism possible. If whites had, in large numbers challenge white supremacy, there is no way that such a system could have been maintained. But white silence and inaction has given strength to the racists, whether on radio or in corporate offices, or government positions, or police uniforms.

Slaveowners would have been powerless had the whites who didn’t own slaves stood up to them. So too with segregationists.

You are so full of hatred

I don't hate white people and if the shoe was the other foot, whites would have a murderous rage towards black people. It's been my experience that blacks ppl (as a group) are FAR TOO NICE and forgiving of white people

That you are blind to all the good whites have done for blacks since the importation of slaves was banned by WHITES in 1808.

How come these good white people are never in the courtroom ?

View attachment 538265View attachment 538266View attachment 538267View attachment 538268View attachment 538269View attachment 538270View attachment 538271View attachment 538272

But these good white people who claim are everywhere sure know how lay down a non guilty verdict for white EVEN when they do the crime

View attachment 538274

The whites in the northern states would have done more, but until the late 1850s the south controlled congress and the white house largely by being able to count it's slaves as three fifths of a person in the census.

A rapist does not credit for stopping raping.

The southerners wanted to count each slave as a whole person for census purposes while otherwise treating them as cattle, the WHITE northerners didn't want slaves counted in the census at all. The three fifths was a compromise that the slave owning southerners won, after all, three fifths of a person towards the award of congressional seats is better than none.

Yeah and of course, once chattell slavery was over. Southern Racism just stopped. Right ?

All you and the other idiots like you see is the evil SOME whites did, never the good that other WHITES did. Whites marched right alongside blacks in the civil rights marches, WHITE congressman voted for the civil rights legislation, WHITE congressmen, state legislators and governors passed the 13th and 14th Amendments freeing slaves and giving them rights.

Look. What happened is back in the day whites did really obvious things. They put up signs that said whites only.


This got whites into sh*t.

The 14th Amendment doesn't allow for anyone to be treated differently because of their race. So after court losses, demo's and riots, white people got the message : If you're going to be a racist, better find a way to do it with a smile on your face.

So now whites still get the plum jobs, double the pay, and a seat in the front of the bus to happiness and success.

White supremacists have rigged the system from birth, guaranteeing that black people will go to the worst schools, thus preventing us from admission to the best colleges, so all your left with black people making your caffe lattes and big macs and picking up your trash.

Oh, sure, a few slip by

But they pay an extra tariff - The black doc driving his BMW gets pulled over by the cops; the black broker is the first to be laid off because of "seniority".

White supremacists deserve an award for this. They love to say "We are an equal opportunity employer" it's good for a laugh because you know there's no way a black person is going to get the job and they always make sure they put their lone black employee up at the front reception desk so they can say, "See - we don't discriminate. We hire black people !!"

There were no black elected high officials back then, so all the advancements came from principled WHITE men. Since 1808 white men have stood alongside you doing as much as they could to help blacks gain freedom and equality.

Yeah sure they stand along side black people and run their asses bk to the burbs. Some whites will marche blk ppl because they know it's ineffective when it comes to systematic white supremacy.
For all the good white people you claim there are.

The fact is Black people in America can expect to have a hard time finding a job, and be paid less for it when we do get it.

We can expect to have a harder time getting a loan, and pay a higher price when we do.

Blk ppl can expect to have a harder time finding an apartment or a house, which may make it more likely that they end up in a “certain neighborhood,” which can reduce their access to investment, reduce the quality of their children’s education,

Blk ppl can expect to be viewed and treated as dangerous criminals, hail a taxi, or even move into a neighborhood.

Black ppl can expect to have a hard time getting accepted to college and receive the same treatment from professors and advisors once they’re there.

Black people can expect that an officer with an attitude problem or a quota to fill might arrest them on bogus charges, or maybe even plant evidence.

Black peoplel can expect police officers to operate under the assumption that they are guilty, and they can expect to be railroaded by the justice system—even to the point of being forced to take guilty pleas when they are innocent.

This will happen even if black people are doing their best to do everything right.

God forbid if a blk person should make a mistake.

Then Blk ppl can expect to be treated as criminals by teachers, given harsher sentences (longer suspensions, quicker expulsions, etc., both of which remove them from school and expose them to the gang element in their neighborhood).

Blk ppl can expect to be arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned for offenses that a large percentage of whites consider part of “being a teenager” or a college student.

We can expect stiffer charges, higher conviction rates, and longer sentences.
Everything you’re complaining about happened to other immigrant and ethnic groups, they all buckled down, got their kids educated and rose above it. Many blacks succeed despite obstacles. All blacks as a group need to do to succeed is to follow their examples. Get an education, don’t have kids that you can’t afford to support, work hard and ignore people who want you to look at the past instead of the future. Every group on earth has past grievances, but they don’t allow themselves to be hobbled by them like American blacks do. Black people get treated like criminals because, like the Italians and Irish before them, a large percentage are. That’s also why they get harsher sentences in court and special attention from cops; behavior of other black people has conditioned judges and cops to expect bad behavior. In the sixties and seventies things were getting better, hell, since WWII things were getting better. What happened? Whites have gotten far more liberal over that time, why have blacks gotten more hostile? When I was in the army in the early seventies we had a lot of blacks, most were great guys and got in no more trouble than the rest of us over testosteroned teenagers. There were a few jerks that talked like you, but everyone, especially the other blacks, ignored and isolated them. What happened in the last fifty years to make the majority of blacks behave like the few jerks I knew? Whites aren’t your problem, even the tiny minority of racist whites aren’t your problem. Nobody can help you more that they already have, YOU need to figure out what has happened inside the black community over the last fifty years and fix it. Finally, stop looking back for past injustices and look forward for opportunities. That’s what everyone else has done.
Everything you’re complaining about happened to other immigrant and ethnic groups,

OK. Like who ?

They all buckled down, got their kids educated and rose above it.

OK. Like who ?

Many blacks succeed despite obstacles.

And you could said that 55 years ago

All blacks as a group need to do to succeed is to follow their examples. Get an education.

Edjucation system is controlled by the white supremacist.

Don’t have kids that you can’t afford to support

When marriage rates were at a high and two parent families were at a high in the 40's or 50's. Black people still had to go through racism. Barack Obama had kids he could afford. Committed no crime. Speaks in a way that is acceptable to whites and say what you want about his presidency there was not one bit of personal scandal on that man in two terms in office. But he got more death threats and racism than anyone.

work hard

All the jobs are controlled by the white supremacist

Every group on earth has past grievances, but they don’t allow themselves to be hobbled by them like American blacks do.

OK. Like who ?

Black people get treated like criminals because, like the Italians and Irish before them, a large percentage are.

The Itish and Italians to the USA did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
The Itish and Italians to the USA could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
The Itish and Italians to the USA qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
The Itish and Italians to the USA could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.

Not everyone saw the Irish and Italians as fully White. But by the late 1800s, Whiteness in the US had been enlarged to include them and when the Irish and Italians first came to the USA in large numbers (in the 1800's) they had had almost no experience with blacks.

But after a short time in the states the Irish and Italians were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War) and joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions, opposing school desegregation, and seeking to become white by assimilating to the white WASP system that was firmly

That’s also why they get harsher sentences in court and special attention from cops; behavior of other black people has conditioned judges and cops to expect bad behavior. In the sixties and seventies things were getting better/

Listen to one of your white cop, Michael A. Wood Jr who was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

Whites have gotten far more liberal over that time, why have blacks gotten more hostile?

Nsme me one thing that black people have stopped white people from doing that they had a right to do ? (Like get a job, home, education etc)

When I was in the army in the early seventies we had a lot of blacks, most were great guys and got in no more trouble than the rest of us over testosteroned teenagers. There were a few jerks that talked like you, but everyone, especially the other blacks, ignored and isolated them. What happened in the last fifty years to make the majority of blacks behave like the few jerks I knew?

Dude. Your gossiping now.

Whites aren’t your problem, even the tiny minority of racist whites aren’t your problem.

White supremacist and the system will always be black people problem.

Nobody can help you more that they already have,

OK. Like what help ?

YOU need to figure out what has happened inside the black community over the last fifty years and fix it.

Black people are doing self-help all the time

We have to.

We have enough experience with white institutions to know they have never done much to improve our situation.

Here's a map put together by historian Liam Hogan about violence used against black people when black people start to rise up. The acts of destruction of people and property with the clear intent to intimidate and punish. The violence was directed toward black schools, churches, and other landmarks. Whites acted with the intent to deter voting or moving into white neighborhoods.

If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

White myopia is powerful and the blinders are strong. It's like one of those airport motorized walkways. When you are on it, it seems like you are going faster than those not on it.

The white myopia is like someone on the walkway thinking that they really are faster than those not on the walkway. It's as if you don't know that you have been given a path without obstruction that accelerates your progress, and you act like a clown if one suggests that your progress is not just due to your own efforts.

Finally, stop looking back for past injustices and look forward for opportunities. That’s what everyone else has done.

When you go the Doctors he wants to know your medical history. Because they know, today is built on what you done yesterday and tomorrow will be built on what you do it today. The same when you go for a job. They want you resume/cv. They want to know your history. So they can make a good predication on what you will be like tomorow.

The same is true of racism. You look back yesterday to know why certain things are happening today.
Everything you’re complaining about happened to other immigrant and ethnic groups,

OK. Like who ?

They all buckled down, got their kids educated and rose above it.

OK. Like who ?

Many blacks succeed despite obstacles.

And you could said that 55 years ago

All blacks as a group need to do to succeed is to follow their examples. Get an education.

Edjucation system is controlled by the white supremacist.

Don’t have kids that you can’t afford to support

When marriage rates were at a high and two parent families were at a high in the 40's or 50's. Black people still had to go through racism. Barack Obama had kids he could afford. Committed no crime. Speaks in a way that is acceptable to whites and say what you want about his presidency there was not one bit of personal scandal on that man in two terms in office. But he got more death threats and racism than anyone.

work hard

All the jobs are controlled by the white supremacist

Every group on earth has past grievances, but they don’t allow themselves to be hobbled by them like American blacks do.

OK. Like who ?

Black people get treated like criminals because, like the Italians and Irish before them, a large percentage are.

The Itish and Italians to the USA did not suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
The Itish and Italians to the USA could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
The Itish and Italians to the USA qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
The Itish and Italians to the USA could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.

Not everyone saw the Irish and Italians as fully White. But by the late 1800s, Whiteness in the US had been enlarged to include them and when the Irish and Italians first came to the USA in large numbers (in the 1800's) they had had almost no experience with blacks.

But after a short time in the states the Irish and Italians were rioting against blacks (as with the New York draft riots during the Civil War) and joining in the barring of blacks from labor unions, opposing school desegregation, and seeking to become white by assimilating to the white WASP system that was firmly

That’s also why they get harsher sentences in court and special attention from cops; behavior of other black people has conditioned judges and cops to expect bad behavior. In the sixties and seventies things were getting better/

Listen to one of your white cop, Michael A. Wood Jr who was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

Whites have gotten far more liberal over that time, why have blacks gotten more hostile?

Nsme me one thing that black people have stopped white people from doing that they had a right to do ? (Like get a job, home, education etc)

When I was in the army in the early seventies we had a lot of blacks, most were great guys and got in no more trouble than the rest of us over testosteroned teenagers. There were a few jerks that talked like you, but everyone, especially the other blacks, ignored and isolated them. What happened in the last fifty years to make the majority of blacks behave like the few jerks I knew?

Dude. Your gossiping now.

Whites aren’t your problem, even the tiny minority of racist whites aren’t your problem.

White supremacist and the system will always be black people problem.

Nobody can help you more that they already have,

OK. Like what help ?

YOU need to figure out what has happened inside the black community over the last fifty years and fix it.

Black people are doing self-help all the time

We have to.

We have enough experience with white institutions to know they have never done much to improve our situation.

Here's a map put together by historian Liam Hogan about violence used against black people when black people start to rise up. The acts of destruction of people and property with the clear intent to intimidate and punish. The violence was directed toward black schools, churches, and other landmarks. Whites acted with the intent to deter voting or moving into white neighborhoods.

If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

White myopia is powerful and the blinders are strong. It's like one of those airport motorized walkways. When you are on it, it seems like you are going faster than those not on it.

The white myopia is like someone on the walkway thinking that they really are faster than those not on the walkway. It's as if you don't know that you have been given a path without obstruction that accelerates your progress, and you act like a clown if one suggests that your progress is not just due to your own efforts.

Finally, stop looking back for past injustices and look forward for opportunities. That’s what everyone else has done.

When you go the Doctors he wants to know your medical history. Because they know, today is built on what you done yesterday and tomorrow will be built on what you do it today. The same when you go for a job. They want you resume/cv. They want to know your history. So they can make a good predication on what you will be like tomorow.

The same is true of racism. You look back yesterday to know why certain things are happening today.
The Irish, Italians and Chinese faced at least as much opposition as modern blacks. They all succeeded. As for the schools, school boards are elected at the local level, so unless blacks are electing racists to them, they aren't controlled by racists. Every other point you bring us has been refuted over and over and over again and you refuse to accept that you are wrong. I'm not going to waste my time doing it again. I went to horrible inner city schools, I managed to get an education. If I can do it, black kids can as well. I'm nothing special, no genius, no driven to success person like a Bezos. I got an education because I was raised by my very poor grandmother in a single parent, latchkey kid home and NOT getting an education wasn't acceptable to her. Why aren't black parents, especially single moms, demanding the same of their kids?
I got an education because I was raised by my very poor grandmother in a single parent, latchkey kid home and NOT getting an education wasn't acceptable to her.

Excuse my while I break out the world's smallest violin.

The Irish, Italians and Chinese faced at least as much opposition as modern blacks.

The Irish and Italians were white. So then benfitted from the system of white supremacy and when it comes to blacks and Asians, to compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a 1000 yrs and is still intact with a people who were enslaved for 500 years and in the process were robbed of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land is just plain stupid.

Especially when those same (black) people are still under attack by white supremacists who seem to devote the majority of their time and energies to making sure black people stay inferior via inferior living environments, education, healthcare, food quality, water quality, unemployment, endless promotion of destructive programming and stereotyping via the white mainstream media (TV and films and music they control), deliberate drug infestations,and police terror tactics, and excessive and unjust incarcerations

They all succeeded.

They had a system of white supremacy behind them

As for the schools, school boards are elected at the local level, so unless blacks are electing racists to them, they aren't controlled by racists.

Exactly - White supremacist provide school kids with profoundly unstandardized educations and they brag "By GOD !!! We don't have big government running the schools. By god !! We delineate all that to the local level !! We let them choose their own curriculum. We believe in local control !! We believe in property tax funding of K-12 education !! We don't want big central bad federal government doing educations"

Like they do in every country that the USA compares themselves with and beats them on every international test.

But the USA would rather every village run their own school

So you have a system with profoundly unstandardized schools, profoundly unstandardized financial resources, profoundly unstandardized teaching training, profoundly unstandardized curriculum.

And then you give the kids what ? A standardized test


And then ppl act shocked when at the end of an unstandardized process all the kids coming through don't do equally as well and you say to those who didn't do as well (who will disproportionately be black of low income because who those are ones who are likely to go to the schools without those equal resources) that "You can't go to that college" "You can't to this uni" "Matter of fact you can't go to any college at all" "You're not that smart"

And even if a black kid slipped through, whites would rather hire white or Asian person even if the black person was a better nuclear physicist and scored higher.

Every other point you bring us has been refuted over and over and over again and you refuse to accept that you are wrong.

You have not refuted anything.

I'm not going to waste my time doing it again.


I went to horrible inner city schools, I managed to get an education.

And in those inner city schools the blk kids would be punished more harshly than the white kids for minor shit that the white kids got away with. The black children will be tracked into basic and remedial level classes, while most all the white kids will tracked into advanced and honors classes, even if they showed no more promise (and sometimes quite a bit less) than the blk kids)

If I can do it, black kids can as well. I'm nothing special, no genius,

Sure, there are blk people who have done it and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

No driven to success person like a Bezos

All these billioniare needed a system of white supreamcy.

Donald Trump inherited a couple hundred million dollars worth of assets from his daddy.

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

If Steve Jobs (Founder Of Apple) was not put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Their success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck.

That's how it works.

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies.

Take the average drug dealer born in the ghetto. The same type of person that has the personality and skills to run a criminal entrepreneurship can easily run a legal one, but many will never have the opportunity that will allow them to earn the credentials necessary to do so

Why aren't black parents, especially single moms, demanding the same of their kids?

Well that's just your white supremaciast mindset for making a racial stereotype about black women and black children and this is what white supremacist do. They lie and then they expect you ro respond to their lies
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I got an education because I was raised by my very poor grandmother in a single parent, latchkey kid home and NOT getting an education wasn't acceptable to her.

Excuse my while I break out the world's smallest violin.

The Irish, Italians and Chinese faced at least as much opposition as modern blacks.

The Irish and Italians were white. So then benfitted from the system of white supremacy and when it comes to blacks and Asians, to compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a 1000 yrs and is still intact with a people who were enslaved for 500 years and in the process were robbed of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land is just plain stupid.

Especially when those same (black) people are still under attack by white supremacists who seem to devote the majority of their time and energies to making sure black people stay inferior via inferior living environments, education, healthcare, food quality, water quality, unemployment, endless promotion of destructive programming and stereotyping via the white mainstream media (TV and films and music they control), deliberate drug infestations,and police terror tactics, and excessive and unjust incarcerations

They all succeeded.

They had a system of white supremacy behind them

As for the schools, school boards are elected at the local level, so unless blacks are electing racists to them, they aren't controlled by racists.

Exactly - White supremacist provide school kids with profoundly unstandardized educations and they brag "By GOD !!! We don't have big government running the schools. By god !! We delineate all that to the local level !! We let them choose their own curriculum. We believe in local control !! We believe in property tax funding of K-12 education !! We don't want big central bad federal government doing educations"

Like they do in every country that the USA compares themselves with and beats them on every international test.

But the USA would rather every village run their own school

So you have a system with profoundly unstandardized schools, profoundly unstandardized financial resources, profoundly unstandardized teaching training, profoundly unstandardized curriculum.

And then you give the kids what ? A standardized test


And then ppl act shocked when at the end of an unstandardized process all the kids coming through don't do equally as well and you say to those who didn't do as well (who will disproportionately be black of low income because who those are ones who are likely to go to the schools without those equal resources) that "You can't go to that college" "You can't to this uni" "Matter of fact you can't go to any college at all" "You're not that smart"

Besides, even if a black kid slipped through, whites would rather hire white or Asian person even if the black person was a better nuclear physicist and scored higher

Every other point you bring us has been refuted over and over and over again and you refuse to accept that you are wrong.

You have not refuted anything.

I'm not going to waste my time doing it again.


I went to horrible inner city schools, I managed to get an education.

And in thos inner city schools the blk kids would be punished more harshly than the white kids for minor shit that the white kids got away. The black children will be tracked into basic and remedial level classes, while most all the white kids will tracked into advanced and honors classes, even if they showed no more promise (and sometimes quite a bit less) than the blk kids)

If I can do it, black kids can as well. I'm nothing special, no genius,

Sure, there are blk people who have done it and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

No driven to success person like a Bezos

All these billioniare needed a system of white supreamcy.

Donald Trump inherited a couple hundred million dollars worth of assets from his daddy.

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

If Steve Jobs (Founder Of Apple) was not put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Their success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck.

That's how it works.

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies.

Take the average drug dealer born in the ghetto. The same type of person that has the personality and skills to run a criminal entrepreneurship can easily run a legal one, but many will never have the opportunity that will allow them to earn the credentials necessary to do so

Why aren't black parents, especially single moms, demanding the same of their kids?

Well that's just your white supremaciast mindset for making a racial stereotype about black women and black children and this is what white supremacist do. They lie and then they expect you ro respond to their lies
I got an education because I was raised by my very poor grandmother in a single parent, latchkey kid home and NOT getting an education wasn't acceptable to her.

Excuse my while I break out the world's smallest violin.

The Irish, Italians and Chinese faced at least as much opposition as modern blacks.

The Irish and Italians were white. So then benfitted from the system of white supremacy and when it comes to blacks and Asians, to compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a 1000 yrs and is still intact with a people who were enslaved for 500 years and in the process were robbed of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land is just plain stupid.

Especially when those same (black) people are still under attack by white supremacists who seem to devote the majority of their time and energies to making sure black people stay inferior via inferior living environments, education, healthcare, food quality, water quality, unemployment, endless promotion of destructive programming and stereotyping via the white mainstream media (TV and films and music they control), deliberate drug infestations,and police terror tactics, and excessive and unjust incarcerations

They all succeeded.

They had a system of white supremacy behind them

As for the schools, school boards are elected at the local level, so unless blacks are electing racists to them, they aren't controlled by racists.

Exactly - White supremacist provide school kids with profoundly unstandardized educations and they brag "By GOD !!! We don't have big government running the schools. By god !! We delineate all that to the local level !! We let them choose their own curriculum. We believe in local control !! We believe in property tax funding of K-12 education !! We don't want big central bad federal government doing educations"

Like they do in every country that the USA compares themselves with and beats them on every international test.

But the USA would rather every village run their own school

So you have a system with profoundly unstandardized schools, profoundly unstandardized financial resources, profoundly unstandardized teaching training, profoundly unstandardized curriculum.

And then you give the kids what ? A standardized test


And then ppl act shocked when at the end of an unstandardized process all the kids coming through don't do equally as well and you say to those who didn't do as well (who will disproportionately be black of low income because who those are ones who are likely to go to the schools without those equal resources) that "You can't go to that college" "You can't to this uni" "Matter of fact you can't go to any college at all" "You're not that smart"

And even if a black kid slipped through, whites would rather hire white or Asian person even if the black person was a better nuclear physicist and scored higher.

Every other point you bring us has been refuted over and over and over again and you refuse to accept that you are wrong.

You have not refuted anything.

I'm not going to waste my time doing it again.


I went to horrible inner city schools, I managed to get an education.

And in those inner city schools the blk kids would be punished more harshly than the white kids for minor shit that the white kids got away with. The black children will be tracked into basic and remedial level classes, while most all the white kids will tracked into advanced and honors classes, even if they showed no more promise (and sometimes quite a bit less) than the blk kids)

If I can do it, black kids can as well. I'm nothing special, no genius,

Sure, there are blk people who have done it and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to and why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

No driven to success person like a Bezos

All these billioniare needed a system of white supreamcy.

Donald Trump inherited a couple hundred million dollars worth of assets from his daddy.

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

If Steve Jobs (Founder Of Apple) was not put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Their success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck.

That's how it works.

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies.

Take the average drug dealer born in the ghetto. The same type of person that has the personality and skills to run a criminal entrepreneurship can easily run a legal one, but many will never have the opportunity that will allow them to earn the credentials necessary to do so

Why aren't black parents, especially single moms, demanding the same of their kids?

Well that's just your white supremaciast mindset for making a racial stereotype about black women and black children and this is what white supremacist do. They lie and then they expect you ro respond to their lies
Your answers reveal your bullshit. Give it up, you don't want equality, I don't know what the hell you want, but it isn't equality. You see racism and white supremacy everywhere. It doesn't exist to the extent you imagine. All I did was show what I did and what I was expected to do and ask why black mothers don't expect the same from their kids and you see it as white supremacy. You're hopeless. Black education results show that black mothers AREN'T demanding their kids get educated, that's a fact, not opinion or anything subject to interpretation. If your schools aren't educating your kids, why aren't you electing school board members who promise to fix things and then holding their feet to the fire so they follow through with their promises. Schools are controlled at the local level, any parent can attend school board meetings and demand answers and change. DO IT. Demand the school boards do their jobs, if they refuse to, vote them out and elect new people until you find ones that WILL educate your kids. Don't expect me to change things for you, I don't live in your neighborhood.
Your answers reveal your bullshit. Give it up, you don't want equality, I don't know what the hell you want, but it isn't equality.


You see racism and white supremacy everywhere.

beacuse it is everywere

It doesn't exist to the extent you imagine.

Says the white supremacist

All I did was show what I did and what I was expected to do and ask why black mothers don't expect the same from their kids and you see it as white supremacy.

All you did was make a racial stereotype of black women and then expect me to respond to your racial stereotype

You're hopeless. Black education results show that black mothers AREN'T demanding their kids get educated, that's a fact, not opinion or anything subject to interpretation.

Nothing to do with black mothers.

How do you explain the recent scandal were affluent white and non black individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribed and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?

The worst thing about this cheating scandal is that the system is already set up for whites to achieve in education.

Thats why you have the get University of Michigan (And many uni's in America) who give out 16 points to kids from certain lily-white Upper Peninsulas.

And 4 points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni ?

And 10 points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools ?

And 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students)

They're letting dumb-ass white students in there all day because of their fathers or uncles. Most blacks applying could run circles around them academically but they would never ever be admitted.

College admissions is nothing but game.

They can and do say anything to black students "your application was late" “it got lost” "We don’t like your essay"............. ANYTHING.

They reserve over 60% of seats for white students at most schools, graduate and undergraduate and then about 10-20% for asians and Indians.

But despite all that advantage white ppl still feel the need to rig the system even more as this case has shown.

If your schools aren't educating your kids, why aren't you electing school board members who promise to fix things and then holding their feet to the fire so they follow through with their promises. Schools are controlled at the local level, any parent can attend school board meetings and demand answers and change. DO IT. Demand the school boards do their jobs, if they refuse to, vote them out and elect new people until you find ones that WILL educate your kids. Don't expect me to change things for you, I don't live in your neighborhood.

Why do whites make sure predominantly Black school districts are under-funded ? under-staffed with inexperienced teachers ? denied books ? microscopes ? and other lab equipment ? and put hazardous waste near black schools ? cut art and music classes ? sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

And guess what ? Despite all that black people still thrive.
White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

Whites want a social system were black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve practicing there racism on.
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Everything you’re complaining about happened to other immigrant and ethnic groups, they all buckled down, got their kids educated and rose above it. Many blacks succeed despite obstacles. All blacks as a group need to do to succeed is to follow their examples. Get an education, don’t have kids that you can’t afford to support, work hard and ignore people who want you to look at the past instead of the future. Every group on earth has past grievances, but they don’t allow themselves to be hobbled by them like American blacks do. Black people get treated like criminals because, like the Italians and Irish before them, a large percentage are. That’s also why they get harsher sentences in court and special attention from cops; behavior of other black people has conditioned judges and cops to expect bad behavior. In the sixties and seventies things were getting better, hell, since WWII things were getting better. What happened? Whites have gotten far more liberal over that time, why have blacks gotten more hostile? When I was in the army in the early seventies we had a lot of blacks, most were great guys and got in no more trouble than the rest of us over testosteroned teenagers. There were a few jerks that talked like you, but everyone, especially the other blacks, ignored and isolated them. What happened in the last fifty years to make the majority of blacks behave like the few jerks I knew? Whites aren’t your problem, even the tiny minority of racist whites aren’t your problem. Nobody can help you more that they already have, YOU need to figure out what has happened inside the black community over the last fifty years and fix it. Finally, stop looking back for past injustices and look forward for opportunities. That’s what everyone else has done.
You are incorrect. Every white group has received some form of economic boost from the government.

We know what's gone on. We tell you. You don't want to hear it. Your white ass needs to end the running opinion on what you think blacks need to do because you are wrong and will continue being wrong.
All Rise!

This Evenings lesson:

The White Race Card.

“I conservatively estimate that tens of millions of people have been exposed to ‘Irish slaves’ disinformation in one form or another on social media.”

Liam Hogan

From 2015 until 2019, Liam Hogan compiled some 52 different articles debunking the tale of Irish slavery. The intent here is not to denigrate nonracist Irish citizens of this country, but to destroy a popular white supremacist meme that has plagued social media and American culture for years. According to Hogan and other Irish historians in his compilation, the Irish were indentured servants and not slaves. The fallacy in the white supremacist argument lies in the fact that indentured servitude was a contractual agreement made between 2 or more parties. One party agreed that for payment of passage to America, the individual(s) would work for a specified term to repay the cost of passage. To say it was not much better than slavery is simply a lie. Slavery was permanent. Slavery was also generational. If you we born into a slave family, you were a slave. When you had children, they were slaves. There was no 7 years and a headright.

“The tale of the Irish slaves is rooted in a false conflation of indentured servitude and chattel slavery. These are not the same. Indentured servitude was a form of bonded labour, whereby a migrant agreed to work for a set period of time (between two and seven years) and in return the cost of the voyage across the Atlantic was covered. Indentured servitude was a colonial innovation that enabled many to emigrate to the New World while providing a cheap and white labour force for planters and merchants to exploit. Those who completed their term of service were awarded ‘freedom dues’ and were free. The vast majority of labourers who agreed to this system did so voluntarily, but there were many who were forcibly transplanted from the British Isles to the colonies and sold into indentured service against their will. While these forced deportees would have included political prisoners and serious felons, it is believed that the majority came from the poor and vulnerable. This forced labour was in essence an extension of the English Poor Laws, e.g. in 1697. John Locke recommended the whipping of those who ‘refused to work’ and the herding of beggars into workhouses. Indeed this criminalisation of the poor continues into the 21st century. In any case, all bar the serious felons were freed once the term of their contract expired.”

Liam Hogan

Certainly, the Irish did endure difficulties. TSo yes, the Europeans that chose to come here with little or nothing did struggle. But the various European ethnic groups had one thing they used to lift themselves up. And they used it to step on others- the race card.

“Whiteness is a social construct, and one with concrete benefits. Being white in the U.S. has long meant better jobs and opportunities, and an escape from persecution based on appearance and culture. Although these structural advantages remain, the meaning of whiteness is still hotly debated.”

Sarah Kendzior, How do you become “white” in America?

Those who claim today to have suffered like blacks did not. I will cite 2 groups, the Irish and the Polish. Upon coming to this country both groups were considered lesser and inferior. In the north, Irish and blacks competed for the same jobs, or should I say, were relegated to low wage, menial labor. Irish and blacks in the north lived in the same communities. Both groups mixed socially, intermarried and had biracial children. The green was the black when and where no blacks existed.

“In the early years of immigration the poor Irish and blacks were thrown together, very much part of the same class competing for the same jobs. In the census of 1850, the term mulatto appears for the first time due primarily to inter-marriage between Irish and African Americans. The Irish were often referred to as Negroes turned inside out and Negroes as smoked Irish. A famous quip of the time attributed to a black man went something like this: "My master is a great tyrant, he treats me like a common Irishman." Free blacks and Irish were viewed by the Nativists as related, somehow similar, performing the same tasks in society. It was felt that if amalgamation between the races was to happen, it would happen between Irish and blacks. But, ultimately, the Irish made the decision to embrace whiteness, thus becoming part of the system which dominated and oppressed blacks. Although it contradicted their experience back home, it meant freedom here since blackness meant slavery.

An article by a black writer in an 1860 edition of the Liberator explained how the Irish ultimately attained their objectives: "Fifteen or twenty years ago, a Catholic priest in Philadelphia said to the Irish people in that city, 'You are all poor, and chiefly laborers, the blacks are poor laborers; many of the native whites are laborers; now, if you wish to succeed, you must do everything that they do, no matter how degrading, and do it for less than they can afford to do it for.' The Irish adopted this plan; they lived on less than the Americans could live upon, and worked for less, and the result is, that nearly all the menial employments are monopolized by the Irish, who now get as good prices as anybody. There were other avenues open to American white men, and though they have suffered much, the chief support of the Irish has come from the places from which we have been crowded."

Once the Irish secured themselves in those jobs, they made sure blacks were kept out. They realized that as long as they continued to work alongside blacks, they would be considered no different. Later, as Irish became prominent in the labor movement, African Americans were excluded from participation. In fact, one of the primary themes of How the Irish Became White is the way in which left labor historians, such as the highly acclaimed Herbert Gutman, have not paid sufficient attention to the problem of race in the development of the labor movement.

And so, we have the tragic story of how one oppressed "race," Irish Catholics, learned how to collaborate in the oppression of another "race," Africans in America, in order to secure their place in the white republic. Becoming white meant losing their greenness, i.e., their Irish cultural heritage and the legacy of oppression and discrimination back home.”

Art McDonald, Ph.D., “How the Irish Became White”

The Polish had a similar experience. As you read the next few paragraphs, you will see a pattern that has been used in modern America against another group of immigrants. “The more things change, the more they remain the same.”

“Here it is important to understand how, exactly, Americans ‘become white’. The history of Polish-Americans is an illuminating example. Upon arriving in the U.S. en masse in the late 19th and early 20th century, Poles endured discrimination based on their appearance, religion and culture. In 1903, the New England Magazine decried the Poles’ “expressionless Slavic faces” and “stunted figures” as well as their inherent “ignorance” and “propensity to violence”. Working for terrible wages, Polish workers were renamed things like “Thomas Jefferson” by their bigoted Anglo-Saxon bosses who refused to utter Polish names.

The Poles, in other words, were not considered white. Far from it: they were considered a mysterious menace that should be expelled. When Polish-American Leon Czolgosz killed President William McKinley in 1901, all Poles were deemed potential violent anarchists. “All people are mourning, and it is caused by a maniac who is of our nationality,” a Polish-American newspaper wrote, pressured to apologize for their own people. The collective blame of Poles for terrorism bears great similarity to how Muslims (both in the U.S. and Europe) are collectively blamed today.

But then something changed. In 1919, Irish gangs in blackface attacked Polish neighborhoods in Chicago in an attempt to convince Poles, and other Eastern European groups, that they, too, were “white” and should join them in the fight against blacks. As historian David R. Roediger recalls, “Poles argued that the riot was a conflict between blacks and whites, with Poles abstaining because they belonged to neither group.” But the Irish gangs considered whiteness, as is often the case in America, as anti-blackness. And as in the early 20th century Chicago experienced an influx not only of white immigrants from Europe, but blacks from the South, white groups who felt threatened by black arrivals decided that it would be politically advantageous if the Poles were considered white as well.

With that new white identity came the ability to practice the discrimination they had once endured.

Over time, the strategy of positioning Poles as “white” against a dark-skinned “other” was successful. Poles came to consider themselves white, and more importantly, they came to be considered white by their fellow Americans, as did Italians, Greeks, Jews, Russians, and others from Southern and Eastern Europe, all of whom held an ambivalent racial status in U.S. society. Also, intermarriage between white ethnic groups led some to embrace a broader white identity.”

Sarah Kendzior, How do you become “white” in America?

In both instances these groups of whites stepped on blacks when they had the chance to unify with blacks to end the oppression of both sides in order to advance themselves. Not one of these groups can honestly make the claims of how they have had it just as bad as blacks therefore blacks just need to stop complaining and pull themselves up by the bootstraps like the Irish, Italians, Polish, etc.

Liam Hogan, All of my work on the “Irish slaves” meme (2015–’19),

Liam Hogan, Irish slaves’: the convenient myth, ‘Irish slaves’: the convenient myth

Eoin O'Carroll, No, the Irish were not slaves in the Americas, Christian Science Monitor, March 16, 2018, No, the Irish were not slaves in the Americas

Art McDonald, Ph.D., How the Irish Became White,
Sarah Kendzior, How do you become “white” in America? How do you become “white” in America?
Even your talking points are wrong.


Even in the deep south black people owned property and businesses.

And they were still under the system of white supemacy.

In the north it was common for black people to own property and businesses.

And they were still under the system of white supemacy.

You act like the deep south was the norm at the time. It wasn't. That's why WHITES in congress blocked the expansion of slavery into the new western and northern states.

And the blacks who they blocked the expanion of slavery from were still under the system of white supemacy.

That's why WHITES risked their lives and livelihoods running the Underground Railroad getting escaped slaves into the northern states and Canada.

I'm not really concerned about 1 or 2 white people who may have given a black man a biscuit.

White people do not get too off code when it comes to fighting systematic white supremacy.
Yes they may be kind to a black individual but white supremacy is a GROUP SPORT.

It's white silence and collaboration that has always made racism possible. If whites had, in large numbers challenge white supremacy, there is no way that such a system could have been maintained. But white silence and inaction has given strength to the racists, whether on radio or in corporate offices, or government positions, or police uniforms.

Slaveowners would have been powerless had the whites who didn’t own slaves stood up to them. So too with segregationists.

You are so full of hatred

I don't hate white people and if the shoe was the other foot, whites would have a murderous rage towards black people. It's been my experience that blacks ppl (as a group) are FAR TOO NICE and forgiving of white people

That you are blind to all the good whites have done for blacks since the importation of slaves was banned by WHITES in 1808.

How come these good white people are never in the courtroom ?

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But these good white people who claim are everywhere sure know how lay down a non guilty verdict for white EVEN when they do the crime

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The whites in the northern states would have done more, but until the late 1850s the south controlled congress and the white house largely by being able to count it's slaves as three fifths of a person in the census.

A rapist does not credit for stopping raping.

The southerners wanted to count each slave as a whole person for census purposes while otherwise treating them as cattle, the WHITE northerners didn't want slaves counted in the census at all. The three fifths was a compromise that the slave owning southerners won, after all, three fifths of a person towards the award of congressional seats is better than none.

Yeah and of course, once chattell slavery was over. Southern Racism just stopped. Right ?

All you and the other idiots like you see is the evil SOME whites did, never the good that other WHITES did. Whites marched right alongside blacks in the civil rights marches, WHITE congressman voted for the civil rights legislation, WHITE congressmen, state legislators and governors passed the 13th and 14th Amendments freeing slaves and giving them rights.

Look. What happened is back in the day whites did really obvious things. They put up signs that said whites only.


This got whites into sh*t.

The 14th Amendment doesn't allow for anyone to be treated differently because of their race. So after court losses, demo's and riots, white people got the message : If you're going to be a racist, better find a way to do it with a smile on your face.

So now whites still get the plum jobs, double the pay, and a seat in the front of the bus to happiness and success.

White supremacists have rigged the system from birth, guaranteeing that black people will go to the worst schools, thus preventing us from admission to the best colleges, so all your left with black people making your caffe lattes and big macs and picking up your trash.

Oh, sure, a few slip by

But they pay an extra tariff - The black doc driving his BMW gets pulled over by the cops; the black broker is the first to be laid off because of "seniority".

White supremacists deserve an award for this. They love to say "We are an equal opportunity employer" it's good for a laugh because you know there's no way a black person is going to get the job and they always make sure they put their lone black employee up at the front reception desk so they can say, "See - we don't discriminate. We hire black people !!"

There were no black elected high officials back then, so all the advancements came from principled WHITE men. Since 1808 white men have stood alongside you doing as much as they could to help blacks gain freedom and equality.

Yeah sure they stand along side black people and run their asses bk to the burbs. Some whites will marche blk ppl because they know it's ineffective when it comes to systematic white supremacy.
For all the good white people you claim there are.

The fact is Black people in America can expect to have a hard time finding a job, and be paid less for it when we do get it.

We can expect to have a harder time getting a loan, and pay a higher price when we do.

Blk ppl can expect to have a harder time finding an apartment or a house, which may make it more likely that they end up in a “certain neighborhood,” which can reduce their access to investment, reduce the quality of their children’s education,

Blk ppl can expect to be viewed and treated as dangerous criminals, hail a taxi, or even move into a neighborhood.

Black ppl can expect to have a hard time getting accepted to college and receive the same treatment from professors and advisors once they’re there.

Black people can expect that an officer with an attitude problem or a quota to fill might arrest them on bogus charges, or maybe even plant evidence.

Black peoplel can expect police officers to operate under the assumption that they are guilty, and they can expect to be railroaded by the justice system—even to the point of being forced to take guilty pleas when they are innocent.

This will happen even if black people are doing their best to do everything right.

God forbid if a blk person should make a mistake.

Then Blk ppl can expect to be treated as criminals by teachers, given harsher sentences (longer suspensions, quicker expulsions, etc., both of which remove them from school and expose them to the gang element in their neighborhood).

Blk ppl can expect to be arrested, charged, convicted, and imprisoned for offenses that a large percentage of whites consider part of “being a teenager” or a college student.

We can expect stiffer charges, higher conviction rates, and longer sentences.
Are you having fun changing my words around as you try to find arguments which I assume aren't even coming from your uneducated ass but some website telling you what to say. I didn't specify NORTH OR SOUTH IDIOT----there were blacks all over who owned slaves and blacks who became wealthy in America. Being black did not stop them even during slavery, and whites did not stop them from making money......many of them worked hard and developed SKILLS which allowed them to profit often within the black community itself. Whether it was running speak easies, selling makeup targeted for black women, or owning a shop that sold merchandise to blacks---many blacks did quit well. You have failed....because you still can't get it through you thick skull, that successful people tend to take responsibility for themselves and families. Criminals, welfare hos, street people whine like you do.

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