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Decimated al Qaeda Captures Mosul & Tikrit Iraq

I counter your ignorant response with; How much more blood will be spilled elsewhere once al Qaeda has their own country or countries? These fuckers were able to plan 911 from tents in the desert.

Just imagine a world war that nobody escapes from. You won't be able to watch Honey Boo Boo or Duck Dynasty, because it will spread here as well. You won't be able to afford the electricity.

Obama wants unrest in the Middle East to drive up the price of oil. He doesn't care that it will be worse than that.

Obama wants to drive up the cost of oil?


As much as I'd like to believe that Obama is somehow to blame for ISIS, I'm not sure how the Shiite Iraqis are not primarily to blame.

Yeah, I know, it sounds absurd.

Nobody would dare believe that an American president would hate his own country so much to want to drive up the cost of energy.........even though youtube is a really good way of proving that this is exactly what he wants.

Thing is, Hillary is of the same ilk as well.

No I meant it was absurd because increases in the cost of oil help E&P companies (ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, and Service companies, BHI, Schlumberger, Halliburton, etc). I've never considered Obama a proponent of these companies, in fact his ridiculous suggestion that a carbon tax be used to decrease the use of fossil fuels clearly indicates he would NOT like to put more money into Halliburton's pocket.

Back to the OP: The Shiite's were handed Iraq on a silver platter, and let Sunni insurrectionists (probably mainly ex-Iraqi military based in Syria) run them over. They deserve what they get. If they're lucky, Iran will rescue them.
We will NOT be going back to Iraq.

Let the Chinese go since they are the ones that gained with Iraqi oil, not us.
I'm sure there was a time they said the same about Germany and Japan.

Problem with some, they don't remember history, and can't see past their own little part of the world.

Who cares if Obama causes one humanitarian crisis after another. At least we don't have any deaths to talk about. Forget the fact they've been dying in Afghanistan all of this time. 4 out of 5 who have died in Afghanistan died since Obama took office.

So, if troops were still in Iraq, what would the end look like?
At what point would it be time to finally pack everything up and leave knowing that everything was achieved?

We're still in Germany and Japan. Figure it out.

The point isn't to leave. The point is to make things better. Democracy and whatnot.

You know, Democracy and freedom?

You remember that, don't you?

I figure it's too late to go back. Obama set us on a course of no return. He's gutless, and because he's gutless, people are suffering and dying today. His weakness and lack of real answers will only make things worse. And the reason this happens is because he never pays a price for his mistakes. He has no incentive to succeed.

Iraq isn't Japan or Germany though, is it?

You're surrounded by countries hostile to the US, with a population largely hostile to the US and it'll always be that way.
Yup. al Qaeda has been decimated. And they just captured another Iraqi city.


By Ghazwan Hassan

TIKRIT Iraq (Reuters) - Sunni rebels from an al Qaeda splinter group overran the Iraqi city of Tikrit on Wednesday and closed in on the biggest oil refinery in the country, making further gains in their rapid military advance against the Shi'ite-led government in Baghdad.

The threat to the Baiji refinery comes after militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized the northern city of Mosul, advancing their aim of creating a Sunni Caliphate straddling the border between Iraq and Syria.

The fall of Mosul, Iraq's second biggest city, is a blow to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's attempts to defeat the militants, who have seized territory in Iraq over the past year following the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

About 500,000 Iraqis have fled Mosul, home to 2 million people, and the surrounding province, many seeking safety in the autonomous Kurdistan region.

Having also taken two small towns north of Baghdad, Dhiluiya and Yathrib, the insurgents are in control of between 10 and 15 pct of Iraqi territory, excluding Kurdistan, and have led many Iraqis to fear they have the capital, Baghdad, in their sights.

Security sources said ISIL militants on Wednesday drove more than 60 vehicles into Tikrit, the home town of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, which lies about 100 miles (160 km) north of Baghdad.

The militants occupied the provincial government headquarters and raised the black flag of ISIL.

Iraq insurgents take Saddam's home town in lightning advance

Top Chechen Jihadist Commander Seen With U.S. Humvee After ISIS Transfers Seized Military Hardware From Mosul To Syria


the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a radical offshoot of al Qaeda, has taken control of Iraq’s second largest city.

Iraqi police and security forces reportedly fled Mosul prior to the attack, leaving the facilities of the city open for plunder. Mosul was a key area of focus for U.S. forces in an effect to stabilize Iraq, and large amounts of military hardware was left in the city for the Iraqis.

Iraq’s parliament speaker said that ISIS took control of the city’s airport and obtained helicopters. ISIS also took control of U.S. Humvees, which they are now proceeding to send to Syria.

The Humvees are reportedly in fine condition. The vehicles would be a significant upgrade to the current equipment that ISIS has, and it further increase their ability to carry out attacks in both Iraq and Syria.

Al Qaeda Offshoot Captures American Humvees And Transfers Them To Syria - Business Insider
So, if troops were still in Iraq, what would the end look like?
At what point would it be time to finally pack everything up and leave knowing that everything was achieved?

We're still in Germany and Japan. Figure it out.

The point isn't to leave. The point is to make things better. Democracy and whatnot.

You know, Democracy and freedom?

You remember that, don't you?

I figure it's too late to go back. Obama set us on a course of no return. He's gutless, and because he's gutless, people are suffering and dying today. His weakness and lack of real answers will only make things worse. And the reason this happens is because he never pays a price for his mistakes. He has no incentive to succeed.

Iraq isn't Japan or Germany though, is it?

You're surrounded by countries hostile to the US, with a population largely hostile to the US and it'll always be that way.

Israel has been in that state for a long time. They seem to be able to handle it.

From what I hear, Europe isn't a nice place for Americans either. Thanks to our liberal media, they think most of our leaders are crazy. It kind of tickles me when liberals complain about problems they created in the first place.

You know it's funny, all of these countries hate our guts when they're doing fine, but the second they get in trouble, who do they start begging to get them out of it? Yesterday Malaki started begging for a drone strike to attack the insurgent's camps. Obama told him to go fuck himself. Typical Obama. If Malaki were to come out of the closet Obama would rush to his aid. As it is, we still have the largest embassy compound in the world in Baghdad, and Obama will let it burn to ashes before he lifts a finger to protect it. And yet Obama claimed that just electing him would end all of this. Everyone would simply love America.

Well, it's clear the world doesn't love us just because your Messiah walks the Earth. He sure does alot of golf, holds constant ceremonies in the White House with sports championship teams, vacations in Martha's Vinyard and Hawaii, takes selfies with female world leaders, living the good life while the world crumbles around his ridiculous foreign policy decisions.
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Ain't aq, boys. Need a quick study chart to know the players.

And how many troops do we have there?

And how many dead and wounded Americans?

Like that even matters now. All of that money and blood wasted by Obama.

The point is al Qaeda was there before and now they're back.

It doesn't matter a damn to a tussbucket like yourself because you act like Obama didn't lie that al Qaeda was toast, but instead they're winning big, and Obama's helping them. He's handing countries over to them on a silver platter.

The more you say the more you show yourself to be an ignorant stick in the mud that doesn't care about the truth anymore.

All that blood and money was wasted by Bush. Obama refused to throw good money after bad.

I should also point out that ISIL is the group that all the NeoCons and Zionists wanted us to help by bombing the snot of out Assad and taunted Obama when he didn't.
As opposed to Dubya's completely unignorable mess



Bush didn't turn his back and leave.



He dove headfirst into the shallow end.



Bush took us into Iraq with a Bipartisan Blessing from Congress who, even after being a Majority DemocRAT one, continued to Fund the War based on Claims by DemocRATS like HILLARY! and Tedward and Kerry that Saddam had WMD and Nukes.

Obama pulled us out and now it appears that it was as Premature as was Expected and all of the Blood, Sacrifice and Fortune Lost was for not.

DemocRATS are good at doing that. :thup:

For the next 2 years Obama will do nothing to stop what is happening in Iraq.

The second he is out of Office and the Likely (R) Replaces him, the Media and the Left will go after THAT President for the Suffering and Loss in Iraq.

You really are Disgusting Examples of the Species.


Bush didn't turn his back and leave.



He dove headfirst into the shallow end.



Bush took us into Iraq with a Bipartisan Blessing from Congress who, even after being a Majority DemocRAT one, continued to Fund the War based on Claims by DemocRATS like HILLARY! and Tedward and Kerry that Saddam had WMD and Nukes.

Obama pulled us out and now it appears that it was as Premature as was Expected and all of the Blood, Sacrifice and Fortune Lost was for not.

DemocRATS are good at doing that. :thup:

For the next 2 years Obama will do nothing to stop what is happening in Iraq.

The second he is out of Office and the Likely (R) Replaces him, the Media and the Left will go after THAT President for the Suffering and Loss in Iraq.

You really are Disgusting Examples of the Species.



Remembering history, Democrats made a conscious choice to make Iraq a political issue rather than supporting the effort.

So who's really to blame for all of this.

Thanks to our liberals America will never win another war......and that suits them just fine.

Bet somebody chimes in and says Libya is a success. Bombing from high altitudes is not winning a war. It is merely destroying things and leaving other's to clean up the mess.

And they wonder why they hate us so much. Must be Bush.
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Remembering history, Democrats made a conscious choice to make Iraq a political issue rather than supporting the effort.

So who's really to blame for all of this.

Thanks to our liberals America will never win another war......and that suits them just fine.

Bet somebody chimes in and says Libya is a success. Bombing from high altitudes is not winning a war. It is merely destroying things and leaving other's to clean up the mess.

And they wonder why they hate us so much. Must be Bush.

Oooh, the democrats made it a political issue.

Not that Bush LIED about WMD's and LIED about Saddam helping Bin Laden.

Nope. It was because Bush was enjoying his "Mission Accomplished" victory lap, and the Iraqis apparently didn't get the message that they were subdued.

SO let's be honest about what really happened here. Saddam, regardless of being a huge rat-bastard, did have the ability to keep all the different factions in Iraq under control. something we were unable to do (mostly because Bush ignored General Shinseki and didn't go in with enough troops.)

So Petreaus paid the Sunnis big bribes to play nice until we were done leaving, and now that we are gone, they are fighting with the Shi'ites again.

And this is our problem, why?
Remembering history, Democrats made a conscious choice to make Iraq a political issue rather than supporting the effort.

So who's really to blame for all of this.

Thanks to our liberals America will never win another war......and that suits them just fine.

Bet somebody chimes in and says Libya is a success. Bombing from high altitudes is not winning a war. It is merely destroying things and leaving other's to clean up the mess.

And they wonder why they hate us so much. Must be Bush.

Oooh, the democrats made it a political issue.

Not that Bush LIED about WMD's and LIED about Saddam helping Bin Laden.

Nope. It was because Bush was enjoying his "Mission Accomplished" victory lap, and the Iraqis apparently didn't get the message that they were subdued.

SO let's be honest about what really happened here. Saddam, regardless of being a huge rat-bastard, did have the ability to keep all the different factions in Iraq under control. something we were unable to do (mostly because Bush ignored General Shinseki and didn't go in with enough troops.)

So Petreaus paid the Sunnis big bribes to play nice until we were done leaving, and now that we are gone, they are fighting with the Shi'ites again.

And this is our problem, why?

Yeah, it's Booooooooooooooosh.

If they take the Iraqi oil fields then they can threaten the Kuwaiti oil fields, and then the Saudi Oil fields.

Simply taking them in Iraq will help drive up our costs at the pump because of the reduction of available oil. When you see a jump in price you can blame Bush for it.
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