Declassified documents show how US lied to Russia about NATO in 1990s

In the 21st century isolationism is the way to nowhere. You can't hide behind the pond anymore.

It always amuses me when someone brings up the Founders here and there. As though, they are the 'saints' and their words should be a dogma for the eternity.

They were the people of their epoch and some their ideas may be not so relevant now.

Founded by conservatives christians USA was the best country in the world until the communist takeover.
Any neocon and democrat is insane, USA shall became a Free Christian Republic again.
No nuclear wars caused by coward Putin, shitty Nato and failed 'state' Ukraine.
Won't happen. Because of NATO! Russia needs to back off....

Do you know what's a malfunction?
Russia needs exactly 5 minutes to evaluate is a dangerous alarm because NATO idiots put nukes direct at its borders.
If Russia decides wrong nukes will fly to any western city.
The founders weren’t isolationists. Nor am I, but that is the common criticism of the warmongering imperialist statist.

USA shall go to the Heritage of Founders back.
Commies after 1968 transformed it to Hell

NATO was once needed for security purposes when the Soviets were threatening the world during the Cold War but that has long gone away.

Nowadays the US contribution to NATO is nothing more than foreign welfare. The US spends far too much in domestic and foreign welfare.

More as 80% go to Israel and its political affairs
I thought NATO was to prevent another world war, that we would be brought in to? And it has worked, so far no WWIII???

After Reagan NATO belongs to morons who continuously provoke WWIII
Okay, you are not isolationist, but you propose to get the US troops back from Europe. What is else? The Far East, the Middle East? Bring them home from there too?
Yes. Bring them all home.

Constant war abroad leads to tyranny at home. I don’t suppose you’re aware of this historic fact.

I thought NATO was to prevent another world war, that we would be brought in to? And it has worked, so far no WWIII???
you thought wrong.
Won't happen. Because of NATO! Russia needs to back off Ukraine imo...

Do you want to give Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah to Mexico back?
And Alaska to Russia?
I doubt it.
The same situation is between Russia and Ukraine which stole historically more as 60% of Russian territorials.
NATO shall f... off from the region because sooner cowardly traitor faggot Putin gonna kicked out as Russian People gives Russian brothers in Ukraine away

Yes. Bring them all home.

Constant war abroad leads to tyranny at home. I don’t suppose you’re aware of this historic fact.


you thought wrong.
So, you are advocating isolationism.

Having military presence around the world doesn't mean constant wars per se. On the contrary, in some cases it prevents wars.

Expansion of European nations worldwide didn't lead to tyranny at home. On the contrary, quite opposite happened there.
So, you are advocating isolationism.

Having military presence around the world doesn't mean constant wars per se. On the contrary, in some cases it prevents wars.

Expansion of European nations worldwide didn't lead to tyranny at home. On the contrary, quite opposite happened there.
No. I’m advocating an end to imperialism and imperialist wars. Something many Americans like you just can’t fathom.

We’re watching tyranny at home occur right now. It’s right in your face, but you still can’t see it.
No. I’m advocating an end to imperialism and imperialist wars. Something many Americans like you just can’t fathom.

We’re watching tyranny at home occur right now. It’s right in your face, but you still can’t see it.
I am not an American, man. And can see things there only from a distance.
I agree with many things in this article. And also think that Putin won't start any direct war with the West. To say nothing about a nuclear one.

About NATO.. This structure has lost its effectiveness, become too big and too bureaucratic. But on the other hand, it allows the US to hold almost all of Europe under control.

Basically, the relations between the US and Russia aren't important at all. The key is China. And upcoming global struggle between the US and China dictates the logic of the US-Russia relations.
Okay, you are not isolationist, but you propose to get the US troops back from Europe. What is else? The Far East, the Middle East? Bring them home from there too?
countries expand when they grow, countries withdraw when they shrink.

the US is lethally sick and will disintegrate before 2030. their budget deficite is about 50%. if the US doesn't save resourses being spent on various beggars it will not last more than a couple of years...

I understand that it takes very long to understand that punching a bear is dangerous.
if you are a Ukrainian :)
but this understanding will come to you inevitably, it just may be that it comes too late, when your population is already 50% of that in 1991..:)
In the 21st century isolationism is the way to nowhere. You can't hide behind the pond anymore.

It always amuses me when someone brings up the Founders here and there. As though, they are the 'saints' and their words should be a dogma for the eternity.

They were the people of their epoch and some their ideas may be not so relevant now.
Our founders ideas about freedom transformed the world and provided the path that all of us take for granted. You couldn;t be a pimple on one of their butts on your best day. Had we followed Washingtons advice before we became a super power, we may still be free today. But the world is an ugly place and we have to be involved, because if the few free nations still left over seas fall, we will not be able to stand on our own.
In the empire of Good, the concept of "mutual benefit" died out in 1991. They are not just unable to negotiate, to seek a compromise, they have lost such a conceptual apparatus.
I agree with many things in this article. And also think that Putin won't start any direct war with the West. To say nothing about a nuclear one.

About NATO.. This structure has lost its effectiveness, become too big and too bureaucratic. But on the other hand, it allows the US to hold almost all of Europe under control.

Basically, the relations between the US and Russia aren't important at all. The key is China. And upcoming global struggle between the US and China dictates the logic of the US-Russia relations.
The military industrial complex, big multinational corporations, and a few billionaires run the USA. They all love war, since it greatly increases their wealth and significantly expands their political power.

This is why the US government continues to harass China and Russia.
Won't happen. Because of NATO! Russia needs to back off Ukraine imo...
1) Russia prefer the USA and NATO back from Eastern Europe rather than a nuclear war (limited or all-out);
2) Russia prefer the nuclear war rather than leave Ukraine (in its 'internationally recognized borders').

Therefore NATO have pretty simple choice:
1) Step back from Ukraine (and, may be, Eastern Europe, too) ;
2) Fight and win the nuclear war against Russia.

And as far as I know, Europe isn't ready to the war.
I agree with many things in this article. And also think that Putin won't start any direct war with the West. To say nothing about a nuclear one.
May be, as it was with Cuban Missile Crisis, Russia will start with a full blockade of Ukraine and recognition of DPR and LPR in the borders of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
May be the Russians are bluffing, when they say about possibility of a nuclear war. May be - not. The question is in the price of the mistake - in one case we can lost Ukraine, in another - we can lost the USA.

About NATO.. This structure has lost its effectiveness, become too big and too bureaucratic. But on the other hand, it allows the US to hold almost all of Europe under control.

Basically, the relations between the US and Russia aren't important at all. The key is China. And upcoming global struggle between the US and China dictates the logic of the US-Russia relations.
And the logic is quite simple, too:
1) We can sacrifice Europe and try to improve relations with Russia;
2) We can try to fight Russia and China simultaneously.

The answer depends on how useful ally can be Europe and how dangerous enemy can be Russia.
countries expand when they grow, countries withdraw when they shrink.

the US is lethally sick and will disintegrate before 2030. their budget deficite is about 50%. if the US doesn't save resourses being spent on various beggars it will not last more than a couple of years...

I understand that it takes very long to understand that punching a bear is dangerous.
if you are a Ukrainian :)
but this understanding will come to you inevitably, it just may be that it comes too late, when your population is already 50% of that in 1991..:)
Has it ever occurred in your mind that if the US is going to disintegrate in less than 10 years term, then why your czar wants longterm security guarantees from them?
Has it ever occurred in your mind that if the US is going to disintegrate in less than 10 years term, then why your czar wants longterm security guarantees from them?
For example, to be more or less sure, that the USA won't do anything extremely stupid to prevent this disintegration.
I don't think that the USA are going to disintegrate (the deep state rather send Biden to Dallas than allow him to disintegrate the USA).

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