Deep state...

The Deep state is a bull shit concoction not unlike the New World Order, the Templars and all of rest of the "secret" organizations that supposedly control the world.

Are you one of those that think the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives from within?

Deny, deny, deny....

Oh, you are another one of the Conspiracy theory nut jobs. Why am I not surprised in the least. Do you think the moon landing was faked?

Wow, one heck of a leap. Going from New World Order, the Templars and Deep State....for which there is proof, to landing on the moon.

All Conspiracy theories are the same. They all take a tiny bit of fact and add in a shit ton of made up shit.

By the way, which one has more proof, the New World Order or the moon landing?

Depends on what floats your boat. Soros certainly has his ideas on a New World Order, then there's the Bilderberg Group. I'm not aware of anyone that gets together to discuss the moon landing.

New World Order Power Broker George Soros Predicts The Collapse Of The EU • Now The End Begins
4 things we know about the secretive Bilderberg Group
The World’s Most Powerful and Secret Group, Explained
So in your little fucked up world the New World Order and the Templars are as real as the Holocaust? Damn, you are one confused human being. I hope you are not allowed to drive.

In your world, you can't make a post without profanity......

Speaks volumes for your character

Profanity as a speech crutch usually points to lower intelligence.
Studies have shown, however, that swearing may in fact display a more, rather than less, intelligent use of language.

Swearing Is Actually a Sign of More Intelligence - Not Less - Say Scientists

This might be a shock to you, but the FBI has offices in every state. What one office is doing has no impact on what the others are doing.
I see, there is no cooperation or coordination between FBI offices. What a stupid thing to say.

Many of the super-stoopid things said today were courtesy of ; Well - YOU ...

But carry on - Quite entertaining!
The Deep state is a bull shit concoction not unlike the New World Order, the Templars and all of rest of the "secret" organizations that supposedly control the world.

Are you one of those that think the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives from within?

Deny, deny, deny....

Nobody can see until they are ready.

Unfortunately for some, when they see, it will be too late.

Most notably, however, we now know Barack Obama knew full well the fallacious nature of the information and permitted the FBI to go forward with their pursuit of a warrant to wiretap Donald Trump and his campaign team while he was still a civilian.

In other words, when Trump said “Obama wiretapped me,” he was not just whistling Dixie.

What’s more, this reveals a vein of deceit that runs from the heart of the DNC to the former White House, through the mainstream media and directly into a festering pool of mendacity moldering in the belly of the entire United States intelligence community.

Oh Oh B.O..
Official Confirms, Obama Approved Steele Dossier
AmericanLibertyReport - SERIOUS?

And the flag on the moon was waving in the wind!

Sent from my iPhone using

They aren't hiding anything child, nothing. It's all out there. 1913, 1916, Woodrow Wilson, League of Nations. Great Depression, FDR, WWII, United Nations. Ike and the MIC, JFK and the "Secret Societies. From Reagan on the's all out there. I do not in the least give a shit what you believe.

Then I assume that you are not a fan of Trump since his family has ties to the NWO going back to the late 1800s.

Trump is playing a role. He will take us into WWIII

He is not the one screaming for conflict with Russia.

That is the political class.

He is the Political Class. Presidents are not Elected, they are selected.

Yep, by SCOTUS and Russians in the last two elections.
No one goes to a federal agency thinking that they are going to be safe and fairly treated…
They aren't hiding anything child, nothing. It's all out there. 1913, 1916, Woodrow Wilson, League of Nations. Great Depression, FDR, WWII, United Nations. Ike and the MIC, JFK and the "Secret Societies. From Reagan on the's all out there. I do not in the least give a shit what you believe.

Then I assume that you are not a fan of Trump since his family has ties to the NWO going back to the late 1800s.

Trump is playing a role. He will take us into WWIII

He is not the one screaming for conflict with Russia.

That is the political class.

He is the Political Class. Presidents are not Elected, they are selected.

Yep, by SCOTUS and Russians in the last two elections.

Oh no, it is real. I just found the official seal of the Deep State...:21::21::21:

First of all, John McCain from hero to trader that’s what happens when people go to the civilian part of the federal government. And worse yet for the politicians are the lowest of life forms. I said high levels of the federal government anyway
So now McCain has gone from hero to 'Trader"
Might be beneficial Trumphole :)
First of all, John McCain from hero to trader that’s what happens when people go to the civilian part of the federal government. And worse yet for the politicians are the lowest of life forms. I said high levels of the federal government anyway
So now McCain has gone from hero to 'Trader"
Might be beneficial Trumphole :)

It is amazing how the CT kooks almost always give the military a free pass.
And when you say Deep State you mean all the Trump Cronies that were indicted by Mueller for their treacherous acts against America. Glad you understand.

Mueller is a National Hero and a brave veteran.
Anything that the federal government can does, the private sector can do better

So, we should get rid of the military, since the private sector can do it better. Great plan.

That would solve the budget problems in no time. I think you should sent a tweet to Trump letting him know your plan.

Turn it over to Erik Prince (Betsy DeVos' Bother) for bazillions ~ He did REALLY well with that asscapade prior!

Blackwater boss defends his thugs
Erik Prince proposed private spy network to Trump administration, US official says - CNNPolitics
And when you say Deep State you mean all the Trump Cronies that were indicted by Mueller for their treacherous acts against America. Glad you understand.

Mueller is a National Hero and a brave veteran.
The Deep state is a bull shit concoction not unlike the New World Order, the Templars and all of rest of the "secret" organizations that supposedly control the world.

Are you one of those that think the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives from within?

The way the fbi colluded with the dem party to undermine the duly elected president is no bullshit.

You don't get to dismiss talk of the Deep State anymore.

I can discuss anything I want. You do not get to tell me what I can do. The deep state is a real as Santa Clause
A deep state does exist, it just isn't as organized or conspiratorial as the right wing dupes make it to be. And Trump is not their savior.

The deep state just means that moneyed interests pull the strings behind the scenes in our government. While outwardly the politics of the people's interests remain in a dysfunctional quagmire.

Introduction to "the Deep State" -
Then I assume that you are not a fan of Trump since his family has ties to the NWO going back to the late 1800s.

Trump is playing a role. He will take us into WWIII

He is not the one screaming for conflict with Russia.

That is the political class.

He is the Political Class. Presidents are not Elected, they are selected.

Yep, by SCOTUS and Russians in the last two elections.

Oh no, it is real. I just found the official seal of the Deep State...:21::21::21:


Deep State Gonna Getcha! :D

The deep state. Not liberal, not conservatives. Just people with deep pockets. It's clear who runs the place when projects that need plenty of lawyers, realtors, contractors get approval despite the necessity. Moving airports, light rail, new housing projects. Please, and who makes a city or state a sanctuary for illegal aliens? Who gets a choice in that? We plebs don't get any say in this. Anyone get to vote on any of this? They say we do, but nobody asked me if I wanted Denver to be a sanctuary city, or light rail or wanted Stapleton moved. We just got it thrust upon us.
Most notably, however, we now know Barack Obama knew full well the fallacious nature of the information and permitted the FBI to go forward with their pursuit of a warrant to wiretap Donald Trump and his campaign team while he was still a civilian.

In other words, when Trump said “Obama wiretapped me,” he was not just whistling Dixie.

What’s more, this reveals a vein of deceit that runs from the heart of the DNC to the former White House, through the mainstream media and directly into a festering pool of mendacity moldering in the belly of the entire United States intelligence community.

Oh Oh B.O..
Official Confirms, Obama Approved Steele Dossier
AmericanLibertyReport - SERIOUS?

Jonathan Winer: State Dept rube admits influence of Kremlin go-between

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