Definition of racism - according toChris Matthews.

Racism is believing a race is inferior and discriminating against them, not hating racists, the new BS RW definition.

Yeah, Franco, I know what racism is, I'm just not sure what your posts have to do with the topic, which, based on the OP, is Chris Matthews' belief that only Whites are racists.

No rationally thinking human can draw this conclusion.
Well that explains Matthews conclusion then.
There IS a question whether minorities are racists, or simply hate racists. Do blacks who hate white racist think they're inferior and discriminate agaainst them, or simply hate them?
On any level with meaning, Matthews is right. Sorry minorities don't like you racists lol...oh, sorry, you're only half racists...
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There IS a question whether minorities are racists, or simply hate racists. Do blacks who hate white racist think they're inferior and discriminate agaainst them, or simply hate them?

So you're telling us that there are no Black people who hate Whites or Hispanics or Asians simply because of their race? Is this your position?
Racism at it's core is based in ignorance and hate we all have the emotion of hate and ignorance does not confine it's self to any one race therefore any race can and does have racist in it.
There IS a question whether minorities are racists, or simply hate racists. Do blacks who hate white racist think they're inferior and discriminate agaainst them, or simply hate them?

So you're telling us that there are no Black people who hate Whites or Hispanics or Asians simply because of their race? Is this your position?

Racism is believing a race is inferior, not just hating them for whatever reason.
There IS a question whether minorities are racists, or simply hate racists. Do blacks who hate white racist think they're inferior and discriminate agaainst them, or simply hate them?

What about minorities who simply hate others based on color or ethnicity? Racism is not exclusive to any group. Some minorities believe their race is superior and they bash others who are different.

What makes the situation worse are liberals, like Matthews, who constantly put forth the notion that whites are racist, especially white wealthy people. They want minorities to hate the right, so they give the impression that all white wealthy people are Republican and racist, so encourage a hatred toward them. It's a mind game they play and they could care less about the consequences.
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Guys, independent beliefs and definitions of what constitutes racism do not count.

Be guided by what I already posted:

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

Yes, any person in any race is guilty of racism if he fits the definition.
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There IS a question whether minorities are racists, or simply hate racists. Do blacks who hate white racist think they're inferior and discriminate agaainst them, or simply hate them?

So you're telling us that there are no Black people who hate Whites or Hispanics or Asians simply because of their race? Is this your position?

Racism is believing a race is inferior, not just hating them for whatever reason.

Okay, and you believe, as does Chris Matthews, that only Whites believe other races are inferior?
Racism is believing a race is inferior and discriminating against them, not hating racists, the new BS RW definition.

True...republicans have never believed that....democrats/libersls are the ones that have tried to define who is and is not a person...slaves, abortions, eugenics....ect

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