Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

Why are you insisting that one or more gawds are needed when you make no case for any need?

Oh but I think I have in the creationists thread. If there was no proper working cell formed there would be no life. There are parts of the cell that were absolutely necessary or there would be no cell that could replicate itself or even function.

It defies logic to believe that all the parts of a car could be in the same area and yet they would naturally join together to form a car. That is not even mentioning how each part for the car had to be designed.
you made no case in that better then a thousand pages thread.
oh shit! not the bogus car construction analogy again..

Like here you're are closed minded and do not accept rational evidence.
Scientists are working hard to produce life if they figure it out or not why would you rule out whether God was needed ? Life was kick started by something and it makes sense to me it was a superior intelligence to man.

Man is trying to reproduce what the designer has already done.
what also makes sense to you is it Satan's world.. the earth is young ..the great flood Noah was 600 years and the sex with your sister is ok .
you'll understand when I say you're full of shit!

Why are you so angry daws ? some of what you mention I do believe some is merely thoughts of a twisted mind that and false accusations.

Daws according to your theory how did the earth get populated if they did not sleep with their relatives ?

I have given you my theory on how the world was populated without sleeping with relatives.
once again you're assuming facts not in evidence .I too busy laughing at your stand up routine...
as always your( theories ) are false.
you made no case in that better then a thousand pages thread.
oh shit! not the bogus car construction analogy again..

The watches weren't good enough. He'll move on to 747's next.

Has anyone told Mr. Magic that neither watches, cars nor airplanes, etc., are subject to biological reproduction?

So explain how biological organisms can reproduce and where this mechanism came from.

Most of us were introduced to the subject in 7th grade.

However, I can understand that your madrassah may not have approached the subject in any detail.

"Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat"
Oh but I think I have in the creationists thread. If there was no proper working cell formed there would be no life. There are parts of the cell that were absolutely necessary or there would be no cell that could replicate itself or even function.

It defies logic to believe that all the parts of a car could be in the same area and yet they would naturally join together to form a car. That is not even mentioning how each part for the car had to be designed.
you made no case in that better then a thousand pages thread.
oh shit! not the bogus car construction analogy again..

Like here you're are closed minded and do not accept rational evidence.
wrong as always, none of your evidence is evidence or rational so there is nothing to accept.
what also makes sense to you is it Satan's world.. the earth is young ..the great flood Noah was 600 years and the sex with your sister is ok .
you'll understand when I say you're full of shit!

Why are you so angry daws ? some of what you mention I do believe some is merely thoughts of a twisted mind that and false accusations.

Daws according to your theory how did the earth get populated if they did not sleep with their relatives ?

I have given you my theory on how the world was populated without sleeping with relatives.
once again you're assuming facts not in evidence .I too busy laughing at your stand up routine...
as always your( theories ) are false.

You avoided my question daws why ?
The watches weren't good enough. He'll move on to 747's next.

Has anyone told Mr. Magic that neither watches, cars nor airplanes, etc., are subject to biological reproduction?

So explain how biological organisms can reproduce and where this mechanism came from.

Most of us were introduced to the subject in 7th grade.

However, I can understand that your madrassah may not have approached the subject in any detail.

"Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat"

Then give me a brief summary.
Why are you so angry daws ? some of what you mention I do believe some is merely thoughts of a twisted mind that and false accusations.

Daws according to your theory how did the earth get populated if they did not sleep with their relatives ?

I have given you my theory on how the world was populated without sleeping with relatives.
once again you're assuming facts not in evidence .I too busy laughing at your stand up routine...
as always your( theories ) are false.

You avoided my question daws why ?
asked and answered
Are Black Holes "magic," Hollie? Up until a few years ago, we had no knowledge of these, and theorizing their existence wasn't even plausible, they appear to defy our understanding of physics. How about bacteria and viruses, are those "magical," Hollie? Up until Louis Pasteur, that was certainly the prevailing thought. They nearly ran the man out of France for suggesting things could live inside the human body. As we see, many things we've discovered, were previously thought to not be possible... magic... unbelievable... extraordinary.... yet, they actually did exist and were proven by science eventually.

Of course, this requires you to open your mind to possibility, and when it comes to spirituality, you refuse to be open-minded. As I said before, you are determined to go to your grave disbelieving, and that is fine with me, I am not here to change your mind. I personally think, you not answering my previous question about whether you've always been a Nihilist, is very revealing. It tells me you are not really as disbelieving as you are letting on, that somewhere deep inside, you do believe in spiritual nature, you are just angry at religion and religious people who you feel like have judged you. I get that, I understand it, but it doesn't negate spirituality.

Boss? Yet you claim that this "spiritual.... something or other" Boss? has no physical or material existence. Boss?

Boss? You're describing "magic" existence. Boss?

It tells me that deep inside, you're just being silly.

Not 'magic' anymore than black holes, antimatter, dark energy... I said that we can't currently measure or verify this energy with physics and science, it is not material in existence, as far as we are aware at this time. I have no way of knowing what we don't yet know, sweetie. I'm not being silly, that's just a statement of fact here. There may well come a time when we stumble upon discovery and can confirm spiritual nature with physical science, or better yet, quantum physics, which is relatively new. It's possible.

But to continue denying that spirituality exists, when we have thousands of years of evidence from billions of people that it certainly does exist, is laughable to me.

So, are we to believe that black holes, antimatter, dark energy... have no physical or material existence. With black holes for instance, I had understood that the affects of gravity could be used to confirm their existence.

Really Boss, you should email NASA and explain that "spiritual nature" could be employed to confirm astronomical phenomenon. I don't know why they need to spend as much as they do on experimentation and such nonsense.
So explain how biological organisms can reproduce and where this mechanism came from.

Most of us were introduced to the subject in 7th grade.

However, I can understand that your madrassah may not have approached the subject in any detail.

"Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat"

Then give me a brief summary.

I'll start with a 1950's version of Dick and Jane.

Is there nothing on Harun Yahya's website you can refer to?
Most of us were introduced to the subject in 7th grade.

However, I can understand that your madrassah may not have approached the subject in any detail.

"Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat"

Then give me a brief summary.

I'll start with a 1950's version of Dick and Jane.

Is there nothing on Harun Yahya's website you can refer to?

I don't know I have not visited that site but you evidently have.

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