Delta Airlines steps in to the political fray - Attacks Conservatives

Ann can complain on Twitter.

Liberals in charge of Delta's media relations can blast Coulter.

At least Delta didn't beat her like United beat the AsIan physician until he had knocked out teeth and brain damage.

Sorry! That is a local doctor here and he did not suffer brain damage. His wife is my grandson's pediatrician.

Doctor dragged off plane had 'horrifying' experience: lawyer

I meant the Asian doctor on United...sorry, I can't keep track of these airlines fucking with physicians.

Thanks for fact checking me, skippy.

My point holds. It's fucked up how the airlines are handling their overbooking policies.
You should protest by never flying an airline again.
Coulter is a remarkable person (of uncertain gender). Only she could succeed in making me root for an airline in a passenger dispute!
Go back to class, middle schooler.

I'm so far ahead of this pathetic moron and his pals it's actually amusing.......

This out today......
Ann Coulter believes Delta flap was politically motivated, posts insider info from 'flight attendant'

Ann Coulter is a pathetic whining snowflake who is playing the victim card.

And she thinks so much of herself that she think that in her case- it must be politically motivated.

Anyone think that before this Coulter would have any sympathy with anyone else who lost their seat?

Remember how she came to the defense of the United passenger dragged off the plane?

No- I don't remember that either.

Coulter= perpetual victim.
Maybe someone should start a funding website to help raise the $30 for Ann, in case she is too strapped to wait for Delta's check.
Ann Coulter is a pathetic whining snowflake who is playing the victim card.
And she thinks so much of herself that she think that in her case- it must be politically motivated.
Anyone think that before this Coulter would have any sympathy with anyone else who lost their seat?
Remember how she came to the defense of the United passenger dragged off the plane?
No- I don't remember that either.
Coulter= perpetual victim.

First of all - A snowflake is BY DEFINITION a term used for the idiotic left. Your first show of abject ignorance. Shall we also call liberals "Cons" while your're at it?
Second, your opinions do not equate to fact.
Third, you have no idea how Ann Coulter would react to someone else losing their seat.

Finally...this from someone who started a thread calling Trump a "Mass Murderer"
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Seems you just might be having a credibility problem......
It appears I was spot on.....

Insider tells that a Delta employee gave seat away to harass Ann Coulter...Delta HQ approved

Ann Coulter believes Delta flap was politically motivated, posts insider info from 'flight attendant'
What did Trump say about anonymous sources? "Whenever you see the words 'sources say' in the fake news media, and they don't mention is very possible that those sources don't exist but are made up by fake news writers. #FakeNews is the enemy!"

From your link: "According to a text conversation Coulter posted to Twitter on Tuesday, an unnamed “flight attendant” claimed that Coulter was targeted on purpose to “make her life miserable.”"

How can moving her a few seats over in the same row "make her life miserable"? Putting her next to a screaming baby is the best way to fuck up a person's flight for a few hours. There's always a baby or two onboard.
...Anyone think that before this Coulter would have any sympathy with anyone else who lost their seat?

Remember how she came to the defense of the United passenger dragged off the plane?

No- I don't remember that either.

Coulter= perpetual victim.
She didn't for Dao....and she didn't lose her seat. She was just moved over a couple in the same row.
Go back to class, middle schooler.

I'm so far ahead of this pathetic moron and his pals it's actually amusing.......

This out today......
Ann Coulter believes Delta flap was politically motivated, posts insider info from 'flight attendant'

Ann Coulter is a pathetic whining snowflake who is playing the victim card.

And she thinks so much of herself that she think that in her case- it must be politically motivated.

Anyone think that before this Coulter would have any sympathy with anyone else who lost their seat?

Remember how she came to the defense of the United passenger dragged off the plane?

No- I don't remember that either.

Coulter= perpetual victim.
She mocked him for being a drug addict
So if you PREPAY extra for a desired RESERVED seat with extra leg room on Delta, to put in laymen's terms...


Prepaying and reserving to Delta doesn't mean you'll get that seat, ESPECIALLY if you're a well known conservative firebrand commentator.

They did it on purpose, plain and simple, because they hate her.
Geez, you are a loon. Please provide some evidence that this was done due to Delta hating Coulter. Seriously, come up with something to back your jackass claim. We're waiting.
Who's "we?" You got a turd in your pocket, sunshine, or do you just like to pretend you actually have friends, dumbass.

Now you prove to me some little partisan hack leftard Hitlery lover ticket person DIDN'T bump her out of her PREPAID, RESERVED SEAT for some stupid made up reason just because they HATE her, go ahead, provide me with some evidence, or STFU with your JACKASS smack.

I'm one of the "we" --- I asked the OP to show any evidence at all for his title like 120 posts ago. Still waiting on that. He ran away.

Here's how the world works, for those just arriving --- when you make an assertion, like, say, "Delta attacks conservatives" or "Delta steps into politics" or "Delta moves Coulter because she's a well known firebrand commentator" --- *YOU* have the burden of proof for it. It ain't anyone else's job to prove the negative of it. That's patently absurd.

"I am a reptilian timelord from planet Zymwpt with three heads who happens to be the king of Belize. Prove I'm not." :cuckoo:
The "proof," mister Pogo, is written on the wall.

Do you think they'd have done that to say... LITTLE MISS LEFTIST MAN-GIRL MADCOW?

The answer is NO. How OBVIOUS do these things have to be before you MENTAL MIDGETS can figure them out?

What I think "would" happen as a causation is irrelevant. "What you think "would" happen is irrelevant. What anybody thinks "would" happen is irrelevant. The only relevant fact is what *DID* happen. Anything short of that is naught but speculation. If you (or I) make an assertion as to that causation, then you (or I) bear the burden of proof for it. Without it, we're just pissing in the wind.

That's why I don't make assertions I can't back up.

The OP hisself put this same point this way:

your opinions do not equate to fact.
Last edited:
It appears I was spot on.....

Insider tells that a Delta employee gave seat away to harass Ann Coulter...Delta HQ approved

Ann Coulter believes Delta flap was politically motivated, posts insider info from 'flight attendant'

Whoa, wait, hold up, momentito.

----- "It appears you were spot on" because....... Ann Coultergeist said so with no evidence whatsoever??? :lmao:


Gullible's Travels. SMH
Go back to class, middle schooler.

I'm so far ahead of this pathetic moron and his pals it's actually amusing.......

This out today......
Ann Coulter believes Delta flap was politically motivated, posts insider info from 'flight attendant'

And these juvenile fools on the left have the audacity to call me "middle schooler"......?

<smiles and leaves the fools to ponder their stupidity>
Oh, you mean the screencap that somehow doesn't have any names or timestamps despite that being a feature in almost all chat and message apps? The one that Coulter says was "given" to her by someone who might be a flight attendant and who heard from someone that might work for Delta? Maybe?

Not only are you a complete idiot, you're a biased, Kool-Aid drinking far-right boob that gives conservatives a bad name. But you are right on one thing. I should not have given you so much credit by calling you a middle schooler.
So if you PREPAY extra for a desired RESERVED seat with extra leg room on Delta, to put in laymen's terms...


Prepaying and reserving to Delta doesn't mean you'll get that seat, ESPECIALLY if you're a well known conservative firebrand commentator.

They did it on purpose, plain and simple, because they hate her.
Geez, you are a loon. Please provide some evidence that this was done due to Delta hating Coulter. Seriously, come up with something to back your jackass claim. We're waiting.
Who's "we?" You got a turd in your pocket, sunshine, or do you just like to pretend you actually have friends, dumbass.

Now you prove to me some little partisan hack leftard Hitlery lover ticket person DIDN'T bump her out of her PREPAID, RESERVED SEAT for some stupid made up reason just because they HATE her, go ahead, provide me with some evidence, or STFU with your JACKASS smack.
Thank you for your message. After decoding it, we have noticed three points:
  1. For a second time, you have failed to provide any evidence. Thank you for admitting you have none.
  2. When you make a claim, it is your responsibility to back it up. You did not. Again, thank you for admitting you have no evidence.
  3. "Ticket person" is not a phrase in English. Also, if someone calls your post a "jackass claim," don't reply by using basically the same phrase, such as "JACKASS smack." It sounds like the childlike "No, *you're* the jackass!" and reveals your lack of creativity.
On behalf of the International Socialist, Communist, Liberal, Satanic Alliance Against Decency And Freedom (ISCLSAADF), we appreciate your solid effort to look unhinged and ignorant. If you would like help in posting logical, sound rebuttals in the future, please visit our website and sign up for our correspondence course, "How To Not Look Stupid Online."


WJ MacGuffin
Secretary, ISCLSAADF
So if you PREPAY extra for a desired RESERVED seat with extra leg room on Delta, to put in laymen's terms...


Prepaying and reserving to Delta doesn't mean you'll get that seat, ESPECIALLY if you're a well known conservative firebrand commentator.

They did it on purpose, plain and simple, because they hate her.
Geez, you are a loon. Please provide some evidence that this was done due to Delta hating Coulter. Seriously, come up with something to back your jackass claim. We're waiting.
Who's "we?" You got a turd in your pocket, sunshine, or do you just like to pretend you actually have friends, dumbass.

Now you prove to me some little partisan hack leftard Hitlery lover ticket person DIDN'T bump her out of her PREPAID, RESERVED SEAT for some stupid made up reason just because they HATE her, go ahead, provide me with some evidence, or STFU with your JACKASS smack.
Thank you for your message. After decoding it, we have noticed three points:
  1. For a second time, you have failed to provide any evidence. Thank you for admitting you have none.
  2. When you make a claim, it is your responsibility to back it up. You did not. Again, thank you for admitting you have no evidence.
  3. "Ticket person" is not a phrase in English. Also, if someone calls your post a "jackass claim," don't reply by using basically the same phrase, such as "JACKASS smack." It sounds like the childlike "No, *you're* the jackass!" and reveals your lack of creativity.
On behalf of the International Socialist, Communist, Liberal, Satanic Alliance Against Decency And Freedom (ISCLSAADF), we appreciate your solid effort to look unhinged and ignorant. If you would like help in posting logical, sound rebuttals in the future, please visit our website and sign up for our correspondence course, "How To Not Look Stupid Online."


WJ MacGuffin
Secretary, ISCLSAADF
You stupid sons a bitch. It's my OPINION, and you're shitting yourself trying to sound like you have a fucking brain.

Typical liberal dumbass.
So if you PREPAY extra for a desired RESERVED seat with extra leg room on Delta, to put in laymen's terms...


Prepaying and reserving to Delta doesn't mean you'll get that seat, ESPECIALLY if you're a well known conservative firebrand commentator.

They did it on purpose, plain and simple, because they hate her.
Geez, you are a loon. Please provide some evidence that this was done due to Delta hating Coulter. Seriously, come up with something to back your jackass claim. We're waiting.
Who's "we?" You got a turd in your pocket, sunshine, or do you just like to pretend you actually have friends, dumbass.

Now you prove to me some little partisan hack leftard Hitlery lover ticket person DIDN'T bump her out of her PREPAID, RESERVED SEAT for some stupid made up reason just because they HATE her, go ahead, provide me with some evidence, or STFU with your JACKASS smack.
Thank you for your message. After decoding it, we have noticed three points:
  1. For a second time, you have failed to provide any evidence. Thank you for admitting you have none.
  2. When you make a claim, it is your responsibility to back it up. You did not. Again, thank you for admitting you have no evidence.
  3. "Ticket person" is not a phrase in English. Also, if someone calls your post a "jackass claim," don't reply by using basically the same phrase, such as "JACKASS smack." It sounds like the childlike "No, *you're* the jackass!" and reveals your lack of creativity.
On behalf of the International Socialist, Communist, Liberal, Satanic Alliance Against Decency And Freedom (ISCLSAADF), we appreciate your solid effort to look unhinged and ignorant. If you would like help in posting logical, sound rebuttals in the future, please visit our website and sign up for our correspondence course, "How To Not Look Stupid Online."


WJ MacGuffin
Secretary, ISCLSAADF
You stupid sons a bitch. It's my OPINION, and you're shitting yourself trying to sound like you have a fucking brain.

Typical liberal dumbass.
*son of a bitch.

Here, this link might help. English Course Online | ABA English

Lastly, you never said it was your opinion earlier. Thank you for changing things so you don't have to show any evidence. Also, an opinion can still be incorrect. Just like yours. Have a great day, sunshine! :bye1:

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