Delta Airlines steps in to the political fray - Attacks Conservatives

...i do wonder why if this was an issue they didn't seat them in standard coach and let the people who paid extra keep their seats and simply move coach for coach.
Usually seats in the same row have all the same leg length. This can vary in different configurations but generally runs true.

It appears the group of three did pay for the legroom (the man in the middle (father?)) and Coulter was only asked to move from her aisle seat to one across the aisle.
...which means it could have been shorter. Since they mentioned refunding the 30 bucks it makes sense.
Same row. Refunding her money for the seat was a legal move. After looking at the info below, I fail to see the problem.

Some facts:
Delta’s response to political analyst Ann Coulter’s public attack on airline’s employees, customers following seat mix-up
Following Delta flight 2852 from New York-LGA to West Palm Beach on July 15, political analyst Ann Coulter took to social media to complain about a seat mix-up she experienced. However, what started out as complaints eventually turned into a public attack on the airline’s employees and customers.

Delta issued the following statement in response to Coulter’s insults:

"We are sorry that the customer did not receive the seat she reserved and paid for. More importantly, we are disappointed that the customer has chosen to publicly attack our employees and other customers by posting derogatory and slanderous comments and photos in social media. Her actions are unnecessary and unacceptable.

Each of our employees is charged with treating each other as well as our customers with dignity and respect. And we hold each other accountable when that does not happen.

Delta expects mutual civility throughout the entire travel experience.

We will refund Ms. Coulter's $30 for the preferred seat on the exit row that she purchased."

The airline said that Coulter originally booked seat 15F, which is located by the window in an exit row, however; within 24 hours of the flight’s departure, the customer changed to seat 15D, which is by the aisle. At the time of boarding, Delta inadvertently moved Coulter to 15A, a window seat, when working to accommodate several passengers with seating requests.

When there was some confusion with seating assignments during boarding, a flight attendant stepped in and asked that all of the passengers move to the seats noted on their respective tickets. All customers complied and the flight departed without incident. Following the flight, crew members reported that there were no problems or concerns escalated.

Delta first became aware of the issue with Coulter’s seat assignment when she began tweeting on July 15 after the flight’s arrival. The airline’s social media and customer care teams made several attempts to connect with her to apologize for the seat mix-up; however, they did not hear back from Coulter until Sunday evening.
DAL2852 is usually an Airbus 319 and was on 15JUL17: AirNav - Live Flight Tracker and Flight Status

The seating configuration for a Delta A319:
View attachment 139205
Jesus Christ dude. I should spend my time on this because ....? Is this a national security matter?
Ahhh, I forgot that opinions always trumps facts around here. <---see what I did there? LOL

Here's a recommendation, if you don't like facts or my posts, do what the LW snowflakes claim to do: put me on iggy. It doesn't count if you don't make several posts claiming you did. ;)
Ann Coulter forced to give up her seat on a Delta Airlines Flight......Delta refuses to say why.

However, they've gone full tilt blasting her over it.....(and still no explanation)

Delta blasts Ann Coulter after Twitter rant, calls her comments 'unacceptable'

It could have been a 'personal thing'....but corporate has gone on the rant so it's definitely coming from Delta HQ.
OH the indignity the poor pampered and pandering bitch had to suffer for the loss of that 3"! Her behavior now is quit telling of her character, the spoiled child!
Just IGNORE the fact she PAID for the seat right? I mean how dare she actually complain about being moved AFTER she PAID for the seat.
Both Delta and than spoiled skinny bitch are wrong you fucking IDIOT! The woman who was placed in the seat by Delta is totally innocent, yet that fucking bitch Coulter attached blame and public ridicule to her. Fuck Coulter's assumption of privileged superiority over mere commoners, her privileged attitude to those below her station and her spiteful privileged demeanor.
I love the window seat. I break out my travel pillow and rest my melon on the wall. It doesn't hurt that I am part-Hobbit. lol
Delta said Coulter had originally booked a window seat in an exit row, but changed it to one in the aisle less than 24 hours before. The airline said it "inadvertently" moved Coulter during boarding, to another window seat in the same row "when working to accommodate several passengers with seating requests."

Poor Annie....She must be traumatized
Imagine a freakish dachshund woman being given your seat



--- "to another window seat in the same row"???

Yammean even though she got the same legroom Delta made her sit on the port side instead of star-bored? Oh the shame. :crybaby:

On another note --- Exit Row passengers have to agree to take charge in the event an emergency exit is needed. How'd you like to find yourself on a burning plane and the only thing between you and the exit door is ---- Ann Coulter?

Ann Coulter forced to give up her seat on a Delta Airlines Flight......Delta refuses to say why.

However, they've gone full tilt blasting her over it.....(and still no explanation)

Delta blasts Ann Coulter after Twitter rant, calls her comments 'unacceptable'

It could have been a 'personal thing'....but corporate has gone on the rant so it's definitely coming from Delta HQ.
And what was the content of the "blast" against Coulter?

Here are the two tweets in question from Delta's social media team:
  1. We're sorry you did not receive the preferred seat you paid for and will refund your $30.
  2. Additionally, your insults about our other customers and employees are unacceptable and unnecessary.
Why did they say the second line? Let's check Coulter's tweets:
  • Hey @Delta, if it was so important for the dachshund-legged woman to take my seat, she should have BOOKED THE SEAT IN ADVANCE. Like I did.
  • Airline crew training at @Delta: Replicate Stanley Milgram's prison experiment at Yale, inducing normal ppl to brutally torture fellow man.
  • This will be a more pleasant flight, provided they don't use @Delta flight attendants.
Coulter should have gotten the seat she paid for. But this is about $30 and three inches of legroom.

Now, OP: Can you please explain to everyone how denying one person three inches of legroom is an attack against conservatives? Or are conservatives such easily triggered snowflakes that being denied a tiny amount of legroom is equivalent to, as Coulter put it, brutal torture?

While we're on the subject, how is saying "your insults are unacceptable" equivalent to "full tilt bashing"? Maybe, just maybe, you're a little troll hoping to stir up trouble and further divide this country.

Go back to class, middle schooler.
What the fuck does "dachshund-legged woman" mean? The woman/young lady looked cute.

It means "Wah, I didn't get what I want, so I need to lash out at everyone around me."
She paid extra for that extra 3". Guess you would just accept it, right? Lol
Ann Coulter forced to give up her seat on a Delta Airlines Flight......Delta refuses to say why.

However, they've gone full tilt blasting her over it.....(and still no explanation)

Delta blasts Ann Coulter after Twitter rant, calls her comments 'unacceptable'

It could have been a 'personal thing'....but corporate has gone on the rant so it's definitely coming from Delta HQ.
OH the indignity the poor pampered and pandering bitch had to suffer for the loss of that 3"! Her behavior now is quit telling of her character, the spoiled child!
I love the window seat. I break out my travel pillow and rest my melon on the wall. It doesn't hurt that I am part-Hobbit. lol

I always book a window seat. Almost always get it, which is a strange comment on mass psychology.

Apparently air travellers as a mob think getting an aisle seat gives them a leg up to being the first to get up and stand in the aisle going nowhere because --- duh -- you have to wait for the front to disembark. And then they'll get on the next plane and do the same thing, somehow expecting different results, looking bewildered at why they can't leave right away. As if five minutes is going to be some kind of deal-breaker.

Bizzaro. Hey, more sky views for me.

Flight attendant on a Southwest flight said:
"Welcome to (wherever we were). Please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a full stop, at which time you are free to unbuckle your seat belt, stand up and go absolutely nowhere".

Same flight attendant continued:
"As we're taxiing into the terminal we'd appreciate it if you could all press your faces to the window so our competition can see what a full flight looks like".

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I love the window seat. I break out my travel pillow and rest my melon on the wall. It doesn't hurt that I am part-Hobbit. lol

I always book a window seat. Almost always get it, which is a strange comment on mass psychology.

Apparently air travellers as a mob think getting an aisle seat gives them a leg up to being the first to get up and stand in the aisle going nowhere because --- duh -- you have to wait for the front to disembark. And then they'll get on the next plane and do the same thing, somehow expecting different results, looking bewildered at why they can't leave right away. As if five minutes is going to be some kind of deal-breaker.

Bizzaro. Hey, more sky views for me.

I book an aisle because with a window you have to either wake up or get two people to let you out of your seat to use the bathroom
So if you PREPAY extra for a desired RESERVED seat with extra leg room on Delta, to put in laymen's terms...


Prepaying and reserving to Delta doesn't mean you'll get that seat, ESPECIALLY if you're a well known conservative firebrand commentator.

They did it on purpose, plain and simple, because they hate her.
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She paid extra for that extra 3". Guess you would just accept it, right? Lol
Ann Coulter forced to give up her seat on a Delta Airlines Flight......Delta refuses to say why.

However, they've gone full tilt blasting her over it.....(and still no explanation)

Delta blasts Ann Coulter after Twitter rant, calls her comments 'unacceptable'

It could have been a 'personal thing'....but corporate has gone on the rant so it's definitely coming from Delta HQ.
OH the indignity the poor pampered and pandering bitch had to suffer for the loss of that 3"! Her behavior now is quit telling of her character, the spoiled child!
She got her extra 3" for her $30. She's bitching because she was moved across the aisle to a window seat instead of the second seat she'd picked online (first a window, then an aisle seat the night before).
I love the window seat. I break out my travel pillow and rest my melon on the wall. It doesn't hurt that I am part-Hobbit. lol

I always book a window seat. Almost always get it, which is a strange comment on mass psychology.

Apparently air travellers as a mob think getting an aisle seat gives them a leg up to being the first to get up and stand in the aisle going nowhere because --- duh -- you have to wait for the front to disembark. And then they'll get on the next plane and do the same thing, somehow expecting different results, looking bewildered at why they can't leave right away. As if five minutes is going to be some kind of deal-breaker.

Bizzaro. Hey, more sky views for me.

I book an aisle because with a window you have to either wake up or get two people to let you out of your seat to use the bathroom

I never use the bathroom on a plane. That's what the terminal is for.

Might have done that on a flight to Europe or Hawaìi but that's the exception.
I love the window seat. I break out my travel pillow and rest my melon on the wall. It doesn't hurt that I am part-Hobbit. lol

I always book a window seat. Almost always get it, which is a strange comment on mass psychology.

Apparently air travellers as a mob think getting an aisle seat gives them a leg up to being the first to get up and stand in the aisle going nowhere because --- duh -- you have to wait for the front to disembark. And then they'll get on the next plane and do the same thing, somehow expecting different results, looking bewildered at why they can't leave right away. As if five minutes is going to be some kind of deal-breaker.

Bizzaro. Hey, more sky views for me.

I book an aisle because with a window you have to either wake up or get two people to let you out of your seat to use the bathroom

I never use the bathroom on a plane. That's what the terminal is for.

Might have done that on a flight to Europe or Hawaìi but that's the exception.
I can understand why women don't like it, but for those of us who can stand up to pee, it's not a big deal.
Think they'd have done this to say, man-girl Rachael Madcow?

I love the window seat. I break out my travel pillow and rest my melon on the wall. It doesn't hurt that I am part-Hobbit. lol

I always book a window seat. Almost always get it, which is a strange comment on mass psychology.

Apparently air travellers as a mob think getting an aisle seat gives them a leg up to being the first to get up and stand in the aisle going nowhere because --- duh -- you have to wait for the front to disembark. And then they'll get on the next plane and do the same thing, somehow expecting different results, looking bewildered at why they can't leave right away. As if five minutes is going to be some kind of deal-breaker.

Bizzaro. Hey, more sky views for me.

I book an aisle because with a window you have to either wake up or get two people to let you out of your seat to use the bathroom
Same here. Unless it's for the extra legroom, then I like the back....because that's the last part to hit the ground. ;)
Maybe one day the airlines will learn giving the seat one person paid for to someone else is not good business and that they will always be the one who comes off looking bad.

It appears that Coulter was pissed that the woman wasn't white. In any case, the entitled and hyper-agressive Coulter is being pilloried on Twitter for rudely attacking airline staff and posting pictures of staff and the woman given her seat , in violation of privacy laws, and good manners.

Only Coulter could have problems with an airline and the public sympathizes with the airline.

As an asides, Coulter has complained about Delta's service for years. Why is she still flying with them if they're so bad.

I never fly Air Canada. Worst. Airline. Ever. I was travelling with two friends to Vancouver. One flew AC (on points), I flew WestJet with my other friend. The AC flight was scheduled to take off 15 minutes of ours and to land 20 minutes after us. The AC flight arrived 1 1/2 hours after our WestJet flight. We had a nice breakfast and a tour of the airport while waiting. This is just one of many reasons I don't fly with crappy airlines.

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