Dem 2020 Presidential platform: Ban 'assault weapons'!!!!'

None of the weapons I fired in the military can be bought at a gun store.

Because of gun control laws that got passed despite GOP objections .

Ok gun nerds. Explain to us dopes the difference tween what the military is using in Afghanistan vs say, what the Florida high school shooter used ?

Very simple, I would say so simple that even you could understand it, but since you keep asking this question, it must be hard for you to grasp.

The military uses a select fire weapon. The weapon can be fired single fire or in a 3 round burst. Older models were fully automatic fire.

If it doesn't have a select fire capability, it is not a modern military weapon.

Also, The Wild West Rifle, the Lever Action gun, like you saw on the show, "The Rifleman?" That was an actual military weapon. The 6 shot revolver, used by the American military and was first patented in is a semi-automatic weapon?

The 5 shot, pump action a current military weapon, in use by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The Bolt action rifle, is a current military weapon, used by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The AR-15 has never been used by the military and has never been used in combat.

So the difference is that military style can be automatic. Domestics can not . BECAUSE of the law.

Otherwise it’s a straight up war weapon .
Ok Fuck face, Military grade has m-4 ramps ARs generally do not, There’s a world of difference between barrels, also gas chamber, along with the triggers, just to name a few.

You need to quit listening to Hollywood and fucked up mainstream media you fucking retard
yes we should all stop listening to respected sources like the encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia and every other book ever written about military history and military weapons. The AR-15 was designed for the army as an assault rifle, you idiot.
Prove it?
ARs and the like are sporting rifles nothing more nothing less...
The big Mass killers and conspiracy nut jobs like you just love it and it is and was designed as an assault weapon.
And yet, the AR15 does not meet the definition of an assault rifle.

Over the counter AR 15’s and the like would never pass military muster... not even close.
We should now tell everyone that rustic is a gun dealer.Wikipedia encyclopedia Britannica say the AR-15 is a assault weapon so does everybody else who has a brain.

You would not get very far in conflict with these... lol
The big Mass killers and conspiracy nut jobs like you just love it and it is and was designed as an assault weapon.
And yet, the AR15 does not meet the definition of an assault rifle.

Over the counter AR 15’s and the like would never pass military muster... not even close.
We should now tell everyone that rustic is a gun dealer.Wikipedia encyclopedia Britannica say the AR-15 is a assault weapon so does everybody else who has a brain.
It may be classified by some bullshit meaningless term.

It is NOT an assault rifle, by your own fucking sources.

According to every reference works ever outside of your garbage propaganda machine, of course it is an assault rifle. The brainwash is strong with you idiots.
You sir are VERY misinformed.

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
"An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

No AR15 is capable of select fire. ALL of them are semi-automatic ONLY.

Learn something about guns before you try to tell us what should and should not be legal.



Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


Designed for the military and listed as an assault weapon by the military and every book or encyclopedia about this. You are a brainwashed idiot. And rostek is a gun dealer I'm tired very very tired by this idiocy.
According to every reference works ever outside of your garbage propaganda machine, of course it is an assault rifle. The brainwash is strong with you idiots.
You sir are VERY misinformed.

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
"An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

No AR15 is capable of select fire. ALL of them are semi-automatic ONLY.

Learn something about guns before you try to tell us what should and should not be legal.



Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


Designed for the military and listed as an assault weapon by the military and every book or encyclopedia about this. You are a brainwashed idiot. And rostek is a gun dealer I'm tired very very tired by this idiocy.

Do you know what "select fire" means?

This whole argument turns on your understanding of that term.

All semi automatic weapons go the same speed.

An AR is not less deadly than a knife .

Knives are designed for other purposes . Not for mass killing like an AR.
People kill people not firearms you fucking retard...
Quit falling down the well

So, people can use people to drive by kill people?

Than why the fuck are we using guns...
Firearms have no control over people, you fucking control freak

Really, and you still believe guns put hair on your scrotum.
After losing this argument in spectacular fashion, you now resort to attempts at shaming him for owing firearms.


You're a tough dude, okay. We bow to your badassitude.

He is a gun dealer so I am very tired of his argument. Confiscation is never going to happen there are already 15 million AR-15 out there but I believe that they drive people crazy. There's a reason we never had military weapons available for the public.
According to every reference works ever outside of your garbage propaganda machine, of course it is an assault rifle. The brainwash is strong with you idiots.
You sir are VERY misinformed.

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
"An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

No AR15 is capable of select fire. ALL of them are semi-automatic ONLY.

Learn something about guns before you try to tell us what should and should not be legal.



Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


Designed for the military and listed as an assault weapon by the military and every book or encyclopedia about this. You are a brainwashed idiot. And rostek is a gun dealer I'm tired very very tired by this idiocy.

By the way, shotguns were designed for the military, along with all bolt-action and leaver-action rifles. So, you want to ban EVERYTHING, just like I thought.

According to every reference works ever outside of your garbage propaganda machine, of course it is an assault rifle. The brainwash is strong with you idiots.
You sir are VERY misinformed.

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
"An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

No AR15 is capable of select fire. ALL of them are semi-automatic ONLY.

Learn something about guns before you try to tell us what should and should not be legal.



Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


Designed for the military and listed as an assault weapon by the military and every book or encyclopedia about this. You are a brainwashed idiot. And rostek is a gun dealer I'm tired very very tired by this idiocy.

...yes Political correctness has made you retarded
People kill people not firearms you fucking retard...
Quit falling down the well

So, people can use people to drive by kill people?

Than why the fuck are we using guns...
Firearms have no control over people, you fucking control freak

Really, and you still believe guns put hair on your scrotum.
After losing this argument in spectacular fashion, you now resort to attempts at shaming him for owing firearms.


You're a tough dude, okay. We bow to your badassitude.

He is a gun dealer so I am very tired of his argument. Confiscation is never going to happen there are already 15 million AR-15 out there but I believe that they drive people crazy. There's a reason we never had military weapons available for the public.
Except ARs are not military grade... Dolt
He is a gun dealer so I am very tired of his argument. Confiscation is never going to happen there are already 15 million AR-15 out there but I believe that they drive people crazy. There's a reason we never had military weapons available for the public.
Surely you have some basis for this belief.

Make it any other object, and you yourself would sound crazy, right?

"Wire hangers make people murderers."

Your own source tells you that an AR15 is NOT an assault rifle. "Assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire."

The AR15 has NO SUCH CAPACITY!!!! It is semi-auto ONLY!!!!


Because of gun control laws . It’s still a weapon of war .

You mean, other than the fact it has never been used in a war? Or by the military? Other than those two facts, what else do you have?

And again, the Lever Action Rifle....military weapon. 5 shot, pump action shotgun....military weapon. Bolt action rifle, military weapon. 6 shot revolver, semi-automatic military weapon.

AR-15......not a military weapon.....
I've owned firearms since the age of 8 and served in the military. I've fired everything from a .22 pistol to a heavy machine gun. The firearms I can buy down at my local gun shop are not "assault weapons".
Pure b*******. It was designed as an assault weapon and has a tumbling effect that makes it a super killer... It won the competition with the M14.

the GOP and the NRA are totally full of s*** on this, but you dupes will believe anything they say. 100 times a day

Pure b*******. It was designed as an assault weapon and has a tumbling effect that makes it a super killer...

What makes it a super killer? When a mass shooter uses it in a gun free zone, against unarmed people at a distance of less than 30 feet where he has easy shots and the victims can't shoot back or get away.........which means the same level of lethality would apply to any moron, even the Virginia Tech shooting showed.....32 dead with 2 pistols....and the Luby's Cafe shooting showed....24 dead, 2 pistols.....
It is a military assault weapon no matter how much crap you spew, brainwashed functional moron. And it drives people like you absolutely insane way too often....
ARs and the like are sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less... jack weed
Total b******* designed for the army. as an assault weapon. Too bad you people can't read.

We did read. We read directly from your link. You link, the one you posted, stated that the alleged "Assault" rifle has to have select fire capability....the AR-15 does not. It is a civilian and police rifle.....from you own link, you moron.
So thats why their based on the M16?

I do take you for stupid.
It is the other way around, dumbass. The M16 is based on the Armalite Rifle, but the M16 is an actual assault rifle. The AR15 is not, Nor are the components and barrel designed for such.

No AR15 is used by any military.


Sorry... In 1956, ArmaLite designed a lightweight selective fire rifle for military use and designated it the ArmaLite Rifle model 15, or AR-15. Due to financial problems and limitations in terms of manpower and production capacity, ArmaLite sold the design and the AR-15 trademark along with the ArmaLite AR-10 to Colt's Manufacturing Company in 1959.

So it wasn't designed for the military?

The military rejected the design....because it couldn't select fire. It is a civilian rifle.
According to every reference works ever outside of your garbage propaganda machine, of course it is an assault rifle. The brainwash is strong with you idiots.
You sir are VERY misinformed.

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
"An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

No AR15 is capable of select fire. ALL of them are semi-automatic ONLY.

Learn something about guns before you try to tell us what should and should not be legal.



Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


No...with time, the 2nd graders might begin to understand a little something about physics...
None of the weapons I fired in the military can be bought at a gun store.

Because of gun control laws that got passed despite GOP objections .

Ok gun nerds. Explain to us dopes the difference tween what the military is using in Afghanistan vs say, what the Florida high school shooter used ?

Very simple, I would say so simple that even you could understand it, but since you keep asking this question, it must be hard for you to grasp.

The military uses a select fire weapon. The weapon can be fired single fire or in a 3 round burst. Older models were fully automatic fire.

If it doesn't have a select fire capability, it is not a modern military weapon.

Also, The Wild West Rifle, the Lever Action gun, like you saw on the show, "The Rifleman?" That was an actual military weapon. The 6 shot revolver, used by the American military and was first patented in is a semi-automatic weapon?

The 5 shot, pump action a current military weapon, in use by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The Bolt action rifle, is a current military weapon, used by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The AR-15 has never been used by the military and has never been used in combat.

So the difference is that military style can be automatic. Domestics can not . BECAUSE of the law.

Otherwise it’s a straight up war weapon .
Ok Fuck face, Military grade has m-4 ramps ARs generally do not, There’s a world of difference between barrels, also gas chamber, along with the triggers, just to name a few.

You need to quit listening to Hollywood and fucked up mainstream media you fucking retard
yes we should all stop listening to respected sources like the encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia and every other book ever written about military history and military weapons. The AR-15 was designed for the army as an assault rifle, you idiot.

Again, the link you posted stated it is not an Assault rifle by the definition your link gives for an assault rifle......
None of the weapons I fired in the military can be bought at a gun store.

Because of gun control laws that got passed despite GOP objections .

Ok gun nerds. Explain to us dopes the difference tween what the military is using in Afghanistan vs say, what the Florida high school shooter used ?

Very simple, I would say so simple that even you could understand it, but since you keep asking this question, it must be hard for you to grasp.

The military uses a select fire weapon. The weapon can be fired single fire or in a 3 round burst. Older models were fully automatic fire.

If it doesn't have a select fire capability, it is not a modern military weapon.

Also, The Wild West Rifle, the Lever Action gun, like you saw on the show, "The Rifleman?" That was an actual military weapon. The 6 shot revolver, used by the American military and was first patented in is a semi-automatic weapon?

The 5 shot, pump action a current military weapon, in use by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The Bolt action rifle, is a current military weapon, used by our current armed forces in current combat zones.

The AR-15 has never been used by the military and has never been used in combat.

So the difference is that military style can be automatic. Domestics can not . BECAUSE of the law.

Otherwise it’s a straight up war weapon .
Ok Fuck face, Military grade has m-4 ramps ARs generally do not, There’s a world of difference between barrels, also gas chamber, along with the triggers, just to name a few.

You need to quit listening to Hollywood and fucked up mainstream media you fucking retard
yes we should all stop listening to respected sources like the encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia and every other book ever written about military history and military weapons. The AR-15 was designed for the army as an assault rifle, you idiot.

From your source.....Encyclopedia Britannica...

assault rifle | Definition, Examples, Facts, & History

Assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.

The AR-15 cannot switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.......Therefore, according to the very definition from your very own source, it is not a military rifle...
According to every reference works ever outside of your garbage propaganda machine, of course it is an assault rifle. The brainwash is strong with you idiots.
You sir are VERY misinformed.

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
"An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

No AR15 is capable of select fire. ALL of them are semi-automatic ONLY.

Learn something about guns before you try to tell us what should and should not be legal.



Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


Designed for the military and listed as an assault weapon by the military and every book or encyclopedia about this. You are a brainwashed idiot. And rostek is a gun dealer I'm tired very very tired by this idiocy.

and every book or encyclopedia about this

Except for the Encyclopedia you used in your mean except for that one.....right?
People kill people not firearms you fucking retard...
Quit falling down the well

So, people can use people to drive by kill people?

Than why the fuck are we using guns...
Firearms have no control over people, you fucking control freak

Really, and you still believe guns put hair on your scrotum.
After losing this argument in spectacular fashion, you now resort to attempts at shaming him for owing firearms.


You're a tough dude, okay. We bow to your badassitude.

He is a gun dealer so I am very tired of his argument. Confiscation is never going to happen there are already 15 million AR-15 out there but I believe that they drive people crazy. There's a reason we never had military weapons available for the public.

Moron......if you have a Lever action rifle, you have a military weapon. If you have a revolver, you have a military weapon. If you have a 5 shot, pump action shotgun, you have a military weapon. If you have a bolt action rifle, you have a military weapon.

If you have an AR-15, you do not have a military weapon.

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