Dem 2020 Presidential platform: Ban 'assault weapons'!!!!'

"Designed for military use" is about the most irrelevant criteria I have ever heard, especially given the FACT that ALL firearms are designed for military use or based on firearms that were so designed.

Once again, these banners refuse to accept the reality that we, the people, have a right to own and possess lethal weapons.

Accept it, banners. We, The People have the right to own deadly weapons. Stop ignoring that FACT!!!

The AR-15 was designed in 1956 for lightweight military use. It was the precursor to the M-16.
The Armalite AR15.
The AR15 currently available for sale in just about every gun store in the US is not the Armalite AR15 - it is a derivative of the Colt AR15 from 1962-63.
Do you not understand the difference?

I understand that you don't understand.

I would rather hang out with them then these guys:


At least the gay guy ain’t a scared lil bitching who cant go down to. market without being armed to the teeth. Those old ladies in the produce department can get a little rough .

Hey, Tims, if you manage to find some pretense of manliness by pretending to yourself that you could never possibly be a victim of a crime, then far be it from me to deny you. But don't confuse oblivious stupidity with courage.

I can handle myself without a gun.

Tell me how “manly” you are packing pistols so
You feel safe at chucky cheese.

No, fool, you THINK you can handle yourself without a gun. After all, you've watched a bunch of Jackie Chan movies, and know JUST what to do against armed assailants, right?

I'm not particularly manly at all, being female. Sadly, I'm still more manly than you. Almost any warm-blooded creature is.

For the record, Mr. "Oh, it's so silly to think you need protection in mundane activities", I was assaulted on the street while walking to a convenience store. Most victims of violent crimes are, in fact, going about mundane activities when assaulted.
The firearm is the great equalizer.

A 95 pound woman can defend herself against a 300 pound muscle-bound beefcake on a roid-rage bender. Her fate is no longer automatic. With a firearm, she has a chance to survive, where she would otherwise be completely helpless, no matter how hard she fought.

I can handle myself without a gun.
Oh look! An internet tough guy!!!
Wait... are you a Mall Ninja, too?

Internet tough guys threaten people on line . I’m just telling you I go through my day without a gun and without fear.

Unlike a paranoid puss like yourself .

I'll say it again: being too stupid to know danger exists is not the same thing as being brave. And assuming that because you have not yet been a victim of violence, you cannot ever BE a victim is a prime example of being stupid. Every single person who has ever been a crime statistic went "through their day" . . . until they suddenly didn't.
I've owned firearms since the age of 8 and served in the military. I've fired everything from a .22 pistol to a heavy machine gun. The firearms I can buy down at my local gun shop are not "assault weapons".
Pure b*******. It was designed as an assault weapon and has a tumbling effect that makes it a super killer... It won the competition with the M14.

the GOP and the NRA are totally full of s*** on this, but you dupes will believe anything they say. 100 times a day

Pure b*******. It was designed as an assault weapon and has a tumbling effect that makes it a super killer...

What makes it a super killer? When a mass shooter uses it in a gun free zone, against unarmed people at a distance of less than 30 feet where he has easy shots and the victims can't shoot back or get away.........which means the same level of lethality would apply to any moron, even the Virginia Tech shooting showed.....32 dead with 2 pistols....and the Luby's Cafe shooting showed....24 dead, 2 pistols.....
It is a military assault weapon no matter how much crap you spew, brainwashed functional moron. And it drives people like you absolutely insane way too often....
ARs and the like are sporting rifles, nothing more nothing less... jack weed

So thats why their based on the M16?

I do take you for stupid.

Well, if you're so brilliant that you feel qualified to sneer at the intelligence of others, perhaps you can explain to us EXACTLY which ways the AR15 is "based on" the M16, which have you so very alarmed and panicked. What aspects do you believe the two share which scare you so much?
The AR-15 was designed in 1956 for lightweight military use. It was the precursor to the M-16.
The Armalite AR15.
The AR15 currently available for sale in just about every gun store in the US is not the Armalite AR15 - it is a derivative of the Colt AR15 from 1962-63.
Do you not understand the difference?

I understand that you don't understand.
You understand that the "designed for military use" criteria applies to ALL FIREARMS, right?

The AR-15 was designed in 1956 for lightweight military use. It was the precursor to the M-16.
The Armalite AR15.
The AR15 currently available for sale in just about every gun store in the US is not the Armalite AR15 - it is a derivative of the Colt AR15 from 1962-63.
Do you not understand the difference?
I understand that you don't understand.
Your lack of meaningful response says all that need be said.
I accept your concession.
Yes, a pointless law. With over 18 million semi-automatic rifles in private hands in the U.S......and that is a low count........and over 320 million people in the country.....

All rifle types accounted for 403 gun murders...which means the AR-15 is responsible for even fewer deaths than that..........

So again, if you think we should ban the AR-15 over less than 403 gun murders ....then we need to ban knives which are used to kill over 1,500 people every year, and cars that have killed over 38,000 people a year.....

Gotta start somewhere .

Lots of illegals in America too. Should we do nothing about it ?

Illegals broke the law........

The AR-15 is less deadly than knives and cars.......the only reason to ban it is if you are mentally ill.....

An AR is not less deadly than a knife .

Knives are designed for other purposes . Not for mass killing like an AR.
People kill people not firearms you fucking retard...
Quit falling down the well

So, people can use people to drive by kill people?

Than why the fuck are we using guns...

Way to show your "intelligence", confusing the perpetrator with the tool, and then doubling down on that confusion in the mistaken notion that you're sounding clever. Bravo. And you WILL let us know when you master that tricky "walking while breathing" maneuver, won't you?
You sir are VERY misinformed.

Assault rifle - Wikipedia
"An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine."

No AR15 is capable of select fire. ALL of them are semi-automatic ONLY.

Learn something about guns before you try to tell us what should and should not be legal.



Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


Designed for the military and listed as an assault weapon by the military and every book or encyclopedia about this. You are a brainwashed idiot. And rostek is a gun dealer I'm tired very very tired by this idiocy.

By the way, shotguns were designed for the military, along with all bolt-action and leaver-action rifles. So, you want to ban EVERYTHING, just like I thought.


A million years ago. Do our troops run around with those weapons in 2019?
By definition, sports cars only have two seats.

That means mustang gt cobras are not sports cars!!!

It's amazing how different the world looks when one understands that you are a piss-poor excuse for a sentient being and never, EVER accepts anything you say as being remotely related to reality and facts.

sports car
Definition of sports car

: a low small usually 2-passenger automobile designed for quick response, easy maneuverability, and high-speed driving

Definition of SPORTS CAR

THAT is the actual definition of the term "sports car". So when YOU said, "by definition", what you ACTUALLY meant was "by my ignorant and arrogantly uninformed assumptions, which I didn't verify before spewing them."
So thats why their based on the M16?

I do take you for stupid.
It is the other way around, dumbass. The M16 is based on the Armalite Rifle, but the M16 is an actual assault rifle. The AR15 is not, Nor are the components and barrel designed for such.

No AR15 is used by any military.


Sorry... In 1956, ArmaLite designed a lightweight selective fire rifle for military use and designated it the ArmaLite Rifle model 15, or AR-15. Due to financial problems and limitations in terms of manpower and production capacity, ArmaLite sold the design and the AR-15 trademark along with the ArmaLite AR-10 to Colt's Manufacturing Company in 1959.

So it wasn't designed for the military?

I know that this question was answered only a page or two back. Why is it that YOU seem to have forgotten it already?
Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


Designed for the military and listed as an assault weapon by the military and every book or encyclopedia about this. You are a brainwashed idiot. And rostek is a gun dealer I'm tired very very tired by this idiocy.

By the way, shotguns were designed for the military, along with all bolt-action and leaver-action rifles. So, you want to ban EVERYTHING, just like I thought.


A million years ago. Do our troops run around with those weapons in 2019?

Do our troops run around with civilian variant, over-the-counter AR15s?

Because of gun control laws . It’s still a weapon of war .
This is a lie.

No it’s not . You gun nerds love to make semantics arguments .

The reason AR’s are not automatics is because the manufacturers wouldn’t be able to legally sell them to the public . So they basically tweek the war weapon so it can pass. It’s still designed to kill lots of people .
Gun nerd!

What is the AR designed for ?

See, Not even close to military muster.

They are sporting rifle is nothing more nothing less you fucking retard

They have less understanding of mil-spec as they do general firearm knowledge.

It is like arguing physics with 2nd graders.


Designed for the military and listed as an assault weapon by the military and every book or encyclopedia about this. You are a brainwashed idiot. And rostek is a gun dealer I'm tired very very tired by this idiocy.

By the way, shotguns were designed for the military, along with all bolt-action and leaver-action rifles. So, you want to ban EVERYTHING, just like I thought.


A million years ago. Do our troops run around with those weapons in 2019?

Nope. They also don't run around with AR15s. And unlike all those other weapons, they never DID run around with AR15s.
Because of gun control laws . It’s still a weapon of war .
This is a lie.

No it’s not . You gun nerds love to make semantics arguments .

The reason AR’s are not automatics is because the manufacturers wouldn’t be able to legally sell them to the public . So they basically tweek the war weapon so it can pass. It’s still designed to kill lots of people .
AND - please tell me ANY modern military using this "military" weapon.

your SEMANTICS hits your own ass also, son. you can't even tell me what you want to ban other than that "military looking" rifle. and since that is your extend of understanding, its' easy to say you dont know shit.
No it’s not . You gun nerds love to make semantics arguments .
Word mean things, and they don't mean what you want them to mean.
The reason AR’s are not automatics is because the manufacturers wouldn’t be able to legally sell them to the public .
This is a lie - nothing prevented the AR15 from being sold as a full-auto weapon when they hit the market more than 50 years ago.
So they basically tweek the war weapon so it can pass. It’s still designed to kill lots of people .
This is a lie - the AR15 is designed for any of the traditionally legal purposes of a firearm.
By definition, sports cars only have two seats.

That means mustang gt cobras are not sports cars!!!

It's amazing how different the world looks when one understands that you are a piss-poor excuse for a sentient being and never, EVER accepts anything you say as being remotely related to reality and facts.

sports car
Definition of sports car

: a low small usually 2-passenger automobile designed for quick response, easy maneuverability, and high-speed driving

Definition of SPORTS CAR

THAT is the actual definition of the term "sports car". So when YOU said, "by definition", what you ACTUALLY meant was "by my ignorant and arrogantly uninformed assumptions, which I didn't verify before spewing them."
Timmy's Sport Car Analogy actually provided the perfect illustration of what these asswipes are trying to do.

As I posted before:

The 4-door Dodge Charger Hellcat goes 0-60 in about 3 seconds.

The Ferrari 488 also does 0-60 in about 3 seconds.

An "assault weapons" ban would be like banning the Ferrari because it LOOKS faster.


This is a lie - nothing prevented the AR15 from being sold as a full-auto weapon when they hit the market more than 50 years ago.
Timmy has probably never heard of the Hughes Amendment and the 30 years of AR variants being sold as sporting rifles, NOT legal assault rifles.

He has no business participating in this discussion or voting on such things. He is ignorant on the topic.


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