Dem-Controlled Congress: From Super Majority To Lame Duck And Now Paper Tiger...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
We keep hearing about how much the Democrats and especially the Left hate this current Tax Cut/Unemployment Deal yet they are going to pass it eventually. So why would they pass something they despise so much? Seems pretty sad and a bit cowardly to me. The Democrats still have compete control of Congress. They have all the power by way of the numbers. There's not much the Republicans can do to stop anything the Democrats want to do.

The Republicans don't take the House back till January and even then the Democrats will still control the Senate. If the Democrats wanted to stop this deal,they certainly could. So why don't they? It just seems like a lot of whiny bluster for nothing. Why all the hysterics? They're going to pass it in the end anyway right? This is just another huge failure for this Democrat-Led Congress. From Super Majority to Lame Duck and now a Paper Tiger. What a long fall from grace.
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This Dem-Led Congress made a huge mistake waiting till the last minute to argue about this as well. This should have been decided a long time ago. Just another blunder by this Congress.
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Man,how the mighty have fallen.
Not enough Democratic House votes to block a vote on the House floor.
Too late. Too bad.
I'm mostly with you. But I'd make it...Super Majority to Lame Duck and now Paper Mouse.

This clown has completely collapsed when it comes to leadership. My oh my, from hope and change to this train wreck. I figured as an empty suit Barry was gonna have a tough go of it but never imagined he'd be just so utterly everything.

I'm thinking I'm gonna wake up some day to find it's the day after the '08 election and all this has been a dream. Boy, would that be depressing.
I think all this whining from Democrats on this Tax Cut/Unemployment Deal is just Bullshit political theatre. They control everything in Congress. They could vote this thing down anytime they choose. So why don't they? If they hate it so much,why vote for it? They're just scrambling to cover their asses with their loony base. It's all Bullshit in the end. They have the votes to kill this thing if they want to. You watch,after all their bitchin they'll vote for it in the end. Bet on that.
Hopefully Dems will lose another 75 seats in 2012

Oh yeah, I just remembered. Didn't you claim that the Dems were going to lose EVERY race, and the Republicans were going to take both the House and the Senate?
Why would you vote for something you vehemently oppose? The Democrats have the power so why don't they just kill this thing? Because they're bluffing and are cowards. They'll do all their whiny bitchin for the TV cameras and then they'll vote for it. That's my call anyway.
Why would you vote for something you vehemently oppose? The Democrats have the power so why don't they just kill this thing? Because they're bluffing and are cowards. They'll do all their whiny bitchin for the TV cameras and then they'll vote for it. That's my call anyway.

Most Democrats (and many Republicans!) vote on legislation based upon opinion polls rather than guiding principles. They prefer to use "situational values" - as the situation changes, their values change- over firmly held values or principles. Their main goal is to keep getting reelected at any cost. If they thought they could allow the taxes rates to increase without losing even more power they'd do it.
All this public Democrat whining really is just political theatre. They have all the power and can kill this thing if they want to. So why wont they? I'll let you think about that and decide for yourself.
All this public Democrat whining really is just political theatre. They have all the power and can kill this thing if they want to. So why wont they? I'll let you think about that and decide for yourself.

Because most Democrats are as corrupt as most Republicans.
All this public Democrat whining really is just political theatre. They have all the power and can kill this thing if they want to. So why wont they? I'll let you think about that and decide for yourself.

Because most Democrats are as corrupt as most Republicans.

Possibly the first time we've ever agreed. lol! Yea the Democrats can kill this thing if they want to. The Republicans can't stop them. The Democrats have all the power by way of numbers. I think their whining is just all for the TV cameras. We'll see how they vote in the end. Stay tuned.
This is very poor Governing by the Democrats as well. Waiting till the last minute on this was just stupid and incompetent. The Democrats really are much better at being the Opposition Party. They cannot Govern.
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A super majority would be 60. Democrats never had more than 59.

Republican ignorance strikes again.
Bottom line is nothing can pass without Democratic support. All this public whining & bitching from the Democrats is just more disingenuous B.S. from them. This is going to pass eventually. Many Democrats are going to vote for it. So what's all the whining about? The Democrats could kill this thing any time they choose. They have all the Power.
Looks like my prediction was accurate. The Dems folded again. This Tax Cut deal has passed. If the Democrats hated it so much,why did so many vote for it? All their whining was just a big Dog & Pony Show for the TV cameras. Shades of the Iraq War vote. All those Dems voted for that too but later claimed they opposed it all along. Just can't trust the Democrats at this point. Their four year reign ends with them limping out as failed defeated Paper Tigers. Good riddance.
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because you have to weigh the pros and the cons. the pros being the middle class get the tax cuts, unemployment benefits are extended and the payroll tax goes down 2%. the biggest objection has always been about the tax cuts for the wealthy. but the dems knew they wouldnt get any support from any republican if they pulled out the tax cuts for the wealthy.

so what was the alternative, vote no, let taxes rise on everyone, and make people lose their unemployment? or compromise and extend them for 2 more years?

so whos the real villian here? the dems for compromising or the repubs for again being the party of no?
because you have to weigh the pros and the cons. the pros being the middle class get the tax cuts, unemployment benefits are extended and the payroll tax goes down 2%. the biggest objection has always been about the tax cuts for the wealthy. but the dems knew they wouldnt get any support from any republican if they pulled out the tax cuts for the wealthy.

so what was the alternative, vote no, let taxes rise on everyone, and make people lose their unemployment? or compromise and extend them for 2 more years?

so whos the real villian here? the dems for compromising or the repubs for again being the party of no?

The Democrats have a huge majority in Congress. If they hated this so much,they wouldn't have voted for it. The Senate overwhelmingly passed this. Just another bullshit shell game from the Democrats. It really is shades of the Iraq War vote. Just put on that Dog & Pony Show for the TV cameras and then vote for it in the end. I don't trust the Democrats on anything anymore.
because you have to weigh the pros and the cons. the pros being the middle class get the tax cuts, unemployment benefits are extended and the payroll tax goes down 2%. the biggest objection has always been about the tax cuts for the wealthy. but the dems knew they wouldnt get any support from any republican if they pulled out the tax cuts for the wealthy.

so what was the alternative, vote no, let taxes rise on everyone, and make people lose their unemployment? or compromise and extend them for 2 more years?

so whos the real villian here? the dems for compromising or the repubs for again being the party of no?

The Democrats have a huge majority in Congress. If they hated this so much,they wouldn't have voted for it. The Senate overwhelmingly passed this. Just another bullshit shell game from the Democrats. It really is shades of the Iraq War vote. Just put on that Dog & Pony Show for the TV cameras and then vote for it in the end. I don't trust the Democrats on anything anymore.

so why did so many republicans vote for it as well? its adds a huge amount of $ to the debt and deficit. i thought they campaigned on cutting spending and cutting the debt? but the overall majority of them just voted to add billions in red ink. i call out mcconnell for not sticking to his principles on this one, and cutting instead of spending.
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