Dem House aides: Austin’s surprise SecDef nomination is a “hot mess” and a......


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Dem House aides: Austin’s surprise SecDef nomination is a “hot mess” and a “clusterf***”

"Austin, CENTCOM commander from 2013 to 2016 and Biden’s pick for defense secretary, publicly claimed that the Obama administration was making “significant progress” against ISIS in fall 2014—just when the terrorist organization was reaching its largest territorial extent. Austin also told Congress that ISIS “is losing this fight” in March 2015, two months before terrorists captured Ramadi, a key city just miles from Baghdad.

The Department of Defense inspector general ultimately cleared CENTCOM commanders of politicizing the battle against ISIS, but its 2017 report noted, according to witnesses, Austin had pushed his subordinates to paint a rosy picture of the situation. The witness accounts are consistent with contemporary news accounts, which found that CENTCOM officials regularly altered language in intelligence reports."

I worked for Austin from 2014 -2016. All he did was deny what was really going on and blew sunshine up everyone's ass in an attempt to make t seem like Barry was having such great success against ISIS.

"Congressional probes conducted by Republicans *and* Democrats at the time concluded that CENTCOM’s intelligence process was making it harder for bad news to make its way up the chain. In fact, when Austin testified before the Senate in 2015, he got under John McCain’s skin by seeming far too sanguine about ISIS’s expansion in the region. “There haven’t been any dramatic gains on either side,” Austin claimed — despite the fact that ISIS had captured Mosul. “I’ve never seen a hearing that is as divorced from the reality of every outside expert and what you are saying,” McCain replied."

This is definitely the guy I knew when I worked for him. Small wonder he is Biden's pick instead of trying to push shepherd Michele Flournoy through to become the first woman defense secretary. Both he and Joe seem to have dementia issues....

:link: To a site that doesn't have their head up Trump's butt.
This is just a return to Obama's administration....get ready for another recession....and more foreign wars....
No. I am ready for SCOTUS to do the right thing for the people and standing on the constitution.

Dem House aides: Austin’s surprise SecDef nomination is a “hot mess” and a “clusterf***”

"Austin, CENTCOM commander from 2013 to 2016 and Biden’s pick for defense secretary, publicly claimed that the Obama administration was making “significant progress” against ISIS in fall 2014—just when the terrorist organization was reaching its largest territorial extent. Austin also told Congress that ISIS “is losing this fight” in March 2015, two months before terrorists captured Ramadi, a key city just miles from Baghdad.

The Department of Defense inspector general ultimately cleared CENTCOM commanders of politicizing the battle against ISIS, but its 2017 report noted, according to witnesses, Austin had pushed his subordinates to paint a rosy picture of the situation. The witness accounts are consistent with contemporary news accounts, which found that CENTCOM officials regularly altered language in intelligence reports."

I worked for Austin from 2014 -2016. All he did was deny what was really going on and blew sunshine up everyone's ass in an attempt to make t seem like Barry was having such great success against ISIS.

"Congressional probes conducted by Republicans *and* Democrats at the time concluded that CENTCOM’s intelligence process was making it harder for bad news to make its way up the chain. In fact, when Austin testified before the Senate in 2015, he got under John McCain’s skin by seeming far too sanguine about ISIS’s expansion in the region. “There haven’t been any dramatic gains on either side,” Austin claimed — despite the fact that ISIS had captured Mosul. “I’ve never seen a hearing that is as divorced from the reality of every outside expert and what you are saying,” McCain replied."

This is definitely the guy I knew when I worked for him. Small wonder he is Biden's pick instead of trying to push shepherd Michele Flournoy through to become the first woman defense secretary. Both he and Joe seem to have dementia issues....

FAKE NEWS. Nameless, made-up Democratic aides.

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