Dem Muslim candidate for Michigan Governor tells GOP opponent Muslims hate you

Are you fucking shitting me?! Shes our resident doofus, gullible imbecile, desperate for the end of the world, retard, conspiracy theorist. A thing that was once true suddenly becomes false the moment she says it, as if the universe or God wont allow it. :laugh:

If you're too stupid/lazy to click a link, then you have no right to an opinion.

Nothing in the article is untrue. I LIVE here, and Colbeck is right, and infowars is NOT the fake news here.

You really are a closed minded fool. Can't even "debate the issue with you leftists if you dismiss a thing without even reading.

Michigan Press Association Forum
Im a republican and i dismiss any link that goes to Infowars. That site is for weirdos, and if you think Infowars is a good site, youre as fucking stupid as she is. Whats wrong with you people?
Michigan’s first ever Muslim candidate for governor caused controversy when he told his Republican opponent during a debate, “Muslims hate you.”
Dem Muslim Candidate for Michigan Governor Tells GOP Opponent: “Muslims Hate You”

Awww isn't that special , esp. for the white leftist morons dumb enough to put into power the very fkrs who hate them. Trump haters this ones for you lmfao. you idiots are so indoctrinated you vote in your own destruction then turn around and try to blame your PATHETIC CHOICES on Trump lmfao!!
Why wouldn’t Muslims hate Republicans?

Have you been paying attention?
Why wouldn’t Muslims hate Republicans?
Because we refuse to convert or allow Sharia in our land?

OMG It kills me how dumb these fkrs are honest to gawd.

There is a live version of what happens when you give up your NATIONS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS , it's going on right in Europe, yah know Germany, France, Sweden . omg what do these dump bastards NOT GET!!

THe countries are turning into shit holes, women are being raped, little kids are getting raped how anybody can not know this stuff is beyond me.

It makes the IDIOTS here look way, way, way beyond a fkn retarded asshole.
The stupid asses of society really need to learn " Real information" and wake up to reality..

The Muslim Brotherhood ‘Project’ was drafted in 1982 when current tensions and terrorist activities in the Middle East were still very nascent. In many respects, The ‘Project’ is extremely prescient for outlining the bulk of Islamist action, whether by “moderate” Islamist organizations or terror groups, over the past two decades.
The Muslim Brotherhood is directly linked to a huge number of Islamic organizations such as CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, MSA, MAS and others in America to create the framework for spreading the barbaric Islamic rules in the West.
THIS JUST IN! Coming August 31: ‘Direct Access’ Stimulus Grants for the Muslim Brotherhood
Think of it as ACORN reborn, with a slice of Jihad on the side. On August 31, this coming Tuesday, the

THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ‘Project’ – a plan to takeover the West

California: Public high school yearbook has lavish two-page Islam presentation entitled “ALLAH AKBAR”
Muslims hate non muslims. This isn't news. Muslims would turn American cities into London.

Muslims don't assimilate in any country they land in. The Dems are idiots for backing a Muslim as Governor.

I wouldn't elect a Muslim as dog catcher and I sure as shit wouldn't vote one in as a Governor.

They should kick every Muslim out of America and if European Govts. had a few working brain cells they would kick all Muslims out of their countries as well.

Just look at Khan and Muslims in thanks
Why wouldn’t Muslims hate Republicans?
Because we refuse to convert or allow Sharia in our land?

Yup and I find it amazing that all these refugees want to get away from their homelands yet they bring that 7th Century crap with them and practice it.

Sharia law, an abomination. Women are treated like slaves, stoneings, honor killings, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages and a wealth of other 7th century bull shit.

All countries should kick all Muslims back to whatever shithole they crawled out of.

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