Dem Pollster: Obama Needs Another Oklahoma City Bombing To "Reconnect"...

Clinton went after Osama Bin Laden? That's news to me. Last i heard was that he let him go. He could have had him but he chose not to. The choice was all his. So take it up with him. His 'Wag the Dog' was the bombing of Serbia.

Thats what happens when you get your news from Breitbart

Clinton came closer to getting Bin Laden than Bush......and he didn't even have his whole army on the ground

how so?
Clinton went after Osama Bin Laden? That's news to me. Last i heard was that he let him go. He could have had him but he chose not to. The choice was all his. So take it up with him. His 'Wag the Dog' was the bombing of Serbia.

Thats what happens when you get your news from Breitbart

Clinton came closer to getting Bin Laden than Bush......and he didn't even have his whole army on the ground

So it begs the question...WHY didn't Clinton get him?

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"President Clinton and his national security team ignored several opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden and his terrorist associates, including one as late as last year" -Mansoor Ijaz, L.A. Times, December 5, 2001[/FONT]

yep, another wag the dog, like the one the Republicans accused Clinton of having when he went after Osama Bin Laden, eh?

I think you are referring to the bombardment of the pharmaceuticals factory in Sudan?

That would be it. How about launching Cruise missles into Baghdad and killing a janitor after hours?
Clinton went after Osama Bin Laden? That's news to me. Last i heard was that he let him go. He could have had him but he chose not to. The choice was all his. So take it up with him. His 'Wag the Dog' was the bombing of Serbia.

Thats what happens when you get your news from Breitbart

Clinton came closer to getting Bin Laden than Bush......and he didn't even have his whole army on the ground

So it begs the question...WHY didn't Clinton get him?

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"President Clinton and his national security team ignored several opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden and his terrorist associates, including one as late as last year" -Mansoor Ijaz, L.A. Times, December 5, 2001[/FONT]

What a load of GOP crap. It was BUSH who had His Buddy Osama offered to him on a silver platter starting in Feb of 2001 and refused.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, known as the 9/11 Commission, stated that:
"former Sudanese officials claim that Sudan offered to expel Bin Ladin to the United States. Clinton administration officials deny ever receiving such an offer. We have not found any reliable evidence to support the Sudanese claim."
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Tragedies boost a President's approval ratings. It's just the way it is. I'm not sure why this is so controversial.
Thats what happens when you get your news from Breitbart

Clinton came closer to getting Bin Laden than Bush......and he didn't even have his whole army on the ground

So it begs the question...WHY didn't Clinton get him?

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]"President Clinton and his national security team ignored several opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden and his terrorist associates, including one as late as last year" -Mansoor Ijaz, L.A. Times, December 5, 2001[/FONT]

What a load of GOP crap. It was BUSH who had His Buddy Osama offered to him on a silver platter starting in Feb of 2001 and refused.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, known as the 9/11 Commission, stated that:
"former Sudanese officials claim that Sudan offered to expel Bin Ladin to the United States. Clinton administration officials deny ever receiving such an offer. We have not found any reliable evidence to support the Sudanese claim."

Lie much? Dem Pollster: Obama Needs Another Oklahoma City Bombing to Reconnect

So sad and shocking. He just rambles on so casually about it and that's probably the most disturbing aspect. And of course Chris "Thrill up my Leg" Matthews doesn't even bother challenging him on his absurd comments. The next Terrorist attack in this country will have to be heavily scrutinized. A 'Wag the Dog' scenario seems very likely now. How sad.

How sad, huh? But Obamas Homeland Security is just too good at protecting the American people,..........who are disconnected from Obama.
Brietphart is a disgraced journalism wannabe. Who but the most rabid of the rabid right listens to that piece of excrement anymore anyway?

He is the king of clips.
Clinton went after Osama Bin Laden? That's news to me. Last i heard was that he let him go. He could have had him but he chose not to. The choice was all his. So take it up with him. His 'Wag the Dog' was the bombing of Serbia.

Ah....isn't it convenient to forget that Clinton was INDEED accused of 'wag the dog' when he went after Obama and just missed him being in his camp.
Clinton went after Osama Bin Laden? That's news to me. Last i heard was that he let him go. He could have had him but he chose not to. The choice was all his. So take it up with him. His 'Wag the Dog' was the bombing of Serbia.

Ah....isn't it convenient to forget that Clinton was INDEED accused of 'wag the dog' when he went after Obama and just missed him being in his camp.

"Just missed him?" Sorry but that just isn't true. Clinton himself has stated that they could have had him but they chose not to pull the trigger. So take it up with him. His own words tell the true story on that one. Btw,his 'Wag the Dog' was Serbia. A completely phony concocted War.
Clinton went after Osama Bin Laden? That's news to me. Last i heard was that he let him go. He could have had him but he chose not to. The choice was all his. So take it up with him. His 'Wag the Dog' was the bombing of Serbia.

Ah....isn't it convenient to forget that Clinton was INDEED accused of 'wag the dog' when he went after Obama and just missed him being in his camp.

"Just missed him?" Sorry but that just isn't true. Clinton himself has stated that they could have had him but they chose not to pull the trigger. So take it up with him. His own words tell the true story on that one. Btw,his 'Wag the Dog' was Serbia. A completely phony concocted War.

you want some truth?

When terrorists first tried to take down the World Trade Center with a truck bomb in February 1993, there was no organized outcry of recrimination against George Herbert Walker Bush, who had left the Oval Office a scant six weeks earlier. Nobody sought political advantage by blaming Bush for the intelligence failures that had allowed the terrorist perpetrators to conspire undetected for more than three years…

Myths Debunked - Clinton Didn't Fight Terrorism
Watch the video gain. Watch how nonchalantly he discusses this. Pretty scary stuff whether you're a Republican or a Democrat. Yikes.
Watch the video gain. Watch how nonchalantly he discusses this. Pretty scary stuff whether you're a Republican or a Democrat. Yikes.
Read this again and understand what complete America hating scum the GOP is.

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
Josh Catone
Published: Sunday June 3, 2007

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."

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