Democracy Isn’t At Risk, Democrats Are

not to mention Satanic

The lies the left spout, their false accusations against Rs..and whomever doesn't agree w/ them, their sick, perverse gender mutilating... their baby killing . If all that has not descended to the level of demonic, what does?

What they are doing to this country should prove the existence of Satan if nothing else does.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Did you just call the democrats satanic and then in the next breath criticize them for lying about republicans?!?! Do you see the irony??
I don’t know those people. I do know the things you wrote in this board though and it is largely lies and assumptions
No it is not. The lie you caught me in was saying ballot trafficking was a felony in every swing state. I stood corrected. Other than that what you got, big mouth?

Also lies and assumptions are all you have on Trump. Why are they valid with him and not the obvious fraud?
Obama tried but his argument appeals to emotion and the hope clueless people will still believe him.

Democracy Isn’t on the Ballot — It is the Ballot​

In our constitutional republic, Tuesday’s vote provides Americans our only democratic say in governance at the federal and much of the state level until the 2024 election. But rather than sell voters on why Democrats will be better representatives, the “democracy at risk” pitch pretends that electing Republicans will destroy the very democratic process the voters just engaged in. It is both silly and a circularly self-negating theory.

More so than democracy, us being a republic is at risk from democrats.

People always forget we are a republic. That's why it says in the pledge of allegiance "I pledge allegiance to my flag and the REPUBLIC for which it stands".

A republic is where a states supreme power is held by the people and the government they elect. We the people, by the people, for the people. A republic isn't about the government having absolute power, it's about the people having the power and electing officials to govern to make decisions in their best interest. Not electing people to assume total power and do what they want.

This new breed of Democrats do not believe in any of that.
The lie you caught me in was saying ballot trafficking was a felony in every swing state. I stood corrected. Other than that what you got, big mouth?
Other than that I got you claiming the election was stolen and not having proof to back it up. You only have assumptions, not proof. That makes your definitive claims of a stolen election lies.
Other than that I got you claiming the election was stolen and not having proof to back it up. You only have assumptions, not proof. That makes your definitive claims of a stolen election lies.
There is digital evidence of less than 300 people making over 5,000 trips past the same drop boxes for days between the hours of 12AM to 5AM. That has never been investigated. The states have that evidence. The evidence is eternal.
Actually, I think that Obama was sowing the seeds for that eventuality as Candidate Trump was coming down the escalator.
Obama drove a stake of division into the heart of this country. Make no mistake, it was deliberate and meant to prevent any real unity. So far it has worked like a charm.
There is digital evidence of less than 300 people making over 5,000 trips past the same drop boxes for days between the hours of 12AM to 5AM. That has never been investigated. The states have that evidence. The evidence is eternal.
So you have speculation about data you got from a conspiracy documentary. That’s not proof the election was stolen. You prove my point for me. Thanks!
So you have speculation about data you got from a conspiracy documentary. That’s not proof the election was stolen. You prove my point for me. Thanks!
It is not a conspiracy, it is their explanation of why Biden won the swing states and makes perfect sense given the power of officials (both parties) to use voter rolls to manufacture ballots. The digital evidence supports everything they say.
It is not a conspiracy, it is their explanation of why Biden won the swing states and makes perfect sense given the power of officials (both parties) to use voter rolls to manufacture ballots. The digital evidence supports everything they say.
No it isn’t an explanation. It’s a half cocked theory based on circumstantial assumptions. The explaination about how Biden won the swing states is simple. He got more votes.
Other than that I got you claiming the election was stolen and not having proof to back it up. You only have assumptions, not proof. That makes your definitive claims of a stolen election lies.

What there is no proof of is that any of the ones elected were elected legally.
No unverifiable mail in ballots removed the ability for have proof.
What there is no proof of is that any of the ones elected were elected legally.
Haha, only certified votes from state election boards and by our federal government according to the process laid out by law and our constitution. But who’s paying attention to that stuff, right?!

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