Democracy Isn’t At Risk, Democrats Are

Have you seen the data and analyzed it or just repeating things that other people are feeding you? If you’ve seen it then please point me to it so I can review
What is wrong with you? Why would I need to see the data? And should I put cardboard over my windows if I get it?
What is wrong with you? Why would I need to see the data? And should I put cardboard over my windows if I get it?
So you haven’t seen the data?! And you’re here claiming the election was stolen because of that data?! And you’re asking what’s wrong with me?!?!?!

Democracy Isn’t on the Ballot — It is the Ballot​

Every two-bit autocrat be like

So you haven’t seen the data?! And you’re here claiming the election was stolen because of that data?! And you’re asking what’s wrong with me?!?!?!
What you are doing is pointless. Nothing will ever convince me the election was not stolen. Your tired excuses do not work.
What you are doing is pointless. Nothing will ever convince me the election was not stolen. Your tired excuses do not work.
I’m not trying to convince you. I was trying to look at the evidence you keep referring to. But you haven’t even seen that evidence which means your just blindly believing stuff you hear from political actors out there. That’s sad
Obama tried but his argument appeals to emotion and the hope clueless people will still believe him.

Democracy Isn’t on the Ballot — It is the Ballot​

In our constitutional republic, Tuesday’s vote provides Americans our only democratic say in governance at the federal and much of the state level until the 2024 election. But rather than sell voters on why Democrats will be better representatives, the “democracy at risk” pitch pretends that electing Republicans will destroy the very democratic process the voters just engaged in. It is both silly and a circularly self-negating theory.

Totally amazing to me how the left can claim that voting takes democracy away.
It's YOU that's sowing distrust, you damn idiot.

What the hell is the rest of America supposed to think when you get accused of serious crimes and you do everything you can to quash the discussion?

You will NOT succeed with the censorship, and you will NOT succeed with the gaslighting. The American people will tear you apart for that kinda shit.

As they're about to do in 24 hours.

Like the American people do in every election, right? How'd Republicans do in 2018 after a Republican won the White House in 2016?
So you haven’t seen the data?! And you’re here claiming the election was stolen because of that data?! And you’re asking what’s wrong with me?!?!?!
Okay, here's some of the data 2020 election data.
Look at the total vote counts and see about 30m more votes than normal presidential elections.
That's 2 standard deviations, and indicates extensive voter fraud just like Biden bragged about.

Not at those hours.

A pity you were unable to produce a single person caught on video dropping off ballots more than once.

Number of purported "mules": 54,000
Number of minutes of video: 4,000,000
Number of states: 5
Number of "mules" caught on video: ZERO
I’m not trying to convince you. I was trying to look at the evidence you keep referring to. But you haven’t even seen that evidence which means your just blindly believing stuff you hear from political actors out there. That’s sad

Even worse for that retard, the person he's choosing to believe is a known liar about election fraud.
Okay, here's some of the data 2020 election data.
Look at the total vote counts and see about 30m more votes than normal presidential elections.
That's 2 standard deviations, and indicates extensive voter fraud just like Biden bragged about.

View attachment 722573

Interesting how you keep excluding 2000, which would have shown the percentage of increase of voters in 2004 is close to what it was in 2020.

It's almost as if you're lying by omission.

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