Democracy Isn’t At Risk, Democrats Are

Can you name another election in your lifetime that had this much effort to sew distrust in our elections system? If people don’t respect or believe the results of an election then how can you say we are living in a healthy democracy?
Start by asking Hillary Clinton and the Democrats that question in context to their reaction to the 2016 election and Trump's win. Followed by four years of false allegations and spurious and useless impeachment efforts.
Start by asking Hillary Clinton and the Democrats that question in context to their reaction to the 2016 election and Trump's win. Followed by four years of false allegations and spurious and useless impeachment efforts.
Why? That just sounds like a round about diversion to the questions I’m asking you
Haha, only certified votes from state election boards and by our federal government according to the process laid out by law and our constitution. But who’s paying attention to that stuff, right?!

You are aware that did not happen the last time, or you were in a coma?
You are aware that did not happen the last time, or you were in a coma?

It happens in every election. States collect ballots and start counting them on election day. Laws vary from state to state but if an election in a state is close enough, that triggers a recount. Counting the ballots manually is conducted by both major parties so that neither side can cheat. After that, states canvas their election results to account for every ballot cast to ensure that most legitimate election possible. Once canvassing is completed, each state certifies their election results as being as accurate as possible. Along that process, claimants can file suits if they have evidence of fraud. After that, it goes to Congress, where lawmakers can object to individual states' results which can then be debated on whether or not their electoral votes should be counted.

This is the same in every presidential election. So either every election is a fraud or 2020 was as legit as every other. That would be different if any yahoo had actual proof of actual fraud; but unfortunately for yahoo's, they have none.
If the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie LEFT ever took a moment to self-reflect on their core beliefs and the madness that they have caused, perhaps we could get along.
IMO, they really are the MINORITY!!!
They have a grip on the media, but media isn't real life.
Can you name another election in your lifetime that had this much effort to sew distrust in our elections system? If people don’t respect or believe the results of an election then how can you say we are living in a healthy democracy?
It's YOU that's sowing distrust, you damn idiot.

What the hell is the rest of America supposed to think when you get accused of serious crimes and you do everything you can to quash the discussion?

You will NOT succeed with the censorship, and you will NOT succeed with the gaslighting. The American people will tear you apart for that kinda shit.

As they're about to do in 24 hours.
Obama tried but his argument appeals to emotion and the hope clueless people will still believe him.

Democracy Isn’t on the Ballot — It is the Ballot​

In our constitutional republic, Tuesday’s vote provides Americans our only democratic say in governance at the federal and much of the state level until the 2024 election. But rather than sell voters on why Democrats will be better representatives, the “democracy at risk” pitch pretends that electing Republicans will destroy the very democratic process the voters just engaged in. It is both silly and a circularly self-negating theory.

Democracy is definitely on the ballot. Republicans have made it clear that they will throw out any result that they don't like.
If the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie LEFT ever took a moment to self-reflect on their core beliefs and the madness that they have caused, perhaps we could get along.
IMO, they really are the MINORITY!!!
They have a grip on the media, but media isn't real life.

The madness is reflected in the Republican Party. They are madder than Hitler and his crew.
Caring is taking people's concerns seriously. What your side does is dismiss them out of hand.

People who did the original counts saying the counts were fine isn't an answer to questions of the possibility of bogus ballots being added and then counted.

No bogus ballots were added. Quit with the bullshit.
No it isn’t an explanation. It’s a half cocked theory based on circumstantial assumptions. The explaination about how Biden won the swing states is simple. He got more votes.
Who votes that late? Who drives in circles for days at those hours?
What the hell is the rest of America supposed to think when you get accused of serious crimes and you do everything you can to quash the discussion?
The accusations were taken seriously at first but when the obvious politicalization and lies kept coming they were squashed. All it is now is fund raising and a few fools like yourself that think a steal really happened.
Not at those hours.
Haha, ok just because you say so. Would you mind sending me that data so I can see all these individual stops and routes and times? I’ll run a little analysis and tell you exactly what I think is going on.
Haha, ok just because you say so. Would you mind sending me that data so I can see all these individual stops and routes and times? I’ll run a little analysis and tell you exactly what I think is going on.

What makes you think that I care what you think?
You don’t need to care about what I think. I’m just asking for your data so I can run an analysis. Can you send it over to me?
It is not my data, you moron. Don't worry it is there. Call True the Vote.
It is not my data, you moron. Don't worry it is there. Call True the Vote
Have you seen the data and analyzed it or just repeating things that other people are feeding you? If you’ve seen it then please point me to it so I can review

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