Democracy Now gives us a perfect display of the dishonesty of the left .

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Amy Goodman, who once seemed to have journalistic integrity , at least before 2016, just did a 26 minute segment with an intelligence expert on how much worse the already bad surveillance state will get under the new FISA extension passed by our worthless Congress and as expected signed by Biden, our worst president ever so far ........

What's particularly remarkable is her never once acknowledging the spying on the Trump campaign and Russiagate all initiated by the DNC and Obama, Clinton ,Biden, Brennan ,Clapper and Comey.

The hypocrisy isn't surprising anymore.

A local radio station here carries "Democracy Now". Every time I catch the show, there is some radical espousing a viewpoint that is totally incongruous with "Democracy". Nearly all of American journalism has jumped the Get Trump Shark in one form or another and has abandoned their journalistic oath. I never thought I would see America turning into a Stalinist Regime, but here we are.
A local radio station here carries "Democracy Now". Every time I catch the show, there is some radical espousing a viewpoint that is totally incongruous with "Democracy". Nearly all of American journalism has jumped the Get Trump Shark in one form or another and has abandoned their journalistic oath. I never thought I would see America turning into a Stalinist Regime, but here we are.
I watched it up until Jill Stein lost the 2016 election.
The hypocrisy isn't surprising anymore.

No, no it isn't.

But it is utterly brazen.

Here's how they sleep at night:

"WELL, Trump is worse than Hitler, so destroying all integrity and systemic infrastructure to stop him is 100% justified".

Except for, of course, the soulless rectal goblins who just don't care.

(See most US Message Board Leftists...)
Amy Goodman, who once seemed to have journalistic integrity , at least before 2016, just did a 26 minute segment with an intelligence expert on how much worse the already bad surveillance state will get under the new FISA extension passed by our worthless Congress and as expected signed by Biden, our worst president ever so far ........

What's particularly remarkable is her never once acknowledging the spying on the Trump campaign and Russiagate all initiated by the DNC and Obama, Clinton ,Biden, Brennan ,Clapper and Comey.

The hypocrisy isn't surprising anymore.

I blamed Obama not long after his report against Trump came out in the news on January 6, 2017. Clearly Obama was out to destroy the president. But did he get charged for election interference? Nope. He ordered rockets be fired that killed Americans. Was he charged with murder? Nope.
I blamed Obama not long after his report against Trump came out in the news on January 6, 2017. Clearly Obama was out to destroy the president. But did he get charged for election interference? Nope. He ordered rockets be fired that killed Americans. Was he charged with murder? Nope.

Obama was black and the NY Times practically baptized him.

Therefore: You are a bigot we no longer need to ever listen to.
Remember. FISA was enacted under a GOP Congress and White House and we liberals warned you that down the road you would not be happy

As usual we were right
You are not a liberal.

History and background. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was introduced on May 18, 1977, by Senator Ted Kennedy and was signed into law by President Carter on 25 October 1978. The bill was cosponsored by nine Senators: Birch Bayh, James O.

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia​

Obama was black and the NY Times practically baptized him.

Therefore: You are a bigot we no longer need to ever listen to.
I know. Even when Trump ran, per the media the biggest crime of all was saying Obama was born in Kenya.

But I looked into that claim and it was actually Hillarys group that made up that story and not Trump. Trump parroted the Hillary story.
You are not a liberal.

No Democrat is a Liberal.

That last residual gasp of anything even remotely resembling Liberalism was 2014.

Once Orange Man appeared, they freaked out and went insane and all became pedantic Nazi censorship espousing medical authoritarian warmongers.

Now any reasonable argument is met with "YOUR SOURCE IS FAKE, SHUT UP RACIST".

Anything even posing as "thought" on the Left side of the aisle is truly dead and buried.

I guess it's a good thing that the Right also transformed from warmongering neocons to MAGA. ;)
Remember. FISA was enacted under a GOP Congress and White House and we liberals warned you that down the road you would not be happy

As usual we were right
I'm assuming you're thinking of the Patriot Act. It was just as bad as FISA, if not worse. However, the current version of FISA makes the Patriot Act look harmless.
I'm assuming you're thinking of the Patriot Act. It was just as bad as FISA, if not worse. However, the current version of FISA makes the Patriot Act look harmless.
And yet you folks were all in on the Patriot Act.
That created the Homeland Security Department among other things
And yet you folks were all in on the Patriot Act.
That created the Homeland Security Department among other things
I wasn't in on it. I didn't even start voting Republican until about 2015 or 2016. I hated the neocons, which is part of why I hate the current Democratic party. Most of the PNAC people left the GOP and infiltrated the Dems. Some neocons still remain among the GOP establishment, but thankfully, populists seem to have more power in the party now.
And yet you folks were all in on the Patriot Act.


Have you really not noticed the massive political realignment that has happened?

Dems worship Bush/Cheney's persistent international interventionist war precipitating hegemony.

MAGA Republicans hate foreign wars.

We want low taxes and beer.

Dems are now the bad guys - but they've been able to fool you by getting you to obsess about Orange Man Bad.

Realize it, and then deal with it by forsaking the so-called "LEFT".

Jesus, how do people this clueless still even exist?
I wasn't in on it. I didn't even start voting Republican until about 2015 or 2016. I hated the neocons, which is part of why I hate the current Democratic party. Most of the PNAC people left the GOP and infiltrated the Dems. Some neocons still remain among the GOP establishment, but thankfully, populists seem to have more power in the party now.
Oh bullshit. Most of the GOP Congressman were part of that as were most of today’s GOP voters
I wasn't in on it. I didn't even start voting Republican until about 2015 or 2016. I hated the neocons, which is part of why I hate the current Democratic party. Most of the PNAC people left the GOP and infiltrated the Dems. Some neocons still remain among the GOP establishment, but thankfully, populists seem to have more power in the party now.

This guy gets it.
And yet you folks were all in on the Patriot Act.
That created the Homeland Security Department among other things
Do you recall the restrictions on the Patriot Act?

Because I recall them. It was to listen only to foreign acts transmitted by phone. Only if an American was in on the illegal act was he or she included. I would say the fact that Snowden was charged by the US is pretty good proof it was foreigners since he was from Australia.

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