Democracy, Socialism and Freedom

The gop trolls new buzzword is “socialism “. Just ask them to provide an example of scary democrat “socialism” . They quickly scurry away .

Listen ... I'm not interested in guessing what you mean by socialism. And I don't want to argue over definitions. So why don't you just tell me how you define it, and we'll work with that, OK?

You are the one starting threads on scary socialism taking over . You tell me !

Cause as far as I can tell Conservatives consider anything the government does that helps people = socialism .

Ok, I'll play your silly game.

"Socialism is an economic system characterised by social ownership and control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy, and a political philosophy advocating such a system.
"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production[1] with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy."

Please commence with your dance.
What’s a silly game is the right’s failed attempt to apply the definition above to Democrats and liberals – neither of whom are ‘socialists.’

Democrats and liberals are advocates and defenders of a free market economy, they participate in a free market economy, and benefit from that economy.
So we should believe you over what the actual candidates are stating because....
If you like capitalism so much you should be working to save it from itself because socialism grows only when capitalism fails. Make it work for everyone who goes to work and you have nothing to worry about from socialism.
Socialism does not grow.when capitalism fails.

Socialists deliberately seek to sabotage capitalism by choking it with excessive regulations and control.

Then they complaon it does not work and needs to be replaced.
The reasons people find jobs, businesses or any other activity rewarding often has little to do with money and more to do with the point of their labors. No one wants to work a shit job for a shit boss for shit pay but often low paid people love their jobs because they are doing something useful. Make it so that even the toilet scrubber has a real chance of a stable home and income and they will make that toilet sparkle.
Only one problem (or seven).

People are, by their nature, lazy, greedy, angry, envious, vain, lustful gluttons, and always will be. Human nature prevents most people from working harder than absolutely necessary. It is a survival instinct to preserve energy.

So, those dirty toilets will stink to high heaven if the toilet scrubber is not properly motivated.

A human is proberly motivated by balancing his greed, envy, gluttony, vanity and lust against his laziness.
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