Democrat Donor; the Jobs are Gone and Americans Need to Stop Whining About it

Low skilled, manual labor jobs are being replaced with automation, and as long as the total cost of hiring a human is greater than the total cost of buying a machine that does the same job, will not return.

"Protecting jobs" is a mathematical exercise. If it's cheaper to build a factory in Malaysia than one in Detroit, guess where it's going to be built? And if you try to force it to be built in Detroit, it's going to be populated by machines that do all the work. Either way, prices will go up to cover the added expense of manufacturing in the US.

So your position is that the US is in decline and there's no way to stop it,

at least until we hit economic equilibrium with the rest of the world.
No, my position is that economic reality wins, every time.

Automation is here to stay, and the days when a guy could leave school at age 16, work the factory floor installing doors on cars for 40 years, raise a family while his wife doesn't get paid to work anywhere, send his kids to college, and retire comfortably with a gold watch are gone forever. Jobs that are repetitive and don't involve a lot of decision making will be done by machines in the near future.

If the US wants to stay ahead of the world, we're going to have to emphasize entrepreneurial thinking and encourage more independence instead of dependence.
Robotics are not a transformation. They are just machines that do the same shit people have been doing for generations.
Lol, and this is exhibit G, your honor, that the defendant does not know what the hell he is talking about.

Robotic Revolution

White collar labor:

A Computer Just Came Up With a Scientific Theory

AI learns and recreates Nobel-winning physics experiment

AI More Like Iron Man's JARVIS Is Coming This Next Decade…Bring It On

Teaching old robots new tricks: Machines swap skills 325 miles apart

Scientists want to build a ‘new class of computer’ that can control physical matter - Factor

Fears robots will take over world by becoming lawyers, architects and doctors

These robots just want to blend in

Self-flying helicopter makes first 30 mile journey in Connecticut

Blue collar labor

Robot bricklayer can build a whole house in two days

Robots picking fruit and driving tractors?

Nanobots | Nanorobotics | Micro Robot

Robots ubiquitous

Zoltan Istvan: 'Half of Americans Will Probably Have a Robot in Their House' Within 5 Years - Breitbart

Bill Gross: What to Do After the Robots Take Our Jobs

Our future masters?

AI will create 'useless class' of human, predicts bestselling historian

Scientists Ponder How to Create Artificial Intelligence That Won’t Destroy Us

Apple's Co-founder Thinks We're All Going To Be Enslaved By Robots One Day

Intelligent robot tells interviewer, ‘I’ll keep you safe in my people zoo’

You just proved my point. You just aren't smart enough to realize it.

You didnt read any of that, you liar.

You just tossed out more of your broiler plate bullshit and ran.
Low skilled, manual labor jobs are being replaced with automation, and as long as the total cost of hiring a human is greater than the total cost of buying a machine that does the same job, will not return.

"Protecting jobs" is a mathematical exercise. If it's cheaper to build a factory in Malaysia than one in Detroit, guess where it's going to be built? And if you try to force it to be built in Detroit, it's going to be populated by machines that do all the work. Either way, prices will go up to cover the added expense of manufacturing in the US.

So your position is that the US is in decline and there's no way to stop it,

at least until we hit economic equilibrium with the rest of the world.
No, my position is that economic reality wins, every time.

Automation is here to stay, and the days when a guy could leave school at age 16, work the factory floor installing doors on cars for 40 years, raise a family while his wife doesn't get paid to work anywhere, send his kids to college, and retire comfortably with a gold watch are gone forever. Jobs that are repetitive and don't involve a lot of decision making will be done by machines in the near future.

How does that not say that America is in decline?
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
The middle class makes empowers them....which is why democrats take away their ability to make stuff.....

IT IS BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. Sorry to yell. NAFTA would not pass without support from both sides of the aisle. The only way the democrats, at the time, were going to support it was if there was a democrat president pushing for NAFTA. Which Bill and Hillary did harder than anything else during their presidentcy.

We are at a crossroads and a unique opportunity. We can elect someone who the establishment of both sides of the aisle simple loathe. Or elect the establishment darling and nothing will change.

The more they hate him the more me and the wife love him.
This is why the Democratic Party is not the party of the American worker any more. That party has become owned by Wall Street and K Street and it will take a successful voter revolt to change that, as the Republicans had in the GOP.

The choice here for Democrats especially is 'Do you want to have a Corporate Crony like Hillary Clinton win for your party, or do you want to take control of your party back from the Oligarchs on Wall Street?'

That is the only relevant choice for you, all the media hysteria about Trump that you know is bullshit anyway, is all irrelevant.

Will you help us retake control of American politics by denying Hillary the Oval Office, or will you seal said control for the Oligarchs for another 4 years with rising crime, anemic economic growth and escalating misery? If Trump loses, the Oligarchs will reclaim the GOP, make no doubt about that, and that might be our last chance to clean American politics up.

Elite Financier Dismisses Manufacturing Jobs

Multimillionaire financier and loyal Democrat Steve Rattner thinks working Americans concerned with the availability of manufacturing jobs are just a bunch of crybabies who need to quit complaining and accept their miserable futures....

Instead, Rattner says Americans must adapt and plan for careers with "some intellectual content," such as education, health services, or IT. But not every American is a scholar and not every American can afford higher education. For an increasing number of working Americans who can't magically become productive white-collar workers overnight, the only option is a choice between low-paying service industry jobs, welfare, or a combination of both.

Apparently Rattner — who lives in a multi-million dollar Manhattan apartment, spends summers on his Martha's Vineyard estate, and owns a horse farm in North Salem — can't understand why Americans who were once able to provide for their families by working a $60,000-per-year factory job aren't happy with the prospect of trying to make ends meet working for less than half of that flipping burgers.

Rattner's arrogant indifference is only highlighted by the fact that he owes his fortune to a career on Wall Street, which — unlike Main Street America — benefits greatly from globalization. Rattner was an investment banker at Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Lazard Freres & Co., and now runs a private investment firm.

you should probably ask dumb Donald where the jobs have gone... since he's helped send them overseas.

you can't solve a problem unless you diagnose it.

except in rightiwngnuthackworld of course
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
The middle class makes empowers them....which is why democrats take away their ability to make stuff.....

IT IS BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. Sorry to yell. NAFTA would not pass without support from both sides of the aisle. The only way the democrats, at the time, were going to support it was if there was a democrat president pushing for NAFTA. Which Bill and Hillary did harder than anything else during their presidentcy.

We are at a crossroads and a unique opportunity. We can elect someone who the establishment of both sides of the aisle simple loathe. Or elect the establishment darling and nothing will change.
Oh, I need to be sorry....I think the GOP'ers are more dangerous than are democrats....
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
The middle class makes empowers them....which is why democrats take away their ability to make stuff.....

IT IS BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. Sorry to yell. NAFTA would not pass without support from both sides of the aisle. The only way the democrats, at the time, were going to support it was if there was a democrat president pushing for NAFTA. Which Bill and Hillary did harder than anything else during their presidentcy.

We are at a crossroads and a unique opportunity. We can elect someone who the establishment of both sides of the aisle simple loathe. Or elect the establishment darling and nothing will change.

The more they hate him the more me and the wife love him.

it's that whole second grade education thing. :cuckoo:
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
The middle class makes empowers them....which is why democrats take away their ability to make stuff.....

IT IS BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. Sorry to yell. NAFTA would not pass without support from both sides of the aisle. The only way the democrats, at the time, were going to support it was if there was a democrat president pushing for NAFTA. Which Bill and Hillary did harder than anything else during their presidentcy.

We are at a crossroads and a unique opportunity. We can elect someone who the establishment of both sides of the aisle simple loathe. Or elect the establishment darling and nothing will change.

I'm sure the same sentiments applied to Osama Bin Laden. Or the Orlando shooter.
No, my position is that economic reality wins, every time.

And real, actual people lose? That is great approach to economics IN A DEMOCRACY, dude.

No, if we get unfettered automation we will have a violent bloody revolution.

Automation is here to stay, and the days when a guy could leave school at age 16, work the factory floor installing doors on cars for 40 years, raise a family while his wife doesn't get paid to work anywhere, send his kids to college, and retire comfortably with a gold watch are gone forever. Jobs that are repetitive and don't involve a lot of decision making will be done by machines in the near future.

So, we destroy those automated plants and make things totally within the US and do not allow any imports or robotics made products.

That is what some nations will do.

There are better approaches, but placing no control on any of this is political suicide and national catstrophe to come.
Low skilled, manual labor jobs are being replaced with automation, and as long as the total cost of hiring a human is greater than the total cost of buying a machine that does the same job, will not return.

"Protecting jobs" is a mathematical exercise. If it's cheaper to build a factory in Malaysia than one in Detroit, guess where it's going to be built? And if you try to force it to be built in Detroit, it's going to be populated by machines that do all the work. Either way, prices will go up to cover the added expense of manufacturing in the US.

So your position is that the US is in decline and there's no way to stop it,

at least until we hit economic equilibrium with the rest of the world.
No, my position is that economic reality wins, every time.

Automation is here to stay, and the days when a guy could leave school at age 16, work the factory floor installing doors on cars for 40 years, raise a family while his wife doesn't get paid to work anywhere, send his kids to college, and retire comfortably with a gold watch are gone forever. Jobs that are repetitive and don't involve a lot of decision making will be done by machines in the near future.

How does that not say that America is in decline?

Are you saying that America is in decline? Really? I think it was you that was defending Obama and this economy. If not you then someone like you. Now we are to suppose that if Hillary takes over she will not extend the mess Obama has created. We need something different, not a retread like Hillary.
He is right. Service sector does not have to be low paying, but we are going to a service economy.
We do not have to live like that however.....

Just depends on what you mean I guess. In a stagnating economy, maybe 10 years from now my cable bill will still be $179, maybe it will be $99, but if it is $299 I will be reading a lot of books.
It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
The middle class makes empowers them....which is why democrats take away their ability to make stuff.....

IT IS BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. Sorry to yell. NAFTA would not pass without support from both sides of the aisle. The only way the democrats, at the time, were going to support it was if there was a democrat president pushing for NAFTA. Which Bill and Hillary did harder than anything else during their presidentcy.

We are at a crossroads and a unique opportunity. We can elect someone who the establishment of both sides of the aisle simple loathe. Or elect the establishment darling and nothing will change.

The more they hate him the more me and the wife love him.

it's that whole second grade education thing. :cuckoo:
Shillian, dont you have some cars going by your house to go chase?
This is why the Democratic Party is not the party of the American worker any more. That party has become owned by Wall Street and K Street and it will take a successful voter revolt to change that, as the Republicans had in the GOP.

The choice here for Democrats especially is 'Do you want to have a Corporate Crony like Hillary Clinton win for your party, or do you want to take control of your party back from the Oligarchs on Wall Street?'

That is the only relevant choice for you, all the media hysteria about Trump that you know is bullshit anyway, is all irrelevant.

Will you help us retake control of American politics by denying Hillary the Oval Office, or will you seal said control for the Oligarchs for another 4 years with rising crime, anemic economic growth and escalating misery? If Trump loses, the Oligarchs will reclaim the GOP, make no doubt about that, and that might be our last chance to clean American politics up.

Elite Financier Dismisses Manufacturing Jobs

Multimillionaire financier and loyal Democrat Steve Rattner thinks working Americans concerned with the availability of manufacturing jobs are just a bunch of crybabies who need to quit complaining and accept their miserable futures....

Instead, Rattner says Americans must adapt and plan for careers with "some intellectual content," such as education, health services, or IT. But not every American is a scholar and not every American can afford higher education. For an increasing number of working Americans who can't magically become productive white-collar workers overnight, the only option is a choice between low-paying service industry jobs, welfare, or a combination of both.

Apparently Rattner — who lives in a multi-million dollar Manhattan apartment, spends summers on his Martha's Vineyard estate, and owns a horse farm in North Salem — can't understand why Americans who were once able to provide for their families by working a $60,000-per-year factory job aren't happy with the prospect of trying to make ends meet working for less than half of that flipping burgers.

Rattner's arrogant indifference is only highlighted by the fact that he owes his fortune to a career on Wall Street, which — unlike Main Street America — benefits greatly from globalization. Rattner was an investment banker at Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Lazard Freres & Co., and now runs a private investment firm.
the unskilled goober jobs are gone

What will the kids "graduating" from Democrat high schools do? They can't read, they can't write, what will they do?
No, my position is that economic reality wins, every time.

And real, actual people lose? That is great approach to economics IN A DEMOCRACY, dude.

No, if we get unfettered automation we will have a violent bloody revolution.

Automation is here to stay, and the days when a guy could leave school at age 16, work the factory floor installing doors on cars for 40 years, raise a family while his wife doesn't get paid to work anywhere, send his kids to college, and retire comfortably with a gold watch are gone forever. Jobs that are repetitive and don't involve a lot of decision making will be done by machines in the near future.

So, we destroy those automated plants and make things totally within the US and do not allow any imports or robotics made products.

That is what some nations will do.

There are better approaches, but placing no control on any of this is political suicide and national catstrophe to come.
And prices will rise accordingly, putting a lot of products out of reach for the poor. Realizing that automation is inevitable, it makes a whole more sense to work WITH reality instead of fighting it. When the electric light bulb came on the scene, candle makers probably had fits and whined that they were going out of business. When audio recording became possible, there were probably a bunch of singers who complained that their live performances were going to be undercut. Every new technology brings change. The smart embrace it and prosper, the dumb fight it and get swept aside.
Last edited:
And prices will rise accordingly, putting a lot of products out of reach for the poor.
And when 60% of the population is poor, what do you think will happen in our Democratic Republic, hmmm?
This is why the Democratic Party is not the party of the American worker any more. That party has become owned by Wall Street and K Street and it will take a successful voter revolt to change that, as the Republicans had in the GOP.

The choice here for Democrats especially is 'Do you want to have a Corporate Crony like Hillary Clinton win for your party, or do you want to take control of your party back from the Oligarchs on Wall Street?'

That is the only relevant choice for you, all the media hysteria about Trump that you know is bullshit anyway, is all irrelevant.

Will you help us retake control of American politics by denying Hillary the Oval Office, or will you seal said control for the Oligarchs for another 4 years with rising crime, anemic economic growth and escalating misery? If Trump loses, the Oligarchs will reclaim the GOP, make no doubt about that, and that might be our last chance to clean American politics up.

Elite Financier Dismisses Manufacturing Jobs

Multimillionaire financier and loyal Democrat Steve Rattner thinks working Americans concerned with the availability of manufacturing jobs are just a bunch of crybabies who need to quit complaining and accept their miserable futures....

Instead, Rattner says Americans must adapt and plan for careers with "some intellectual content," such as education, health services, or IT. But not every American is a scholar and not every American can afford higher education. For an increasing number of working Americans who can't magically become productive white-collar workers overnight, the only option is a choice between low-paying service industry jobs, welfare, or a combination of both.

Apparently Rattner — who lives in a multi-million dollar Manhattan apartment, spends summers on his Martha's Vineyard estate, and owns a horse farm in North Salem — can't understand why Americans who were once able to provide for their families by working a $60,000-per-year factory job aren't happy with the prospect of trying to make ends meet working for less than half of that flipping burgers.

Rattner's arrogant indifference is only highlighted by the fact that he owes his fortune to a career on Wall Street, which — unlike Main Street America — benefits greatly from globalization. Rattner was an investment banker at Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Lazard Freres & Co., and now runs a private investment firm.
the unskilled goober jobs are gone

What will the kids "graduating" from Democrat high schools do? They can't read, they can't write, what will they do?
too late for you little frankie you should have gotten an education
Robotics are not a transformation. They are just machines that do the same shit people have been doing for generations.
Lol, and this is exhibit G, your honor, that the defendant does not know what the hell he is talking about.

Robotic Revolution

White collar labor:

A Computer Just Came Up With a Scientific Theory

AI learns and recreates Nobel-winning physics experiment

AI More Like Iron Man's JARVIS Is Coming This Next Decade…Bring It On

Teaching old robots new tricks: Machines swap skills 325 miles apart

Scientists want to build a ‘new class of computer’ that can control physical matter - Factor

Fears robots will take over world by becoming lawyers, architects and doctors

These robots just want to blend in

Self-flying helicopter makes first 30 mile journey in Connecticut

Blue collar labor

Robot bricklayer can build a whole house in two days

Robots picking fruit and driving tractors?

Nanobots | Nanorobotics | Micro Robot

Robots ubiquitous

Zoltan Istvan: 'Half of Americans Will Probably Have a Robot in Their House' Within 5 Years - Breitbart

Bill Gross: What to Do After the Robots Take Our Jobs

Our future masters?

AI will create 'useless class' of human, predicts bestselling historian

Scientists Ponder How to Create Artificial Intelligence That Won’t Destroy Us

Apple's Co-founder Thinks We're All Going To Be Enslaved By Robots One Day

Intelligent robot tells interviewer, ‘I’ll keep you safe in my people zoo’

You just proved my point. You just aren't smart enough to realize it.

You didnt read any of that, you liar.

You just tossed out more of your broiler plate bullshit and ran.

I read the headlines. They prove my point. Having a robot doing something we already do does not change society in any fundamental way. 1,000 links does not change that reality. I do note that you said you weren't going to defend your position and here you are doing it albeit rather limp-wristed. Different than now is not tranformative just because it isn't the way Pa did it on Little house on the Prairie. Interstellar travel would change humanity. putting another brick in the wall does not.
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
THEY DON'T have to be made overseas, but if a private business decides to do such, so they are more profitable, what should our gov't do about it? Should our gov't make their business decisions for them?
No, my position is that economic reality wins, every time.

And real, actual people lose? That is great approach to economics IN A DEMOCRACY, dude.

No, if we get unfettered automation we will have a violent bloody revolution.

Automation is here to stay, and the days when a guy could leave school at age 16, work the factory floor installing doors on cars for 40 years, raise a family while his wife doesn't get paid to work anywhere, send his kids to college, and retire comfortably with a gold watch are gone forever. Jobs that are repetitive and don't involve a lot of decision making will be done by machines in the near future.

So, we destroy those automated plants and make things totally within the US and do not allow any imports or robotics made products.

That is what some nations will do.

There are better approaches, but placing no control on any of this is political suicide and national catstrophe to come.
And prices will rise accordingly, putting a lot of products out of reach for the poor.

Easy way to fix. Either drop sales tax or make it tax deductible. Or make consumption tax the "income" tax of the federal government. Then the poor could be given tax write offs for taxes paid.

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