Democrat Donor; the Jobs are Gone and Americans Need to Stop Whining About it

Robotics are not a transformation. They are just machines that do the same shit people have been doing for generations.
Lol, and this is exhibit G, your honor, that the defendant does not know what the hell he is talking about.

Robotic Revolution

White collar labor:

A Computer Just Came Up With a Scientific Theory

AI learns and recreates Nobel-winning physics experiment

AI More Like Iron Man's JARVIS Is Coming This Next Decade…Bring It On

Teaching old robots new tricks: Machines swap skills 325 miles apart

Scientists want to build a ‘new class of computer’ that can control physical matter - Factor

Fears robots will take over world by becoming lawyers, architects and doctors

These robots just want to blend in

Self-flying helicopter makes first 30 mile journey in Connecticut

Blue collar labor

Robot bricklayer can build a whole house in two days

Robots picking fruit and driving tractors?

Nanobots | Nanorobotics | Micro Robot

Robots ubiquitous

Zoltan Istvan: 'Half of Americans Will Probably Have a Robot in Their House' Within 5 Years - Breitbart

Bill Gross: What to Do After the Robots Take Our Jobs

Our future masters?

AI will create 'useless class' of human, predicts bestselling historian

Scientists Ponder How to Create Artificial Intelligence That Won’t Destroy Us

Apple's Co-founder Thinks We're All Going To Be Enslaved By Robots One Day

Intelligent robot tells interviewer, ‘I’ll keep you safe in my people zoo’

You just proved my point. You just aren't smart enough to realize it.

You didnt read any of that, you liar.

You just tossed out more of your broiler plate bullshit and ran.

I read the headlines. They prove my point. Having a robot doing something we already do does not change society in any fundamental way. 1,000 links does not change that reality.
Lol, and you demonstrate again what a fucking idiot you are.

You think headlines prove everything, but links to real data does not.

Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
THEY DON'T have to be made overseas, but if a private business decides to do such, so they are more profitable, what should our gov't do about it? Should our gov't make their business decisions for them?

They could create a public owned business to do it here and compete against the foreign made company if they wanted to but ewwww that would be socialism and Murica can't have no socialism.
This is why the Democratic Party is not the party of the American worker any more. That party has become owned by Wall Street and K Street and it will take a successful voter revolt to change that, as the Republicans had in the GOP.

The choice here for Democrats especially is 'Do you want to have a Corporate Crony like Hillary Clinton win for your party, or do you want to take control of your party back from the Oligarchs on Wall Street?'

That is the only relevant choice for you, all the media hysteria about Trump that you know is bullshit anyway, is all irrelevant.

Will you help us retake control of American politics by denying Hillary the Oval Office, or will you seal said control for the Oligarchs for another 4 years with rising crime, anemic economic growth and escalating misery? If Trump loses, the Oligarchs will reclaim the GOP, make no doubt about that, and that might be our last chance to clean American politics up.

Elite Financier Dismisses Manufacturing Jobs

Multimillionaire financier and loyal Democrat Steve Rattner thinks working Americans concerned with the availability of manufacturing jobs are just a bunch of crybabies who need to quit complaining and accept their miserable futures....

Instead, Rattner says Americans must adapt and plan for careers with "some intellectual content," such as education, health services, or IT. But not every American is a scholar and not every American can afford higher education. For an increasing number of working Americans who can't magically become productive white-collar workers overnight, the only option is a choice between low-paying service industry jobs, welfare, or a combination of both.

Apparently Rattner — who lives in a multi-million dollar Manhattan apartment, spends summers on his Martha's Vineyard estate, and owns a horse farm in North Salem — can't understand why Americans who were once able to provide for their families by working a $60,000-per-year factory job aren't happy with the prospect of trying to make ends meet working for less than half of that flipping burgers.

Rattner's arrogant indifference is only highlighted by the fact that he owes his fortune to a career on Wall Street, which — unlike Main Street America — benefits greatly from globalization. Rattner was an investment banker at Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Lazard Freres & Co., and now runs a private investment firm.

"the middle class has been buried these past 4 years" -- Joe Biden, VP, Oct 2012
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
THEY DON'T have to be made overseas, but if a private business decides to do such, so they are more profitable, what should our gov't do about it? Should our gov't make their business decisions for them?

If everything is on a fair and level playing field then I agree. But to allow companies to expolit cheap labor who get zero benefits seems unfair to American workers. Couple that with the monetary demands of the government to just employ people and the playing field tilts to the third world countries.

Unless of course you like what is going on and it helps your bottom line. If that is not the case what do you suppose we do with all these people who are never going to learn a skill and used to work in the mills? What do we do with the low skilled low educated invasion of people? There are only so many 7/11s.
Easy way to fix. Either drop sales tax or make it tax deductible. Or make consumption tax the "income" tax of the federal government. Then the poor could be given tax write offs for taxes paid.
If we have 60% unemployment and 30% underemployed part time work stacked on top of that, WHERE IN T?HE HELL IS THE GOVERNMENT GETTING FUNDS TO GIVE DEDUCTIONS ON ANYTHING?

Its like that old joke about the sailor in basic training who is asked what he will do if a storm comes up, 'Toss out an anchor'.

But what if another storm comes up? 'Toss out another anchor'.

And if another storm comes up? 'Toss out another anchor.'

Where do you keep getting all these anchors? 'Where do you keep getting all these storms?'

The point is, the government is going to be strangling on a huge deficit due to shrinking tax revenues and climbing interest rates that will quickly become 50%+ of the federal budget as time goes on.

We are staring at a future in which our federal government will likely become completely bankrupt if something is not done to avoid those shoals.
And prices will rise accordingly, putting a lot of products out of reach for the poor.
And when 60% of the population is poor, what do you think will happen in our Democratic Republic, hmmm?
It depends on how we educate our young and restrain our rapacious government. If we educate kids NOW to make their own opportunities and keep government from meddling too much, we won't have 60% of the population in poverty. If, OTOH, we educate them to demand that government support them and not earn opportunities, we'll follow the same trajectory other nations have and descend into chaos.

I think the problem is a fixed focus and not seeing the opportunities that can arise from greater automation.
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
THEY DON'T have to be made overseas, but if a private business decides to do such, so they are more profitable, what should our gov't do about it? Should our gov't make their business decisions for them?

Should our gov't make their business decisions for them?

No, my position is that economic reality wins, every time.

And real, actual people lose? That is great approach to economics IN A DEMOCRACY, dude.

No, if we get unfettered automation we will have a violent bloody revolution.

Automation is here to stay, and the days when a guy could leave school at age 16, work the factory floor installing doors on cars for 40 years, raise a family while his wife doesn't get paid to work anywhere, send his kids to college, and retire comfortably with a gold watch are gone forever. Jobs that are repetitive and don't involve a lot of decision making will be done by machines in the near future.

So, we destroy those automated plants and make things totally within the US and do not allow any imports or robotics made products.

That is what some nations will do.

There are better approaches, but placing no control on any of this is political suicide and national catstrophe to come.
And prices will rise accordingly, putting a lot of products out of reach for the poor.

Easy way to fix. Either drop sales tax or make it tax deductible. Or make consumption tax the "income" tax of the federal government. Then the poor could be given tax write offs for taxes paid.
Lowering the cost of government would be a GREAT place to start. Not going to happen, though, because there are far too many people vested in continually increasing it.
It is kind of annoying to hear northern and northwestern people cry and complain about losing their precious manufacturing jobs. Everyone else in the world has accepted that but when I hear them on television crying and sniffling about 'please bring my job back' then it just pisses me off that the same people won't do anything else but place widget A on Box B in life. Can't they find new skills or something?
Lol, what an ignorant and pig headed response.

Lets take Bill, a guy who has worked at XWZ making widgets for 25 years. That is all he knows how to do, but he made enough money doing it to support his family, and almost pay off his mortgage. He has been a law abiding citizen, paying his debts, avoiding trouble, raising his kids right and to believe that if you work hard, save your money and live a moral life you can find success here in America - hence the Americans Dream.

But now XYZ is shutting down the plant in his town, throwing him out of a job, and moving the plant to Vietnam to take advantage of the cheapo labor and corporate friendly laws over there. Now Bill is losing his house, his kids cant go to college and he has no relatives to help him out as he is an only child and his parents died years ago.

What is Bill going to do?

He will vote to put people like Sanders in office where they will strip YOU ass holes of your property to distribute to homeless unemployed people like him, dumbass.

I really do sympathize with people in that situation but can't people find new jobs and just deal with it? It can't be that hard to learn to do something else in life.
And when 60% of the population is poor, what do you think will happen in our Democratic Republic, hmmm?
It depends on how we educate our young and restrain our rapacious government.

Educating our youth cannot solve this problem as it will hit us in the next ten years or so. And the tax shortfalls and rising interest rates will constrain the Federalis more than our Congresscritters will ever do.

If we educate kids NOW to make their own opportunities and keep government from meddling too much, we won't have 60% of the population in poverty.

Why would a corproation hire your kids when they can more cheaply export the job to China? Or even better for them, buy a robot for $2000 and use it instead?

If, OTOH, we educate them to demand that government support them and not earn opportunities, we'll follow the same trajectory other nations have and descend into chaos.

When this failed approach of relying on corporate greed to solve the problem fails, that is exactly what they will do and they will ahve every right to do so sine the nation broke the Social Compact with them first by exporting their jobs.

I think you're problem is that you have a fixed focus and are not seeing the opportunities that can arise from greater automation.

Maybe, but with the advancing robotics coming, I think it is more likely you that simply does not understand how humanlike and better robotic labor is about to become.
I really do sympathize with people in that situation but can't people find new jobs and just deal with it?

No, you obviously dont sympathize with them at all, liar. And no, it is not as simple as looking for a job, idiot.

It can't be that hard to learn to do something else in life.

It is kind of like how you cant learn that jobs are disappearing, dumb fuck
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
THEY DON'T have to be made overseas, but if a private business decides to do such, so they are more profitable, what should our gov't do about it? Should our gov't make their business decisions for them?

Should our gov't make their business decisions for them?

Tariffs, penalizing for going abroad.... those kind of things....would be gov't "making decisions" for them.
But that is the line the Globalists use because they dont have the facts on their side, and they know that mindless parrots will repeat their lies for them for ever.
Kind of like how Brainiac (now that is irony) simply clicks the laugh icon when he cant grasp a post, lol.
And when 60% of the population is poor, what do you think will happen in our Democratic Republic, hmmm?
It depends on how we educate our young and restrain our rapacious government.

Educating our youth cannot solve this problem as it will hit us in the next ten years or so. And the tax shortfalls and rising interest rates will constrain the Federalis more than our Congresscritters will ever do.

If we educate kids NOW to make their own opportunities and keep government from meddling too much, we won't have 60% of the population in poverty.

Why would a corproation hire your kids when they can more cheaply export the job to China? Or even better for them, buy a robot for $2000 and use it instead?

If, OTOH, we educate them to demand that government support them and not earn opportunities, we'll follow the same trajectory other nations have and descend into chaos.

When this failed approach of relying on corporate greed to solve the problem fails, that is exactly what they will do and they will ahve every right to do so sine the nation broke the Social Compact with them first by exporting their jobs.

I think you're problem is that you have a fixed focus and are not seeing the opportunities that can arise from greater automation.

Maybe, but with the advancing robotics coming, I think it is more likely you that simply does not understand how humanlike and better robotic labor is about to become.
Yes, and it is far better to acknowledge the inevitable future and take advantage of it than to fear it, fight it, and be swept aside. Instead of worrying about whether a major corporation will hire kids, why not instill in them the desire to utilize robotics to start their own companies? Robots would make ideal employees because they don't take sick days and never have bad attitudes. If you don't keep an eye on the horizon and see which way industry is heading, you will quickly find yourself on a dead end path.
Tariffs, penalizing for going abroad.... those kind of things....would be gov't "making decisions" for them.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.
This thread is retarded anyeays, company's are coming back from Mexico and China..

U.S. is still second in the world in manufacturing at 17%
Tariffs, penalizing for going abroad.... those kind of things....would be gov't "making decisions" for them.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.

How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.
Tariffs, penalizing for going abroad.... those kind of things....would be gov't "making decisions" for them.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.

How is a robot tax going to work when in 30 years everyone will have them in their home
Maybe, but with the advancing robotics coming, I think it is more likely you that simply does not understand how humanlike and better robotic labor is about to become.
Yes, and it is far better to acknowledge the inevitable future and take advantage of it than to fear it, fight it, and be swept aside. Instead of worrying about whether a major corporation will hire kids, why not instill in them the desire to utilize robotics to start their own companies? Robots would make ideal employees because they don't take sick days and never have bad attitudes. If you don't keep an eye on the horizon and see which way industry is heading, you will quickly find yourself on a dead end path.[/QUOTE]

I really dont understand the Polyana stuff that passes for analysis these days.

Sure, some people will make a little money building their own robots and selling them, just like Mom and pop shops used to make computers. Where is that now? Corporations are already gearing up to make their own robots through connected subsidiaries, so why would they ever buy your kids robots?

We are already seeing new tech develop, mature and roll out without any people touching more than 20 people, and you cant see how that is CRUSHING employment for people with IQs under 90? That is about a third of our population. What are they going to do?

This is not as simple as 'get a job' or 'learn a trade' slogans will fix.

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