Democrat Donor; the Jobs are Gone and Americans Need to Stop Whining About it

How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.

That only accelerates the introduction of robotics in service jobs. So sure, it might work for ten years, then what?

We have to break away from this modern mind set that THE way to make ones way in life is to have a career of a string of jobs based on a trade.

We are going to have to get to a point that we can barter for what we need, and keep everyone happy and secure till we get there.
Tariffs, penalizing for going abroad.... those kind of things....would be gov't "making decisions" for them.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.

How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.

No one likes unions especially the millennials

78 million millennial's hate unions
Corporate taxes should be based on how many people they hire and how well they are compensated. If a company hires few and pays little, they get high taxes. If a company hires many and pays well they pay no taxes.
If robots are overused there will be no customers.

That is the best response in this thread yet.

There are a number of contingencies to lay down to make the answer palin.

1. We cannot let the government implode. Too many people depend on the government to survive, and the government develops most of the new tech that improves our lives.

2. To keep the government going we will have to introduce new taxes ON CORPORATIONS to offset the revenue loss from disappearing jobs.

3. The government will continue to buy products from corporations, as will its employees, and this will sustain corporations into the future.

4. The lower 85% will make their own commodities and barter with each other in a permanent underclass subsistence economy with some small wages earnings periodically to buy things that they cannot make themselves.
Tariffs, penalizing for going abroad.... those kind of things....would be gov't "making decisions" for them.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.

How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.

No one likes unions especially the millennials

78 million millennial's hate unions

Yes and wages are stagnant. Go figure. We were much stronger with strong unions.
Corporate taxes should be based on how many people they hire and how well they are compensated. If a company hires few and pays little, they get high taxes. If a company hires many and pays well they pay no taxes.
Yes and wages are stagnant. Go figure. We were much stronger with strong unions.
As long as unions do not have an adversarial approach to their companies management, and do not add to the regulatory burden, sure.
Tariffs, penalizing for going abroad.... those kind of things....would be gov't "making decisions" for them.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.

How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.

No one likes unions especially the millennials

78 million millennial's hate unions

Yes and wages are stagnant. Go figure. We were much stronger with strong unions.

So you think a stronger union will bring in jobs?

Tariffs, penalizing for going abroad.... those kind of things....would be gov't "making decisions" for them.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.

How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.

No one likes unions especially the millennials

78 million millennial's hate unions

Yes and wages are stagnant. Go figure. We were much stronger with strong unions.

So you think a stronger union will bring in jobs?


No, we have jobs, they just pay shitty. Unions would make the jobs we have better.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.

How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.

No one likes unions especially the millennials

78 million millennial's hate unions

Yes and wages are stagnant. Go figure. We were much stronger with strong unions.

So you think a stronger union will bring in jobs?


No, we have jobs, they just pay shitty. Unions would make the jobs we have better.
to a degree, but there is a happy median between helping and choking off employers.
Pandora`s box....

Manufacturing will never again be, what it once was, in America....

We need a new vision, a new goal, to lift Americans up.

It doesn't have to be that way. Americans can make socks, gym shoes and even the robots that might replace them. They don't have to be made in some third world crap hole.
The middle class makes empowers them....which is why democrats take away their ability to make stuff.....

IT IS BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. Sorry to yell. NAFTA would not pass without support from both sides of the aisle. The only way the democrats, at the time, were going to support it was if there was a democrat president pushing for NAFTA. Which Bill and Hillary did harder than anything else during their presidentcy.

We are at a crossroads and a unique opportunity. We can elect someone who the establishment of both sides of the aisle simple loathe. Or elect the establishment darling and nothing will change.

Yes, they pushed NAFTA and Bill also granted permanent normal trade relations for China and pushed for their inclusion in the WTO.

He said "(Granting PNTR to China would) "increase U.S. jobs and reduce our trade deficit,"

HAHAHAHA! Looking at it now, that statement is absurd.

Of course Bill was sucking all sorts of money from Chinese interests, which a lot of people have forgotten about. It was later found that the guy funneling all of this money, Johnny Chung had gotten some of that cash from Chinese military officials and got a 150000 transfer from the Bank of China. But I'm sure that had nothing to do with anything. They just gave up all of that money because he was a swell guy.

Here's the Clinton's guy, Johnny (on the left), along with a couple of other 'donors'


Clinton 1 sold out the US for his own gain. The Clintons have continued their influence peddling through the Clinton Foundation. If anyone thinks Hillary won't continue to plunder the country for her own gain they have nothing more in their heads than a brain stem to keep the air moving and the blood flowing. This is also why I think it is hilarious that people think Bill Clinton was great on the economy. The out-sourcer in chief is what he was.
How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.

No one likes unions especially the millennials

78 million millennial's hate unions

Yes and wages are stagnant. Go figure. We were much stronger with strong unions.

So you think a stronger union will bring in jobs?


No, we have jobs, they just pay shitty. Unions would make the jobs we have better.
to a degree, but there is a happy median between helping and choking off employers.

They need the pay and not so many of the protections.
Clinton 1 sold out the US for his own gain. The Clintons have continued their influence peddling through the Clinton Foundation. If anyone thinks Hillary won't continue to plunder the country for her own gain they have nothing more in their heads than a brain stem to keep the air moving and the blood flowing....
And Hillary will govern like a hybrid of Bill and Obama, giving us the worst of both predecessors.
But we need to address more fundamental changes that are coming prior to the problems swamping us all over.

We need to develop a robot tax that takes the place of lost humanjobs, so that the government can still fund itself and meet its obligations.

We need to assure people that they wont lose their homes and be thrown out on the streets if they cant find a job.

I dont see another way to do this other than some kind of Nordic Model Socialist economy combined with a Universal Basic Income.

How about we make unions strong in service jobs so the workers get $$$$.

No one likes unions especially the millennials

78 million millennial's hate unions

Yes and wages are stagnant. Go figure. We were much stronger with strong unions.

So you think a stronger union will bring in jobs?


No, we have jobs, they just pay shitty. Unions would make the jobs we have better.

Unions is one of the reasons jobs left.

Damn Brian we went over this a million times

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