Democrat Donor; the Jobs are Gone and Americans Need to Stop Whining About it

Too bad you have no evidence of Hillary policy being changed, just malevolent gossip/propaganda, dupe. The GOP is just the party of the greedy idiot bigot rich- .
Except for this year, remember? The Republican leadership is at war with Donald Trump you libtards keep claiming.

So which is it?

Is Trump who took the nomination from GOP elites the Agent of Change in this election or is it Connected Corporate Crony Hillary Clinton?
This is why the Democratic Party is not the party of the American worker any more. That party has become owned by Wall Street and K Street and it will take a successful voter revolt to change that, as the Republicans had in the GOP.

No, no! The Republicans are the party of the rich. All the leftist tools say so while they line up like lemmings behind the biggest bought and paid for corporatist whore running for president.
Trump is corporate.

We need to remember there is a lot of good about corporations. They just need to be regulated correctly against the bad that also comes with them.

But you'll notice almost none of Wall Street is lining up behind him. They are all behind Hillary. Why do you supposed that is? They know who will butter their bread.
They also know who's nuts and risky. Only Fox/Rushbots/angry white men will end up with him. This is getting ridiculous...
He means 3rd worlders have the low paying manual labor jobs, we have to train for more techy jobs, like the 3-6 million such jobs going begging now.
There are no tech jobs that cannot be filled by Americans today. This is data fraud committed by corporations to justify their appeal for more H1-B visas.

The shortfall does not exist; it is fantasy.

Is There a STEM Worker Shortage?
While employers argue that there are not enough workers with technical skills, most prior research has found little evidence that such workers are in short supply. This report uses the latest Census Bureau data available to examine the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Consistent with other research, the findings show that the country has more than twice as many workers with STEM degrees as there are STEM jobs. Also consistent with other research, we find only modest levels of wage growth for such workers for more than a decade. Both employment and wage data indicate there is no shortage of STEM workers in the United States.

  • Using the most common definition of STEM jobs, total STEM employment in 2012 was 5.3 million workers (immigrant and native), but there are 12.1 million STEM degree holders (immigrant and native).
  • Only one-third of native-born Americans with an undergraduate STEM degree holding a job actually work in a STEM occupation.
  • There are more than five million native-born Americans with STEM undergraduate degrees working in non-STEM occupations: 1.5 million with engineering degrees, half a million with technology degrees, 400,000 with math degrees, and 2.6 million with science degrees.
  • An additional 1.2 million natives with STEM degrees are not working — unemployed or out of the labor force in 2012.
  • Despite the economic downturn, Census Bureau data show that, between 2007 and 2012, about 700,000 new immigrants who have STEM degrees were allowed to settle in the country, yet at the same time, total STEM employment grew by only about 500,000.
  • Of these new immigrants with STEM degrees, only a little more than a third took a STEM job and about the same share took a non-STEM job. The rest were not working in 2012.
  • Overall, less than half of immigrants with STEM degrees work in STEM jobs. In particular, just 23 percent of all immigrants with engineering degrees work as engineers.
  • In total, 1.6 million immigrants with STEM degrees worked outside of a STEM field and 563,000 were not working.
  • The supply of STEM workers is not just limited to those with STEM degrees. Nearly one-third of the nation's STEM workers do not have an undergraduate STEM degree.
  • Wage trends are one of the best measures of labor demand. If STEM workers are in short supply, wages should be increasing rapidly. But wage data from multiple sources show little growth over the last 12 years.
  • Real hourly wages (adjusted for inflation) grew on average just 0.7 percent a year from 2000 to 2012 for STEM workers, and annual wages grew even less — 0.4 percent a year. Wage growth is very modest for most subcategories of engineers and technology workers.

The H-1B Visa Program Gives American Workers a Raw Deal

‘You’re Fired — Now Train Your Replacement’, by Ian Smith, National Review

Mark Zuckerberg’s Cynical Ploy to Get Cheap Foreign Labor

All they do is help hold down wages.
Assuming you are referring to the H1-B immigrants, many of them want to stay and run their own companies, but they get deported back home instead.

Maybe we can extend their visa as a Business operating only type of visa and make it contingent on them employing a minimum of 20 US citizens?

That would help with the employment situation, it seems to me.
Too bad you have no evidence of Hillary policy being changed, just malevolent gossip/propaganda, dupe. The GOP is just the party of the greedy idiot bigot rich- .
Except for this year, remember? The Republican leadership is at war with Donald Trump you libtards keep claiming.

So which is it?

Is Trump who took the nomination from GOP elites the Agent of Change in this election or is it Connected Corporate Crony Hillary Clinton?
Just because intelligent individuals give her money doesn't mean she's bought like the GOPers- look at her POLICY, dingbat. No evidence. Duh.
They also know who's nuts and risky. Only Fox/Rushbots/angry white men will end up with him. This is getting ridiculous...
lol, yeah, sure, the serial perjuring sociopathic liar Hillary is not nuts but Trump is, all according to the corporate owned media who is entirely in the tank for the House Clinton heir.
This argument always makes me laugh.

the jobs were offshored because the incentive was there to do it. it's math.

take those incentives away and some may come back, some that are still leaving (yes, it's still going on) may be dissuaded from leaving.

bottom line, throwing our hands up and saying 'game over' isn't much of a plan in terms of doing what we can to protect jobs here. In fact, it's no plan at all.
But that is the line the Globalists use because they dont have the facts on their side, and they know that mindless parrots will repeat their lies for them for ever.

Good point. The Globalists are destroying our country, and many many others. They have to be stopped. NWO Globalists have set out to destroy sovereignty and national identities. That's always been their goal. American Globalists don't care about American Citizens.

Just look at their disastrous trade deals. American Citizens have paid dearly for them. But many Globalists have gotten very rich off them. The NWO folks have to be confronted. Hopefully, Americans will begin doing that.
He means 3rd worlders have the low paying manual labor jobs, we have to train for more techy jobs, like the 3-6 million such jobs going begging now.
There are no tech jobs that cannot be filled by Americans today. This is data fraud committed by corporations to justify their appeal for more H1-B visas.

The shortfall does not exist; it is fantasy.

Is There a STEM Worker Shortage?
While employers argue that there are not enough workers with technical skills, most prior research has found little evidence that such workers are in short supply. This report uses the latest Census Bureau data available to examine the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Consistent with other research, the findings show that the country has more than twice as many workers with STEM degrees as there are STEM jobs. Also consistent with other research, we find only modest levels of wage growth for such workers for more than a decade. Both employment and wage data indicate there is no shortage of STEM workers in the United States.

  • Using the most common definition of STEM jobs, total STEM employment in 2012 was 5.3 million workers (immigrant and native), but there are 12.1 million STEM degree holders (immigrant and native).
  • Only one-third of native-born Americans with an undergraduate STEM degree holding a job actually work in a STEM occupation.
  • There are more than five million native-born Americans with STEM undergraduate degrees working in non-STEM occupations: 1.5 million with engineering degrees, half a million with technology degrees, 400,000 with math degrees, and 2.6 million with science degrees.
  • An additional 1.2 million natives with STEM degrees are not working — unemployed or out of the labor force in 2012.
  • Despite the economic downturn, Census Bureau data show that, between 2007 and 2012, about 700,000 new immigrants who have STEM degrees were allowed to settle in the country, yet at the same time, total STEM employment grew by only about 500,000.
  • Of these new immigrants with STEM degrees, only a little more than a third took a STEM job and about the same share took a non-STEM job. The rest were not working in 2012.
  • Overall, less than half of immigrants with STEM degrees work in STEM jobs. In particular, just 23 percent of all immigrants with engineering degrees work as engineers.
  • In total, 1.6 million immigrants with STEM degrees worked outside of a STEM field and 563,000 were not working.
  • The supply of STEM workers is not just limited to those with STEM degrees. Nearly one-third of the nation's STEM workers do not have an undergraduate STEM degree.
  • Wage trends are one of the best measures of labor demand. If STEM workers are in short supply, wages should be increasing rapidly. But wage data from multiple sources show little growth over the last 12 years.
  • Real hourly wages (adjusted for inflation) grew on average just 0.7 percent a year from 2000 to 2012 for STEM workers, and annual wages grew even less — 0.4 percent a year. Wage growth is very modest for most subcategories of engineers and technology workers.

The H-1B Visa Program Gives American Workers a Raw Deal

‘You’re Fired — Now Train Your Replacement’, by Ian Smith, National Review

Mark Zuckerberg’s Cynical Ploy to Get Cheap Foreign Labor
3-6 million tech jobs going begging - Google Search
This is why the Democratic Party is not the party of the American worker any more. That party has become owned by Wall Street and K Street and it will take a successful voter revolt to change that, as the Republicans had in the GOP.

No, no! The Republicans are the party of the rich. All the leftist tools say so while they line up like lemmings behind the biggest bought and paid for corporatist whore running for president.
Trump is corporate.

We need to remember there is a lot of good about corporations. They just need to be regulated correctly against the bad that also comes with them.
Trump is a different type of corporate in that he makes his money off two things; Americans buying/renting at his properties and selling his brand name rights.

He is a corporation predator who preys on the failures of other corporate types. he buys their failed buildings at fire sale prices and turns them into productive and profitable properties again.

Trump has an economic incentive to grow the consumer economy in America and to increase the value of his brand by delivering on his campaign promises.
He means 3rd worlders have the low paying manual labor jobs, we have to train for more techy jobs, like the 3-6 million such jobs going begging now.
There are no tech jobs that cannot be filled by Americans today. This is data fraud committed by corporations to justify their appeal for more H1-B visas.

The shortfall does not exist; it is fantasy.

Is There a STEM Worker Shortage?
While employers argue that there are not enough workers with technical skills, most prior research has found little evidence that such workers are in short supply. This report uses the latest Census Bureau data available to examine the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. Consistent with other research, the findings show that the country has more than twice as many workers with STEM degrees as there are STEM jobs. Also consistent with other research, we find only modest levels of wage growth for such workers for more than a decade. Both employment and wage data indicate there is no shortage of STEM workers in the United States.

  • Using the most common definition of STEM jobs, total STEM employment in 2012 was 5.3 million workers (immigrant and native), but there are 12.1 million STEM degree holders (immigrant and native).
  • Only one-third of native-born Americans with an undergraduate STEM degree holding a job actually work in a STEM occupation.
  • There are more than five million native-born Americans with STEM undergraduate degrees working in non-STEM occupations: 1.5 million with engineering degrees, half a million with technology degrees, 400,000 with math degrees, and 2.6 million with science degrees.
  • An additional 1.2 million natives with STEM degrees are not working — unemployed or out of the labor force in 2012.
  • Despite the economic downturn, Census Bureau data show that, between 2007 and 2012, about 700,000 new immigrants who have STEM degrees were allowed to settle in the country, yet at the same time, total STEM employment grew by only about 500,000.
  • Of these new immigrants with STEM degrees, only a little more than a third took a STEM job and about the same share took a non-STEM job. The rest were not working in 2012.
  • Overall, less than half of immigrants with STEM degrees work in STEM jobs. In particular, just 23 percent of all immigrants with engineering degrees work as engineers.
  • In total, 1.6 million immigrants with STEM degrees worked outside of a STEM field and 563,000 were not working.
  • The supply of STEM workers is not just limited to those with STEM degrees. Nearly one-third of the nation's STEM workers do not have an undergraduate STEM degree.
  • Wage trends are one of the best measures of labor demand. If STEM workers are in short supply, wages should be increasing rapidly. But wage data from multiple sources show little growth over the last 12 years.
  • Real hourly wages (adjusted for inflation) grew on average just 0.7 percent a year from 2000 to 2012 for STEM workers, and annual wages grew even less — 0.4 percent a year. Wage growth is very modest for most subcategories of engineers and technology workers.

The H-1B Visa Program Gives American Workers a Raw Deal

‘You’re Fired — Now Train Your Replacement’, by Ian Smith, National Review

Mark Zuckerberg’s Cynical Ploy to Get Cheap Foreign Labor
3-6 million tech jobs going begging - Google Search
Yeah googling the corporate propaganda doesnt prove anything, Einstein.

Do you understand the difference between verified facts vrs propaganda unwarranted assertions? Apparently not.
This argument always makes me laugh.

the jobs were offshored because the incentive was there to do it. it's math.

take those incentives away and some may come back, some that are still leaving (yes, it's still going on) may be dissuaded from leaving.

bottom line, throwing our hands up and saying 'game over' isn't much of a plan in terms of doing what we can to protect jobs here. In fact, it's no plan at all.
But that is the line the Globalists use because they dont have the facts on their side, and they know that mindless parrots will repeat their lies for them for ever.

Good point. The Globalists are destroying our country, and many many others. They have to be stopped. NWO Globalists have set out to destroy sovereignty and national identities. That's always been their goal. American Globalists don't care about American Citizens.

Just look at their disastrous trade deals. American Citizens have paid dearly for them. But many Globalists have gotten very rich off them. The NWO folks have to be confronted. Hopefully, Americans will begin doing that.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEE!!!! As the New BS GOP FINALLY goes down in flames. lol
Those donations are not without their strings and promises, dumbmass.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Still no evidence.
Yes, dumbass, when donors get promises of favors for their donations it is in fact a conspiracy, which is why we have laws against such conspiracies.

Simply because you slap the 'conspiracy' label on it does not make it magically false.
This argument always makes me laugh.

the jobs were offshored because the incentive was there to do it. it's math.

take those incentives away and some may come back, some that are still leaving (yes, it's still going on) may be dissuaded from leaving.

bottom line, throwing our hands up and saying 'game over' isn't much of a plan in terms of doing what we can to protect jobs here. In fact, it's no plan at all.
But that is the line the Globalists use because they dont have the facts on their side, and they know that mindless parrots will repeat their lies for them for ever.

Good point. The Globalists are destroying our country, and many many others. They have to be stopped. NWO Globalists have set out to destroy sovereignty and national identities. That's always been their goal. American Globalists don't care about American Citizens.

Just look at their disastrous trade deals. American Citizens have paid dearly for them. But many Globalists have gotten very rich off them. The NWO folks have to be confronted. Hopefully, Americans will begin doing that.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEE!!!! As the New BS GOP FINALLY goes down in flames. lol

It is a Conspiracy. You're right. American Globalists don't care about American Citizens. That's been proven time & time again. When are Americans gonna get it? The NWO Globalist Elites have an agenda. More just need to become aware of that agenda. And then begin to thwart it.
Those donations are not without their strings and promises, dumbmass.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Still no evidence.
Yes, dumbass, when donors get promises of favors for their donations it is in fact a conspiracy, which is why we have laws against such conspiracies.

Simply because you slap the 'conspiracy' label on it does not make it magically false.
Still no evidence, duh dupe. People are just catching on that your party is FOS. Even some Wall Sters...
Just because intelligent individuals give her money doesn't mean she's bought like the GOPers- look at her POLICY, dingbat. No evidence. Duh.
Those donations are not without their strings and promises, dumbmass.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Still no evidence.

GM Unions....
Very scary, dupe. GM CORPORATE!!!!! lol.

Lying paid shrill, it was all about the Union pension ....GM would have been fine in Bankruptcy, just like American Airlines that didn't get bailed out...
It's not a 'Republican vs. Democrat' war. It's a 'New World Order Global Elite vs. The People' war. They have a plan. And they're executing that plan. Sovereignty and national identities must be destroyed.

And in terms of the US, that means the Constitution has to go. It's the Globalists' final obstacle. They're currently in the process of whittling away at it. So let go of the old false paradigms. It's a war with the NWO Globalist Elites now. Let's hope the People win it.

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