Democrat Governor decrees carrying of any firearm illegal with emergency health hazard executive order

There are more Carry Permit holders in New Mexico than there are Kluxers & Former Kluxers Alive in America
There are more Carry Permit holders in New Mexico than there are Kluxers & Former Kluxers Alive in America
And none of the permit holders killed those 3 kids in Albuquerque. They were killed by criminals who are not legally allowed weapons.
i have not counted lately and there are several klan groups so i'd have to count. i would hope that they are rare, but here in louisiana they tend to seek attention rather than the "invisible empire" rigmarole.

they are all good people. they love me so they must be good people and there are millions of them. maybe more but more than ever loved anyone else ever...."
How cool.
And none of the permit holders killed those 3 kids in Albuquerque. They were killed by criminals who are not legally allowed weapons.
Disarming Law Abiding American Citizenry is paramount to the Democommies
I doubt that I could get an emergency health hazard executive order, even if I wanted one.
She's not taking them from you Francis.

Just as a BTW: that attitude makes you the poster child for gun control.
You're a moron.

You won't be saying that when the teeming hordes come barreling down your ass, shit for brains.

Which according to YOUR attitude will be any day now.
Let 6-10 Million ( Illegals) ( Visa Overstayers ) ( Chinese Overseas Commandos and their Saboteur Spy Handlers ) ( Refugees ) ... In in last 30 months then Disarm Law Biding Americans
You're a moron.

You won't be saying that when the teeming hordes come barreling down your ass, shit for brains.

Which according to YOUR attitude will be any day now.
What fantasy are you projecting now?

Teeming hordes of what?
Yeah, you're gonna need to back that shit up.
You're about to get bitchsmacked, Crapitus.

That's pretty hilarious coming from one of tRump staunchest defenders.
When your argument boils down to, I know you are but what am I…then you lost…and highlight just how childish you really are

This is a open attack by a demafasict on the rule of law and the civil rights of citizens

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