Democrat Mayor's and Governor's are Sniveling Cowards and Helpless at the Hands of Marxist Radicals who Have Taken Over the Party


May 23, 2014
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with any backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.
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I think I found one of the Marxists in Seattle...

Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with and backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.
I suppose there are two ways of looking at it.
1. The so-called Democrat Party and politicians are now actually, pro-Marxist/Leninist politicians (my preferred belief).
2. Just as in Europe, where EU party members cater to the Islamists, they support the Islamists, not because they are pro-Islam, but rather, they need their votes to stay in office and if they don't get them, they lose their precious spots in the EU Parliament.
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with and backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.
I suppose there are two ways of looking at it.
1. The so-called Democrat Party and politicians are now actually, pro-Marxist/Leninist politicians (my preferred belief).
2. Just as in Europe, where EU party members cater to the Islamists, they support the Islamists, not because they are pro-Islam, but rather, they need their votes to stay in office and if they don't get them, they lose their precious spots in the EU Parliament.
Exactly. This is NOT the Democratic Party of FDR. Truman, or JFK.
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with and backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.
I suppose there are two ways of looking at it.
1. The so-called Democrat Party and politicians are now actually, pro-Marxist/Leninist politicians (my preferred belief).
2. Just as in Europe, where EU party members cater to the Islamists, they support the Islamists, not because they are pro-Islam, but rather, they need their votes to stay in office and if they don't get them, they lose their precious spots in the EU Parliament.
Exactly. This is NOT the Democratic Party of FDR. Truman, or JFK.
JFK would be rejected by the party today and be considered a republican.
It's a fractured cult of substandard defects with zero beliefs.... just get Trump out.

We need a 2-party system, but those shit-eating rodents don't need to be one of them.
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with any backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.

Put simply the modern democratic party is the most dangerous enemy of our nation. What the democratic party does is commit heinous and often lethal crimes against their voters and other Americans and then hides behind our legal and judicial system. No one seems to see it (republicans, I am pointing at you) how democrats use our very own system of laws and courts and Constitutional protections against us, to radically change our way of life and to destroy us and our freedom. Just think about Roe v. Wade for a moment. One piece of shit human being who perjured herself, along with a few Supreme Court Justices, are responsible for the deaths of over 70 million unborn children. That is how the devil, I mean, the democrats use our own civilizational system against us. And they're doing it again, this time both with COVID lockdowns and these race war protests. The democratic party at large believes it is untouchable. And that is why lives must be taken, by military might, to show them just how fucking evil and mortal they really are.
I've been thinking about this "two-party" system. Our founding fathers, never actually considered actual political parties, just candidates. However, perhaps an Amendment to the Constitution that specifically limits the political parties to, three.
1. Conservative Republican.
2. Moderate Republican.
3. Progressive Republican.
You will notice that I excluded the Libertarians. The issue with them is that, if it isn't something making money for the government, they would want it gone and frankly, our last pristine places (National Parks, National Forests and Wildlife Refuges) must be protected and Libertarians would only consider them a financial drain. Sometimes a financial drain can be one for good.
Anyway, we are actually a Republic and the Libertarians can divvy themselves into those parties and as for the former Democrats, they have those choices, or move to China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, or Vietnam. There, they can live under a one party system with their ideals.
Also, while we are at it, some needed clarification (tweaking) on the Constitution and the First and Second Amendments. It needs to be made crystal clear that law-abiding naturalized citizens (not convicted felons) can own any rifles and pistols the military possesses..."and that Congress shall make no law restricting the rights of the citizens to own such weapons, so that no tyrannical government, foreign or domestic can oppress the people and that there shall be no restriction to the carrying of such, other than in government buildings. It should also be made clear that the Freedom of Speech is NOT absolute. Speech advocating against the government or advocating for the killing of individuals can result in arrest via federal charges. Last, Congress should be allowed to regulate some aspects of religion to prevent the rise of dangerous religious cults or the preaching of harm, incarceration or death towards those not practicing said religion, or who leave it.
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with any backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.

West Virginia should immediately call for manchin to resign

Kick his con artist tail out of west’s Virginia for good
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with and backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.
I suppose there are two ways of looking at it.
1. The so-called Democrat Party and politicians are now actually, pro-Marxist/Leninist politicians (my preferred belief).
2. Just as in Europe, where EU party members cater to the Islamists, they support the Islamists, not because they are pro-Islam, but rather, they need their votes to stay in office and if they don't get them, they lose their precious spots in the EU Parliament.

It’s a way for the elites to control the native born population of Christians. The blowback will be awful for them as it has been in the past God help them.
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with any backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.
Not a very convincing place to argue from a State's Rights perspective. Federalist would cringe at the thought of a top down, Washington based strategy.

Why does one-size-fits-all work for law enforcement but not for education? Or civil rights? Or Voter's rights?
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with any backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.

West Virginia should immediately call for manchin to resign

Kick his con artist tail out of west’s Virginia for good
Why do you oppose elections? Isn't the voice of the majority to be respected?
Totally disgusting. Democrats don't have leaders of our major cities and states with any backbone. What a statement about Democratic Party. Cuomo ,Biden, Pelosi, Manchin are all pussfied just like liberal media. These idiots don't know how to govern. Just sit on the sidelines and criticize OUR President who is on the field with dust, sweat, and blood on his face IN THE GAME. The weak and timid sit on the bench and hurl insults at the man on the field.
The so-called Democrat Party thinks by appeasing Communist Anarchists (Antifa) and pro-Marxist elements, that the Democrat Party will not only win in all elections, but be able to keep their seats. This is another example of not knowing your history. The pro-Marxist/Leninists in Russia, were promised that after their revolution, they would be free and everything would be good for the average peoples. After the Romanov's were hauled away, the culling began, including among the ones who stood by the Marxists/Leninists. You see, the Marxist/Leninists had no intention of having freedom in their country. They wanted total authoritarian control of ever aspect of life and got it. Millions died, in the name of the ideology. In this nation, if Marxism/Leninism gets control, it will be the same. It always is and those Democrats, well, they'll be up against the wall with cloths over their eyes, just like others that stand up and say, no to the ideology. The motto: "Ideology over blood (political belief over family)."

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