Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.
Here is where the whole crazy scheme falls flat on its face. Does anyone really think that if person A is making $9.00 an hour and person B is making $15.00 an hour and person C is making $20.00 an hour. Do they really think that if person A suddenly makes $15.00 an hour that person B will just shrug his shoulders or will he want more money? Will person C also want more? Of course they will both want more believing rightly so that they are worth more then minimum wage as the were before it was artificially inflated.
Companies will still need to make a certain amount of profit or go bankrupt. The way they will do that is to increase the cost of their products.
So for a short time the artificially inflated minimum wage will seem like a god send until wages and prices for products increase then minimum wage will be equal in purchasing power to before the artifial raise. It is called inflation.
We could continue on artificially raising minimum wage and letting prices raise in a crazy idea that we can make everyone artificially happy until we need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
A minimum wage increase bumps all low skilled wages
As it should
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.
Here is where the whole crazy scheme falls flat on its face. Does anyone really think that if person A is making $9.00 an hour and person B is making $15.00 an hour and person C is making $20.00 an hour. Do they really think that if person A suddenly makes $15.00 an hour that person B will just shrug his shoulders or will he want more money? Will person C also want more? Of course they will both want more believing rightly so that they are worth more then minimum wage as the were before it was artificially inflated.
Companies will still need to make a certain amount of profit or go bankrupt. The way they will do that is to increase the cost of their products.
So for a short time the artificially inflated minimum wage will seem like a god send until wages and prices for products increase then minimum wage will be equal in purchasing power to before the artifial raise. It is called inflation.
We could continue on artificially raising minimum wage and letting prices raise in a crazy idea that we can make everyone artificially happy until we need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
A minimum wage increase bumps all low skilled wages
As it should
Rolf normally I just ignore you because you are not in your right mind but I will say this it does not effect only low skilled wages. It effects every one making a wage and even those on welfare and Social Security. Once again it is called INFLATION.
Sure it has. Many states and municipalities have higher min wage than the federal one. So the only question is why must you LIE to press your "Worker's Paradise" narrative, Comrade?
Some do, many don’t. Time to look at the interests of min wage workers instead of employers who are exploiting them
You claimed "A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years" in the knowledge that states and municipal gov'ts have indeed raised their mins.

Once more for the LYING, brain-dead leftard: this country doesn't need more big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control over domestic issues.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.
Here is where the whole crazy scheme falls flat on its face. Does anyone really think that if person A is making $9.00 an hour and person B is making $15.00 an hour and person C is making $20.00 an hour. Do they really think that if person A suddenly makes $15.00 an hour that person B will just shrug his shoulders or will he want more money? Will person C also want more? Of course they will both want more believing rightly so that they are worth more then minimum wage as the were before it was artificially inflated.
Companies will still need to make a certain amount of profit or go bankrupt. The way they will do that is to increase the cost of their products.
So for a short time the artificially inflated minimum wage will seem like a god send until wages and prices for products increase then minimum wage will be equal in purchasing power to before the artifial raise. It is called inflation.
We could continue on artificially raising minimum wage and letting prices raise in a crazy idea that we can make everyone artificially happy until we need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
A minimum wage increase bumps all low skilled wages
As it should
Rolf normally I just ignore you because you are not in your right mind but I will say this it does not effect only low skilled wages. It effects every one making a wage and even those on welfare and Social Security. Once again it is called INFLATION.
It reflects on our overall low end wage structure
It is woefully inadequate where the taxpayer has to supplement corporate profits by supporting their workers
Sure it has. Many states and municipalities have higher min wage than the federal one. So the only question is why must you LIE to press your "Worker's Paradise" narrative, Comrade?
Some do, many don’t. Time to look at the interests of min wage workers instead of employers who are exploiting them
You claimed "A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years" in the knowledge that states and municipal gov'ts have indeed raised their mins.

Once more for the LYING, brain-dead leftard: this country doesn't need more big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control over domestic issues.
We are talking federal minimum wage
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.
Here is where the whole crazy scheme falls flat on its face. Does anyone really think that if person A is making $9.00 an hour and person B is making $15.00 an hour and person C is making $20.00 an hour. Do they really think that if person A suddenly makes $15.00 an hour that person B will just shrug his shoulders or will he want more money? Will person C also want more? Of course they will both want more believing rightly so that they are worth more then minimum wage as the were before it was artificially inflated.
Companies will still need to make a certain amount of profit or go bankrupt. The way they will do that is to increase the cost of their products.
So for a short time the artificially inflated minimum wage will seem like a god send until wages and prices for products increase then minimum wage will be equal in purchasing power to before the artifial raise. It is called inflation.
We could continue on artificially raising minimum wage and letting prices raise in a crazy idea that we can make everyone artificially happy until we need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
Your point would work if employee compensation to GDP ratio is high. The percentage of wages vs GDP has been dropping.

People in your community having more (or any) disposable income is a positive thing for your local economy. A recent study has proved this.

Godoey and Reich's research isn't anomalous." Previous research from U.C. Berkeley "found that six major U.S. cities—Oakland, Chicago, and San Francisco among them—didn't experience significant job losses after they raised their minimum wages," Jones noted.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
$15 is not enough I say $20.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
Raises should be earned.
But tax cuts for the wealthy should be given with no expectation that they will ever trickle down, aint that right?
Tax cuts are on money you will EARN-like raises should be.
No they aren't, they are the least stimulative government spending there is.
No, and listen carefully, tax cuts are on money you WILL earn. That's what a TAX CUT IS!
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
Raises should be earned.

We are looking at a starting wage
A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
Raises should be earned.
We are looking at a starting wage. A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years
Sure it has. Many states and municipalities have higher min wage than the federal one. So the only question is why must you LIE to press your "Worker's Paradise" narrative, Comrade?
Some do, many don’t
Time to look at the interests of min wage workers instead of employers who are exploiting them
Exploit nothing-get another job if you are unhappy or stop complaining.
They think they can force the world to be ideal.
Every other modern country has a living wage not to mention cheap college and training Healthcare daycare one month vacations paid parental leave ID cardto end illegal immigration. But we have the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. All we need to do is have a progressive tax system again....

I am supportive of some progressive ideology. Y'all don't realize you can't actually put bandaids on everything and save everybody, though.
Not not the ideology but higher taxes on the Richer all the way -what we have now is a flat tax system if you count all taxes. The rich are not paying enough. No country has ever had a tax system like this it is stupid only propaganda makes it possible.
Sure it has. Many states and municipalities have higher min wage than the federal one. So the only question is why must you LIE to press your "Worker's Paradise" narrative, Comrade?
Some do, many don’t. Time to look at the interests of min wage workers instead of employers who are exploiting them
You claimed "A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years" in the knowledge that states and municipal gov'ts have indeed raised their mins.

Once more for the LYING, brain-dead leftard: this country doesn't need more big, greasy, corrupt central gov't control over domestic issues.
The GOP is the swamp, brainwashed functional moron.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?

It is a twofer.........they get praise from uninformed people for getting $15 dollars an hour...people who don't realize how it kills entry level and other kinds of work.......and then, when those same uninformed people lose their jobs or have their hours cut back, the democrats demonize the businesses, and get those same uninformed people to vote them power to punish those evil business owners....

The democrats are vile, through and through...
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.

That's now how it works, genius. When you artificially raise the minimum wage, all prices must go up to now cover the expense of the artificially raised 15$ an hour, essentially wiping out any gain for the raise......on top of that, low level workers get their hours cut, to cover the cost of having to pay entry level workers $15 dollars an hour....

So no one get helped, everyone gets hurt.

Wages increased under Trump....because the economy is booming, businesses have to get people to work for them instead of other they have to pay higher wages...
They think they can force the world to be ideal.
Every other modern country has a living wage not to mention cheap college and training Healthcare daycare one month vacations paid parental leave ID cardto end illegal immigration. But we have the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. All we need to do is have a progressive tax system again....

The other countries afford that by having the U.S. pay for their defense, pay for their technological and medical innovation......if it weren't for the U.S. protecting them, these countries couldn't afford everything you listed........ instead, they would be speaking Russian, and waiting in bread lines....
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?

Unless the position is degreed/certified/licensed it is entry level/low skilled.

American Workers need a BIG raise;

Chevy is working on a truck that could be the first pickup to top $100,000
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?
The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.
Guess how they will vote?
Unions. Many union contracts are min wage plus based. A min wage increase means an instant raise for every union worker.

Guess which party gets union political contributions and support?

It was the Republicans in 1956, what happened?
It's an election year ploy that makes the republican "party of the working man" show that they are pants-on-fire lying sacks of shit. Just mention a minimum wage increase and they scream like someone stuck them with a red-hot poker. Just mention a tax cut for the big bosses and they can't line up to kiss rich man ass fast enough.
You guys do not cut the taxes of the peasant. You raise taxes in all ways. So the peasant pays for it and the money they earn is cheapened. You make sure the privileged jobs are taken care of. So when you raise taxes on them they do not feel it. The others who vote for you are pure suckers. With TV telling them so.

You need to take your blinders off. tRumps tax plan screwed workers that travel for work. Employee truck drivers received a $4K to $8K tax increase.
They think they can force the world to be ideal.
Every other modern country has a living wage not to mention cheap college and training Healthcare daycare one month vacations paid parental leave ID cardto end illegal immigration. But we have the scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. All we need to do is have a progressive tax system again....

The other countries afford that by having the U.S. pay for their defense, pay for their technological and medical innovation......if it weren't for the U.S. protecting them, these countries couldn't afford everything you listed........ instead, they would be speaking Russian, and waiting in bread lines....

We're not protecting them, we're protecting our financial interest. DUMB ASS Reagan put us in the world economy.

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