Democrat motive for $15 minimum wage?

Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.
Here is where the whole crazy scheme falls flat on its face. Does anyone really think that if person A is making $9.00 an hour and person B is making $15.00 an hour and person C is making $20.00 an hour. Do they really think that if person A suddenly makes $15.00 an hour that person B will just shrug his shoulders or will he want more money? Will person C also want more? Of course they will both want more believing rightly so that they are worth more then minimum wage as the were before it was artificially inflated.
Companies will still need to make a certain amount of profit or go bankrupt. The way they will do that is to increase the cost of their products.
So for a short time the artificially inflated minimum wage will seem like a god send until wages and prices for products increase then minimum wage will be equal in purchasing power to before the artifial raise. It is called inflation.
We could continue on artificially raising minimum wage and letting prices raise in a crazy idea that we can make everyone artificially happy until we need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
You make a fair assessment but the retort to that would be the fact that wages have been stagnant for a long time as company profits have been rising. So the supporters of pushing the minimum wage want to see person B and C also get wage increases. They want a mechanism to provide full time workers in this country with pay that can support their livelihood and to see wages grow as company revenue grows. I’m actually fine with this when it comes to the big dogs but I don’t support it for the mom and pop shops, the family owned pizza parlor that can’t afford to pay the high schoolers working a summer job the $15 an hour and still compete with papa johns.
The problem is it is not just the low wage earners that will adjust their hourly wage. Doctors lawyers even CEOs will adjust theirs. Profit margin has remained the same. Only those with no knowledge of economics truly believes otherwise.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?

As long as it’s a federal policy, the raising of the minimum wage will have no such impact.
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
I don’t support a nation wide $15 an hour bill however if you want to know the dems motivation behind the policy it is very simple. They want people to be able to make a livable wage and not have to work multiple jobs or work full time and still be in poverty. A healthy free market should show wage increases to keep up with living costs however our system is not very healthy so things are going to start being regulated by the government. This is unfortunate but it’s the truth.
Here is where the whole crazy scheme falls flat on its face. Does anyone really think that if person A is making $9.00 an hour and person B is making $15.00 an hour and person C is making $20.00 an hour. Do they really think that if person A suddenly makes $15.00 an hour that person B will just shrug his shoulders or will he want more money? Will person C also want more? Of course they will both want more believing rightly so that they are worth more then minimum wage as the were before it was artificially inflated.
Companies will still need to make a certain amount of profit or go bankrupt. The way they will do that is to increase the cost of their products.
So for a short time the artificially inflated minimum wage will seem like a god send until wages and prices for products increase then minimum wage will be equal in purchasing power to before the artifial raise. It is called inflation.
We could continue on artificially raising minimum wage and letting prices raise in a crazy idea that we can make everyone artificially happy until we need a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
The losers in that min wage scheme are retirees on fixed incomes who, after planning and saving for economy 'A' suddenly found themselves - through gov't edict - facing highly inflationary economy 'B'.

Meanwhile the worker's higher wages would have roughly the same spending power as their current wages. It's just another half-assed, bleeding-heart FUBAR.

Bottom line?? Never trust lefties to make economic decisions.
So you would pay?

You would wouldn't you..

That's why you don't own a company.

I own two businesses. And I increase wages with profits... it’s a matter of percentages
Pot doesn't count

No shit. Now do you have anything smart or interesting to bring to the convo or are you just doing some late night trolling?
You don't own shit brother..

Who you fooling?
Not fooling anybody... but it doesn’t really matter if you believe me or not...
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
Raises should be earned.

We are looking at a starting wage
A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition

Once again we didn't have 50 million illegals back then
That's now how it works, genius. When you artificially raise the minimum wage, all prices must go up to now cover the expense of the artificially raised 15$ an hour, essentially wiping out any gain for the raise......on top of that, low level workers get their hours cut, to cover the cost of having to pay entry level workers $15 dollars an hour....

So no one get helped, everyone gets hurt.

Wages increased under Trump....because the economy is booming, businesses have to get people to work for them instead of other they have to pay higher wages...
That’s. It necessarily true. Your scenario is trying to keep company profits growing at the same rate they are growing. To do this then yes you would need to raise prices of services and goods to compensate for the wage increases. But there is another scenario where wages increase, prices stay the same and profits are the variable that absorb the wage increase. When wages are stagnant and profits are increasing the. There is an imbalance in the system... wouldn't you agree? They should both follow the same growth lines

The more realistic avenue is they close and say fuck you
why would that be more realistic?

So you would pay?
Why don’t you answer my question? Don’t you find it annoying when people answer your questions with questions?

Already did pretend business owner
Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
Raises should be earned.

We are looking at a starting wage
A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition

New Jersey minimum wage is $10 an hour.

Everyone should know that this will reduce the number of entry level/low skill jobs, so what is the Democrat motive for a $15/hr minimum wage?

The answer is that this is exactly the result they want: Fewer people working and more people dependent on government programs.

Guess how they will vote?
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
Raises should be earned.

We are looking at a starting wage
A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
Answer is simple

Minimum wage has not been raised in ten years. $15 will just begin to recoup lost spending power
Raises should be earned.

We are looking at a starting wage
A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s
Raises should be earned.

We are looking at a starting wage
A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s

You still work for minimum wage?

We are looking at a starting wage
A wage that hasn’t been raised in ten years
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s

You still work for minimum wage?

What difference does it make?

Someone working for minimum wage does not deserve to be exploited even if it only for a few years

What happens to that college student trying to earn money for tuition? They end up having to take student loans to make up the difference. They borrow money so that employers can make more profit
Every time the minimum wage is raised fewer people are working. Now a higher minimum wage means automation is more attractive.
the right wing claims we have a good employment rate and it is because of tax cut economics.

We are a world economy now get used to it.
we have a first world economy, get used to it.
Not if you get your wish
why not? we should be upgrading our economy.
It used to be the responsibility of the individual to work him or herself up to higher wage jobs. Democrats want to change all that and punish businesses instead.

Not anymore. That guy slipping fries into the oil demands 30 bucks an hour.
No...only $15 an hour

A bargain

A robot can do that for pennies.
What kind of robot?

Are we talking about a Jetsons style robot or a Terminator type robot?
It used to be the responsibility of the individual to work him or herself up to higher wage jobs. Democrats want to change all that and punish businesses instead.

Not anymore. That guy slipping fries into the oil demands 30 bucks an hour.
No...only $15 an hour

A bargain

A robot can do that for pennies.
tax artificial persons not real persons!
I worked for minimum once-the rest of the time I got raises on merit-the lazy did not.
I worked minimum wage while I was in college in the early 70s
Made $2.10 an hour

For that $2.10 an hour, I was able to pay for my $650 a year tuition just working three months over the summer.

At today’s $7.25, it would take six months work to pay that tuition
I applaud your work ethic. If you take a job that pays minimum, then you plan the raises you think you should get or get another job. Or go to school like you did.
It is difficult for someone working only a few months a year to negotiate a higher wage. I could pay for a year of college working minimum wage, todays students can’t.

What if a minimum wage worker wants to save for a car?
When I made $2.10 an hour, it would have taken me six months to save up to buy a brand new car (around $2,000)

Today it would take a minimum wage worker over a year.

Buy gas for that car?
For $2.10 I could buy 7 gallons of gas in the early 70s
For $7.25 today you only get 2 1/2 gallons

It would take a $15 minimum wage just to have the buying power I had at $2.10 in the 70s

You still work for minimum wage?

What difference does it make?

Someone working for minimum wage does not deserve to be exploited even if it only for a few years

What happens to that college student trying to earn money for tuition? They end up having to take student loans to make up the difference. They borrow money so that employers can make more profit

You exploit illegals.


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