Democrat Ossoff bans conservative media outlet from event

Having already lost two house races Dem's are desperate. They want to fabricate a narrative that the people have turned against Trump but they keep losing these races proving the opposite. So California and New York poured $50 million into the GA House race the most ever spent on a House race. Dem's have to buy a win otherwise they can't run their anti Trump narrative 24/7 in the media. Typical Dem's dishonest to the core, those morons still haven't figured out why they lost.
These are all in die hard, party before country red areas. If any of them flip, it's a big deal. I won't hold my breath on this one, though, since it's another race in yokel controlled territory.

Ossoff is smart not to let right wing trolls in to sabotage him on election day.

^^^ you see how the left really feel about the people, they can't stand us. They sit on their perch thinking their shit doesn't stink while they mock the working class. I love it when the left show their true colors.
Aww poor snowflake :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

You nominated and pushed through a lunatic into the White House. You are not the working class, just spiteful chickenshits who let right wing propaganda convince you that healthcare is bad and that Muslims are hiding under your bed. :rolleyes:

We bushwhacked you libs but good last Nov, how does it feel to get your ass kicked by Trump? Tissue? :laugh:
Bad, but grateful you rubes' decisions are making the pendulum swing back wih more force than ever.

As evidenced by Dem's continuing to lose elections, oh wait the pendulum is not swinging back your way :laugh:
These are all in die hard, party before country red areas. If any of them flip, it's a big deal. I won't hold my breath on this one, though, since it's another race in yokel controlled territory.

Ossoff is smart not to let right wing trolls in to sabotage him on election day.

^^^ the tolerant ones ^^^
Yes, yokels. Not PC enough for you?
I don't do PC.

Have some respect for people.
Respect Trump supporters who only voted for him out of hate and spite? Never.

You are referring to those in this community as " yokels."
Are you saying they all voted for

Liberals have nothing but contempt for anyone who is not a flaming liberal.
These are all in die hard, party before country red areas. If any of them flip, it's a big deal. I won't hold my breath on this one, though, since it's another race in yokel controlled territory.

Ossoff is smart not to let right wing trolls in to sabotage him on election day.

^^^ the tolerant ones ^^^
Yes, yokels. Not PC enough for you?
I don't do PC.

Have some respect for people.
Respect Trump supporters who only voted for him out of hate and spite? Never.

You are referring to those in this community as " yokels."
Are you saying they all voted for
Having already lost two house races Dem's are desperate. They want to fabricate a narrative that the people have turned against Trump but they keep losing these races proving the opposite. So California and New York poured $50 million into the GA House race the most ever spent on a House race. Dem's have to buy a win otherwise they can't run their anti Trump narrative 24/7 in the media. Typical Dem's dishonest to the core, those morons still haven't figured out why they lost.
These are all in die hard, party before country red areas. If any of them flip, it's a big deal. I won't hold my breath on this one, though, since it's another race in yokel controlled territory.

Ossoff is smart not to let right wing trolls in to sabotage him on election day.

It would be a big deal if the turnout is around the same as a presidential, or even a normal congressional election.

Anything less than half of those values is meaningless, and nothing but a propaganda win.
So he let them know WAY before hand he was revoking their press credentials,he did not TOSS them out after they were there. Big difference.

That's really a poor excuse to allow all future demagogues to do it -- don't ya think? Besides Ossoff is doing the same thing. Announcing that tonight "at his victory rally" there will be no "right wing" press allowed..

Rationalize it as hard as you can -- it's tanking the country...
So he let them know WAY before hand he was revoking their press credentials,he did not TOSS them out after they were there. Big difference.

That's really a poor excuse to allow all future demagogues to do it -- don't ya think? Besides Ossoff is doing the same thing. Announcing that tonight "at his victory rally" there will be no "right wing" press allowed..

Rationalize it as hard as you can -- it's tanking the country...
That's fine because it was announced. It wasn't yesterday. The guy was physically removed. If tamping down on the propaganda press is causing the country to fall apart then I am all for it.

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