Zone1 Democrat party overplaying the race card

Newsweek, 7/17/20

In Smithsonian Race Guidelines, Rational Thinking and Hard Work Are White Values​

The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture recently unveiled guidelines for talking about race. A graphic displayed in the guidelines, entitled "Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness in the United States," declares that rational thinking and hard work, among others, are white values.

In the section, Smithsonian declares that "objective, rational, linear thinking," "quantitative emphasis," "hard work before play," and various other values are aspects and assumptions of whiteness...

"White dominant culture, or whiteness, refers to the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes, and ways of life have been normalized over tiem and are now considered standard practices in the United States," the introduction to the section reads. "And since white people still hold most of the institutuional power in America, we have all internalized some aspects of white culture— including people of color."...

Other subsections deal with "family structure," "rugged individualism," "Protestant work ethic" and "aesthetics."

If you click on the web address you will see the article, and the graphic:

Thank you for proving my point that Lisa was misrepresenting the situation
Well, obviously. So what was the point of the African-American Museum saying that working hard, being polite, speaking correctly, etc., were “white traits”?
They were highlighting assumptions and stereotypes. They got backlash for it because it implies that minorities don’t have those traits.
Most of them don't....That's how stereotypes happen, foo.
The pushback against the graphic was from the stereotype. Not because they were trying to insult whites. That’s the point I was making. Do you disagree?
I have never claimed to be "neutral", not once, ever, never. I know you see that, with my opinions on Trumpism.

Those of us who choose to think for ourselves have opinions like anyone else. We just don't see a need to fall for one tribe's script.
But you're not thinking for yourself. That's the problem. You don't seem to have the ability to see how the race card is played by the right and how the system enables racism to go on. Talking about how democrats playing the race card is not independent thinking, it's you being afflicted with internalized racism. There has been a consistent white backlash since the civil rights movement. That backlash is now what you call trumpism, but in reality it's just plain old fashoined American white racism. You have fallen for a script, bothsiderism is a script by a tribe who try claiming they are above the fray and are looking at the problems of both sides. The problem is not coming from both sides.
True many on the Left took trumps good people on both sides remark out of context but it was also very obvious that Trump was watering down the condemnation of racists whom killed a young lady while trying to spread blame to the left. Some see that as racist behavior.

But that’s what Trump does he covers for his supporters no matter how ugly they are. Look at what he’s doing with the Jan 6 criminals. Calling them patriots and talking about pardons. It’s a disgrace
I don't know if it was taken out of context when you consider that trump took white supremacists off the terrorist watch list and he was defending the right to keep confederate symbols standing in public places. But trump did way more than what happened in Charlottesville to confirm what he got for making that comment as his presidency went on.
The people overplaying the race card are the white greivance crowd. This thread is an example.
But you're not thinking for yourself. That's the problem. You don't seem to have the ability to see how the race card is played by the right and how the system enables racism to go on. Talking about how democrats playing the race card is not independent thinking, it's you being afflicted with internalized racism. There has been a consistent white backlash since the civil rights movement. That backlash is now what you call trumpism, but in reality it's just plain old fashoined American white racism. You have fallen for a script, bothsiderism is a script by a tribe who try claiming they are above the fray and are looking at the problems of both sides. The problem is not coming from both sides.
I see all of that, and I regularly post about how the Right ignores and enables and advances it. For that, of course, I've been called a leftist, a commie, a liar, and a "racist" by them many times here.

And I can also see what the Left (particularly white liberals) have been doing wrong for decades. For that, of course, I have been called a racist by the Left many times here. Including by you.

You choose to see and understand only one side. I don't think that's going to change, so I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Unfortunately, I have to say the same thing to the right wingers here.

Being independent means I don't have to ignore half the picture just to fit into an ideology. I want things to improve, and that requires honesty. I have no need to part of this food fight. I don't know what it actually accomplishes. Why would I ignore half the story?
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I see all of that, and I regularly post about how the Right ignores and enables and advances it. For that, of course, I've been called a leftist, a commie, a liar, and a "racist" by them many times here.

And I can also see what the Left (particularly white liberals) have been doing wrong for decades. For that, of course, I have been called a racist by the Left many times here. Including by you.

You choose to see and understand only one side. I don't think that's going to change, so I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Unfortunately, I have to say the same thing to the right wingers here.

Being independent means I don't have to ignore half the picture just to fit into an ideology. I want things to improve, and that requires honesty. I have no need to part of this food fight. I don't know what it actually accomplishes. Why would I ignore half the story?
Unfortunately for you, I do see both sides. And I see that one side is actually more wrong than the other. It's easy to sit on your ass talking about what both sides do wrong, but from where I sit, one side tries to work for equal opportunity and the other side doesn't. Neither side is perfect nor will a third side be perfect. That's honesty, not bullshit pretending to be honesty.

Your claim was that Democrats overplayed the race card. You did not say the Democrat approach to race was in response to Republican racism. And the response to that racism is what the white racist subculture calls playing the race card. Any attempt to address racism is called playing the race card by the right and here you are cosigning the ignorance then arrogantly trying to declare your superiority because you claim to see "both sides". If you looked at the two sides accurately you would see where the problem really is. I see the problem and it's because I look at all sides, not just 2.
Unfortunately for you, I do see both sides. And I see that one side is actually more wrong than the other. It's easy to sit on your ass talking about what both sides do wrong, but from where I sit, one side tries to work for equal opportunity and the other side doesn't. Neither side is perfect nor will a third side be perfect. That's honesty, not bullshit pretending to be honesty.

Your claim was that Democrats overplayed the race card. You did not say the Democrat approach to race was in response to Republican racism. And the response to that racism is what the white racist subculture calls playing the race card. Any attempt to address racism is called playing the race card by the right and here you are cosigning the ignorance then arrogantly trying to declare your superiority because you claim to see "both sides". If you looked at the two sides accurately you would see where the problem really is. I see the problem and it's because I look at all sides, not just 2.
Here's how I know that I'm wasting my time here. This happens all the time, and I get it from both ends:

You've posted to me multiple times in this thread now, and it hasn't even occurred to you to ask what I really think about errors being made by the Left. All you've done is TELL me what I think and go from there. I get this all day, every day, and yes -- from both ends of the spectrum.

This may be the most insidious thing that ideology (political, religious, racial) does to people: It robs people of their fundamental human curiosity, because it provides all the answers for them. And when I see that someone has lost something that vital, I lose all interest. There is nowhere to go with it.

I see the problems from the Right and I post about them regularly, and happily take the heat from them. Let's leave it at that. This one-sided conversation -- you telling me what I think, and incorrectly --is tedious and a waste of my time.
The main people overplaying the race card are the same people who have played the race card since July 4, 1776. Whites invented the race card in America and have played it from day one.
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Well, obviously. So what was the point of the African-American Museum saying that working hard, being polite, speaking correctly, etc., were “white traits”?
The point was to make blacks who do not have these traits feel better about themselves.
The main people overplaying the race card are the same people who have played the race card since July 4, 1776. Whites invented the race card in America and have played it from day one.
This is the race card:

Here's how I know that I'm wasting my time here. This happens all the time, and I get it from both ends:

You've posted to me multiple times in this thread now, and it hasn't even occurred to you to ask what I really think about errors being made by the Left. All you've done is TELL me what I think and go from there. I get this all day, every day, and yes -- from both ends of the spectrum.

This may be the most insidious thing that ideology (political, religious, racial) does to people: It robs people of their fundamental human curiosity, because it provides all the answers for them. And when I see that someone has lost something that vital, I lose all interest. There is nowhere to go with it.

I see the problems from the Right and I post about them regularly, and happily take the heat from them. Let's leave it at that. This one-sided conversation -- you telling me what I think, and incorrectly --is tedious and a waste of my time.
Mac you're doing the same thing you say others are doing. What I see is a person who thinks they are better than everyone because they don't take a position. If I am not mistaken, I responded to a post where you claimed that Democrats overplayed the race card and that caused trumpism. I mean that's like saying that because you bring up the fact that racism exists and dare to confront it, that you're making people more racist. You seem unable to see the problem in such thinking but you want to tell me the mistakes made by everyone else. I generally don't respond to your posting because it's the same shit every time. You're better than everyone because you don't take a position. I read what you posted. I responded to what you said to me. I know where the left has failed. I'm saying to your assessment is not correct
The point was to make blacks who do not have these traits feel better about themselves.
Interesting take. I couldn’t figure out WHY a leftist BofD of the AA Museum would list all the traits that lead to success, and then ascribe them to whites.

The other thing it would do is discourage blacks who do have these positive traits - or are aiming for them - to show them. Seems it was designed to keep as many blacks as possible poor and dependent on government.

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