Zone1 Democrat party overplaying the race card

Black behavior in influenced by instincts that had survival value in the African jungle. If Barack Obama had a son, he might have sometimes wanted to behave like an African savage when he was a teenager. I am confident he would have restrained himself by acting white.
The problem is that “acting white” - which is a combination of behaviors that lead to success rather than a life of crime in the ghetto - are vilified by leftists as bad.

Among the traits the ultra-liberal Board of the African-American Museum (Smithsonian) put down as “white traits” were: working hard, speaking English properly, following schedules, respecting authority, being on time, being polite, and some others I can’t recall.

If I still had my business, I suppose I would hire a black if I were looking for a lazy, tardy, insubordinate, and rude employee.
True many on the Left took trumps good people on both sides remark out of context but it was also very obvious that Trump was watering down the condemnation of racists whom killed a young lady while trying to spread blame to the left. Some see that as racist behavior.

But that’s what Trump does he covers for his supporters no matter how ugly they are. Look at what he’s doing with the Jan 6 criminals. Calling them patriots and talking about pardons. It’s a disgrace
The whole truth about January 6th is being crushed.

Don't even get started on that.
The problem is that “acting white” - which is a combination of behaviors that lead to success rather than a life of crime in the ghetto - are vilified by leftists as bad.

Among the traits the ultra-liberal Board of the African-American Museum (Smithsonian) put down as “white traits” were: working hard, speaking English properly, following schedules, respecting authority, being on time, being polite, and some others I can’t recall.

If I still had my business, I suppose I would hire a black if I were looking for a lazy, tardy, insubordinate, and rude employee.
Blacks have had plenty of opportunities to show that they are intrinsically equal to whites. Most have not shown it. Most have not even given weak evidence of it. I have difficulty understanding why it is still fashionable to lie about that race and dangerous to tell the truth.

The only possible explanation I can think of is that the people who own and run the United States are using woke political correctness to distract attention away from the fact that they keep getting richer, while incomes for most white Americans stagnate or decline.

The Democrat Party is dominated by well educated, well paid bi coastal professionals. They benefit from the growing income gap as much as the Republican Donor Class.

Any reasonably intelligent person who reads the books of Charles Murray and Professor J. Philippe Rushton, and the following essay,

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

and who has had extensive experience with Orientals, whites, and Negroes, can tell that Murray and Rushton are telling the truth.

There are Negroes who perform and behave as well as most whites. Some even perform and behave better than most whites. They are credits to their race. They do not characterize it.
Wrong again. Republicans have played to racists since the passage of the civil rights act. Trumpism is just another phase of white republican race baiting. Ignoring meaningful facts happen when you take no position. If there is a race card, whites playing race to maintain advantage is also playing the race card. So trumpism is the race card being played by white extremists. You claim to be neutral but you adopt right wing descriptions on matters of race. The people overplaying race have been on the right. Recognizing continuing white racism is not overplaying race.

As much of a predictably racist douche as brokeloser ^^^^^^^^^
The problem is that “acting white” - which is a combination of behaviors that lead to success rather than a life of crime in the ghetto - are vilified by leftists as bad.
Acting racist is vilified as bad. Wouldn’t you agree? I don’t see anybody vilifying the other traits you listed
Acting racist is vilified as bad. Wouldn’t you agree? I don’t see anybody vilifying the other traits you listed
Then why did the Smithsonian have an exhibit in the African-American Museum listing these traits? They were all intended to be negative.
Then why did the Smithsonian have an exhibit in the African-American Museum listing these traits? They were all intended to be negative.
Were they? Can you show what you’re talking about so I can see for myself?
Were they? Can you show what you’re talking about so I can see for myself?
They took it down because it was so racist.

Are you telling me you never heard of this? Maybe the all-lib news you watch didn’t report it because, let’s face it, it made the liberal Board of that museum look like KKK members.
They took it down because it was so racist.

Are you telling me you never heard of this? Maybe the all-lib news you watch didn’t report it because, let’s face it, it made the liberal Board of that museum look like KKK members.
I’m obviously not going to just take your word for it. So I’ll ask again. Can you show me exactly what you’re talking about?
They took it down because it was so racist.

Are you telling me you never heard of this? Maybe the all-lib news you watch didn’t report it because, let’s face it, it made the liberal Board of that museum look like KKK members.
Ok I found an article that showed the graphic that was taken down and the museums comments around it. It’s no surprise that you are completely mischaracterizing it.

The graphic was not displaying those traits as negatives. They were displaying them as examples of assumptions made around white culture. The graphic was taken down because it people thought they were offensive to minorities and not accurate.
They took it down because it was so racist.

Are you telling me you never heard of this? Maybe the all-lib news you watch didn’t report it because, let’s face it, it made the liberal Board of that museum look like KKK members.
Newsweek, 7/17/20

In Smithsonian Race Guidelines, Rational Thinking and Hard Work Are White Values​

The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture recently unveiled guidelines for talking about race. A graphic displayed in the guidelines, entitled "Aspects and Assumptions of Whiteness in the United States," declares that rational thinking and hard work, among others, are white values.

In the section, Smithsonian declares that "objective, rational, linear thinking," "quantitative emphasis," "hard work before play," and various other values are aspects and assumptions of whiteness...

"White dominant culture, or whiteness, refers to the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes, and ways of life have been normalized over tiem and are now considered standard practices in the United States," the introduction to the section reads. "And since white people still hold most of the institutuional power in America, we have all internalized some aspects of white culture— including people of color."...

Other subsections deal with "family structure," "rugged individualism," "Protestant work ethic" and "aesthetics."

If you click on the web address you will see the article, and the graphic:


images-1 (5).jpg
I recognize that whites of European ancestry have created the most advanced, the most affluent, and the most humane civilization in history.

What have you Negroes done during this time? What have you achieved?
Only Hereditary Power Kept Our Forefathers From Achieving Anything Back in Europe

Which Whites achieved that? Certainly not the Preppies and their bootlickers who have been overturning all that ever since they took over.
The problem is that “acting white” - which is a combination of behaviors that lead to success rather than a life of crime in the ghetto - are vilified by leftists as bad.

Among the traits the ultra-liberal Board of the African-American Museum (Smithsonian) put down as “white traits” were: working hard, speaking English properly, following schedules, respecting authority, being on time, being polite, and some others I can’t recall.

If I still had my business, I suppose I would hire a black if I were looking for a lazy, tardy, insubordinate, and rude employee.
I worked with a white young man with those traits. Not all black people are alike, same for whites.
I worked with a white young man with those traits. Not all black people are alike, same for whites.
Well, obviously. So what was the point of the African-American Museum saying that working hard, being polite, speaking correctly, etc., were “white traits”?

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