Zone1 Democrat party overplaying the race card

You’ve also done it to me - making a negative personal judgment about my personality and character, just this morning. If you wish to apologize, I will accept It.
It was not intended as an insult, but as a judgement. No one who is as prosperous as you claim to be deserves your vast reservoir of hatred. Instead of looking for reasons to hate people. look for reasons to like people. That would make you more likable.
When you present a situation and then I research the situation and it is not even close to how you described it then it appears to be you lying. If it was an innocent misunderstand then we can amend that to you being mistaken. Either way you are not presenting factual information.
No….actually, I took a closer look at what you posted. Here’s the thing: the woke idiots at the museum apparently CHANGED it. It original said “Traits of Whiteness.” It was still insulting, so they took it down.

And bearing in mind the criticism that so many blacks get for “acting white,” when the work idiots post all sorts of positive traits and then say they’re white traits, they are discouraging blacks from adopting positive traits that would lead to success.

The Dems want to keep blacks dependent and angry - and what better way than to tell them things like being respectful of authority and working hard is for white people?
It was not intended as an insult, but as a judgement. No one who is as prosperous as you claim to be deserves your vast reservoir of hatred. Instead of looking for reasons to hate people. look for reasons to like people. That would make you more likable.
Still….a personal attack. And I note no apology on your part.

You really shouldn’t go around telling people they are hateful just because they recount stories that don’t support your claim. That’s a negative thing Democrats do.

You were more angry at ME for telling about how nasty those antisemitic Catholics were than you were at the Catholics!
No….actually, I took a closer look at what you posted. Here’s the thing: the woke idiots at the museum apparently CHANGED it. It original said “Traits of Whiteness.” It was still insulting, so they took it down.

And bearing in mind the criticism that so many blacks get for “acting white,” when the work idiots post all sorts of positive traits and then say they’re white traits, they are discouraging blacks from adopting positive traits that would lead to success.

The Dems want to keep blacks dependent and angry - and what better way than to tell them things like being respectful of authority and working hard is for white people?
Nobody ever called those traits bad. That is your delusion. The issue was them assigning those traits to “whiteness” that’s what caused the controversy.
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Still….a personal attack. And I note no apology on your part.

You really shouldn’t go around telling people they are hateful just because they recount stories that don’t support your claim. That’s a negative thing Democrats do.

You were more angry at ME for telling about how nasty those antisemitic Catholics were than the Catholics!
When I was in early adolescent bullies picked on me. They did not pick on me because I was Jewish. I am not. They did not pick on me because I was a homosexual or a trans sexual. I am not. They picked on me because I was unable to fight back and win.

I privatized my my solution to the bully problem by working out with weights and taking karate lessons. Eventually they left me alone. This is the first time and the last time I will mention that.

I doubt anyone here wants to read about your hate. Let it go.
When I was in early adolescent bullies picked on me. They did not pick on me because I was Jewish. I am not. They did not pick on me because I was a homosexual or a trans sexual. I am not. They picked on me because I was unable to fight back and win.

I privatized my my solution to the bully problem by working out with weights and taking karate lessons. Eventually they left me alone. This is the first time and the last time I will mention that.

I doubt anyone here wants to read about your hate. Let it go.
No. YOU said that you doubt any churchgoers were Jew-haters, and the hate came from just atheists. I proved you wrong by giving some examples of “Christians” who have just been obnoxious about Jews to me.

So you’re pissed that I revealed that what you said isn’t true, and that indeed there ARE some mighty strong antisemites among Christians. (As almost everyone would acknowledge.)

You give away that you’re. Democrat when you make ridiculous comments like “let go of the hate” simply because I dared reveal that some Christians are indeed Jew-haters.
No. YOU said that you doubt any churchgoers were Jew-haters, and the hate came from just atheists. I proved you wrong by giving some examples of “Christians” who have just been obnoxious about Jews to me.

So you’re pissed that I revealed that what you said isn’t true, and that indeed there ARE some mighty strong antisemites among Christians. (As almost everyone would acknowledge.)

You give away that you’re. Democrat when you make ridiculous comments like “let go of the hate” simply because I dared reveal that some Christians are indeed Jew-haters.
I did not say no church goers disliked Jews. I did say I had never encountered any.
You both can be right in this debate. There can be actual racism in America… there obviously is.

There can be legitimate reaction to that racism…. As there is…. There can also be over reaction calling none racist people “racist”.

There are also people that use the race card reaction to hide from legitimate critiques of making racist statements.

The reaction to the “race card” by many is to be defensive. Some with cause and others without. But it is a push to be anti-establishment/ anti PC which is a large chunk of what Trumpism is.

Well said. Also consider that it's kind hard to accept people who claim to be non racist who have similar beliefs as racists. Some think that because they aren't using slurs or other overt methods that they can't be called racists. But racism is done differently now and in this forum the most prevalent form of racism is Laissez -Faire racism.
Correct. They were called on it by people who found it offensive to minorities. NOT by people who thought they were calling those traits bad because white people have them. I don’t even know how you came up with that interpretation
White grievance.
Well said. Also consider that it's kind hard to accept people who claim to be non racist who have similar beliefs as racists. Some think that because they aren't using slurs or other overt methods that they can't be called racists. But racism is done differently now and in this forum the most prevalent form of racism is Laissez -Faire racism.
What progressives call "racism" is a natural response to low average black intelligence and high rates of black crime and illegitimacy.

If proximity to Negroes dispelled prejudice against them Southern whites would be the least prejudiced whites in the United States.
What progressives call "racism" is a natural response to low average black intelligence and high rates of black crime and illegitimacy.

If proximity to Negroes dispelled prejudice against them Southern whites would be the least prejudiced whites in the United States.
Just because your racist views come naturally doesn’t mean they are right, moral or worthy of acceptance in our society
Just because your racist views come naturally doesn’t mean they are right, moral or worthy of acceptance in our society
Those of my persuasion can be condemned and silenced. We cannot be refuted.

Evidence of intrinsic racial equality would consist of black majority, black run countries with low crime rates, high standards of living, and well functioning governments. It would consist of black neighborhoods in the United States that are safe to walk in after dark. It would consist of evidence that most blacks in the United States perform and behave as well as most whites.

Where is that evidence? It does not exist.
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Those of my persuasion can be condemned and silenced. We cannot be refuted.

Evidence of intrinsic racial equality would consist of black majority, black run countries with low crime rates, high standards of living, and well functioning governments. It would consist of black neighborhoods in the United States that are safe to walk in after dark. It would consist of evidence that most blacks in the United States perform and behave as well as most whites.

Where is that evidence? It does not exist.
Don’t need evidence of any of that… all that could be absolutely true and it still would not justify being racist
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Don’t need evidence of any of that… all that could be absolutely true and it still would not justify being racist
But it does show that different outcomes between blacks and whites, as a group, is not “proof” of racism.

Don’t need evidence of any of that… all that could be absolutely true and it still would not justify being racist
Define "racist" and I will tell you if I meet the description. If I do, I am one who recognizes facts about durable racial differences.
Define "racist" and I will tell you if I meet the description. If I do, I am one who recognizes facts about durable racial differences.
You don’t need to tell me if you are. I can see it with my own eyes.

Racist - characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
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You don’t need to tell me if you are. I can see it with my own eyes.

Racist - characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
I fit that definition reasonably comfortably.

Prejudice is the result of previous experience. It can also be the result of what what can learn about average ability levels and behavior of various races. For example, I am prejudiced in favor of Jews and Orientals because they tend to be intelligent, law abiding and monogamous.

There is often wisdom in tradition. Over the years I have come reluctantly to suspect that in states with large black populations Jim Crow legislation was based on sound instinct.

Kevin Philips' book The Emerging Republican Majority was published January 1, 1969, but he began to write it in 1966, when the Republican Party was still reeling from the election of 1964, when President Johnson was re elected in a 61% landslide, and the Democrats won two one majorities in both houses of Congress.

In his book Philips predicted that there would be a white backlash against the civil rights movement because blacks would disappoint the liberal expectation that black performance and behavior would improve as the result of whited giving blacks equal rights.

By 1969 it was obvious that that had happened. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the War on Poverty declared the same year were quickly followed by five years of black ghetto rioting, and more enduring increases in black social pathology of all kinds.

The tax revolt that got President Reagan elected and re elected was a prison riot against the war on Poverty. By the late 1970's most of us whites did not want our taxes to pay for welfare checks for blacks. We particularly did not want to support their illegitimate children.

Ronald Reagan was the white person's candidate. He made deep, satisfying cuts in welfare payments to blacks, and he encouraged the police to be much meaner toward blacks who committed crimes against decent white folks. There were no black ghetto riots during the administrations of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, although black poverty increased. Blacks were too frightened to riot.

Reagan openly pandered to white hostility toward blacks. He began his campaign in a town in Mississippi where four civil rights activists had been murdered. His speech extolled state rights. Reagan loved to use code words that appealed to white contempt for blacks.
What progressives call "racism" is a natural response to low average black intelligence and high rates of black crime and illegitimacy.

If proximity to Negroes dispelled prejudice against them Southern whites would be the least prejudiced whites in the United States.
Since whites commit more crime and whites like you make excuses for it and you're definetly a low IQCwhite man your opinion really has no merit.
Define "racist" and I will tell you if I meet the description. If I do, I am one who recognizes facts about durable racial differences.
If we wanted to recognize such differences thren we recognize 247 years of racist white behavior, the feral behavior that goes with it along with the violence and crime that has been a traditiion for whites in America.

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