Democrat Party supporters please explain this.

Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
They have disadvantages in some areas and advantages in other areas. Of course. Look at Asians. They have reshaped how people think about them. It is about perception and culture not skin color. Democrats are dishonest for the most part and ignore the fact that black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent. Unfortunately 75% of black kids grow up with one parent. Why? Easier to garner Govt handouts so the cycle continues.
If one says blacks are still disadvantaged, so long after the end of slavery and the "Great Society" billion dollar programs of the mid sixties to end poverty and lift up blacks, one has to look at other ethnic minorities who have come to this country (from the Indian and Asian sub continents) who have flourished and thrived in a .nation that is filled with bigots and racists, if you believe the hype.

And one has to wonder, why have they, the new immigrants, done so well
while some blacks fill ghettos, kill each other with regularity and fill jail cells?
This isn't meant to put down blacks because most black folks are great people you would like to have as
friends and neighbors. It's meant to provide perspective and straighten some people's heads out.

White privilege is a Marxist phrase used in critical race theory to sew discord, racial division and anger.
Some people find comfort in their failure to achieve because it's not their fault.
Sorry to say it gives some weak minded people an easy way out and makes all of society their
scapegoat. And of course so many are there to rush in and take up their cause, no matter how
personally destructive it is to others.

While Indians and Asians come here, many not even fluent in English, and become doctors, business owners
and professors many black citizens read the 1619 Project, a totally failed bit of racially divisive agitprop, and
blame "systemic racism" for their lack of attainment.

No crutch will ever serve the man that doesn't want to walk.
Last edited:
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
They have disadvantages in some areas and advantages in other areas. Of course. Look at Asians. They have reshaped how people think about them. It is about perception and culture not skin color. Democrats are dishonest for the most part and ignore the fact that black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent. Unfortunately 75% of black kids grow up with one parent. Why? Easier to garner Govt handouts so the cycle continues.
You honestly think the black community has a higher level of single parent households intentionally so they can get government checks?! Come on man you’re smarter than that. High levels of poverty low levels of education, generations of culture shaped in these conditions all stemming from a system that oppressed them for well over 100 years. Come on, be objective, think
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
They have disadvantages in some areas and advantages in other areas. Of course. Look at Asians. They have reshaped how people think about them. It is about perception and culture not skin color. Democrats are dishonest for the most part and ignore the fact that black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent. Unfortunately 75% of black kids grow up with one parent. Why? Easier to garner Govt handouts so the cycle continues.
You honestly think the black community has a higher level of single parent households intentionally so they can get government checks?! Come on man you’re smarter than that. High levels of poverty low levels of education, generations of culture shaped in these conditions all stemming from a system that oppressed them for well over 100 years. Come on, be objective, think
Yep. It’s just the culture. Smarter than that? LOL.

So are we more racist now what we were 60 yrs ago when it was 20%? Keep voting for the same party you ll get the same treatment. 13 HS in Baltimore and not one student proficient in math.
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
They have disadvantages in some areas and advantages in other areas. Of course. Look at Asians. They have reshaped how people think about them. It is about perception and culture not skin color. Democrats are dishonest for the most part and ignore the fact that black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent. Unfortunately 75% of black kids grow up with one parent. Why? Easier to garner Govt handouts so the cycle continues.
You honestly think the black community has a higher level of single parent households intentionally so they can get government checks?! Come on man you’re smarter than that. High levels of poverty low levels of education, generations of culture shaped in these conditions all stemming from a system that oppressed them for well over 100 years. Come on, be objective, think
Yep. It’s just the culture. Smarter than that? LOL.

So are we more racist now what we were 60 yrs ago when it was 20%? Keep voting for the same party you ll get the same treatment. 13 HS in Baltimore and not one student proficient in math.
No of course we aren’t more racist now than 60 years ago.... we do still have issues in that area that need to be addressed
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
They have disadvantages in some areas and advantages in other areas. Of course. Look at Asians. They have reshaped how people think about them. It is about perception and culture not skin color. Democrats are dishonest for the most part and ignore the fact that black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent. Unfortunately 75% of black kids grow up with one parent. Why? Easier to garner Govt handouts so the cycle continues.
You honestly think the black community has a higher level of single parent households intentionally so they can get government checks?! Come on man you’re smarter than that. High levels of poverty low levels of education, generations of culture shaped in these conditions all stemming from a system that oppressed them for well over 100 years. Come on, be objective, think
Yep. It’s just the culture. Smarter than that? LOL.

So are we more racist now what we were 60 yrs ago when it was 20%? Keep voting for the same party you ll get the same treatment. 13 HS in Baltimore and not one student proficient in math.
What do you propose we do to help kids learn math in Baltimore?
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
They have disadvantages in some areas and advantages in other areas. Of course. Look at Asians. They have reshaped how people think about them. It is about perception and culture not skin color. Democrats are dishonest for the most part and ignore the fact that black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent. Unfortunately 75% of black kids grow up with one parent. Why? Easier to garner Govt handouts so the cycle continues.
You honestly think the black community has a higher level of single parent households intentionally so they can get government checks?! Come on man you’re smarter than that. High levels of poverty low levels of education, generations of culture shaped in these conditions all stemming from a system that oppressed them for well over 100 years. Come on, be objective, think
Yep. It’s just the culture. Smarter than that? LOL.

So are we more racist now what we were 60 yrs ago when it was 20%? Keep voting for the same party you ll get the same treatment. 13 HS in Baltimore and not one student proficient in math.
No of course we aren’t more racist now than 60 years ago.... we do still have issues in that area that need to be addressed
Yet the single motherhood rate has tripled for the black community. Is that due to “white privilege”?
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
They have disadvantages in some areas and advantages in other areas. Of course. Look at Asians. They have reshaped how people think about them. It is about perception and culture not skin color. Democrats are dishonest for the most part and ignore the fact that black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent. Unfortunately 75% of black kids grow up with one parent. Why? Easier to garner Govt handouts so the cycle continues.
You honestly think the black community has a higher level of single parent households intentionally so they can get government checks?! Come on man you’re smarter than that. High levels of poverty low levels of education, generations of culture shaped in these conditions all stemming from a system that oppressed them for well over 100 years. Come on, be objective, think
Yep. It’s just the culture. Smarter than that? LOL.

So are we more racist now what we were 60 yrs ago when it was 20%? Keep voting for the same party you ll get the same treatment. 13 HS in Baltimore and not one student proficient in math.
What do you propose we do to help kids learn math in Baltimore?
More truant officers. Better teachers via Charter Schools. Work great in Dorchester
Next is the bullshit of white privilege. I find it amusing and complete bullshit. Sorry to be blunt.
No need to sugarcoat, blunt is fine, I appreciate direct talk. I don’t like the term “white privileged” it is provocative which I think is by design due to a build up of frustration and tone deafness between whites and blacks in our society.

As far as the concept of white privilege I don’t think anybody can deny the reality of it given our nations history and the legal oppression our government and society put on blacks people for generations. It has resulted in generational advantages of wealth and education that fostered an environment with tilted scales for one group over the other.

what exactly do you take issue with?
Using the basketball example. If a guy comes on the court and has one leg, do I have dual leg privilege or does he have one leg disadvantage. Certainly minorities face some disadvantages but also have some advantages. Saying I have privilege due to my skin color just ends the conversation and causes discord.
I understand that the term offends you but that doesn’t mean you need to turn off your willingness to try and comprehend the message and history behind it. Imagine how it is on the other side of the equation. To be one of those who have been on the reviewing end of oppression.

to use your basketball analogy you’d have to take it a step further. A group would have to be systematically amputated by the powers at be. It’s great that the laws were changed to stop the amputations but then there should be an effort to give them prosthetics and resources to be able to play and compete with the rest of the two legged athletes in a fair and free environment.
Not offended. Annoyed. And we have. Affirmative Action is one. Easier path to college acceptance is another. But if you want to go down that path, fine. Call it Black Disadvantage because whites do not have privilege over Asians and many don’t consider Jews to be “whites”. I am a Jew.
The privilege they refer to is generational and systemic. It refers to a white persons ability to live here and gain education, employment, start a business, gain wealth and pass it along to their children. Elements that were denied Or grossly limited to blacks throughout our history by our legal system, which have resulted in high numbers of poverty and the associated issues that come with that. There is also the elements in our modern society with how blacks are treated in our legal system that are at the top of the discussion as well. You do see all that stuff don’t you?
Yes and to me that is black disadvantage NOT white privilege. My parents were immigrants from the old Soviet Union. Didn't speak the language when they arrived. What privilege did they have? In addition we are Jewish and face our own challenges. So to me state the truth that blacks have some disadvantages. That is true but also have some advantages. We are trying our best to equalize as much as we can. We are all born with equal rights. Stating I have white privilege immediately takes the conversation into the gutter. I played pretty high level basketball when I was younger. I was a minority on the court, on my team, etc. I never thought that the black players had basketball privilege.

Words matter. Honesty matters.
Take poor white immigrants like your parents and compare them to a poor black family in this country. Especially during the days when your parents came over assuming it was pre 1965. The ability for a white immigrant to get a job and excel in society was vastly more opportunistic than it was for blacks. To eat in restaurants, use bathrooms, send their kids to a good school etc were all there for them when that was not the case for blacks under Jim Crow. Step back and think about how the dominos fall within a system set up that way

you don’t like to use the word white privilege and prefer black disadvantage. But aren’t we talking about the same thing? Just as in the last conversation when you didn’t like the term trans girl and preferred biological boy??
My parents came here in 1976. It is the same thing except it doesn't mean all whites have privilege and words matter. Trans girl is fine. Either way they are mentally ill.
I wouldn’t use the word ill. I’d say they are mentally different as their perspective does not mesh well with the current societal make up that we have created... that doesn’t make them sick or wrong as it is may just be their natural state.... but that conversation is over.

In regards to White privilege, yes it does not apply to every individual. Some White people have sever disadvantages, some are mentally ill (not talking trans :), many are in poverty, and also some blacks are born with tremendous wealth and privilege. So yes the terms are generic and as I said at the start I don’t like the phrase “White privilege” but when you cut through the cherry picks and look at the system as a whole you can see the variation of advantages and disadvantages between the races. If you say that blacks face disadvantages because of an oppressive history then it also must be true that others hold an advantage over them. This advantage is what is referred to as White privilege. I think much of this debate is about rhetoric and terminology which is unfortunate because it distracts from the core
They have disadvantages in some areas and advantages in other areas. Of course. Look at Asians. They have reshaped how people think about them. It is about perception and culture not skin color. Democrats are dishonest for the most part and ignore the fact that black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent. Unfortunately 75% of black kids grow up with one parent. Why? Easier to garner Govt handouts so the cycle continues.
You honestly think the black community has a higher level of single parent households intentionally so they can get government checks?! Come on man you’re smarter than that. High levels of poverty low levels of education, generations of culture shaped in these conditions all stemming from a system that oppressed them for well over 100 years. Come on, be objective, think
Yep. It’s just the culture. Smarter than that? LOL.

So are we more racist now what we were 60 yrs ago when it was 20%? Keep voting for the same party you ll get the same treatment. 13 HS in Baltimore and not one student proficient in math.
No of course we aren’t more racist now than 60 years ago.... we do still have issues in that area that need to be addressed
Yet the single motherhood rate has tripled for the black community. Is that due to “white privilege”?
Of course not. Are you really still not connecting the dots or are you just trying to be difficult? I thought I had laid this out pretty clearly

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