Democrat Policy = Super Shithole = Typhoid fever in Mexifornia

they are talking about California Franco.....i dont know how many times i have to tell you.....that ID card wont work will be called a bigot for even suggesting such a thing...
It will work just fine when we give amnesty to all the illegals who are not criminals. That is why they call it comprehensive.
All the illegals are criminals. That's why they are called illegals.
The GOP and you silly dupes have been inviting them in for decades. The wall is pure stupidity. 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes oh, and 35% own homes. Thanks GOP! You only care about this when the GOP starts another corrupt depression...
The GOP and you silly dupes have been inviting them in for decades
so has your party franco....yea i know i was shocked too...
More b*******. Democrats have been obstructed with comprehensive immigration bills forever -the GOP likes it the way it is. And distract the Chumps with talk of unamerican harassment laws and stupid walls. They just love the wedge issue this and abortion.
lol....apparently you have never met the democrats in Ca.franco....they like it that way too....
There was a time when disease control was a priority but not anymore. ID cards are not going to stop more illegal aliens from coming here. It will encourage it. If you are from Mexico (or pick your country) and you live here with your wife and kids, you will get a house then send for her brother and his family.. and then your brother and his family etc. etc. California is a great place to live... its called chain migration. If you don't think it happens and still believe the "11 million Illegal population" touted for the last 20 years, your insane.
We have the technology to make ID cards work if the GOP would stop blocking actual reform for garbage propaganda like unconstitutional harassment laws and un American stupid walls.... The GOP basically invited all of them in, they love the cheap labor and easily bullied illegals. And they can fool you racist bigots no problem...

Calling people racist bigots you dont know... makes you a fool. It it racist when you are required to have vaccination shots when you visit Brazil? And again fool, I'm not against immigration, just when it is done improperly creating a cluster fuck of problems.
As far as I can tell half of GOP voters are racists and the other half are very polite racists.Democrats may be racist too but they try and fight it and try and help the victims... The system you are talking about is the GOP system we've had forever. They refuse to do anything that might stop illegal immigration. The wall is a joke. Only a national ID card like other modern countries have with this problem will work. Which the Democrats have brought up multiple times, the GOP just uses it to fear monger you people with Communism as usual LOL. Aaarrrggghhh....
Democrats may be racist too but they try and fight it and try and help the victims...
franco a democrat racist is not going to help those "victims:"....a racist is a racist....
That is not true. Actually I believe whites are all racist to one extent or another. There are too many problems in the environment people grow up in.There are people who fight it and there are people that are true racists and discriminate. I actually I think you have to discriminate to be a true racist. As for the card if Californians feel that way screw them LOL. It's a federal law. Californians are silly. All those green voters and donors who gave us George W bush and Trump...
franco you have what?....50 illegals in your area?....come to the place that has anywhere from 2.5 -5 million of them and you will see why so many of them feel that way....its a different world over there.....
We have the technology to make ID cards work if the GOP would stop blocking actual reform for garbage propaganda like unconstitutional harassment laws and un American stupid walls.... The GOP basically invited all of them in, they love the cheap labor and easily bullied illegals. And they can fool you racist bigots no problem...

Calling people racist bigots you dont know... makes you a fool. It it racist when you are required to have vaccination shots when you visit Brazil? And again fool, I'm not against immigration, just when it is done improperly creating a cluster fuck of problems.
As far as I can tell half of GOP voters are racists and the other half are very polite racists.Democrats may be racist too but they try and fight it and try and help the victims... The system you are talking about is the GOP system we've had forever. They refuse to do anything that might stop illegal immigration. The wall is a joke. Only a national ID card like other modern countries have with this problem will work. Which the Democrats have brought up multiple times, the GOP just uses it to fear monger you people with Communism as usual LOL. Aaarrrggghhh....
Democrats may be racist too but they try and fight it and try and help the victims...
franco a democrat racist is not going to help those "victims:"....a racist is a racist....
That is not true. Actually I believe whites are all racist to one extent or another. There are too many problems in the environment people grow up in.There are people who fight it and there are people that are true racists and discriminate. I actually I think you have to discriminate to be a true racist. As for the card if Californians feel that way screw them LOL. It's a federal law. Californians are silly. All those green voters and donors who gave us George W bush and Trump...
franco you have what?....50 illegals in your area?....come to the place that has anywhere from 2.5 -5 million of them and you will see why so many of them feel that way....its a different world over there.....
The farms are out here are full of migrant workers. Whatever you can't throw them out. So many of who feel that way about what?
It will work just fine when we give amnesty to all the illegals who are not criminals. That is why they call it comprehensive.
All the illegals are criminals. That's why they are called illegals.
The GOP and you silly dupes have been inviting them in for decades. The wall is pure stupidity. 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes oh, and 35% own homes. Thanks GOP! You only care about this when the GOP starts another corrupt depression...
The GOP and you silly dupes have been inviting them in for decades
so has your party franco....yea i know i was shocked too...
More b*******. Democrats have been obstructed with comprehensive immigration bills forever -the GOP likes it the way it is. And distract the Chumps with talk of unamerican harassment laws and stupid walls. They just love the wedge issue this and abortion.
lol....apparently you have never met the democrats in Ca.franco....they like it that way too....
I don't think so. Democrats for open borders is GOP propaganda with no basis in fact. We try to pass comprehensive bills that would end this problem. The GOP is full of crap that won't work. Wonder why.
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....
All the illegals are criminals. That's why they are called illegals.
The GOP and you silly dupes have been inviting them in for decades. The wall is pure stupidity. 94% of illegal males work, 65% pay taxes oh, and 35% own homes. Thanks GOP! You only care about this when the GOP starts another corrupt depression...
The GOP and you silly dupes have been inviting them in for decades
so has your party franco....yea i know i was shocked too...
More b*******. Democrats have been obstructed with comprehensive immigration bills forever -the GOP likes it the way it is. And distract the Chumps with talk of unamerican harassment laws and stupid walls. They just love the wedge issue this and abortion.
lol....apparently you have never met the democrats in Ca.franco....they like it that way too....
I don't think so. Democrats for open borders is GOP propaganda with no basis in fact. We try to pass comprehensive bills that would end this problem. The GOP is full of crap that won't work. Wonder why.
if you say so franco....those with the "who cares about a border" mindset are legion in S.Cal.....
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....
franco it seems whenever you read something here you dont agree with you always call it propaganda....even if the poster puts up a link....are you that far gone franco?.....
Calling people racist bigots you dont know... makes you a fool. It it racist when you are required to have vaccination shots when you visit Brazil? And again fool, I'm not against immigration, just when it is done improperly creating a cluster fuck of problems.
As far as I can tell half of GOP voters are racists and the other half are very polite racists.Democrats may be racist too but they try and fight it and try and help the victims... The system you are talking about is the GOP system we've had forever. They refuse to do anything that might stop illegal immigration. The wall is a joke. Only a national ID card like other modern countries have with this problem will work. Which the Democrats have brought up multiple times, the GOP just uses it to fear monger you people with Communism as usual LOL. Aaarrrggghhh....
Democrats may be racist too but they try and fight it and try and help the victims...
franco a democrat racist is not going to help those "victims:"....a racist is a racist....
That is not true. Actually I believe whites are all racist to one extent or another. There are too many problems in the environment people grow up in.There are people who fight it and there are people that are true racists and discriminate. I actually I think you have to discriminate to be a true racist. As for the card if Californians feel that way screw them LOL. It's a federal law. Californians are silly. All those green voters and donors who gave us George W bush and Trump...
franco you have what?....50 illegals in your area?....come to the place that has anywhere from 2.5 -5 million of them and you will see why so many of them feel that way....its a different world over there.....
The farms are out here are full of migrant workers. Whatever you can't throw them out. So many of who feel that way about what?

We have millions of Dem's on welfare who can get off their fat ass and work in the fields.
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
Well I read up on it and is is endemic to California it's been there for centuries so when you get rats......... It's a disgrace that the richest country in the world has all these homeless. Thanks GOP. No sacrifice is too great so that the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else.
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
Well I read up on it and is is endemic to California it's been there for centuries so when you get rats......... It's a disgrace that the richest country in the world has all these homeless. Thanks GOP. No sacrifice is too great so that the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else.

Once again the democrats wrote the tax laws and I never get why you think a poor person paying $2.25 cents is more money in taxes then a rich guy paying $12,000,000 million bucks in taxes
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
Well I read up on it and is is endemic to California it's been there for centuries so when you get rats......... It's a disgrace that the richest country in the world has all these homeless. Thanks GOP. No sacrifice is too great so that the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else.

Once again the democrats wrote the tax laws and I never get why you think a poor person paying $2.25 cents is more money in taxes then a rich guy paying $12,000,000 million bucks in taxes

He's a leftist... combining mathematics with economics is like poison.
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
Well I read up on it and is is endemic to California it's been there for centuries so when you get rats......... It's a disgrace that the richest country in the world has all these homeless. Thanks GOP. No sacrifice is too great so that the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else.

Once again the democrats wrote the tax laws and I never get why you think a poor person paying $2.25 cents is more money in taxes then a rich guy paying $12,000,000 million bucks in taxes

He's a leftist... combining mathematics with economics is like poison.
The problem with the tax laws is the top rate for rich people. Under Eisenhower it was 90% under Kennedy 70% under Reagan 50% and he had some success then he cut it to 28% which is ridiculous. 35 years now of half the infrastructure investment, College cost skyrocketing, Healthcare skyrocketing, and the non-rich being screwed. Only propaganda and dopes like you make it possible.
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
Well I read up on it and is is endemic to California it's been there for centuries so when you get rats......... It's a disgrace that the richest country in the world has all these homeless. Thanks GOP. No sacrifice is too great so that the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else.

Once again the democrats wrote the tax laws and I never get why you think a poor person paying $2.25 cents is more money in taxes then a rich guy paying $12,000,000 million bucks in taxes
I am talking the percentage of all income people pay in Taxes. At the moment We have basically a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Not enough for investment and taxes on the nonRich have gone up because state and local taxes go up when federal aid goes down and state and local taxes kill the non-rich, twice as high percentage wise as the rich.
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
Well I read up on it and is is endemic to California it's been there for centuries so when you get rats......... It's a disgrace that the richest country in the world has all these homeless. Thanks GOP. No sacrifice is too great so that the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else.

Once again the democrats wrote the tax laws and I never get why you think a poor person paying $2.25 cents is more money in taxes then a rich guy paying $12,000,000 million bucks in taxes
You dupes are seriously clueless. the GOP has been dominant for 35 years as far as tax rates go. What is wrong with the country. The rich are getting away with murder.

Democrats have basically passed Obamacare in the last 35 years. Or fifty years for that matter.They need 60 votes for reform. The GOP only cares about tax rates on the rich. And cutting them you can only need 51 votes in the Senate thanks to reconciliation a GOP law from 1974.
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
Well I read up on it and is is endemic to California it's been there for centuries so when you get rats......... It's a disgrace that the richest country in the world has all these homeless. Thanks GOP. No sacrifice is too great so that the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else.

Once again the democrats wrote the tax laws and I never get why you think a poor person paying $2.25 cents is more money in taxes then a rich guy paying $12,000,000 million bucks in taxes
I am talking the percentage of all income people pay in Taxes. At the moment We have basically a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Not enough for investment and taxes on the nonRich have gone up because state and local taxes go up when federal aid goes down and state and local taxes kill the non-rich, twice as high percentage wise as the rich.

So quit voting for Democrats, states like Wyoming and Florida do fine with no state income taxes
They probably keep the AIDS statistics secret. What do you expect from shithole cities where people are living under tarps and defecating on the sidewalks and leaving dirty needles around for kids to play with?
They're better off than the homeless and Republican cities where they hide out or god-knows-what. On the west coast they're camping out. This is the first I've heard of typhus in LA and it's all garbage propaganda so far ratings mad media and blaming immigrants for no reason.....

Wait so your now anti science and don't know how typhus starts?
Well I read up on it and is is endemic to California it's been there for centuries so when you get rats......... It's a disgrace that the richest country in the world has all these homeless. Thanks GOP. No sacrifice is too great so that the rich can pay the same percentage in taxes as everyone else.

Once again the democrats wrote the tax laws and I never get why you think a poor person paying $2.25 cents is more money in taxes then a rich guy paying $12,000,000 million bucks in taxes
You dupes are seriously clueless. the GOP has been dominant for 35 years as far as tax rates go. What is wrong with the country. The rich are getting away with murder.

Democrats have basically passed Obamacare in the last 35 years. Or fifty years for that matter.They need 60 votes for reform. The GOP only cares about tax rates on the rich. And cutting them you can only need 51 votes in the Senate thanks to reconciliation a GOP law from 1974.

LMAO who are you trying to fool?


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