Democrat Presidential Candidates doing a great job showing voters why Trump should be Reelected

Ho-Hum... does Newt still think he's relevant?

There is little doubt that the Democrats are eating their own young (and old) and are increasing The Creature's chances of re-election...

Still, I don't need some old Has-Been who hasn't held office in 20 years telling me what to think.

On reflection, though... in the Land of Rush and Hannity... well... maybe having folks tell you what to think is of some use to them...

After all... what good is a battalion of parrots without parrot food? :21:

" Squaawwwwwkkkkk.... Polly wanna cracker... AR-15 !!! "
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This race to buy off the base is a gift to the GOP, that's for sure.

Would a decent indy PLEASE jump in?
Not one of those Democrats are beating Trump. The record number of evangelicals alone will win him the election.
The Vegas odds show Trump a 4:1 favorite over Warren. The betting says Biden is fading.
Trump +110
Warren +425
Biden +500
Sanders +900
i’d vote for Trump because he’s worried for the middle class. but i'm with Beto for now!
Biden is, from where I sit, wrong on almost every issue, and his career is replete with examples of him stooping to political cheap shots and hackery. Unlike some other politicians, though, Biden also has risen to some occasions, has shown patriotism, and has legitimately thrown himself into his work in a way showing a basic consistency of overall principle even if full of numerous, mini-hypocrisies for short-term political advantage.

In addition to his unusually awful family tragedies, Biden also recovered, more than 30 years ago, from a terrible brain aneurysm that he was very lucky to survive. The man keeps bouncing back. He’s almost irrepressible.

None of this makes Biden a great choice for president. It does make him a man with real virtues amid his flaws.
And people wonder why third party candidates are becoming more palatable...

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