Democrat Prosecutor: Trump Should Not Be Allowed to Defend Himself

The defense gets to mount a defense. Except in demofascist land of course.
I guess we can say that all Democrat's aren't the same as other Democrat's, sort of like with Hamas and the Palestinian's for example, otherwise the Palestinian's who weren't for HAMAS are being drowned out by a power structure and authoritarian regime calling itself the legitimate government of GAZA...

Hamas was the governing body for the Palestinian's living there, but it has now been learned by the western world (the factual truth), as to how the Palestinian's were brainwashed and began to embrace the lies about the Israeli people, and how they were led to embrace the lies that the Jews should be destroyed one day by their HAMAS government... Yes s government who would (to their surprise), use them as human shields in hopes to do just that.

It's the same hypnotic tactic Jim Jones used on his follower's to get them to drink the kool-aid. People vulnerable to following cults need help badly, because their moral compass has gotten damaged somehow.
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That’s absurd.

They can present RELEVANT facts

And the court adjudicates what is and isn’t relevant.

“Zombies did it” is not a relevant defense outside of an insane asylum
Or..................INSIDE the Trump cult.

Jonestown Massacre: What You Should Know About Cult ...​

Rolling Stone › feature › jonestown-1...

May 29, 2020 — From a vat, his people drank the cyanide-laced punch, which birthed the phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid,” referring to those who blindly and ...
Your Banana Republic charges has caused Trump to surge in the polls.

Maine is just an example of the extreme fascists you traitors are.

Of course, teabaggers think the US constitution is fascist.

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
Just like their dear leader.

Donald Trump: Rules in Constitution could be terminated​

Wisconsin Watch › Archives

Aug 28, 2023 — Former President Donald Trump claimed that rules found in the Constitution could be terminated in response to election fraud.
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That’s absurd.

They can present RELEVANT facts

And the court adjudicates what is and isn’t relevant.

“Zombies did it” is not a relevant defense outside of an insane asylum
You are missing the point, the defense has a right to make that claim, and let the court do it's job after that.

Psycho killers are allowed to stand there with their lawyers, and they can make any claim that they like as to why they did what they did or what brought them to their reasoning for doing what they did, and then the court considers relevance or not in it's next move forward.
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“The Court should not permit the defendant to turn the courtroom into a forum in which he propagates irrelevant disinformation, and should reject his attempt to inject politics into this proceeding,” the filing reads.

It's that simple. So what's the problem?

The problem for Trump is he wants to shake his rattle and bang his drum in order to distract attention away from his lack of a cogent defense. He doesn't want the focus to be on his guilt or innocence. He wants the focus to be baseless accusations about the motivations of those who have brought the charges against him. He wants the jury to think Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith are responsible for his prosecution........not the real culprit........Trump himself.
You miss the point, the defense has a right to make that claim, and let the court will do it's job after that

Psycho killers are allowed to stand there with their lawyers, and they can make any claim that they like as to why they did what they did or what brought them to their reasoning for doing what they did, and then the court considers relevance or not in it's next move forward.
If a psycho killer wants to claim he killed people because he heard voices in his head the court should consider his mental competency. But he shouldn't be allowed to claim, without evidence, the prosecutor's office is corrupt or the governor of the state is carrying out a vendetta against him.
By your logic Hamas could argue that Israel's lousy security was responsible for their attack on Israeli civilians.
Trump's actions and nobody else's come under scrutiny in his trial.
They could argue anything they want, it's the defense right to do so in court.

WOW you people are attempting to throw away centuries of due process in a United States court of law, and it's all because of your TDS and RDS (Republican derangement syndrome).

Can't make the shite up I tell ya. Pathetic 😡

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M

View attachment 880787
USA Today › story › news › 2016/11/18
Nov 18, 2016 — The New York attorney general's fraud lawsuit described the "university" as nothing but a scam designed to fleece would-be real estate ...
What does this have to do with Trump's presidency and his policies enacted for the American people, and better yet how about his huge mistreatment by the Democrat's because they thought he was a serious threat to their sinful agenda's that were being shoved down the Americans throats ?? I'm surprised you all haven't tried to find something from his childhood like strangling dogs and other such things like we've seen uncovered on the other side...
Democrats go full fascist part 380 in a continuing series.

Trump should be barred from blaming others for Jan. 6 riot at trial: Special counsel​

If a defendant chooses to blame space aliens, that is for the defendant to choose and the jury to decide if it really was space aliens. But Democrats know he can defend himself, so are now taking actions to ensure the kangaroo court finds a guilty verdict.
The Judge has the right to decide if a defendant's proposed defense meets both the elements of the case and the law.

The facts speak for themselves, and that is that Trump is responsible for J6.
They could argue anything they want, it's the defense right to do so in court.

WOW you people are attempting to throw away centuries of due process in a United States court of law, and it's all because of your TDS and RDS (Republican derangement syndrome).

Can't make the shite up I tell ya. Pathetic 😡
You do not understand due process.
Psycho killers are allowed to stand there with their lawyers, and they can make any claim that they like as to why they did what they did or what brought them to their reasoning for doing what they did, and then the court considers relevance or not in it's next move forward.

Mental defect is an actual legal defense to murder charges. It's called an affirmative defense. The defendant takes on the burden of proof to show additional facts that excuse the defendant from legal culpability for otherwise illegal conduct, due to special circumstances that are recognized by law. Self defense is also an affirmative defense.

Donald is not seeking to produce an affirmative defense. Blaming space lizard aliens will not, in any way, make any illegal conduct Donald may have committed suddenly excusable.
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What does this have to do with Trump's presidency and his policies enacted for the American people, and better yet how about his huge mistreatment by the Democrat's because they thought he was a serious threat to their sinful agenda's that were being shoved down the Americans throats ?? I'm surprised you all haven't tried to find something from his childhood like strangling dogs and other such things like we've seen uncovered on the other side...
"Trump was never a criminal until he defeated Hillary".

Trump settles fraud case against Trump University for $25M

View attachment 880787
USA Today › story › news › 2016/11/18
Nov 18, 2016 — The New York attorney general's fraud lawsuit described the "university" as nothing but a scam designed to fleece would-be real estate ...
What does this have to do with Trump's presidency and his policies enacted for the American people, and better yet his huge mistreatment by the Democrat's because they thought he was a serious threat to their sinful agenda's that were being shoved down the Americans throats ?? I'm surprised you all haven't tried to find something from his childhood like strangling dogs and other such things we've seen uncovered on the other side...
If a psycho killer wants to claim he killed people because he heard voices in his head the court should consider his mental competency. But he shouldn't be allowed to claim, without evidence, the prosecutor's office is corrupt or the governor of the state is carrying out a vendetta against him.
He can claim anything he wants, then it is on him and his team to prove it.
Of course, teabaggers think the US constitution is fascist.

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
Just like their dear leader.

Donald Trump: Rules in Constitution could be terminated

View attachment 880785
Wisconsin Watch › Archives
Aug 28, 2023 — Former President Donald Trump claimed that rules found in the Constitution could be terminated in response to election fraud.
Shitforbrains thinks you can try and convict people of crimes without a criminal trial.

What pathetic fascists you traitors are.
Go back and read the relevant indictments
I have, but you have not.

If you had, you would have known that the indictments are purely political documents with little resemblance to a legitimate criminal indictment, other than the titles. Real indictments, seeking conviction for crimes list the criminal statute violated, and the specific actions taken to violate them.
Shitforbrains thinks you can try and convict people of crimes without a criminal trial.
Poor teabagger.

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

The clause doesn't require a conviction or a trial.

That Trump U. reading comprehension correspondence course doesn't give refunds.

What pathetic fascists you traitors are.
Mental defect is an actual legal defense to murder charges. It's called an affirmative defense. The defendant takes on the burden of proof to show additional facts that make excuse the defendant from legal culpability for otherwise illegal conduct, due to special circumstances that are recognized by law. Self defense is also an affirmative defense.

Donald is not seeking to produce an affirmative defense. Blaming space lizard aliens will not, in any way, make any illegal conduct Donald may have committed suddenly excusable.
He has a right to make any claim that he wants in court, and then his team must prove or defend his claims in defense of.. What in hell are you all so afraid of ? Your guilty minds maybe ? This is just more evidence of something having to be protected at all cost by the left, otherwise this is evidenced by the leftist allegedly attempting to compromise the courts possibly again ? So far we've seen the courts possibly attempted to be compromised by intimidation after the 2020 election, and then after the Scotus ruling on R-v-W, and now we are seeing this again ??

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