Democrat Rioting and Looting?

Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?
Do you really think that those criminals and thugs who are perpetrating those crimes, actually vote or have the ability to vote with their most likely criminal records?

Those criminals and thugs are a disgrace to themselves. The people who want to make the MINORITY be the face of the majority of people who are not doing such heinous acts, are also (though on a another level) a disgrace.

Can still vote if you commit misdemeanors, only felons can not vote.

Although if the far left had their way, these felons would be able to vote.
Do you really think that those fools who are rioting are active voters or give a shit about voting?
It's more about rioting, looting and vandalism in Democratic Party controlled areas.. Democrats have the political influence...

You know Ferguson is run by Republicans, right?

There goes that.
As I recall, President Obama, Erik Holder and their legions of Democrat race baiters were in full force promoting hate and inspiring the results we observed. I do know that the major is/was a Republican, how long in office?

You wish, "There goes that" which is a myopic wish but good enough to put your head in the sand...enjoy.

Do you really think that those criminals and thugs who are perpetrating those crimes, actually vote or have the ability to vote with their most likely criminal records?

Those criminals and thugs are a disgrace to themselves. The people who want to make the MINORITY be the face of the majority of people who are not doing such heinous acts, are also (though on a another level) a disgrace.

Can still vote if you commit misdemeanors, only felons can not vote.

Although if the far left had their way, these felons would be able to vote.
Do you really think that those fools who are rioting are active voters or give a shit about voting?
It's more about rioting, looting and vandalism in Democratic Party controlled areas.. Democrats have the political influence...

You know Ferguson is run by Republicans, right?

There goes that.
As I recall, President Obama, Erik Holder and their legions of Democrat race baiters were in full force promoting hate and inspiring the results we observed. I do know that the major is/was a Republican, how long in office?

Dafuck does it matter? When the city was Baltimore you wanted to pin the tale on the local donkey. When it comes to Ferguson you suddenly want to take a trip all the way out to Washington.


Partisan hacks, after falling behind on the score

Pick a fallacy and stay with it already.
anyone think that MSNBC will refer to the thugs as "Obama Supporters"?

I don't think anybody checked and tallied their voter reg cards. If they even have any.
Including the OP.

You should enjoy this..

FERGUSON, Mo. — Darren Seals experienced waves of disbelief and anger after Michael Brown’s death, but two months later, he has found a way to channel his emotions: Focus on changing an elected leadership that seems deaf to the concerns of African American residents like him.

So on Nov. 4, the 27-year-old assembly-line worker and hip-hop musician from a deeply Democratic community plans to take bold action. He says he will vote for a white Republican.

“Just because they’ve got the D next to their name, that don’t mean nothing,” said Seals, who lives a few blocks from where a police officer shot Brown. “The world is watching us right now. It’s time to send a message of our power.”

Many African Americans in Ferguson and across St. Louis County, angered over their leaders’ response to the fatal shooting, say they will be taking their outrage to the ballot box and voting against a Democratic Party that has long been their automatic choice.

Black voters in St. Louis County direct their anger at the Democratic Party - The Washington Post
Can still vote if you commit misdemeanors, only felons can not vote.

Although if the far left had their way, these felons would be able to vote.
Do you really think that those fools who are rioting are active voters or give a shit about voting?
It's more about rioting, looting and vandalism in Democratic Party controlled areas.. Democrats have the political influence...

You know Ferguson is run by Republicans, right?

There goes that.
As I recall, President Obama, Erik Holder and their legions of Democrat race baiters were in full force promoting hate and inspiring the results we observed. I do know that the major is/was a Republican, how long in office?

Dafuck does it matter? When the city was Baltimore you wanted to pin the tale on the local donkey. When it comes to Ferguson you suddenly want to take a trip all the way out to Washington.


Partisan hacks, after falling behind on the score

Pick a fallacy and stay with it already.

read the article I posted.. and relax
Do you really think that those fools who are rioting are active voters or give a shit about voting?
It's more about rioting, looting and vandalism in Democratic Party controlled areas.. Democrats have the political influence...

You know Ferguson is run by Republicans, right?

There goes that.
As I recall, President Obama, Erik Holder and their legions of Democrat race baiters were in full force promoting hate and inspiring the results we observed. I do know that the major is/was a Republican, how long in office?

Dafuck does it matter? When the city was Baltimore you wanted to pin the tale on the local donkey. When it comes to Ferguson you suddenly want to take a trip all the way out to Washington.


Partisan hacks, after falling behind on the score

Pick a fallacy and stay with it already.

read the article I posted.. and relax
if this was 2009, the media and demorats would of been blaming bush 24/7. But being its been over 6 years, the Bush Excuse has expired !!!
It's more about rioting, looting and vandalism in Democratic Party controlled areas.. Democrats have the political influence...

You know Ferguson is run by Republicans, right?

There goes that.
As I recall, President Obama, Erik Holder and their legions of Democrat race baiters were in full force promoting hate and inspiring the results we observed. I do know that the major is/was a Republican, how long in office?

Dafuck does it matter? When the city was Baltimore you wanted to pin the tale on the local donkey. When it comes to Ferguson you suddenly want to take a trip all the way out to Washington.


Partisan hacks, after falling behind on the score

Pick a fallacy and stay with it already.

read the article I posted.. and relax
if this was 2009, the media and demorats would of been blaming bush 24/7. But being its been over 6 years, the Bush Excuse has expired !!!

You wish, they're still blaming Bush even when you remind them that Democrats controlled Congress the last 2 yrs.of his Presidency, he inherited a recession, Clinton did diddly squat with Osama Bin Laden, they voted for the war in Iraq and it's cost ... the list goes on.
Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?

Damn! I never got the memo! I have never rioted and looted! I'll get to it as soon as I get back from the dentist on Wed. That is, unless Clive Bundy and his armed republican militants don't block the roads again...
Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?

Damn! I never got the memo! I have never rioted and looted! I'll get to it as soon as I get back from the dentist on Wed. That is, unless Clive Bundy and his armed republican militants don't block the roads again...

No memo, perhaps an awakening.though..
Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?

Why is dumbing down complex social dynamics into a cheap political points scoreboard so popular with the synapsically shallow?


Got it, even though the Democratic Party controls these areas and have for many years, they shouldn't have to accept responsibility.

..and you're in tantrum mode because I thought it was a topic worthy of discussion...

Ever think that maybe, it's not about politics?
Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?

Why is dumbing down complex social dynamics into a cheap political points scoreboard so popular with the synapsically shallow?

There is NOTHING complex about burning down the CVS or the looting of local liquor stores.

Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?

The thugs aren't democrats. They're thugs that vote for democrats and the democrats stupidly cover for them for votes.

Oh'yess, why do you care about public property? Aren't you a slash, cut and burn kind of person? Why not defund the police and see how that works.
Fuck it. Pull every cop out of the city & let them destroy their own shit hole. Put the cops in the law abiding areas.
Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?

View that very same topic when a Sports team wins.

As it turns out, people that have been oppressed for years/decades tear things up to gain recognition and attention.

Sports teams do the same sometimes because "They Won A Game"

Learn more by researching, "How to distract a Nation"
Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?

Damn! I never got the memo! I have never rioted and looted! I'll get to it as soon as I get back from the dentist on Wed. That is, unless Clive Bundy and his armed republican militants don't block the roads again...

No memo, perhaps an awakening.though..

Well, Ray Stevens is a rabid Palin supporter, so it seems appropriate to post his Pirate song:

Why is rioting, looting and costly destruction of private and public property so popular with liberal Democrats?
Just watch South America after soccer/football games, the place goes crazy whether they win or lose.

Or they could look up the Red Summer for a little perspective on what race rioting really looks like. If only Fox Noise was around at the time reporting on the scene from Chicago, ah that woulda sold some ratings.
Oops - the city was run by Republicans at the time... awkward...

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