Democrat Strategy For November: Lie & Cause Hate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

These are the topics that Democrats have decided to use in hopes that they won't get clobbered in November:

1. The Koch Brothers - The Koch Brothers have replaced Halliburton as the evil rich. Who cares that Obama has been pumping $85 billion/mo into the stock market since he was re-elected creating another version of corporate welfare.

2. 1%ers - The evil rich will be stressed over and over again, regardless of the fact that Obama, Pelosi, and Harry Reid are all members of the 1%.

3. Racism - Everything is racist if it shows Obama or Democrats in general in a negative light.

4. The War On Women - Democrats are dreaming up different ways to make Republicans look like a bunch of rapists or whatever evil thing they can call them.

5. Ranchers are terrorists - This one fell in their lap, but they were hoping to turn a negative into a positive. It fits all of the stereotypes. They like guns, they're white, they're individualists, they don't go with the program like everyone else. They deserve to be crushed.

6. Gay Rights - Anyone who doesn't bow at the alter of political correctness will be demonized, shunned, their lives destroyed.

7. Obamacare Is Working - They hope to convince us that their fuzzy math has fixed Obamacare. They also hope that we'll forget that most of it has been delayed till after 2016.

Notice none of the issues above involves job creation, national security, foreign relations, a stronger economy, energy independence, or bringing us all together and learning to get along. They believe that division is essential to their goals. Their goal is to turn America into a welfare state and the population subjugated. Social Justice will replace justice for all. Crony Capitalism will replace a strong economy. Only the rich or those who fall in line will prosper.

The closer we get to the mid-terms the worse it's going to get. We need to send a message to these charlatans that we can't be tricked as easily. We're on to them, at least most of us are.

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Democrats are definitely going to make republicans defend their pro plutocracy platform. Gonna be a blast.
Democrats are definitely going to make republicans defend their pro plutocracy platform. Gonna be a blast.

Think so, huh? Laughable.

dimocrap scum lie during EVERY election cycle. Every one of them. Throughout our history, back to the beginning of the dimocrap scum party (Andrew Jackson) all they've ever done is lie.

Republicans are better but that's small consolation. Lucifer himself has more morals than the dimocrap party.

Republicans make mistakes, they have been know to 'over-promise'

But they generally do it with the best intentions.

dimocraps? Lying scum. Every single one of them.

I've been saying it for the last 45 years that I've been interested in politics and I have been 100% correct the whole time.

From the Gulf of Tonkin, to the Case/Church Amendment to "I did NOT have sex with that woman'' to , "If you like your Insurance, you can keep it"...... dimocraps lie.

Your typical brainless dimocrap (like there's any other kind :dunno:) will counter with Bush's WMD mistake and mis-statement.

And even then, even when they're pointing out a serious mistake made by a Republican..... Even then dimocrap scum are lying.

Bush made a mistake. He may have made the mistake somewhat enthusiastically, but it was a mistake nonetheless.

I guess the other 40+ Countries that deployed troops with us lied to their citizens too, huh? You know... Like the UK who has MI-6, considered the best in the James Bond business.

Meh.... It doesn't matter. dimocraps are lying scum. It's what they do.

Everything that comes out of their diseased mouths is a lie. All of it.

Even the groups, the perpetual grievance groups, the entire grievance industry.... dimocrap scum don't care that much about them. Except at election time.

And the only thing dimocrap scum use those people for is their HATE.

dimocrap scum have them convinced that the reason they're behind, the reason they're stupid, the reason they can't keep up, the reason they're poor, the reason..., frankly, the reason they vote dimocrap. Is because of somebody else fucking them over.

Yeah, like they're so important we gotta fuck them over in order to get stinking rich.

Like ALL Republicans are rich. :lmao:

The richest people in the Country are dimocrap scum. No..... In the World. The richest people in the WORLD are dimocrap or socialist (same-same) scum.

Fancy that.

The reason that dimocrap voters are losers, the reason they're poor, the reason they can't get ahead in the world is really, really simple......

They want somebody else to do it for them.

The exact opposite of Republicans. We want them to get the fuck out of our way. They're holding us back.

And they can't stand it. They can't stand that we're better and smarter than they are.

Or are we?

I believe that if dimocraps would stop feeling sorry for themselves and get off their lazy asses and stop expecting other people to lift them up....... Maybe --

Nah. They're too stupid
Let Republicans tell ten million voters that they want to take away their healthcare
The worst thing for the GOP are all the failed policies and the kooky statements.
Everything from "legitimate rape" to "let him die".
Democrats are definitely going to make republicans defend their pro plutocracy platform. Gonna be a blast.

Think so, huh? Laughable.

dimocrap scum lie during EVERY election cycle. Every one of them. Throughout our history, back to the beginning of the dimocrap scum party (Andrew Jackson) all they've ever done is lie.

Republicans are better but that's small consolation. Lucifer himself has more morals than the dimocrap party.

Republicans make mistakes, they have been know to 'over-promise'

But they generally do it with the best intentions.

dimocraps? Lying scum. Every single one of them.

I've been saying it for the last 45 years that I've been interested in politics and I have been 100% correct the whole time.

From the Gulf of Tonkin, to the Case/Church Amendment to "I did NOT have sex with that woman'' to , "If you like your Insurance, you can keep it"...... dimocraps lie.

Your typical brainless dimocrap (like there's any other kind :dunno:) will counter with Bush's WMD mistake and mis-statement.

And even then, even when they're pointing out a serious mistake made by a Republican..... Even then dimocrap scum are lying.

Bush made a mistake. He may have made the mistake somewhat enthusiastically, but it was a mistake nonetheless.

I guess the other 40+ Countries that deployed troops with us lied to their citizens too, huh? You know... Like the UK who has MI-6, considered the best in the James Bond business.

Meh.... It doesn't matter. dimocraps are lying scum. It's what they do.

Everything that comes out of their diseased mouths is a lie. All of it.

Even the groups, the perpetual grievance groups, the entire grievance industry.... dimocrap scum don't care that much about them. Except at election time.

And the only thing dimocrap scum use those people for is their HATE.

dimocrap scum have them convinced that the reason they're behind, the reason they're stupid, the reason they can't keep up, the reason they're poor, the reason..., frankly, the reason they vote dimocrap. Is because of somebody else fucking them over.

Yeah, like they're so important we gotta fuck them over in order to get stinking rich.

Like ALL Republicans are rich. :lmao:

The richest people in the Country are dimocrap scum. No..... In the World. The richest people in the WORLD are dimocrap or socialist (same-same) scum.

Fancy that.

The reason that dimocrap voters are losers, the reason they're poor, the reason they can't get ahead in the world is really, really simple......

They want somebody else to do it for them.

The exact opposite of Republicans. We want them to get the fuck out of our way. They're holding us back.

And they can't stand it. They can't stand that we're better and smarter than they are.

Or are we?

I believe that if dimocraps would stop feeling sorry for themselves and get off their lazy asses and stop expecting other people to lift them up....... Maybe --

Nah. They're too stupid

My morning bowel movement has less shit then that post.
Let Republicans tell ten million voters that they want to take away their healthcare

OK, as long as they tell the other 300 million they have a better alternative then the disaster put upon them. If the republicans can't convince the people, and it won't be hard, that there is a better alternative to Obamacare then they certainly are not doing their job. Seems to me, and with talking to others, the future of our nation is paying a whole lot more for healthcare, that is if a person works. I personally, for me, have not seen one thing done that will lower the cost for me. Now granted it may be lowered or even made available to many but for the majority Obamacare means higher cost more so then we would have seen with inflation.

Worse yet I am told by a Doctor's assistant that one of the bad things is if she tells a patient that they need a test or some sort of procedure and the patient, for whatever reason, does not do as directed they have the ability, and will, drop that person. So if the 6000 co-pay is too much tough crap.
Democrats are definitely going to make republicans defend their pro plutocracy platform. Gonna be a blast.

Think so, huh? Laughable.

dimocrap scum lie during EVERY election cycle. Every one of them. Throughout our history, back to the beginning of the dimocrap scum party (Andrew Jackson) all they've ever done is lie.

Republicans are better but that's small consolation. Lucifer himself has more morals than the dimocrap party.

Republicans make mistakes, they have been know to 'over-promise'

But they generally do it with the best intentions.

dimocraps? Lying scum. Every single one of them.

I've been saying it for the last 45 years that I've been interested in politics and I have been 100% correct the whole time.

From the Gulf of Tonkin, to the Case/Church Amendment to "I did NOT have sex with that woman'' to , "If you like your Insurance, you can keep it"...... dimocraps lie.

Your typical brainless dimocrap (like there's any other kind :dunno:) will counter with Bush's WMD mistake and mis-statement.

And even then, even when they're pointing out a serious mistake made by a Republican..... Even then dimocrap scum are lying.

Bush made a mistake. He may have made the mistake somewhat enthusiastically, but it was a mistake nonetheless.

I guess the other 40+ Countries that deployed troops with us lied to their citizens too, huh? You know... Like the UK who has MI-6, considered the best in the James Bond business.

Meh.... It doesn't matter. dimocraps are lying scum. It's what they do.

Everything that comes out of their diseased mouths is a lie. All of it.

Even the groups, the perpetual grievance groups, the entire grievance industry.... dimocrap scum don't care that much about them. Except at election time.

And the only thing dimocrap scum use those people for is their HATE.

dimocrap scum have them convinced that the reason they're behind, the reason they're stupid, the reason they can't keep up, the reason they're poor, the reason..., frankly, the reason they vote dimocrap. Is because of somebody else fucking them over.

Yeah, like they're so important we gotta fuck them over in order to get stinking rich.

Like ALL Republicans are rich. :lmao:

The richest people in the Country are dimocrap scum. No..... In the World. The richest people in the WORLD are dimocrap or socialist (same-same) scum.

Fancy that.

The reason that dimocrap voters are losers, the reason they're poor, the reason they can't get ahead in the world is really, really simple......

They want somebody else to do it for them.

The exact opposite of Republicans. We want them to get the fuck out of our way. They're holding us back.

And they can't stand it. They can't stand that we're better and smarter than they are.

Or are we?

I believe that if dimocraps would stop feeling sorry for themselves and get off their lazy asses and stop expecting other people to lift them up....... Maybe --

Nah. They're too stupid

My morning bowel movement has less shit then that post.

Maybe you should visit your doctor and have that condom pulled out of your ass then.

The only way to describe dirtbags like you is with shit. You don't deserve the proper use of the English Language
Let Republicans tell ten million voters that they want to take away their healthcare

OK, as long as they tell the other 300 million they have a better alternative then the disaster put upon them. If the republicans can't convince the people, and it won't be hard, that there is a better alternative to Obamacare then they certainly are not doing their job. Seems to me, and with talking to others, the future of our nation is paying a whole lot more for healthcare, that is if a person works. I personally, for me, have not seen one thing done that will lower the cost for me. Now granted it may be lowered or even made available to many but for the majority Obamacare means higher cost more so then we would have seen with inflation.

Worse yet I am told by a Doctor's assistant that one of the bad things is if she tells a patient that they need a test or some sort of procedure and the patient, for whatever reason, does not do as directed they have the ability, and will, drop that person. So if the 6000 co-pay is too much tough crap.


Show us what you will do better. Its been five years and we still haven't seen a comprehensive healthplan from Republicans. Put out your alternative and stand behind it

I can't wait
So, the Democraps are going to continue as usual.

Why not? It works.

Have you noticed the IQ of the typical dimocrap improving over the last few years?

Me neither :dunno:

Just look at the replies in this thread. Any questions? :doubt:
Wow....DEMs r "dimocraps", "libtards" and slavering marxists who just want to destroy America.
Republicans r ALWAYS well meaning; but just "make mistakes" sometimes.
And...the OP claims DEMs are the sole "haters and liars" in upcoming elections...
...shrinks call that "projection and denial", crude ego defense mechanisms that prevent personal problem recognition necessary to begin positive change in patients with dysfunctional personality issues..
With these kinds of Issues, will the GOP ever overcome their they could maybe have a serious crack at winning prez elections?...

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Let Republicans tell ten million voters that they want to take away their healthcare

OK, as long as they tell the other 300 million they have a better alternative then the disaster put upon them. If the republicans can't convince the people, and it won't be hard, that there is a better alternative to Obamacare then they certainly are not doing their job. Seems to me, and with talking to others, the future of our nation is paying a whole lot more for healthcare, that is if a person works. I personally, for me, have not seen one thing done that will lower the cost for me. Now granted it may be lowered or even made available to many but for the majority Obamacare means higher cost more so then we would have seen with inflation.

Worse yet I am told by a Doctor's assistant that one of the bad things is if she tells a patient that they need a test or some sort of procedure and the patient, for whatever reason, does not do as directed they have the ability, and will, drop that person. So if the 6000 co-pay is too much tough crap.


Show us what you will do better. Its been five years and we still haven't seen a comprehensive healthplan from Republicans. Put out your alternative and stand behind it

I can't wait

You are one lying, dishonest little person.

We've shown you at least five alternative plans offered even before the lying cocksucker in chief infested the office.

Republicans offered them, they got shot down.

Now, they're offering another one. dimocrap scum will shoot that one down too and bitch about how we don't have an alternative.

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

You're dishonest scum.

All of you
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Let Republicans tell ten million voters that they want to take away their healthcare

And that's not hyperbole.

That's exactly what they are talking about doing.

And as to the OP?

1. Yup, the majority of congress and the President are wealthy. What exactly has the GOP done to stop this? Why they put in Supreme court Judges that would insure the rule of the elite. As in "Corporations are People and Money is speech."

2. When all you can do is call people names instead of advocating for a position? Yeah..basically it's racism.

3. Democrats haven't had to do a thing. The GOP just keeps talking about women. And because of the internet? They can't erase the nuttiness they keep putting out.

4. No one called ranchers, terrorists. They called Bundy a criminal. The Oath keepers? Yeah..those are terrorists.

5. No one is asking anyone to "bow". Respecting the rights of every American shouldn't be an issue.

6. ObamaCare is working. No fuzzy math required.
The OP starts a thread claiming dimocraps are lying in order to advance their agenda of hate.

And what do dimocrap scum do to refute that assertion?

They lie, of course :lmao:

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

It’s arguably the favorite myth of progressives, the oft-repeated claim that Republicans have no health plan. Hence, President Obama was fully justified in ignoring them and proceeding to enact a comprehensive health reform law on a strict party line vote—something completely unprecedented in American political history. Karl Rove last week did an excellent job of countering that myth in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. For those who may have missed that piece, or those who want further details and links not feasible to include within the constraints of a printed op-ed, this post is intended to fill in some blanks.

This is at least the tenth time I've posted this article. And I know for a fact that our resident dimocrap liars have seen it.

But what do they do as soon as possible? They lie about having never seen it.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.
OK, as long as they tell the other 300 million they have a better alternative then the disaster put upon them. If the republicans can't convince the people, and it won't be hard, that there is a better alternative to Obamacare then they certainly are not doing their job. Seems to me, and with talking to others, the future of our nation is paying a whole lot more for healthcare, that is if a person works. I personally, for me, have not seen one thing done that will lower the cost for me. Now granted it may be lowered or even made available to many but for the majority Obamacare means higher cost more so then we would have seen with inflation.

Worse yet I am told by a Doctor's assistant that one of the bad things is if she tells a patient that they need a test or some sort of procedure and the patient, for whatever reason, does not do as directed they have the ability, and will, drop that person. So if the 6000 co-pay is too much tough crap.


Show us what you will do better. Its been five years and we still haven't seen a comprehensive healthplan from Republicans. Put out your alternative and stand behind it

I can't wait

You are one lying, dishonest little person.

We've shown you at least five alternative plans offered even before the lying cocksucker in chief infested the office.

Republicans offered them, they got shot down.

Now, they're offering another one. dimocrap scum will shoot than one down too and bitch about how we don't have an alternative.

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

You're dishonest scum.

All of you

They also shot down Sue Lowden's plan. Go fig.

[ame=]Sue Lowden's plan to pay for health care? "Bring a chicken to the doctor" - YouTube[/ame]

ObamaCare is working? Then why have major parts of it been delayed until after the 2016 elections? Gee, Sallow...are you REALLY that naive?

If the ACA really WAS would have been implemented and the Democrats would be running on it. The truth's terrible legislation...the math never worked...and the Democrats are hiding that fact from the American people for one more election cycle.

These are the topics that Democrats have decided to use in hopes that they won't get clobbered in November:

1. The Koch Brothers - The Koch Brothers have replaced Halliburton as the evil rich. Who cares that Obama has been pumping $85 billion/mo into the stock market since he was re-elected creating another version of corporate welfare.

2. 1%ers - The evil rich will be stressed over and over again, regardless of the fact that Obama, Pelosi, and Harry Reid are all members of the 1%.

3. Racism - Everything is racist if it shows Obama or Democrats in general in a negative light.

4. The War On Women - Democrats are dreaming up different ways to make Republicans look like a bunch of rapists or whatever evil thing they can call them.

5. Ranchers are terrorists - This one fell in their lap, but they were hoping to turn a negative into a positive. It fits all of the stereotypes. They like guns, they're white, they're individualists, they don't go with the program like everyone else. They deserve to be crushed.

6. Gay Rights - Anyone who doesn't bow at the alter of political correctness will be demonized, shunned, their lives destroyed.

7. Obamacare Is Working - They hope to convince us that their fuzzy math has fixed Obamacare. They also hope that we'll forget that most of it has been delayed till after 2016.

Notice none of the issues above involves job creation, national security, foreign relations, a stronger economy, energy independence, or bringing us all together and learning to get along. They believe that division is essential to their goals. Their goal is to turn America into a welfare state and the population subjugated. Social Justice will replace justice for all. Crony Capitalism will replace a strong economy. Only the rich or those who fall in line will prosper.

The closer we get to the mid-terms the worse it's going to get. We need to send a message to these charlatans that we can't be tricked as easily. We're on to them, at least most of us are.

I wish that were true, but sadly I don't think it is. We're pretty much screwed.
OK, as long as they tell the other 300 million they have a better alternative then the disaster put upon them. If the republicans can't convince the people, and it won't be hard, that there is a better alternative to Obamacare then they certainly are not doing their job. Seems to me, and with talking to others, the future of our nation is paying a whole lot more for healthcare, that is if a person works. I personally, for me, have not seen one thing done that will lower the cost for me. Now granted it may be lowered or even made available to many but for the majority Obamacare means higher cost more so then we would have seen with inflation.

Worse yet I am told by a Doctor's assistant that one of the bad things is if she tells a patient that they need a test or some sort of procedure and the patient, for whatever reason, does not do as directed they have the ability, and will, drop that person. So if the 6000 co-pay is too much tough crap.


Show us what you will do better. Its been five years and we still haven't seen a comprehensive healthplan from Republicans. Put out your alternative and stand behind it

I can't wait

You are one lying, dishonest little person.

We've shown you at least five alternative plans offered even before the lying cocksucker in chief infested the office.

Republicans offered them, they got shot down.

Now, they're offering another one. dimocrap scum will shoot that one down too and bitch about how we don't have an alternative.

Yes, There's A Republican Health Care Plan: Bobby Jindal's Plan | RedState

You're dishonest scum.

All of you

Any retard can throw out a healthcare plan, Jindal included

Republicans are running on repealing Obamacare. A plan that covers 10 million people. They had better have a plan in place, WITH FULL GOP BACKING that will transition these people into a better healthcare plan. They better cover people with pre-existing conditions and provide low cost alternatives for the self employed and people who work for small companies

Jindals plan does not do that...try again Republicans
They don't have much to run on since the economy sucks and people are getting weary of it. Only the true loyalists are holding on, most folk know by now it isn't working and aren't buying the Bush's/Reagan's fault mantra anymore. So I do expect it to get uglier than usual, we've had some previews here.

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