Democrat Switching Parties Today

What I see is that most economists for whom I have respect believe that in order to recover from the meltdown, that government needed to spend money. There aer many who would say they didn't spend enough to do it right and that they should have done a whole WPA type project and gotten people jobs doing shovel-ready projects. I happen to believe that the recovery would be stronger and quicker if they had followed that route.
IMHO, they spent it on the wrong things... It only ended up increasing gubmint jobs and paychecks and did little to help the rest of America... It "created or saved" few jobs, and the numbers are all made up anyway... not a good measure of success...

I suppose in a way, the dems "own" it because the repubs forced their hands and made them do it unilaterally so that if it crashes and burns, they can say "oooh...oooooh...see...they failed" because ultimately, that's all the party of "no" wants, IMO. As a political strategy, it works, if, in fact, it fails. I just don't think it will. I don't think it does enough TO fail. And THAT is where they miscalcuated. Again-- in my opinion.
Republicans forced nobody... They have a 60 vote majority, but acted like the minority party... The reason is obvious... Make it a bipartisan effort and they don't eat the blame...

I figure the dems should be judged in month 11 the way bush was judged in month nine...

in other words, he wasn't. and, amazingly, for eight years, they claimed that clinton caused every problem of the bush presidency.

i assume you objected to that too?
Every President should be judged on his actions - there is no grace period... Barry hasn't just been atending events and getting awards and peace prizes and such...

and before the repubs have any success, they have to stop being extremists who exclude every person who isn't in lockstep.
That is your opinion... I have seen that democrats don't like playing with others...
Many conservatives in Alabama vote the way their pappy voted.

Some of them are so pig-headed they would never consider changing their votes...even if they hate blacks, and gays, and Muslims.

They don't even know nor care what the Dems are doing. They just look for the (D) and push.

George Wallace's Ghost wants his Ears Back, Mudwhistle.

Wallace ain't running this time?

Alabama Representative Parker Griffith (D) is going to announce today that he is so unnerved by the health care bill that he's switching to the Republican party.

Good deal.

Parker Griffith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sounds good, but I'm not sure the Republicans need anymore Democrat-lites in their party.... He probably realizes anyone with a (D) besides their name is going to have a hard time getting re-elected... Anyway, I guess that's a start.

Exactly. The Dems are committing political suicide and they know it. At least this guy is honest about wanting to remain in power. :lol:

I would say about him that there is just so much corruption that a decent person can take...but I still don't trust him.

Unless he makes a complete conversion like Reagan I'll never trust him.
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OP it dosen't hurt to put up a link

House Democrat blames Pelosi, leaders for switch

Democratic Rep. Parker Griffith announced Tuesday that he's switching parties – saying he can no longer align himself “with a party that continues to pursue legislation that is bad for our country, hurts our economy and drives us further and further into debt.”

Many conservatives in Alabama vote the way their pappy voted.

Some of them are so pig-headed they would never consider changing their votes...even if they hate blacks, and gays, and Muslims.

They don't even know nor care what the Dems are doing. They just look for the (D) and push.

are you really that messed up? seriously...

there's a reason the southern states went red...

repeat after me....

"southern strategy"...

now go look it up.

who do you think you're kidding.
IMHO, they spent it on the wrong things... It only ended up increasing gubmint jobs and paychecks and did little to help the rest of America... It "created or saved" few jobs, and the numbers are all made up anyway... not a good measure of success...

I don't think it increased government jobs. And I haven't seen anything to suggest it did. Government has been thebiggest employer in the U.S. for a very long time. Sadly, Walmart is second.

on the other hand, i do think they spent it less appropriately than they should have. they put too much into tax cuts for business and,instead, should have gone to those shovel ready projects i was talking about. i think obama was too moderate onthe issue and thought by being moderate, he'd get some moderate repubs on board.

Republicans forced nobody... They have a 60 vote majority, but acted like the minority party... The reason is obvious... Make it a bipartisan effort and they don't eat the blame...

or maybe Obama was keeping his promise to try to end the partisan BS... personally, I thought once Rush said "I hope he fails", that Obama should have realized it wasn't ever going to happen. You don't trade things away at the beginning even before you start.

and maybe he wanted people to do the right thing. you can't be so blinded by partisanship (or general distaste for government) that you can discount the possibility that he wanted to be a certain type of president for legacy reasons.... and not for blame.

Every President should be judged on his actions - there is no grace period... Barry hasn't just been atending events and getting awards and peace prizes and such...

That is your opinion... I have seen that democrats don't like playing with others...

I agree that every president should be judged for his actions...which is why I laugh when people talk about how "bush kept us safe". (living here in NYC, I have kind of a funny view of bush's safety record).

democrats are used to fighting with each other... you might recall a famous quote by Will Rogers, saying "I don't belong to any organized political party -- i'm a democrat". it's one of the reasons i don't understand the whole "libs" thing... you think I'm a lib... but when people talk about certain issues, i sound more conservative... of course, then you get to "social issues" like reproductive choice and marriage equality for gays".... at which point, you might think I'm a lib, but they're really classic libertarian concepts.

the repubs, however, are so used to marching in lockstep since the ronald reagan/lee atwater/ karl rove days, that they don't have any room in their party for disagreement or diversity... the whole "RINO" phenomenon... To me, the republicans were always the smart, rich guys... they were never anti-intellectual, radical religious right, neo-conservative extremists. and you might not like it, but if that's not how the party is really, they're sure creating that perception for people outside of the party.
Unless something changes rapidly, there will be a change, peacefully or not. Me? I'd only go the peaceful route, I'm a real liberal at heart.
peacefully or not??

trashed the country for eight years and now you're worried?

You are beyond disingenuous. Jill, I really wanted to meet with you at some point; me in NYC or you in Chicago, no longer. No karma.
Bah Humbug... on Obama and the Democratic Party.

(just felt like saying something)....:eusa_angel:
Unless something changes rapidly, there will be a change, peacefully or not. Me? I'd only go the peaceful route, I'm a real liberal at heart.

Peacefully or not?

WTF are you talking about?

Stay tuned. My guess is that things are going to get very ugly. Truth is, federal isn't really amiable to Chicago way for long. Yet, those in power don't know different. Sooo...
History stopped for some libs on 1/20/2009.....

Since you are the ones refusing to hold bush accountable for anything and claim that all of the effects caused by his administration that carried over are on obama it seems that time stopped for you and not anyone on the left. LOL

Again, because you are completely unable to comprehend what is in front of your eyes, I and many others like me called out Bush on his spending habits and failure to use the veto pen... You can continue to flop and flounder claiming otherwise, but that would only prove how brain dead you are...

When you start placing some of the blame on the actions of the current President then I might consider taking you more seriously... Until then, good luck in your altered reality...

Notice, even his "criticisms" come from the approved list.
Unless something changes rapidly, there will be a change, peacefully or not. Me? I'd only go the peaceful route, I'm a real liberal at heart.

Peacefully or not?

WTF are you talking about?

Stay tuned. My guess is that things are going to get very ugly. Truth is, federal isn't really amiable to Chicago way for long. Yet, those in power don't know different. Sooo...

You see there's this thing called an election coming up in 11 months. So..........

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