Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

It's open to the public.........I know couple of people that attend Trump rally. Anybody can attend this kind of rally. What ticket and invitation are you talking about? Maybe he invited some of his close followers, his vip or Nazi members that need to be seated to the front. Then those are the people that will receive the flag.

You obviously don't know anyone who went, because I did go and you had to have a ticket to get in. I received an email with an invitation to attend. It directed me to a website where I could get a free ticket. People at the door would only let you in if you produced the ticket.
.....and even if they choose to leave, its OK to sucker punch them on the way out....right, moron?
Who got sucker punched?
Lol, not enough Marxist morons.
I keep hearing this fake story about some 78 year old sucker punching a negro at a NC Trump rally. Then I saw the video of the alleged "sucker punch".

Turns out it was a fabrication by the leftstream media. The tough senior citizen didn't punch anybody.

The video proves that he didn't punch the guy.

The video dies not lie. The punk was not punched by the elderly man. You can see his fist through the whole incident and it does not hit the negro.


Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
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It's open to the public.........I know couple of people that attend Trump rally. Anybody can attend this kind of rally. What ticket and invitation are you talking about? Maybe he invited some of his close followers, his vip or Nazi members that need to be seated to the front. Then those are the people that will receive the flag.

You obviously don't know anyone who went, because I did go and you had to have a ticket to get in. I received an email with an invitation to attend. It directed me to a website where I could get a free ticket. People at the door would only let you in if you produced the ticket.

Bullshit you are lying..... Don't even tell me they have time to invite 20,000 people by emails or letters. Do you even understand the logistics in doing these kind of paper works? Maybe someone got an invitation because he or she know Adolf but in general NO you do not get invitation. You claim you went to website..... is that website private that is exclusively or the website is open to the public? You are one lying dude.
Actually one of them that attended Trump rally is here with me right now for Sunday steak.
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It's open to the public.........I know couple of people that attend Trump rally. Anybody can attend this kind of rally. What ticket and invitation are you talking about? Maybe he invited some of his close followers, his vip or Nazi members that need to be seated to the front. Then those are the people that will receive the flag.

You obviously don't know anyone who went, because I did go and you had to have a ticket to get in. I received an email with an invitation to attend. It directed me to a website where I could get a free ticket. People at the door would only let you in if you produced the ticket.

Bullshit you are lying..... Don't even tell me they have time to invite 20,000 people by emails or letters. Do you even understand the logistics in doing these kind of paper works? Maybe someone got an invitation because he or she know Adolf but in general NO you do not get invitation.
ROFL! It takes a single push of the button to send an email to every Republican in Jacksonville. How technically clueless are you?
Anyone could get a ticket, it did not take an invitation....though one could have been invited through a mass media email, but it was not a requirement in order to get tickets...

The school knew that many students were going to get and got tickets in order to protest the event, this was a planned protest event with lots of Social Media pushing it, the University, concerned, notified security and the local police a day or two or three ahead of time from what I have read on it, and all involved were following it closely and adjusted their man power for the event...

This could NOT HAVE BEEN A SURPRISE to the Trump campaign and his security should have been known days before the rally was suppose to take place by his security.

I smell something fishy, I don't know what yet, but something doesn't sit right with this whole rally event....
Who got sucker punched?
Lol, not enough Marxist morons.
I keep hearing this fake story about some 78 year old sucker punching a negro at a NC Trump rally. Then I saw the video of the alleged "sucker punch".

Turns out it was a fabrication by the leftstream media. The tough senior citizen didn't punch anybody.

The video proves that he didn't punch the guy.

The video dies not lie. The punk was not punched by the elderly man. You can see his fist through the whole incident and it does not hit the negro.


Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
The video is very clear. The elderly gentleman did not punch the black punk.

Those posting here who say different either did not see the video and/or are simply typical brainwashed fools. What the video shows them doesn't matter to brainwashed leftobots, all they can admit to seeing is what their masters tell them they saw.

They have no mind of their own. Basically they are subhuman droids of flesh.
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Thugs is a racist code word for "*******."

Proves racists are cowards -- they hide behind code words.
It's actually a code word for "Democrat."

Of course, left wing douche bags like you think every word Republicans use to refer to you means "******"
Anyone could get a ticket, it did not take an invitation....though one could have been invited through a mass media email, but it was not a requirement in order to get tickets...

The school knew that many students were going to get and got tickets in order to protest the event, this was a planned protest event with lots of Social Media pushing it, the University, concerned, notified security and the local police a day or two or three ahead of time from what I have read on it, and all involved were following it closely and adjusted their man power for the event...

This could NOT HAVE BEEN A SURPRISE to the Trump campaign and his security should have been known days before the rally was suppose to take place by his security.

I smell something fishy, I don't know what yet, but something doesn't sit right with this whole rally event....
Yeah, that's it. It was a sinister plot by the Trump campaign to trick left wing thugs into embarrassing the Democrat party. Those evil bastards!
Who got sucker punched?
Lol, not enough Marxist morons.
I keep hearing this fake story about some 78 year old sucker punching a negro at a NC Trump rally. Then I saw the video of the alleged "sucker punch".

Turns out it was a fabrication by the leftstream media. The tough senior citizen didn't punch anybody.

The video proves that he didn't punch the guy.

The video dies not lie. The punk was not punched by the elderly man. You can see his fist through the whole incident and it does not hit the negro.


Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

Lol, not enough Marxist morons.
I keep hearing this fake story about some 78 year old sucker punching a negro at a NC Trump rally. Then I saw the video of the alleged "sucker punch".

Turns out it was a fabrication by the leftstream media. The tough senior citizen didn't punch anybody.

The video proves that he didn't punch the guy.

The video dies not lie. The punk was not punched by the elderly man. You can see his fist through the whole incident and it does not hit the negro.


Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.
I keep hearing this fake story about some 78 year old sucker punching a negro at a NC Trump rally. Then I saw the video of the alleged "sucker punch".

Turns out it was a fabrication by the leftstream media. The tough senior citizen didn't punch anybody.

The video proves that he didn't punch the guy.

The video dies not lie. The punk was not punched by the elderly man. You can see his fist through the whole incident and it does not hit the negro.


Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.

I'm pretty sure he just wanted the world to know that he was elbowed rather than punched. I actually agree here...elbows tend to do more damage. It is good to highlight that this old racist guy was even more malicious than we originally thought he was. Hopefully he gets 5 years, I'm sure he will enjoy his "company" in prison.
I keep hearing this fake story about some 78 year old sucker punching a negro at a NC Trump rally. Then I saw the video of the alleged "sucker punch".

Turns out it was a fabrication by the leftstream media. The tough senior citizen didn't punch anybody.

The video proves that he didn't punch the guy.

The video dies not lie. The punk was not punched by the elderly man. You can see his fist through the whole incident and it does not hit the negro.


Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.

It's because LWNJs refuse to admit that they are wrong. He was not punched. Yet the LWNJs keep insisting that he was sucker punched despite clear evidence on video showing that the terrorist was not even punched at all.

He was bumped with an elbow in a crowded aisle after disrupting the event and making threatening obscene gestures, not sucker punched.

Yet assholes and dimwits will continue to insist that he was sucker punched, regardless of the facts. They are a bunch of scumbag liars.
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He was bumped with an elbow, not sucker punched.

You're funny.....a dumb idiot, but funny nonetheless.
You're the idiot who is too stupid to comprehend the difference between a sucker punch and an elbow bump.

You are also such a gullible brainwashed fool that you believe everything the leftstream media tells you even after you've been shown clear video evidence that they were lying to you.

Fact = John McGraw did not punch Rakeem Jones.

If you say he did then you are simply another piece of shit scumbag liar.

You are a liar.
Trump is a bully. He instigated mobs to behave like bullies at previous rallies. This time, some folks showed up to react to bullies the only way to react to bullies. Bully them back. Now, Trump and his bullies are acting the way bullies act whenever people stand up to them and give them some of their own medicine. As can be seen in many of these posts, they whine and whimper and cry about how they have been treated unfairly. Bullies aren't tough guys. They are wanna be tough guys.

Lol, so Trump, whose rallies have been invaded by PC Nazis like you, is the bad guy because he said some things that PC Nazis like you object to? And this is the consequence of upsetting libtards?

Fuck you.

Trump instigated all these violence..... This is and will be the result of will Make America racist again.
These anti trump demonstration will grow bigger. Hispanics has not even join yet. Asians, veterans and disabled people will follow soon.
Do you want violence at Clinton rallies too? We have reason enough.
Once again, show me any instance of Trump supporters shutting down a Hillary or Bernie rally. They are obviously more considerate of their free speech than you are of Trump's.

Would you show me some examples? Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?
What makes you think they would give a shit about Trump's free speech rights, or the rights of anybody on the Right? They don't. This has nothing to do with Trump's rhetoric. When And if Cruz takes the lead, these disruptions will be at Cruz's rallies. Mark my words. This is about ensuring Clinton's win and the addition of three uber-liberal judges on the Court. Four, if they can kill Clarence Thomas too.

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