Democrat women politicians wore white last night, older democrats in the klan wore white too.....

The democrats are nuts...they actually wore white to the speech last night as a sign of resistance...the last time they wore white as a sign of resistance is when they put on white sheets as members of the klan....

Please...put this out there across you social media....this needs to be pounded into the public mind....the democrats wore white again, just like they did with the klan....

Democratic women wear white -

"Tonight, our Democratic #WomenWearWhite in support of women's rights -- in spite of a @POTUS who doesn't!" Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tweeted.
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Nancy Pelosi


Tonight, our Democratic #WomenWearWhite in support of women's

That was a pretty tone deaf move. Did no one consider the optics of doing that?

Even worse, maybe they did, and didn't care.
and Trumps speech spoke to women to run businesses and have paid leave.

as for abortions........... they are law and states will be required to provide enough service for them, even if it is not as PP clinics, or the clinics can be paid for by other means than tax dollars.

I found the Dems behavior during the speech deplorable and petty

Most of what Trump spoke could and should have bipartisan support if those sitting had bothered to actually listen.

Even the seal's widow did not get the whole congress to raise. So disappointed.

I listened to the comment on CSPAN and it seemed like they had not sat through the same speech or had ear plugs in,

I really hope they embrace themselves during the next election. If they won't work for their country, what the H-E-double toothpicks are they doing in congress?

Time they get off their butts and actually work for all americans, not just their big donors, lobbyists and special interest groups. The American People!
To be more appropriate, they should have worn veils with the flag of ISIS on them. LOL
Of course that would make sense to a RWr.
Why not, they seem totally fine with and justify the oppression and persecution of women in Muslim countries.

We're takin'-it-to the Saudi's on that ain't we.
Muslim Brotherhood sponsored groups have spread across our campuses like cancer,mand many Muslim practice barbaric shariah law. Let the phoney baloney "women's rights" hypocritical assholes in the Democratic party start with outlawing MSA across our campuses and shariah law in the US.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what rights women in this country don't have
You had to go there, didn't you?


Word on the street is, us vile and deplorable men are taking away their reproductive rights, under pay them, take advantage of them, deny them Healthcare, use them as sex objects, etc.

Now. This was meant to be sarcasm. The last time I tried being sarcastic it blew up in my face.
I prefer just to fuck them. Screw all that other bullshit, too much drama

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