Democratic Party is very smart

By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
To address your question. I don’t think blacks would say that nothing has gotten done. You’d have to ask them about what policies have helped and which havent
The inner-city minorities will continue to stand with the pro-Marxist Democrat Party, as it ensures that the minorities can continue sucking on the government teat, rather than being independent. To them, it doesn't really matter that their schools are crap, as long as the government benefits keep coming in.

So beyond being stupid, you think they are lazy too. I can't understand why they don't want to join your party.
Democrats are the ones that I hear saying they aren't smart enough to bring water to the polls--or that 17 days of early voting and absentee ballots for the asking are somehow racist. Joe Biden says that black people are not smart enough to go online and get a vaccine reservation. Sounds to me that YOU and you your ilk are the ones making those racist allegations, missy.
If you could just convince those black folks of all that you would be all set. They seem to think your rant was just hateful bullshit. Is that why you think they are too stupid to see what is good for them?

White liberals are the ones saying blacks are to stupid to get an ID.

By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
To address your question. I don’t think blacks would say that nothing has gotten done. You’d have to ask them about what policies have helped and which havent
I don't see any movement from 1980 when I was born to now. ZERO. If anything I see more backlash due to BLM and social media. One man's view but I am sure many agree.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
Say you're right. How has voting Democrat the past 40 years solved that. I would argue it made it worse. BLM doesn't want to meet. Trump offered many times to meet with them and they declined. Kanye did. Ice Cube did. 50 Cent supported him and the black community on social media vilified them. Black community didn't elect John James, who I saw as an excellent candidate. If the community doesn't want to help itself then I am not sure what we can do.
the Dems learned a lesson from Trump: win by any means necessary, WHATEVER IT TAKES! even if they have to sell their soul to corporate America!
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
Say you're right. How has voting Democrat the past 40 years solved that. I would argue it made it worse. BLM doesn't want to meet. Trump offered many times to meet with them and they declined. Kanye did. Ice Cube did. 50 Cent supported him and the black community on social media vilified them. Black community didn't elect John James, who I saw as an excellent candidate. If the community doesn't want to help itself then I am not sure what we can do.
Still pushing the "too stupid to know what is good for them" meme, I see.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
Say you're right. How has voting Democrat the past 40 years solved that. I would argue it made it worse. BLM doesn't want to meet. Trump offered many times to meet with them and they declined. Kanye did. Ice Cube did. 50 Cent supported him and the black community on social media vilified them. Black community didn't elect John James, who I saw as an excellent candidate. If the community doesn't want to help itself then I am not sure what we can do.
Still pushing the "too stupid to know what is good for them" meme, I see.
Why are you opining? Adults are speaking. You have like six months max to live as you're fat and old. Don't waste your time on a message board.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
You win the trophy, first place in race hustling.
You could be right, but being your normal racist selves doesn't seem to have worked out too well for you when it comes to black folks joining your group.
Democrats are the racists, but they have a very good propaganda machine. Example: The Georgia election law. Example: Black thugs getting themselves killed because they're thugs and white cops or citizens getting blamed.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
Say you're right. How has voting Democrat the past 40 years solved that. I would argue it made it worse. BLM doesn't want to meet. Trump offered many times to meet with them and they declined. Kanye did. Ice Cube did. 50 Cent supported him and the black community on social media vilified them. Black community didn't elect John James, who I saw as an excellent candidate. If the community doesn't want to help itself then I am not sure what we can do.
You’re talking about Trump, the most divisive politician I’ve ever seen in my life, I don’t blame people for not wanting to work with him. You ask what has been solved. Well these things don’t get solved, they either improve or degrade. They often come in cycles. No person or party is going to have the magic formula to solve these issues. But what I’m saying is if you want a larger proportion of blacks voting for Republicans then republicans should make an effort to work with then to address the issues that are important to them. I haven’t seen a good effort from republicans to do this... I’ve seen them most often fighting against the issues that the black community are trying to address
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
Say you're right. How has voting Democrat the past 40 years solved that. I would argue it made it worse. BLM doesn't want to meet. Trump offered many times to meet with them and they declined. Kanye did. Ice Cube did. 50 Cent supported him and the black community on social media vilified them. Black community didn't elect John James, who I saw as an excellent candidate. If the community doesn't want to help itself then I am not sure what we can do.
You’re talking about Trump, the most divisive politician I’ve ever seen in my life, I don’t blame people for not wanting to work with him. You ask what has been solved. Well these things don’t get solved, they either improve or degrade. They often come in cycles. No person or party is going to have the magic formula to solve these issues. But what I’m saying is if you want a larger proportion of blacks voting for Republicans then republicans should make an effort to work with then to address the issues that are important to them. I haven’t seen a good effort from republicans to do this... I’ve seen them most often fighting against the issues that the black community are trying to address
Rising tide raises all boats. Pandering to a race of people is weak sauce IMO. You have yet to refute what I said. 40 years of my life...40. Blacks have voted for Democrats and they are no better off. Why won’t you address that point? Most cities are run by Democrats. Many of those are completely awful. LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark, St. Louis, Louisville just to name a few. Just logically why not give the other party a shot? Forget the politics even. Just try something different. What do you really have to lose?
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
Say you're right. How has voting Democrat the past 40 years solved that. I would argue it made it worse. BLM doesn't want to meet. Trump offered many times to meet with them and they declined. Kanye did. Ice Cube did. 50 Cent supported him and the black community on social media vilified them. Black community didn't elect John James, who I saw as an excellent candidate. If the community doesn't want to help itself then I am not sure what we can do.
You’re talking about Trump, the most divisive politician I’ve ever seen in my life, I don’t blame people for not wanting to work with him. You ask what has been solved. Well these things don’t get solved, they either improve or degrade. They often come in cycles. No person or party is going to have the magic formula to solve these issues. But what I’m saying is if you want a larger proportion of blacks voting for Republicans then republicans should make an effort to work with then to address the issues that are important to them. I haven’t seen a good effort from republicans to do this... I’ve seen them most often fighting against the issues that the black community are trying to address
Rising tide raises all boats. Pandering to a race of people is weak sauce IMO. You have yet to refute what I said. 40 years of my life...40. Blacks have voted for Democrats and they are no better off. Why won’t you address that point? Most cities are run by Democrats. Many of those are completely awful. LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark, St. Louis, Louisville just to name a few. Just logically why not give the other party a shot? Forget the politics even. Just try something different. What do you really have to lose?
I did address that point. I said you’d need to ask a black person who votes democrat why they do so. I’m not black, I don’t face the same issues that they do, I can’t answer your question. They obviously think the dem party better represents the issues they find important in a better way than the Reps. You started this thread asking why blacks don’t vote for republicans. I’m answering that question by saying that Republicans don’t try and work with them on the issues they care about, they more often oppose and dismiss those issues. You literally just said it... pandering is weak sauce. So there is your answer. The Reps don’t get more black votes because working on issues they care about is considered weak sauce. Question answered.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
Say you're right. How has voting Democrat the past 40 years solved that. I would argue it made it worse. BLM doesn't want to meet. Trump offered many times to meet with them and they declined. Kanye did. Ice Cube did. 50 Cent supported him and the black community on social media vilified them. Black community didn't elect John James, who I saw as an excellent candidate. If the community doesn't want to help itself then I am not sure what we can do.
You’re talking about Trump, the most divisive politician I’ve ever seen in my life, I don’t blame people for not wanting to work with him. You ask what has been solved. Well these things don’t get solved, they either improve or degrade. They often come in cycles. No person or party is going to have the magic formula to solve these issues. But what I’m saying is if you want a larger proportion of blacks voting for Republicans then republicans should make an effort to work with then to address the issues that are important to them. I haven’t seen a good effort from republicans to do this... I’ve seen them most often fighting against the issues that the black community are trying to address
Rising tide raises all boats. Pandering to a race of people is weak sauce IMO. You have yet to refute what I said. 40 years of my life...40. Blacks have voted for Democrats and they are no better off. Why won’t you address that point? Most cities are run by Democrats. Many of those are completely awful. LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark, St. Louis, Louisville just to name a few. Just logically why not give the other party a shot? Forget the politics even. Just try something different. What do you really have to lose?
I did address that point. I said you’d need to ask a black person who votes democrat why they do so. I’m not black, I don’t face the same issues that they do, I can’t answer your question. They obviously think the dem party better represents the issues they find important in a better way than the Reps. You started this thread asking why blacks don’t vote for republicans. I’m answering that question by saying that Republicans don’t try and work with them on the issues they care about, they more often oppose and dismiss those issues. You literally just said it... pandering is weak sauce. So there is your answer. The Reps don’t get more black votes because working on issues they care about is considered weak sauce. Question answered.
Let me ask you another way. If you have a football team who for 40 yrs hires defensive oriented coaches and never wins. Should they try an offensive minded coach and see how that coach does just for a change? I get That you don’t know why as you’re not one but logically you don’t believe they should try something different. Yes the Democrats say what they want to hear but they don’t deliver. At least not for 40 yrs. again, you do the same thing over and over again but you except different results, you’re insane.

That is the message the GOP should deliver in my opinion. Harsh? Yes. True? Yes.

So they and you should not cry racism to me as you have put people in power who are inept.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Republicans can start by proactively initiating legislation to address causes that the black community needs and wants. They can also purge their party of the overt racists
I disagree. Baltimore had Elijah Cummings there for 40 yrs. He sucked and yet was re-elected every single time. News Entertainment media brainwashes voters. Who is an “overt racist”?
You may have though he sucked but obviously those who lived there disagreed. What efforts have the Republican Party initiated to work in line with minority causes?
Those who live there continue to struggle with not one student proficient in math and they have 13 high schools. Voters just do what news Entertainment media tells them to. Baltimore has been a horrible place for my entire life. Watch The Wire, it’s sad.
Love the wire, great show. You should talk the Republicans into running on making Hamsterdam a reality. That might get one elected!

my point is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insane
Sure is... but I thought we were talking about getting republicans more support from black voters. Why not take hold and lead on a couple issues that the black community cares about. Most of the time I only see republicans fighting against those as the Dems lead the charge. It’s not a mystery why the Dems pick up most the black vote
What issues? The narrative from the News Entertainment media is that the GOP is racist because it wants to treat blacks the same as whites. Not sure why that is racist. Please explain that one to me. Only way IMO the GOP makes strides is if prominent black persons shift to the party.
I’ll be happy to explain it to you but you seem to be dismissing my comments. You ask what issues? Well maybe the fact that you are asking that question and don’t already know is part of the problem.

I am not dismissing anything. My point is I am 40 and during my lifetime, blacks have been voting Democrat and their lives have not changed. Maybe try a different candidate? What is your counterpoint to that?
That is a personal decision for each person to make. Calling them stupid for not voting Republican isn’t going to win them over... but what would win them over is having Republican candidates partner with advocacy groups to progress causes that are important to them. That’s just common sense. Why don’t more republicans do that?
When did I use the word "stupid"?

What causes are important to "them"? Are they not human beings like the rest of us? I hate this divisive rhetoric. You have not addressed my point. For my entire life the vast majority of blacks have voted Democrat and nothing has changed. Why not give another party a try? All I am saying. In Michigan, John James lost to a Democrat. James is black the Dem is white. Detroit remains a tough area. As does Flint.

When you vote against your own best interests and then call me racist, I am not sure what I can do or a Republican or 3rd party candidate can do to impact that.
You didn’t use the word stupid. But that’s the type of argument I hear from the right all the time so I used it in a general sense. You’re still dodging the point. You’re asking what causes they care about, so you don’t seem to care enough to know the answer, and you constantly dismiss one of their primary causes by making points that there is not racism in our system of government. But then you wonder why they aren’t supporting your party. Don’t you see the issues with that logic?
I don't have a party. I am an Independent and believe both parties should be held accountable. I have three very close black friends, like brothers close. None believe the country is systemically racist. They do believe we stereotype and they do themselves and will frequently make Jewish jokes at my expense as a matter of fun. Their causes are the same as mine. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Quiet enjoyment of life, good employment, good upbringing for our kids and good health for all.

Two grew up in the inner city and moved to the burbs, the other grew up in the burbs and moved to NYC and is now leaving. They tell me the biggest issue in their community is not me, but fellow African Americans and their crab mentality. A term I never heard until one of them told me about it and the other two agreed.

All three are Republicans and I am more left than all. So my sample size is an incorrect one and tiny, minuscule to be fair. But I have hung out at their family functions, I have interacted with many minorities as I seat on a BOD of a major university and all just want to pursue happiness without any bullshit.

So I am not sure what you mean? Give me an example. If you were consulting the GOP or a party outside of the Democratic Party, what would you advise them to do? Playing the race card gets the Dems votes but the living conditions for many minorities who vote for them don't change and in my lifetime their progress has been frozen.
I think you make a good point that most people just want to be happy and free and see the same for others. Of course you will always find the miserable schmucks who want to bring everybody else down to their level but I think for the most part we all just want peace and happiness. I’d say about your friends that you are using the wrong sample. Black republicans are not going to tell you why the majority Don blacks support the Dems. You’d have to ask black democrats. Blacks that feel the country is systematically racist and blacks who have felt oppressed. Those are the people I’d recommend republicans speak to, find common goals with, and then work on solutions with them. Just think about it. What if a Republican candidate when down to BLM headquarters. Met with a group of leaders. Found an initiative they could agree on and then worked with them to get it done. That’s how you unify and that’s how you attract new voters. Would you agree?
Say you're right. How has voting Democrat the past 40 years solved that. I would argue it made it worse. BLM doesn't want to meet. Trump offered many times to meet with them and they declined. Kanye did. Ice Cube did. 50 Cent supported him and the black community on social media vilified them. Black community didn't elect John James, who I saw as an excellent candidate. If the community doesn't want to help itself then I am not sure what we can do.
You’re talking about Trump, the most divisive politician I’ve ever seen in my life, I don’t blame people for not wanting to work with him. You ask what has been solved. Well these things don’t get solved, they either improve or degrade. They often come in cycles. No person or party is going to have the magic formula to solve these issues. But what I’m saying is if you want a larger proportion of blacks voting for Republicans then republicans should make an effort to work with then to address the issues that are important to them. I haven’t seen a good effort from republicans to do this... I’ve seen them most often fighting against the issues that the black community are trying to address
Rising tide raises all boats. Pandering to a race of people is weak sauce IMO. You have yet to refute what I said. 40 years of my life...40. Blacks have voted for Democrats and they are no better off. Why won’t you address that point? Most cities are run by Democrats. Many of those are completely awful. LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Newark, St. Louis, Louisville just to name a few. Just logically why not give the other party a shot? Forget the politics even. Just try something different. What do you really have to lose?
I did address that point. I said you’d need to ask a black person who votes democrat why they do so. I’m not black, I don’t face the same issues that they do, I can’t answer your question. They obviously think the dem party better represents the issues they find important in a better way than the Reps. You started this thread asking why blacks don’t vote for republicans. I’m answering that question by saying that Republicans don’t try and work with them on the issues they care about, they more often oppose and dismiss those issues. You literally just said it... pandering is weak sauce. So there is your answer. The Reps don’t get more black votes because working on issues they care about is considered weak sauce. Question answered.
Let me ask you another way. If you have a football team who for 40 yrs hires defensive oriented coaches and never wins. Should they try an offensive minded coach and see how that coach does just for a change? I get That you don’t know why as you’re not one but logically you don’t believe they should try something different. Yes the Democrats say what they want to hear but they don’t deliver. At least not for 40 yrs. again, you do the same thing over and over again but you except different results, you’re insane.

That is the message the GOP should deliver in my opinion. Harsh? Yes. True? Yes.

So they and you should not cry racism to me as you have put people in power who are inept.
How do you know Dems haven’t delivered? Socioeconomic issues are not like a football game where there is a win loss record. You don’t seem to think the issues black advocacy groups promote even exist. So why would they support a party that takes that approach. Now as I’ve been trying to say... if a Republican could change their tone and actually meet with and work with these groups on their issues and bring different ideas and solutions to the table that can effect change then I think they would garner support. I just don’t see many doing that. It’s all that weak sauce I think

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