Democratic Party is very smart

Dude, there is racism but it is not systemic. In Germany the Govt treated Jews poorly led by the leader. Pretty sure our leaders aren’t treating anyone differently than anyone else. Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent and lazy people pick when gauging what they don’t like with America.

Of course it's systemic. White people have all the wealth and all the power. The legal system treats blacks differently all the way from the police to the judges.

America is a racist country. Was from the very start when we exterminated the Native Americans and had black slaves do all the hard work.

Germany had hundreds of years of anti-semitism before Adolf came along. That's why when Hitler said, "Get the Jews", it really didn't sound unreasonable to people.
Nope. Actually Asians earn more than whites. Jews have a lot of wealth and power (you really hate that). You weren’t in Germany, you don’t know. Tell me again how Michael Jordan was a mediocre basketball player. You have zero credibility but your moronic posts do amuse me, fatty.

You weren't in Germany either, so you only know what others have told you as well.

What's your obsession with calling people "fat"? Is that why you're always at the gym? When we insult people, we tend to project on others, what we like least about ourselves. Those who call others "stupid", tend to be those who aren't too bright!

I have a psychologist friend who has published multiple papers on how our use of language betrays our deepest psychosis. You call others "fat" because you're constantly fighting the battle of the bulge. People who lie constantly, call others "liars" because they think that because they lie, others do too. His papers are fascinating.
Nope. Actually Asians earn more than whites.

Ah, the Myth of the Good Minority. I'm sure all those ladies who got shot at the Happy Ending Massage Parlors thought they were special.

Jews have a lot of wealth and power (you really hate that).

You weren’t in Germany, you don’t know.

My Grandfather was. His brother actually joined the NSDAP when they took power. (After the war, he was called a Mitlaufer and cleared of any wrongdoing.) Then again, my brothers are Trump supporters, so there's that.

You have zero credibility but your moronic posts do amuse me, fatty.

Man, dude, what is your obsession with fat guys?

Did you spooge over the Chris Farley Chippendales bit?

View attachment 478392
You’re a conspiracy theorist. Love it. My grandparents were from the old Soviet Union and my grandmothers sister was in Germany so spare me. You tell lies. And racism is a low hanging fruit that you constantly grab. Go troll elsewhere.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
It's just good to see Chairman Xiden supporters uniting the country.

Very touching.

The country is pretty much united against trumpism. His few crazy followers are the only ones not on board.
Hun, there are FUCK BIDEN signs/flags etc all over the place out here..

Sure, There will always be fringe nut jobs drawing attention.
Not Fringe hun---------------upper middle class large mix of transplants from all over the country----Fuck Biden! Fuck biden: Fuck Biden--------

Biden is a hated a man---a very hated man.

Yes, lots of crazies hate him. That's why they attempted a coup.
Lots of? LOL like 2k people. You’re such a snowflake pussy. I bet You have never been in a real fight in your life.
I'm not aware of any political stand in our government that requires physically fighting. When are these fights scheduled, and how are our senators chosen to do battle?
According to Chris Cuomo protests aren’t supposed to be peaceful. You’re old, I get it so vote to defund the police so some thug can rob you.
To the best of my knowledge, the police aren't a militia.
Try living without a police force and see how that goes for you. Working out great in Portland after it cut its police budget.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

Well, for starters, the "scraps" that the Democratic Party has given to minority voters, are are WHOLE lot better, than what the Republican Party has done and continues to do to them.

The GOP isn't just racist, it's white supremacist, and authoritarian, and it's getting worse, not better. The more than 200 voter suppression laws they're currently trying to pass in red states are proof positive of the racism of the GOP. Donald Trump didn't try to throw out the white votes from Palmer Woods. He tried to throw out the black votes from Wayne County.

So keep trying to pretend that the GOP isn't anti-democratic, authoritarian, and racist, isn't going to cut any ice with anyone other than other Republicans. I don't even think YOU believe this codswallop.
I have asked you to stop responding to my posts. You are an overt antisemite and an overall ignorant person. Thank you.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?
Not stupid at all. Just doing what the News Media tells them to do. So you believe the 10% that do vote GOP are indeed stupid? Oh

The news media doesn't tell black people what to do. Just like the rest of us on the left, we all assess all of the information from the left and the right, decide which programs will benefit our families more, and vote accordingly.

The problem Republicans have is that black people have been lied to by white people for so long, they are rightfully suspicious of anything they're told, while you fools on the right, who never fact check or question what the right wing media tells you, believe anything they say. Blacks have figured out who is really lying to them and they vote accordingly. 90% of black people know that Republicans are liars who crash the US economy again, and again, and who are currently trying to take their votes away.

Poor white people who don't fact check or verify through multiple sources, get conned by Republicans again, and again. Poor white people vote for the party which has crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years and impoverished working Americans. 90% of black voters have figured out who that is. Which group are voting against their own self interest?
You are Canadian. Your opinion is irrelevant. You’re also an overt antisemite as is reflected in my siggy.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.
I am speaking for myself. 100% of Democrats believe blacks are inferior.
Dude, there is racism but it is not systemic. In Germany the Govt treated Jews poorly led by the leader. Pretty sure our leaders aren’t treating anyone differently than anyone else. Racism is the low hanging fruit that unintelligent and lazy people pick when gauging what they don’t like with America.

Of course it's systemic. White people have all the wealth and all the power. The legal system treats blacks differently all the way from the police to the judges.

America is a racist country. Was from the very start when we exterminated the Native Americans and had black slaves do all the hard work.

Germany had hundreds of years of anti-semitism before Adolf came along. That's why when Hitler said, "Get the Jews", it really didn't sound unreasonable to people.
Nope. Actually Asians earn more than whites. Jews have a lot of wealth and power (you really hate that). You weren’t in Germany, you don’t know. Tell me again how Michael Jordan was a mediocre basketball player. You have zero credibility but your moronic posts do amuse me, fatty.

You weren't in Germany either, so you only know what others have told you as well.

What's your obsession with calling people "fat"? Is that why you're always at the gym? When we insult people, we tend to project on others, what we like least about ourselves. Those who call others "stupid", tend to be those who aren't too bright!

I have a psychologist friend who has published multiple papers on how our use of language betrays our deepest psychosis. You call others "fat" because you're constantly fighting the battle of the bulge. People who lie constantly, call others "liars" because they think that because they lie, others do too. His papers are fascinating.
I know what my grandparents saw. Pretty credible sources.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.

While that may be true, it doesn't alter the fact that Republican policies, such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, the vilification of the "urban" poor, and their "law and order" policies are inherently racist, so even if you personally aren't a racist, you're voting in favour of racists policies which are actively harming non-white citizens, and limiting the US economy.

The fact that YOU aren't a racist, doesn't make the party's policies and leadership any less racist, or their effect on minority populations less toxic.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.

While that may be true, it doesn't alter the fact that Republican policies, such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, the vilification of the "urban" poor, and their "law and order" policies are inherently racist, so even if you personally aren't a racist, you're voting in favour of racists policies which are actively harming non-white citizens, and limiting the US economy.

The fact that YOU aren't a racist, doesn't make the party's policies and leadership any less racist, or their effect on minority populations less toxic.
Bitch, I am 40 and blacks have been voting Democrat my entire life and things have not gotten any better. Why not give a different candidate a chance, even for two years and see what happens?
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.
I am speaking for myself. 100% of Democrats believe blacks are inferior.

You haven't the first clue what ANY Democrat believes much less ALL Democrats. Furthermore, you say "Speaking for myself" and then proceed to speak for 100% of all Democrats. 75% of all Jews vote Democrat. You're own people don't support the same party as you do. Why are you trying to castigate black people for voting for Democrats, while saying nothing about your own people?

The bald fact is that the Republican Party is the minority party, supported by only 25% of Americans. And every year the leadership drives more and more voters away. Republicans are doing this to themselves with their incompetence, their corruption, and their lies.

Instead of coming up with better policies to appeal to a wider swath of voters, Republicans are doubling down on the economic policies 3 times in 40 years, and destroyed the American middle class, and are now offering white nationalist authoritarianism as a solution.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.
I am speaking for myself. 100% of Democrats believe blacks are inferior.

You haven't the first clue what ANY Democrat believes much less ALL Democrats. Furthermore, you say "Speaking for myself" and then proceed to speak for 100% of all Democrats. 75% of all Jews vote Democrat. You're own people don't support the same party as you do. Why are you trying to castigate black people for voting for Democrats, while saying nothing about your own people?

The bald fact is that the Republican Party is the minority party, supported by only 25% of Americans. And every year the leadership drives more and more voters away. Republicans are doing this to themselves with their incompetence, their corruption, and their lies.

Instead of coming up with better policies to appeal to a wider swath of voters, Republicans are doubling down on the economic policies 3 times in 40 years, and destroyed the American middle class, and are now offering white nationalist authoritarianism as a solution.
My own people believe that Democrats will give money to the poor. We are generous people but Democrats give just enough to keep people poor and dependent on them. My parents voted Democrat for 30 years and now have switched. You don’t know jack shit about my people. You believe we invented whining. Watch how many now stop voting Democrat.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.

While that may be true, it doesn't alter the fact that Republican policies, such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, the vilification of the "urban" poor, and their "law and order" policies are inherently racist, so even if you personally aren't a racist, you're voting in favour of racists policies which are actively harming non-white citizens, and limiting the US economy.

The fact that YOU aren't a racist, doesn't make the party's policies and leadership any less racist, or their effect on minority populations less toxic.
Bitch, I am 40 and blacks have been voting Democrat my entire life and things have not gotten any better. Why not give a different candidate a chance, even for two years and see what happens?

You have lived under Republican economic policies and labor laws since the day you were born, and things have only gotten worse throughout your life, but you blame the Democrats for that.

For the past 40 years, the US economy has been run on the tax policies which began with Reagan's overhaul of the tax codes in 1981, and which are continuing to this day, and things haven't gotten any better. Republicans have held the White House for 24 out of the last 40 years.

During the 16 years of the Democrats in the White House, Republicans held the legislative branch for 10 of those 16 years, and used that power to hobble the White House. Democrats have only held both the White House and the legislative branch at the same time for 6 of the past 40 years, and yet you blame Democrats for the state of the country.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.

While that may be true, it doesn't alter the fact that Republican policies, such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, the vilification of the "urban" poor, and their "law and order" policies are inherently racist, so even if you personally aren't a racist, you're voting in favour of racists policies which are actively harming non-white citizens, and limiting the US economy.

The fact that YOU aren't a racist, doesn't make the party's policies and leadership any less racist, or their effect on minority populations less toxic.
Bitch, I am 40 and blacks have been voting Democrat my entire life and things have not gotten any better. Why not give a different candidate a chance, even for two years and see what happens?

You have lived under Republican economic policies and labor laws since the day you were born, and things have only gotten worse throughout your life, but you blame the Democrats for that.

For the past 40 years, the US economy has been run on the tax policies which began with Reagan's overhaul of the tax codes in 1981, and which are continuing to this day, and things haven't gotten any better. Republicans have held the White House for 24 out of the last 40 years.

During the 16 years of the Democrats in the White House, Republicans held the legislative branch for 10 of those 16 years, and used that power to hobble the White House. Democrats have only held both the White House and the legislative branch at the same time for 6 of the past 40 years, and yet you blame Democrats for the state of the country.
I live in MA. You’re wrong. I have lived under the thumb of the Democratic Party.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

First, Democrats didn't paint Republicans as racist. They just handed Republicans the brush in 1965. You cannot blame Democrats because Republicans recruited the worst elements of those in the Democratic party who decided that, yes indeed, Black people should be allowed to vote, should be allowed to live where they choose, do business where they choose. This, of course, was just too much for those soon to be members of the Republican party.

But, unlike the Democratic party of the 60's where you had NE, MW Blue collar, Western progressives, and, of course, that southern block of Dixiecrats to which the "Jim Crow" portion of the party was limited. No, today's Republican Party is a solid block end to end wherein anyone not agreeing with the party line is excommunicated (they should have a phrase describing this phenomena.)

Now, I've a real suggestion. If you want to earn more Black American votes then treat them as equals even when there's not an election.

I think that the republicans have already got a phrase to describe that phenomena.

They call it "cancel culture."

Only they use it as a derogatory phrase against democrats.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
Ya know...
2 Bush 41
8 Bush 43
4 His Cheetoness

= 14 years
16 is almost half of 30.

The mistruth affects your argument.
Clinton - Bush - Obama - Dumpster - 8 years of Biden

We've been under Democrats for a long time brah

Actually it's:

reagan, bush the first, Clinton, the bush boy, Obama, trump, now Biden.

All of the mess we have today started with reagan. Then made worse by each republican president after him. All four caused recession during their presidency. Each one of them causing the worst economic conditions since the last republican Great Depression.

In that time there were 4 republican presidents. Two of them served one term then the people of our nation kicked them out of office.

There have been 3 democratic presidents. Two of them served two terms leaving office with higher approval numbers than the presidents before them. As in Clinton left office with higher approval than the first bush. Obama left office with higher approval than the bush boy.

Biden has been president for just short of 3 months. It's very premature to say he's going to be there for 2 full terms. Time will answer that.

Since 1981, republicans have held the presidency for 24 years. Democrats have held the presidency for 16 years and almost 3 months.
By pandering to the African American community by painting the GOP as racist the Democrats garner approximately 90% of the black vote. There are ~42 mil African Americans in the US. If say 30mil vote and 90% or 27 mil vote Democrat then the party has a huge advantage. Biden garnered ~7mil more votes than Trump but if Biden didn’t have such an overwhelming support from the African Americans community then the GOP candidate clearly wins. If the support goes from 90% to 75% then the GOP candidate wins.

Question for the GOP is how to garner those votes when the News Entertainment biased media perpetuates the racist narrative. Even Biden stated “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”. As the Democrats continue the mantra that the GOP is racist and give the African American voters scraps they continue to have their blind loyalty. Of course this works because if African Americans become successful and see how the Democrats rip off the middle class they can turn and vote GOP as only 10% currently do. But hopefully many open their eyes. But so far the Leftist strategy has worked very well. Kudos.

Thank you

So wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight.

The Democratic party has
-held the Presidency for almost the last 30 years, except Bush and Dumbfuck McGee for 4 years
- Just won the election

Whereas the Republican party has
- said Democracy is a fraud and "dead zombies voted"
- their politicians flying down to Florida to kiss the ring of a demented fatass blob

And you're going to come here and make a topic sarcastically saying the Democratic party are the "smart ones". No, dude, you're the smart ones.
It's just good to see Chairman Xiden supporters uniting the country.

Very touching.

The country is pretty much united against trumpism. His few crazy followers are the only ones not on board.
Hun, there are FUCK BIDEN signs/flags etc all over the place out here..

Sure, There will always be fringe nut jobs drawing attention.
Not Fringe hun---------------upper middle class large mix of transplants from all over the country----Fuck Biden! Fuck biden: Fuck Biden--------

Biden is a hated a man---a very hated man.

Yes, lots of crazies hate him. That's why they attempted a coup.
Lots of? LOL like 2k people. You’re such a snowflake pussy. I bet You have never been in a real fight in your life.
I'm not aware of any political stand in our government that requires physically fighting. When are these fights scheduled, and how are our senators chosen to do battle?
According to Chris Cuomo protests aren’t supposed to be peaceful. You’re old, I get it so vote to defund the police so some thug can rob you.
To the best of my knowledge, the police aren't a militia.
Try living without a police force and see how that goes for you. Working out great in Portland after it cut its police budget.
Don't know anybody who wants to do away with the police force. Where do you come up with all that crazy shit
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.
I am speaking for myself. 100% of Democrats believe blacks are inferior.
You are speaking out of your ass.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.

While that may be true, it doesn't alter the fact that Republican policies, such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, the vilification of the "urban" poor, and their "law and order" policies are inherently racist, so even if you personally aren't a racist, you're voting in favour of racists policies which are actively harming non-white citizens, and limiting the US economy.

The fact that YOU aren't a racist, doesn't make the party's policies and leadership any less racist, or their effect on minority populations less toxic.
Bitch, I am 40 and blacks have been voting Democrat my entire life and things have not gotten any better. Why not give a different candidate a chance, even for two years and see what happens?
Because your candidates suck.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent, see everyone as equals.
Which is not the case with many Republicans.
I am speaking for myself. 100% of Democrats believe blacks are inferior.

You haven't the first clue what ANY Democrat believes much less ALL Democrats. Furthermore, you say "Speaking for myself" and then proceed to speak for 100% of all Democrats. 75% of all Jews vote Democrat. You're own people don't support the same party as you do. Why are you trying to castigate black people for voting for Democrats, while saying nothing about your own people?

The bald fact is that the Republican Party is the minority party, supported by only 25% of Americans. And every year the leadership drives more and more voters away. Republicans are doing this to themselves with their incompetence, their corruption, and their lies.

Instead of coming up with better policies to appeal to a wider swath of voters, Republicans are doubling down on the economic policies 3 times in 40 years, and destroyed the American middle class, and are now offering white nationalist authoritarianism as a solution.
My own people believe that Democrats will give money to the poor. We are generous people but Democrats give just enough to keep people poor and dependent on them. My parents voted Democrat for 30 years and now have switched. You don’t know jack shit about my people. You believe we invented whining. Watch how many now stop voting Democrat.

No, Republicans cut every program for the poor, and layer on massive anti-fraud oversight that greatly increases costs, and inflates the size of government.

Take drug testing for welfare recipients: The State of Florida spent over $1.1 million dollars drug testing people on welfare who appeared likely to test positive. Lord knows how much time and money they wasted figuring out who they wanted to test.

2% of the people they tested, tested positive, and 19 people didn't show up for their tests. In short, the "fraud prevention program" of drug testing saved the state of Florida, less than half of the money the government spent on the testing program. All the testing program did was reduce the amount of money getting into the hands of poor people, and expanding the size of government - the two things that Republicans consistently accuse Democrats of doing.


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